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Guest cobainwasmurdered

OAOAST HeldDOWN~! 5/23/02

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

Yeah I'll start posting in a few minutes because I probaly won't be around tonight. No posting till the show's done.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

HeldDOWN  May 23,2002  






::Unknown Location.

Caboose-'AngleSault do you know where I am?

Do you know what happened where I stand?

Do you know what's going to happen where I stand?

It all began here on fateful night in March.

It all took off here.

Here is where I once stood against you.

Here is where I challenged you.

Here is where I turned my back on everyone for you.

Here is where I helped you accomplish your dreams.

Here is where I will end the nightmare.

Here is where my dreams will come true.

Here is where you end, and I begin.

Here is where you meet your fate.

Here is where the past meets the future and explodes in the present.

Here is where your home is.

Here is our battlefield.

Here is my victory.'

The lights come on, and Caboose is standing in the middle of the ring in the empty Pittsburgh arena.

Caboose-'Here is our Destiny.'::


We Cut to the Commissioner’s Office where CWM reads a prepared statement.


CWM: On Tuesday afternoon, a number of OAOAST posters ventured into the Dungeon Of Doom in hopes of ridding us of those monsters forever. Throughout the night we will air footage from that unfortunate escapade.






Big McFrickin'LargeHuge and Sandman9000  VS. CobainWasMurdered and Some Guy  (Winner advances)



CUE DA PORNO MUSIC~! Some Guy DANCES out to the ring While CWM attempts to dance down but gives up and just walks with his head bobbing in time to the music.


FIVE MINUTES ALONE rocks the House as Sandman9000 walks down to ring (Mop In Hand) and BIG STRUTS~!


CWM starts off with Big in the ring, Big looks strangely confident. Big pokes CWM in the chest. OH MY GOD  THE FINGER POKE OF DOOM~! CWM just looks at Big and than grabs a Mic.


CWM: Dude what the fuck do you think this is WcW??


CWM kicks Big in the gut and gives him the CONSPIRACY BOMB 1…2... but Sandman breaks up the pin. CWM picks up Big and hits a snap suplex and sends him hard into the corner. Big follows him in but Big gets the boot up. Big with the RUDO Chop and a RUDO kick, he follows up with a belly to belly suplex and three quick elbow drops before tagging in Sandman. Sandman hits a running leg drop and covers for two. He sends CWM into the ropes and goes for a back body drop but he telegraphs the move and CWM hits a Rocker Dropper before collapsing. CWM crawls to Some Guy and MAKES the tag Unfortunetly the Ref’s back was turned and SG is forced out of the ring as Sandman and Big work CWM over. Big tags in and wastes time STRUTING before hitting a german suplex. Big goes up top and hits a Elbow Drop. 1..2..SG breaks it up. Big starts to go for a piledriver but Sandman franticly waves at him to stop as he NEVER hits the move. So Big goes for a powerbomb


BUT YOU CAN’T POWERBOMB KIDMA…CWM~! CWM reverses it into a face buster, he makes the hot tag to Some Guy and SG IS A HOUSE A FIRE~! Some Chops and Some Kicks FOR EVERYBODY. SG hits the SOME BOMB on Sandman but before he can pin him, Big jumps him from behind. CWM charges back into the fray and SPEARS Big, they both tumble to the outside leaving SG and Sandman alone in the ring. Sandman Grabs the dazed SG and goes for the MESSIAH BOMB, but SG reverses and nails the SOME DRIVER! 1...2...3!!


Winners, and advancing on to the Semi Finals: CWM and Some Guy!!


Some Guy and CWM embrace in the ring, Big and Sandman get back in and it locks like there’ll be a showdown but all 4 shake hands   in the ring instead.



::Backstage, resident interviewer Michael Cole does what he does best, and interrupts a wrestler who is doing something else to ask him about their upcoming match.  In this case, it's the Leader Of The In Crowd, The Man With The Scam, it's Zack Malibu!


MC:" Zack, you've got a big match tonight, probably your toughest test to date when you tangle with Angle-Plex, the man that many feel is the most popular member of the aWo, and..."


ZM:" What did you say, Michael?"


MC:"I said that you have a big..."


ZM:" Why thank you, Michael, but if YOU notice that, then #1, the rumors about you are true, and #2, I want you step the hell away from me."


MC:"I meant the match..."


ZM: "No, see, what I heard you say was that Angle-Plex was the most popular member of the aWo.  Well, I'm sure that title makes him REALLY popular with his teammates.  You see, it's things like that that The In Crowd doesn't worry about.  We KNOW we're as good as we say, and we know that we're all on the same level, otherwise we wouldn't be considered The In Crowd.  Now, as for ol' AP, it sounds to me like this is simply a self crafted title in hopes of gaining some notoriety.  You see, I don't "act" popular, Michael.  I AM popular.  While I do tend to go out of my way to remind people of my high social standing, I do it more as a warning sign than to rub it in someone's face.  It gives them a chance to know what they're dealing with should they so choose to cross the line.  The same goes for my main man Evenflow, and our new chum The Superstar.  We've got the looks, the talent, the charisma, I mean forget that Luger bum, The In Crowd is THE TOTAL PACKAGE!  And Angle-Plex, calls himself "the most popular member of the aWo?"  That's not saying much, Michael, because if you listen to the fans, and what the fans want, even they have begun warming up to us a bit.  I never asked to be cheered, I just expect respect...I know not all the fans can or will give it, but if you listen, the cheers are there, and I'm willing to bet that I'm more popular than ol' AP."


MC:"So, this match for you, it's just...a popularity contest?"


ZM:"Pretty much, Mikey, pretty much.  See, the world knows they're going to see a good match.  They know that both me and Angle-Plex are capable of stealing the show.  The question is, who will impress the most?  Will it be the veteran, or will it be the hot commodity, part of the best thing going today?  We'll soon find out, Michael, and I have a feeling that the man I'm facing, won't like the result!"


Zack Malibu smirks, starts walking away, then stops, and looks into the camera, shooting a smile at those watching at home.  Michael Cole stands in disbelief, as we fade out.::



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Guest cobainwasmurdered

DoD SEGMENT: The Sandman is seen walking into the Dungeon with a shopping cart full of barbed wire mops and boards.


“Mario!  I’m here!  Get your sick, dead ass out here!”


A unicorn passes by the Sandman.  Zodiac jumps out from behind the Unicorn and attacks the Sandman.  Sandman beats The Zodiac with a mop.  The Monster and Sub-Zero approach the Sandman.





Superstar Vs. BifeverChad (Who’s stats, moves, character I’m making up as I don’t have his Specs)


Bif is already in the ring. Superstar by Saliva hits and the crowd starts a ‘You Suck’ chant. Superstar walks down to the ring.


While Bif is attending to his Trophy Wife Bambi, Superstar attacks him from behind, and gives him a snap suplex and rakes his eyes. Superstar lays the boots to Bif as Bif lies on the mat. Superstar goes to the outside and starts to harass Bambi, all of a sudden Bif comes flying out of the ring. He just nailed a picture perfect SPACE FLYING TIGER DROP! Sandman is down and out. When Bif throws  Superstar back into the ring, Superstar quickly crawls into a corner to reevaluate his game plan against this Movie star who can wrestle. But Bif gives him no time to recover, Bif hits a running dropkick to the face and than a Brainbuster 1..2.. Superstar puts his foot on the rope. Bif doesn’t waste time though and quickly picks Superstar up and delivers a VICIOUS Knee to the head and than he goes up top for the moonsault 1..2…NO! Zack Malibu has run down and pulled the ref out of the ring.


Zack and Superstar double team Bif as Bambi watches in horror. Zack holds Bif up for a chair shot and just as Superstar rears back with the chair… Song 2 (WOO HOO) by Blur hits and AnglePlex runs down he tackles Superstar the ref who has recovered calls for the Bell. Bif is back up and he and Superstar brawl to the back leaving AP and Zack alone in the ring…



Zack Malibu vs. AnglePlex


Zack takes a running start at AP and AP arm drags him. AP takes a running start at Zack and Zack arm drags HIM. They both fall back to their respective corners. AP slowly stalks towards Zack and asks for a test of strength but in NOT SO SHOCKING fashion Zack knees him in the gut at his first chance and follows up with a gut wrench suplex. Zack goes for the SCHOOL’S OUT superkick but AP dodges, AP immediately tries a spinning heel kick but it meets nothing but air as Zack anticipated the move. Both men go for a tie up and AP grabs a headlock, Zack tries to shake him off but AP won’t let go, Zack tries bouncing off the ropes but AP drops to one knee and maintains the headlock. Zack is desperate as he is running out of air so he goes for the old heel stand by and hits AP in the nuts. AP falls like a sack of bricks and Zack applies the CROWD CONTROL STF. AP just won’t tap though and Zack finally releases the hold in frustration. Zack picks up AP for the THIRD TIMES A CHARM but on the third suplex in the series AP counters and drops Zack on his head.


The ref administers the ten count. Both men stumble to their feet at 8, Zack goes for a kick to the gut but AP catches it and nails a dragonscrew legwhip. AP applies a figure four. BPP rushes down to the ring and distracts the ref, BPP tosses brass knuckles to Zack and Zack nails AP in the head with them busting him open and knocking him out. BPP backs away from the ref with a smile on his face and the ref turns around to see AP locked into a Sleeper Hold by Zack.

The ref raises AP’s arms three times but he’s out cold.


Winner: Zack Malibu


As Zack and BPP celebrate in the ring CWM appears on the ANGLETRON.


CWM: Very original guys. The ol’ distract the ref and give your friend brass knuckles ploy. Well here’s the obligatory Dusty Finish for you: As Commissioner of HeldDOWN I’m reversing the decision of the match. So due to BPP’s interference in the match the winner is ANGLEPLEX!


And another thing BPP, I don’t know how you handle things on IntenselyGAYzone but here on HeldDOWN (crowd pops) I don’t tolerate that kind of crap, so on next week’s episode of HeldDOWN you and Zack will wrestle Angleplex and Sandman in a NO DQ, BARBED WIRE MATCH~!


Oh and one other thing…turn around!


BPP and Zack turn around and walk right into Chair shots from a recovered AnglePlex.



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Guest cobainwasmurdered

DoD SEGMENT: The In Crowd make their way into the Dungeon of Doom.  They walk in with barbed wire boards and fluorescent lights.  The Druids attack the In Crowd.


Meanwhile the Dungeon members beat the Sandman bloody.  The Sandman manages to hit the Zodiac with in the throat with the barbed wire.  The Monster, his Bride, and Sub-Zero continue to stomp the Sandman


During the Break BPP and Zack, and Superstar all take off in a limo, leaving EvenflowDDT behind.



evenflowDDT arrives at the arena, and steps out of the In Crowd custom-limo, holding the hand of a beautiful young woman.  They head toward the ring.


"Here Comes the Money" hits and evenflowDDT and the woman walk down the aisle to a chorus of boos.  evenflowDDT slides into the ring and, ever the gentleman, snaps his fingers and gets Randy Savage to run down to ring-side and hold the ropes open so the lady can step through.


evenflowDDT: Now, I know you're all wondering why I'm not only gracing you with my presence in the ring tonight, but with this personal time as well, so let me explain.  A few weeks ago, I was searching the racks of the latest designer clothes with Zack and the babes, when I saw this lovely lady right here, trying on Gucci sunglasses.  Not only did she catch my eye, but I, being the gentleman I am, took her to a more expensive designer sunglass shop and bought her these ::takes out a pair of Ultra Expensive Custom Fitted Diamond Sunglasses and places them on her face::.  What can I say? It was love at first sight...


::evenflowDDT kisses the woman, and she blushes


evenflowDDT: Now, normally, I wouldn't go parading around my personal life, since I know how much it would disappoint the babes out there to know someone as rich, tough, smart, and good looking as me is already taken, but this young lady has an important thing to say to a certain sicko who wants my hardcore title.


Woman: Sandman9000, listen to me.  I know you want evenflowDDT and his hardcore title belt, but a Barbed Wire Ladder match is simply too much.  You don't care if you get hurt, you never had, but... ::tears start to well up:: please call off the match, forfeit, or something! Please, just do this for me this once, don't hurt evenflow.  I... I love him.


::the woman keeps crying, and evenflowDDT hugs her until she stops.  She wipes her eyes::


evenflowDDT: Shhh... it's all right.  ::to the back:: Sandman! I know you hate me, but you're below me so I really don't care.  I'll take anyone, any time, and that includes a lowlife like you.  But prove you have SOME class and listen to this woman Alison, my lover, your... sister.


::crowd is shocked, and anxiously awaits Sandman's response but instead... "Kona Crush" hits and alfdogg walks onto the ramp


alfdogg: Hey, evenflowDDT! You and that bitch oughta get your priorities straight.  Stop worrying about little things like Sandman when you have to face ME at The Great Angle Bash, because nobody beats alfdogg.  NOBODY.


::Suddenly, Sandman9000 comes through the crowd from behind and wraps piano wire tightly around evenflowDDT's neck, choking him and cutting his throat until he hits the floor in a puddle of his own blood.  Alison, in tears, throws herself in front of Sandman.  He looks her in the eye, with a look of disgust on his face and awkward silence throughout the arena.  He shakes his head, violently shoves her away, and chokes evenflowDDT some more.  alfdogg laughs and walks away, as the refs rush down to take Sandman away and tend to evenflowDDT.::




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Guest cobainwasmurdered

DoD SEGMENT: After killing the Druids, the In Crowd sees some Dungeon members stomping the Sandman, they leave him for a minute.  They finally attack when the Monster hits the AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHTHECHOKESLAM!!!!!!!!!!!   The Monster swats away the In Crowd.  El Nino and Freddy take Zack away into a different part of the Dungeon.


The Superstar makes a surprise appearance in the Dungeon of Doom.   He attacks FatBastard and the Shape with a bat.  The Shape no-sells the attack but FatBastard falls down on top of the Superstar.  The Shape stomps him as he leaves.


EvenflowDDT and the Sandman repeatedly hit the Monster with boards.  The boards finally break and the Monster freezes.  The swing fluorescent bulbs but miss and hit each other when the Monster falls.  The Bride comes in and claws at them.



TAG TEAM TOURNEY: TrebleCharged and Masked Mystery Eskimo vs. Jingus and Mario Logan


The two Dungeon Of Doom members stalk down to ringside (all other DoD members are barred from the arena due to the incident in the Dungeon Of Doom on Tuesday.


A Brand New Low hits and the Crowd boo the shitty music but cheer when they remember that TC is always forced to lose in humiliating fashion.


ICE ICE BABY hits and the Masked Mystery Eskimo enters to a chilly reaction (yes that was a bad joke).


Jingus starts off for the DoD and TC and MME get into a fight as too who gets to start off with the Monster Jingus. Finally MME starts off. He locks up with Jingus and Jingus sends him flying back into his corner. MME tries to tag in TC but TC jumps off the ring apron to avoid getting in the ring.MME turns around and runs right into the CLAWSLAM~! Mariologan is on the outside and is DEMANDING that Jingus tag him in. Jingus and Mario get into an argument allowing TC to tag in. TC puts on MME’s Mask (luckily MME has a spare mask) and lies down. Jingus finally relents and allows ML in. Mario goes for the pin but gets rolled up 1...2…3!! TC and MME run off as fast as they can as the DoD  argue in the ring.


Winners and advancing in the tourney: TC and MME (obvious that Anglesault didn’t book this match, huh?)



::Kona Crush hits and alfdogg makes his way to the ring.


I have some issues to address.


Now it occurs to me...


Shut up!  (yells to fan in front row.)


It occurs to me, that the CROOKED commissioner of HeldDOWN, cobainwasmurdered, has, instead of actually making me look like a threat to take the unified television title at GAB, which I will do, btw, has chosen to elevate a newcomer at my expense.  So here's the deal:  I'll wrestle this new guy, but my title will NOT be on the line.  I know I'm destined to be jobbed tonight, but it will NOT be me losing my title already.  I worked hard to get this damn belt, and I'll be damned if I'm going to drop it in four days, much less to a newbie, just to satisfy your bizarre fetish for jobbing me.


That's all I have to say.


Alfdogg goes to exit the ring when SMELLS LIKE TEEN SPIRIT hits and CWM comes out, mic in hand.


CWM: Who died and made you Commissioner?? Last I checked I was still in charge of this show, Alfy, so this match WILL be for your IC title, and if you refuse to wrestle than you will be stripped of the belt!


ALFDOGG throws a fit but agrees to put his belt on the line.


IC CHAMP Alfdogg vs. Flyboy


I STILL DON’T GIVE A FUCK hits and Flyboy comes down to the ring. Alfdogg offers the New guy his hand and in a rookie mistake, Flyboy accepts it. Alfdogg pulls into aDragon Alfplex 1..2..but Flyboy kicks out. Alfdogg signals for the ALFKICK, but Flyboy ducks it and Alfdogg crotches himself on the ropes.  Flyboy nails him with the FLY KICK (spinning heel kick) Alfdogg takes atumble to the floor. Flyboy scales the ropes and goes for a rana, but Alfdogg catches him and gives him a TRIPLE POWERBOMB on the outside. Alfdogg tosses him back into the ring and makes the nonchalant cover 1..2… Alfdogg pulls Flyboy’s shoulders up. He isn’t done sending a message yet. He goes for the SUPER TOMBSTONE and Flyboy REVERSES and drops him on his head with a Tombstone of his own! 1…2… Alfdogg puts his foot on the ropes.  Flyboy tries to keep the momentum going with a DOUBLE-ARM DDT but Alfdogg reverses it into a  Bridging Northern Lights Alfplex for 2. Alfdogg is a surprised that this mere Rookie is still able to kick out but he doesn’t hesitate. Alfdogg goes for a German Suplex and Flyboy mules kicks him! Flyboy with THE FLYPLEX (arm and leg Tazzplex) but he doesn’t go for the cover, he scales the ropes in hope of hitting the FLY SPLASH (swanton bomb) Unfortunetly for him, he takes to long and Alfdogg tosses him off the ropes and Alfdogg scales the ropes, and nails  the FIVE STAR ALF SPLASH. 1..2…3!!


Winner and STILL IC Champ: Alfdogg


After the match Alfdogg grabs his nunchucks from ringside and brutalizes Flyboy with them. The aWo make the save though and chase Alfdogg away.



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Guest cobainwasmurdered

Outside of a hospital is shown


Tony "The Body": "We're in the hospital room of the OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion, Anglesault. Who last Saturday night at AngleSlam, successfully defended his Title against The Sole Survivor. After the match was over, he was brutally attacked by aWo member Caboose & The INTENSE ZONE~! Commissioner,  Big Poppa Popick.

Anglesault suffered 3 broken ribs, a bruised tailbone, and a concussion.

Champ, after the beating you took last week. What's going through your mind?"


Anglesault: Well, Tony, first and foremost, I want revenge. BBP and that weasel Caboose waited until my Stairway to Heaven match was over to attack me. I want revenge on BPP for throwing me off the cell and trying to end my career. But I definitely want revenge on Caboose for what he did to the aWo. Caboose should realize, it's aWo 4 LYFE, and I intend on making him stick to that agreement to the very end, even that end is at Great Angle Bash."


Tony "The Body": "Interesting you bring that up, Champ. Monday night on the Intense Zone, it was announced, that on Sunday, June 23rd, at The Great Angle Bash, you will face Caboose, one on one in a "Prince of Darkness" match for the World Heavyweight Title. What are your thoughts on that announcment?"


Anglesault: "June 23. That's the Summer Solstice. The longest day of the year. How appropriate. Because when I meet Caboose in the ring at Great Angle Bash, it will be the longest day of his life!"


::Lights go out::


Tony "The Body": "What the hell?


::Grunts can be heard::


::Lights go back on, and Caboose is seen standing over a bloody Anglesault::


Caboose: "How 'bout that, you SON OF UH BITCH?!" The 23rd of June, Anglesault! Remember that date, and remember what the OAOAST World Title looks like. Because on the 23rd, it's coming with me."

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

DoD SEGMENT:  Zack is stabbed by Freddy’s gloves, and is Frog Splashed by El Nino, which causes him to cough up a lot of blood.  Freddy picks him up and El Nino goes for a cross body, Zack falls and Freddy is hit, causing both of them to fall into a pit of spikes.Jason has just joined the Bride and Sub-Zero in the assault on the Sandman and evenflowDDT.  EvenflowDDT manages to hit the Bride with a board knocking her out.  They run form Jason and Sub-Zero, but are stopped when the Shape busts through the wall.  The Sandman is taken down by Sub-Zero’s flying kick.


The Superstar crawls from under FatBastard, and slowly limps away.The Dungeon continues to beat the Hell out of EvenflowDDT and the Sandman.  Zack runs up with a mace and knocks the Shape’s head off with it.  Zack hits Jason but he no-sells.  Pennywise sneaks up and bites Zack in the face.  Superstar runs in with an anvil and tosses it into the crowd, knocking Sub-Zero out.


The Nirvana mobile breaks through the wall, and CWM steps out to join the fight.  He hits Jason with a sack full of bricks, it smashes Jason’s mask, and CWM swings again and knocks the dead man out.  EvenflowDDT sees Zack being attacked by Pennywise, so he breaks the last bulb over his head.  EvenflowDDT finishes him off by ripping him up with barbed wire.


EvenflowDDT runs at the Sandman with the board, the Sandman runs at EvnflowDDT with the shopping cart, but the others separate them.  A door opens behind them, and they step in.

All five men step into the door and are stopped by Mario.  CWM knocks Mario out with Regal’s “power of the punch.”  Then they walk up to the Taskmaster and the Wizard.  The Wizard speaks.


“And, now it is time to unleash the most horrific creature known to man.  Here is Sharkolgalanchequake!”




This creature mauls all five men.  Sullivan and the Wizard laugh as ripping sounds are heard




EvenflowDDT and The Sole Survivor VS. GreenMist and Dreamer420



The APA theme hits and the crowd explodes as The Sole Survivor makes his way to ringside. HERE COMES THE MONEY hits and the crowd start pelting Evenflow with water bottles.


DA ROCKWILDER plays and Dreamer420 makes his way to ringside and waits for his partner. HEY by ALICE IN CHAINS hits and GreenMist joins Dreamer outside of the ring.  The two newbies look at each other and than at their opponents and than they scale the turnbuckles and hit STEREO MISSILE DROPKICKS~!  Greenmist starts off with Evenflow and hits a quick series of kicks and a Frankiensteiner. Greenmist tags in Dreamer420 who hits a superkick on Evenflow for 2. Dreamer locks on a crossarmbreaker, but TSS breaks it up. Dreamer420 tosses Evenflow out of the ring where Greenmist works over the injured arm before rolling him back in. Dreamer420 goes for A  armbreaker but Evenflow pokes him in the eye and hits a Desperation PRIMADONNA (tiger Driver). Evenflow crawls towards TSS but Greenmist tags in and pulls him away from TSS and works the arm some more before giving Evenflow a DRAGON SUPLEX for 2. Greenmist tags in Dreamer420 who immediately goes for a SUPERPLEX but Evenflow pushes him off and reaches deep down and manages to make the tag. TSS IS A HOSS A FIRE~! BRADSHAW BOMB for  Dreamer420 and A FALLAWAY SLAM for Greenmist. TSS goes up top for a FIST DROP, but Big McFrickin'LargeHuge runs down and pushes him off the top rope. A rejuvenated Greenmist locks on the TARANTULA. Dreamer420  is watching the mayhem when he remembers that Evenflow is somewhere, he turns around right into THE FOOLISH DDT~! 1…2…3!!


Winners: EvenflowDDT and The Sole Survivor.


Greenmist releases the TARANTULA and pushes Dreamer420. They get into an argument and seem to make up but. Greenmist  hits Dreamer420 with the MIST and a BRAINBUSTER and leaves him lying in the ring. Meanwhile Big is stomping away on TSS. The rest of the aWo run down and assault Evenflowddt and spraypaint him. THE aWo IS RUNNING WILD~!








The following ad has been paid for by the aWo:


CWM: Man did you guys watch Intensezone on Monday?


SOME GUY: You mean IntenselyGayZone?


CWM: Yeah


Some Guy: No I don’t watch shit like that


Angle-Plex: IntenselyGayZone is pathetic HeldDOWN is 10x better


Big: HeldDOWn features the STRUT


All the aWo: HeldDOWN 4 EVA~!


The Preceding Commercial Has Been Paid for By The aWo.





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Guest treble charged

Just a few things:

1) There is no "A" in at the start of Brand New Low

2) The song does not suck

3) Why did I have to put on MME's mask?


Other than that, though, great job man.

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

The POWER OF THE MASK gets us through...works for me :D


More good matches and bits (I love the Caboose stuff)...the OAOAST really is better than WWE.

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Guest Sandman9000

Two matches involving barbed wire for me next week.  Damn.


Is the Helddown match no-rope barbed wire, barbed wire around the ropes, barbed wire boards, just barbed wire in the ring, or something else?  There is so many gimmicks involving the stuff, we kinda gotta specify.

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

you know whats really funny...


there seems to be more entertainment on helddown and more wrestling on intensezone


isnt that how...yeah i thought so


good show...ive already got matches for intensezone...and dont worry


IZ is waaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than helddownto a .02 rating

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Guest J*ingus

We... lost.  






::Starts shaking uncontrollably.::

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

:: Pats Jingus on the back. There, there, don't cry. ::

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Guest evenflowDDT
I am in the frickin match and don't know myself.

Something tells me that can't be a good thing...

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Guest Sandman9000

It's going to be like that "Lights Out" match on Smackdown between Book and Rock.  So it looks like Shane McMahon is going to interfere in the GAB main event...

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Guest caboose

But the Booker/Rocky Lights Out match sucked.

It was like two minutes long.

It had a whole Nitro Main Event feel.


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Guest Big Poppa Popick



the wrestlers wrestle with hoods over their faces

they cant see shit

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Nicely done, CWM. Plus, I won! And I was A HOSS ON FIRE~!. I like that. Nice job. In fact TONY....I think HOSS ON FIRE~! might be a good posting title for me for the short time I don't have a title. Thanks !)

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Guest Tony149
the wrestlers wrestle with hoods over their faces

they cant see shit

That's correct. Think of Jake Roberts vs. Rick Martel WM 7. I've written the match, and it has a creative finish.

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Guest caboose

If it sucks theres going to be HELL to pay.

which in all likelihood will get me banned.

Nonetheless, no bullshit match Tony, not like ME and AP in the Cell.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
Just a few things:

1) There is no "A" in at the start of Brand New Low

2) The song does not suck

3) Why did I have to put on MME's mask?


Other than that, though, great job man.


2.yes it does

3. because no one wants to see you win in a normal way.

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Guest Tony149
If it sucks theres going to be HELL to pay.

which in all likelihood will get me banned.

Nonetheless, no bullshit match Tony, not like ME and AP in the Cell.

You should be happy with the match. It will end up building up two more matches, and will start a big angle (no pun intended) with one guy. It also has what I feel is a very creative finish.

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Guest caboose

Sorry Tony.

It's just when I think about the shit way matches are written, like the Wargames match. Good booking but a total carwreck of a match.

Especially when I make such an effort with the matches I write, it makes me so angry, arghhhds'hglgairogjkfjgfsjgfglkfdj jwebfjdsfhjsdhg;lsdjfwoierfuj9whr832ur9jhfkdshfioesahiofsadhgiousadhgoi...

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War Games would be a car wreck for anyone to write unless they made it about 5 pages long and had it very detailed.

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Guest caboose

Fine, next time there is a huge match that involves lots of wrestlers, give it to me and I'll give you a ****+match.

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

and would you want to read 5 pages...


hell man, i tried...the shows are ALOT easier...


if were gonna do a big gimmick like that again, i recommend it being half the ppv

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Guest caboose

I'm not saying the matches should be 5 pages long, but rather than moving from spot to spot, how about some filler.

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