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Guest Drury37

Wcw wrestlewar 1992

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Guest Drury37

Hey,first thing is first I never knew that once everyone is in War Games they begin calling it the "Match Beyond"and I also never knew that "Let the War Games Begin"was some big quote in the WCW.I had never seen a War Games match in it's entirety until today and I think it is a neat idea,I only noticed today that there are two doors on the War Games cage.What I really want to say is did anyone else feel that War Games at WCW WrestleWar 1992 was kind of short.I mean it is an easy 5 star match,but I just felt it was a bit short.I know it wasn't a Turner tape either,just because everything was there in it's entirety,including Promo's for WCW Beach Blast 1992 and stuff leading up to some match.I thought the match was great,but right when I was getting really into it,it ended.Does anyone else agree with me?


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I think the match is pretty perfect.  I gave it *****, anyway.  The War Games is kind of like the Royal Rumble, ie it's all in the build-up, wrestlers entering one at a time.  Once everyone has entered, it usually wraps up fairly quickly.  I thought it was done great, especially the Sting-Koloff stuff.  Pretty much everyone worked their asses off, and it's a miracle that Steve Austin didn't bleed to death.  


I don't think it ended too soon, no, Rick Rude working to disassemble the turnbuckle then Larry Zbyszko accidentally blasting Bobby Eaton in his bad shoulder, Sting getting the submission win with an armbar.  Just a great match, fantastic effort from all involved, and a good ending.  Don't see the problem with it.  


Incidentally, how great would it be for the WWbleh to resurrect the War Games gimmick?  Thanks back.

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Guest razazteca

If they do resurrect the War Games gimmick match, Survivor Series would be the perfect PPV for it.  The WWF would probably rename it the Hell in a Cell Survivor match.


nWo vs Canadians?

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Guest bob_barron

See thats what makes WarGames 92 so great. At the end you go- that seemed short but in reality the match was 26 minutes long.


I loved WarGames92 cause it was the perfect way to blowoff the DA-WCW feud.

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Guest bravesfan

Well, if the brand extension was eliminated at Summerslam, a returning Rhyno and Benoit (w/ heel manager Anderson) entered the nWo, then they might have a credible team to go against a pure-WWE team



Nash, Giant, Booker, Rhyno, Benoit


Austin, Trips, Edge, Jericho, Angle


The WWE must first realize that that the nWo, for it to work, must be a team that instills fear in both the WWE heels and faces...ala their days in WCW. Once that happens, WarGames with that card would kick serious ass.

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Guest Drury37
See thats what makes WarGames 92 so great. At the end you go- that seemed short but in reality the match was 26 minutes long.


I loved WarGames92 cause it was the perfect way to blowoff the DA-WCW feud.

Yeah,I agree with you,because once it was down i was like 8 times 2 equals 16 plus the first 5 minutes period already brings you to 21 minutes and then when all five were in it brings it up to 26 minutes pretty easily,it probably seemed shorter because it was such a good match.I think that might have been the best WCW match of all time and I know people will agree with that,but that is just my opinion.


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But see, if Benoit returned, he would HAVE to be a face...there would be no other way. I like Rhyno coming back as part of the nWo though...it would be a good rub...

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Guest Drury37

I think it would be pretty cool if they the WWE(man I really don't like saying or typing that)brought back War Games,I think you would need younger guys like the Edge's and Benoit's in it because think about how slow it would be if they had Hogan in War Games.


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Guest Tony149

I doubt we'll ever see War Games again. Would Vince let fans know WCW had an equal or even better gimmick match than WWE? However, I do see War Games making it back on home video one day.

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Guest dreamer420

I think the only way we'll see Wargames in the WWE is if they take some old WCW footage to mix in Flair's entrance video.  Other than that the WWE will probably never recreate wargames or even show a wargames match.  It's just not Vince's style.

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Guest Tony149

From what I've read, the WWE is releasing an nWo & Hulk Hogan video & DVD soon. Supposedly includes alot of WCW footage. Which is understandable for the nWo video.


I think the WWE might release a gimmick match tape ie. Best ladder, Cage, etc., matches.

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Guest dreamer420

A Hulk Hogan DVD could be a real piece of history if done right.  If the WWE took Hogan's best match from each year he was in the wwf and wcw and put them all on a dvd with all the best promos, angles, and other stuff that he has done it would be a wicked item to own.

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Guest dpac

i never understood why wwe doest use old wcw ppv names for thier other ppv's beside the big 5,  i much rather have starcade, wargames, lethal lottery, ect... than backlash and armegeddon and the other nonsence ppv titles

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Guest nWoScorpion

It would take away from the WCE legacy (or whatever is left of it)

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Guest Mark4steamboat

I didnt like it ending with a frickin armbar. Sure eaton just had gotten hit with the turnbuckle but still. Usually intense moves(i.e Hangmans Noose) ends the match. It was hard to believe someone would give up to an armbar. Oh well it didnt hurt the match and it is still a ***** and one of WCW's greatest matches.

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Guest Drury37
I didnt like it ending with a frickin armbar. Sure eaton just had gotten hit with the turnbuckle but still. Usually intense moves(i.e Hangmans Noose) ends the match. It was hard to believe someone would give up to an armbar. Oh well it didnt hurt the match and it is still a ***** and one of WCW's greatest matches.

Yeah,that was kind of weird,but it made it seem that it really hurt when he got hit by the metal from the turnbuckle,I mean I guess it could have ended with a Scorpion Deathlock or something like that but I think it was fine.


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Guest Tony149
I didnt like it ending with a frickin armbar. Sure eaton just had gotten hit with the turnbuckle but still. Usually intense moves(i.e Hangmans Noose) ends the match. It was hard to believe someone would give up to an armbar. Oh well it didnt hurt the match and it is still a ***** and one of WCW's greatest matches.

I heard Eaton had a legit shoulder problem at that time, so WCW decided to have him "quit" to the arm-bar, as a way to explain him not wrestling for a few weeks.

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