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The Ross Report for September 9th, 2005

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Hope nobody takes this the wrong way, but this is exactly the kind of nitpicking that caused the original Ross report to go away (other than lack of time on JR's part.) Just the fact of being mentioned or unmentioned in said report is a double-edged sword for the involved wrestlers. Everyone tries to discern exactly what JR means when he says this or that, or wether he's airing any dirty laundry towards any Fed member.

I just read it and enjoy the "insider" info and remarks, nothing more, nothing less. I propose we all do the same.

Actually, the Ross Report went away because HHH got in Vince's ear about striking down anything that remotely broke kayfabe. That's why the Ross Report shut down, WWE.Com turned into all kayfabe all the time, Confidential was cancelled and replaced with WWE Experience, and WWE announced they weren't going to do anymore Tough Enough MTV shows all within one month.

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Guest Quik

Chris Masters is so bland and boring I cannot fathom why they're doing this.


Honestly, and this isn't coming out as a by-product of Michaels hate, but I really hope Masters fucks up and injures HBK in the match. Nothing career ending, because even though I haven't watched much Raw lately, the bits I've seen that involved Michaels were better than most of the garbage I've seen. But really, something needs to happen to teach Vince a lesson for pushing untalented, unover, green shmucks who can't talk or wrestle and are only there because they have great bodies and look like quarterbacks. I hope Masters gets his oppurtunity, and completely blows it by shattering HBK's nose or fucking up some other stupid "he's so powerful!" spot. You get an injured Main Eventer, and then you have some green guy left who no one's gonna trust in the ring. Maybe then they'll get it. Ross wants to bitch about bland wrestlers, and rip on cruisers for doing high spots? Fine, but when they keep pulling this bullshit it's bound to bite them in the ass sooner or later, and this seems like the perfect time.

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Chris Masters is so bland and boring I cannot fathom why they're doing this.


Honestly, and this isn't coming out as a by-product of Michaels hate, but I really hope Masters fucks up and injures HBK in the match. Nothing career ending, because even though I haven't watched much Raw lately, the bits I've seen that involved Michaels were better than most of the garbage I've seen. But really, something needs to happen to teach Vince a lesson for pushing untalented, unover, green shmucks who can't talk or wrestle and are only there because they have great bodies and look like quarterbacks. I hope Masters gets his oppurtunity, and completely blows it by shattering HBK's nose or fucking up some other stupid "he's so powerful!" spot. You get an injured Main Eventer, and then you have some green guy left who no one's gonna trust in the ring. Maybe then they'll get it. Ross wants to bitch about bland wrestlers, and rip on cruisers for doing high spots? Fine, but when they keep pulling this bullshit it's bound to bite them in the ass sooner or later, and this seems like the perfect time.


Excellent point. The sad thing is, after all of this time of pushing people like Heidenreich (who injured Steven Richards TWICE), Nathan Jones (who was very uncoordinated, lactated, and lacked crowd response), Tomko (who fell on his ass on his Raw debut after a big boot to Jericho, and then injured him in a European tour match later that year), Kenzo Suzuki, etc., WWE STILL doesn't get it.


I somehow don't think WWE will still learn even after Masters possibly injures HBK.

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I wonder if Ross will ever say anything good about WWE fans. I'm sorry, scratch that WWE fans. Internet Fans. Cause, clearly, they are not the same.


I am thinking about sending JR a hard-hitting letter.


Dear JR.


Have you ever considered wearing a white cowboy hat?


- JM

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Guest whipper

I'd ask him if college football is worked and assuming it is how come the same stale teams get pushed every year.

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I really hope Masters fucks up and injures HBK in the match. Nothing career ending, because even though I haven't watched much Raw lately, the bits I've seen that involved Michaels were better than most of the garbage I've seen. But really, something needs to happen to teach Vince a lesson for pushing untalented, unover, green shmucks who can't talk or wrestle and are only there because they have great bodies and look like quarterbacks.


Don't fool yourself. Remember the punishment Big Show got for injuring Rey Mysterio?


Vince: You permanently crippled HBK. This will make a killer angle. Here, have a title run.

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Nathan Jones (who was very uncoordinated, lactated milk from his nipples)

1. lactating technically means giving milk, so "lactating milk" is redundant


2. where else would he do it from, anyway?


Damn, that's like the millionth time I've made a fool out of myself.


Thanks anyway.

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Nathan Jones (who was very uncoordinated, lactated milk from his nipples)

1. lactating technically means giving milk, so "lactating milk" is redundant


2. where else would he do it from, anyway?


Damn, that's like the millionth time I've made a fool out of myself.


Thanks anyway.


Nah.. just the 1777th time.

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