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Edge = chris benoit

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Back in 2000, Benoit received his first main event push. They jobbed him out at the three main event matches they put him in: Fully Loaded, Unforgiven, and No Mercy (the No Mercy one with Triple H wasn't technically the main event, but it was close enough). The WWF sent him back down to the upper-midcard after that.


Time passed, and the WWF is getting itchy to put Benoit up with the big boys again, and, in order to make him look like a credible threat to gain the World Title, they stuck him in a three month program with Kurt Angle. It was a good feud with terrific matches, and it led up to Benoit and Jericho winning the tag titles off of Trips and Austin, and it eventually led Benoit (and Jericho) to the main event of King of the Ring. Were it not for the injury, we may be referring to Chris Benoit as a former WWF champ, or, maybe, current WWE champ.


Fast forward to one year later, and here's Edge in the same spot that Benoit found himself in the year before. Though he hasn't main-evented a PPV like Benoit had before him, Edge finds himself in a somewhat similar upper-midcard position that Benoit found himself in at the time (thanks to the repeated jobs from before).  This feud has done a lot to elevate Edge, and Angle looks just as good coming out of it as he did with Benoit, but now with a lovely, bald head.


I'll be the first to admit Edge has his problems (which I've listed a number of times already in this forum), but he has potential. The only difference I can see between Edge and Benoit as it relates to their respective feuds with Angle is that Benoit is far more talented. Other than that, their place in the WWF/E is/was pretty much the same.

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Guest Anglesault

Edge's problems


-Hasn't had a bearable singles feud yet

-Can't play a serious face

-Tends to be the kiss of death to whoever he is feuding with.

-Boring and extremely repetative


Edge's Pros


-Nice Teeth

-Nice Hair

-He appears to be trying.

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Guest Flyboy
Edge's Pros


-Nice Teeth



Maybe compared to Benoit... but.. still... *smirks*  That's an oxymoron.

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Guest Cataclysm911
Boring and extremely repetative



Best. Post. Ever.

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Best. Post. Ever.


Well, I try.


I just thought of another thing Edge and Benoit have in common: they both have, um, less-than-adequate mic skills.

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Guest Anglesault

I think the actual term is "Bottom of the barrel, shitty ass pathetic" mic skills.

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Guest caboose

Hell at least Benoit had intensity.

Thats the real intensity, not the crappy Triple H type.

And before Benoit started the program with Angle, fans knew Benoit could take down on of the ME stars.

Benoit had already destroyed Jericho on many an occasion, and Rocky had been made to look like an underdog against Benoit.

I can't even buy Edge beating his brother.

Christian is far more talented, better mic skills and is credible as a Heel, or a funny Face.

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I think the actual term is "Bottom of the barrel, shitty ass pathetic" mic skills.


Well, now you're talking semantics. Anyway, I think Benoit was improving his mic work before the injury, but Edge still sounds like a dumbass.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Actually... Edge would be in Benoits '2 years ago' spot, since this is his introduction, not reenforcement.  Angle, Benoit and Jericho were all elevated at the same time (Fully Loaded anyone?), and you can sort of see a '3-step program' the Wwf had those guys on.  However, now it seems that the 3 step program is in it's 3-4th step transition... The 4th step being Angle, Jericho and Benoits final ascension to the ME (with Rock, Austin, and Taker stepping down).  Give edge a title shot, have him come close to winning it, have him step down to feud with a guy like Jericho, and in next year he will have the gold around his waste for the first taste.  Two years from now he will be a solid ME.

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Actually... Edge would be in Benoits '2 years ago' spot, since this is his introduction, not reenforcement.


True, but I was looking at it more in terms of how Edge and Benoit related to Angle. Granted, by the time Benoit got there, he was in his second go around at the main event scene, but my point still stands.

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Guest Anglesault
, have him step down to feud with a guy like Jericho,

The Last thing Jericho needs is an Edge Feud

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Guest Brian

Benoit's not horrible on the mic. There's been very little emphasis during his career on mic work and his work in the rig has always carried his character, whereas Edge isn't good enough to do that.

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Guest Some Guy

The difference is that Edge has gotten a much bigger push in the last few years then Benoit has ever gotten.  He is a 7 or 8 time Tag Champ, he's held the IC title a few times and the US title, he's also won KOTR.

Benoit has jobbed in every ppv ME he's been in, he jobbed in the KOTR, he held the IC title a few times, the tag title once and that's about it.  Aside from the last month before his injury he hasn't gotten any where near the constant puch that Edge has.  Benoit was cut off at the knees in 2000 and most likely never would have been in the KOTR ME if HHH didn't tear his quad.

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Guest alfdogg
Benoit was cut off at the knees in 2000 and most likely never would have been in the KOTR ME if HHH didn't tear his quad.

Exactly.  HHH would have squashed him and ended yet another push for a promising main eventer.

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