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Guest Iceman03

What do you miss most about "Classic" Wrestling?

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I miss Doug Gilbert shoots...


"You see Randy (Hales), if I say somethin' that I shouldn't about you ri-now SMOKIN' CRACK :::makes lighting crack pipe gesture:::


"Oh! Doug! That's not true!"


:::Tommy Rich stands there, arms crossed, hilarious:::


"There are certain times we can cut to commercial, and I think now is one of them..."


Doug: "Oh ok Dave, lemme say one more thing. You gave everybody else there chance, right?"


Dave: Watch what you say.


Doug: "Now I ain't gonna do "OH! JERRY LAWLER, IM GONNA STICK MY FIST IN YOUR MOUTH!" Now, c'mon, I ain't that corny. I'd say, "I'm Doug Gilbert! And Jerry Lawler, you RAPED A LITTLE 13 YEAR OLD GIRL!"

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Wrestlers actually having distinguishable characters. Say what you will the cartoony era. Or about a garbage man and a taxman working as wrestlers. But at least you knew WHY to like them or why to hate them and they at least stood out from other workers. Now, 90% of the roster are interchangeable. What exactly is the difference between The Con-Man and The Bash-Man? What is Dupree's gimmick now? Guy with funny moustache? What about Shelton? Carlito is Carribean and Masters is supposed to be a Masterpiece because of his muscles, but they act no differently from one another except some muscle flexing and apple spitting.


Also, I miss the days when missing Raw was a big deal. The times when Raw was really unpredictable and by missing a show, you really could miss something big on any given week. Now, there's no such unpredictability or intrigue and no reason to turn in every week, no exceptions.

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Not to mention that the WWF of old had the NWA to compete against day in and day out. If wrestling was to go back how it was back then to any extent, TNA needs to be a major competitor within three years.

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The Con-Man is a fan of Toy Story music, does things his own way, and likes showing off his body.


The Bash-Man is a cocky southern-type paying Homage to UWF Bossman or something.


Shelton's gimmick is token athletic guy.


Carlito has facial hair, Masters doesn't.


Masters, however, has a robe, which Carlito doesn't.


These reasons are why you're supposed to be paying 34.95 a month (sometimes TWICE!) to see the characters you've grown attached to. Get with it!

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Guest Masterlock

I miss the lack of boring midgets in the main event.

I miss squash matches.

I miss when the top guys jobbed like once a year if that.

I miss no-selling big men.

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