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Guest rawmvp

More News On Puder's release

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Guest rawmvp

From the Torch:


"To the fan led to believe Daniel Puder's contract with WWE was a four-year deal, his release likely came as a surprise. But, to those inside the company, it was heavily expected.


During a July conversation with Johnny Ace, Vince McMahon reportedly expressed surprise that Puder was still on the roster. It was clear throughout his run that management never intended to keep Puder around for the duration of his four-year option; the feeling is that obligation is the only reason he lasted as long as he did.


Between Puder's reputation for being a kiss-up, and the incident in which he showed up Kurt Angle, WWE higher-ups did not even want Puder to win the Tough Enough competition. In fact, there was allegedly a plan to make Puder look bad in one of the later events. If not for a miscommunication between Johnny Ace and the official in the ring, the situation might have prevented Puder from scoring enough votes to win.


Even though Paul Heyman, among others, respected Puder's professionalism, few WWE officials had faith that he could ever become a big draw for the company. Even after extensive training, little optimism over Puder's ability to "get it" emerged."



This is just horrible on so many levels...

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In fact, there was allegedly a plan to make Puder look bad in one of the later events. If not for a miscommunication between Johnny Ace and the official in the ring, the situation might have prevented Puder from scoring enough votes to win.

That was the squat competition, which was the same night as the Puder/Angle incident, so hooray for Torch making up news.


EDIT: ...and I thought they wanted Puder to win that, but the referee eliminated the wrong "blond guy".

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The current trend is to feature more athletically-gifted workers, and the best homegrown talent in years have been those with a legit fighting/amateur background. Puder had a legit fighting background, and won the TE Challenge because the fans OBVIOUSLY wanted to see him.


So no, of course they wouldn't want to see him when he's in ring-shape and ready to go.

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So no, of course they wouldn't want to see him when he's in ring-shape and ready to go.

Unless he's a diva, he's not going to make that investment back.

Not when they fire him he won't.

But if you're (not you specifically) going to complain about Puder not being given a chance, yet you complain about green-as-grass guys jumping to the big leagues too early, where is this balance? Worked shoots are the only thing you can reasonably do with him, but who's willing to pay to see that?

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So no, of course they wouldn't want to see him when he's in ring-shape and ready to go.

He's green as grass and making $250,000 a year.


Unless he's a diva, he's not going to make that investment back.

Kind of makes you wonder why they made the stupid contest in the first place. I guess they thought the fans would pick some hoss. WWE just doesn't understand its fanbase anymore.

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So no, of course they wouldn't want to see him when he's in ring-shape and ready to go.

He's green as grass and making $250,000 a year.


Unless he's a diva, he's not going to make that investment back.

Kind of makes you wonder why they made the stupid contest in the first place. I guess they thought the fans would pick some hoss. WWE just doesn't understand its fanbase anymore.


Fans wouldn't have given two shits if there was no dollar tagged on to the Tough Enough competition. It could have just been an offer for a WWE contract period. WWE just likes blowing smoke up their own asses and sound prestigious in press releases by having MILLION DOLLAR prizes.


Vince is absolutely clueless that this guy won because people want to see legitimate fighters and that his audience does indeed mark out for moments like an unknown showing up Kurt Angle. Had this been the Monday Night Wars, Vince would have seen money in that very fact and developing Pruder would have been seen as a priority for a PPV run with Kurt Angle when he was ready. But Vince has no competition and is surrounded by yes men and a corporate structure ridden with politics and putting personal grudges before business. For this reason, I hope UFC or TNA are able to find a spot for Puder.


And Kurt Angle is a pussy for not using his political power to help out someone who got the best of someone of Angle's caliber. You'd at least think Kurt would want an opportunity to show him up and redeem himself. Then again, Kurt didn't help out someone like Charlie Haas either.


And if I was Puder, regardless of the pay cut, had I known that WWE were intentionally wanting me to fail, I would have taken the cut and trained in Deep South or wherever just to not give them the satisfaction of working their company bullshit on me.

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Guest MikeSC

Actually, the lack of drawing prowess of Shamrock and Severn has likely left Vince unwilling to give "shoot" guys a chance.

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So no, of course they wouldn't want to see him when he's in ring-shape and ready to go.

Unless he's a diva, he's not going to make that investment back.

Not when they fire him he won't.

But if you're (not you specifically) going to complain about Puder not being given a chance, yet you complain about green-as-grass guys jumping to the big leagues too early, where is this balance? Worked shoots are the only thing you can reasonably do with him, but who's willing to pay to see that?

But if you're (not you specifically)  going to complain about Puder not being given a chance, yet you complain about green-as-grass guys jumping to the big leagues too early, where is this balance?


The balance is in giving each guy a chance by playing to their strengths. They didn't even bother trying with Puder, and, as limited as he is, he can talk better than Masters, has more personality than Masters, and he got a reaction just by being himself. Masters hasn't got a reaction even with a six-month superpush. Would Puder get over by playing to his strengths even though he's very limited? Maybe, maybe not, but given the trouble they went through with TE they should have at least made some effort to work around his weaknesses.


Masters is a bust. I'm all for them trying to push new talent. They could make better choices with the talent they try with, but at least they are trying. The trouble comes when the guy they're getting behind is obviously not working, and they don't care because he's got the look they are obsessed with, and they keep pushing and pushing and pushing the guy. After tonight, it looks like, at the moment, that they've realised Masters isn't over to anywhere the degree they want him to be and are pulling back on his push.


I'd rather they would have given that level of push to Puder because as limited as he is he's still got more talent, not necessarily in the wrestling sense, than Masters. And, if he still wasn't over by now, I'd still be saying they should stop, because if a guy isn't getting over after over six months of the superpush they've given Masters, then he probably isn't going to get over at all ever.


Worked shoots are the only thing you can reasonably do with him, but who's willing to pay to see that?


Puder wouldn't necessarily have to be restricted to worked shoots. His matches would have to be kept short, but you'd keep him in with workers like Benjamin, Angle, Regal, etc, whose worked style is a realistic looking style, but not a worked shoot style.

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Guest Amy Ace

I was hoping Puder wouldn't win TE too, cuz I really thought Daniel Rodimer had tons of potential.

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Guest rawmvp

I find it disgusting that Vince wants everything to conform to WWE's standards, as opposed to what the fans want. That's what WWE was about in the past, and that's why they ultimately defeated WCW.


But...and I'm sorry to say this, but I think this may be the beginning of the end for WWE. They may not go out of business tomorrow, 2 years, or even 3 years from now, but within the next 5-7 years -- if they continue this bullshit -- they'll go out of business.

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Puder wouldn't necessarily have to be restricted to worked shoots. His matches would have to be kept short, but you'd keep him in with workers like Benjamin, Angle, Regal, etc, whose worked style is a realistic looking style, but not a worked shoot style.

Heyman knew how to book him OVW.

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Puder wouldn't necessarily have to be restricted to worked shoots. His matches would have to be kept short, but you'd keep him in with workers like Benjamin, Angle, Regal, etc, whose worked style is a realistic looking style, but not a worked shoot style.

Heyman knew how to book him OVW.


Yeah, Heyman booked him beautifully. He's got charisma, he looks like a badass, and his MMA-style moves looked real awesome. Heyman was grooming him to be a bigger Taz. He was coming along real well.


It's sad he got released because a properly built up match between him and Angle could have drawn big money. Just more stupidity from Vince McMahon.

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I was hoping Puder wouldn't win TE too, cuz I really thought Daniel Rodimer had tons of potential.

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Guest deinly1

I hope Daniel reads the pwtorch, then he would say fuck wwe and it's fagotized yes men kissing vince's steriod filled ass and give another promotion a try.


I agree with HTQ for once, if they gave Puder HALF the shot they gave The Disasterpiece, I have no doubt he would be contending for the IC or US title.


As for Angle helping Puder, after having talked to Puder about that, and hearing the Angle never even spoke a word to him backstage after the "incident" (which in itself was a complete shoot, too bad Angle talks alot of shit about being the best on earth, meanwhile he got surprised by a kid with no olympic gold), but I'm getting off my point here- which is: If u expect Angle to help Puder, start by getting a warm coat while your waiting for hell the freeze over.

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And Kurt Angle is a pussy for not using his political power to help out someone who got the best of someone of Angle's caliber. You'd at least think Kurt would want an opportunity to show him up and redeem himself. Then again, Kurt didn't help out someone like Charlie Haas either.


Why should Angle give a shit about someone like Puder? Why would he care if he gets the chance to 'redeem himself' against a no-name for an incident that a vast majority of the fanbase doesn't remember??


I hope Daniel reads the pwtorch, then he would say fuck wwe and it's fagotized yes men kissing vince's steriod filled ass and give another promotion a try.

I can't believe that I posted in a thread that contained the word "fagotized" ... ugh.

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Guest Ransome
But...and I'm sorry to say this, but I think this may be the beginning of the end for WWE. They may not go out of business tomorrow, 2 years, or even 3 years from now, but within the next 5-7 years -- if they continue this bullshit -- they'll go out of business.


*This* is the beginning of the end? What do you call the last four years of WWE TV then? Not that it matters, since WWE isn't going anywhere.


If WWE wanted to rid themselves of Puder so badly, I'm surprised they didn't just rig the Tough Enough votes, or at least bury him onscreen prior to the final vote (a la Carmella) letting the 'Miz' win. That way, if anything, they wouldn't need to throw away the Tough Enough champion storyline that had been built up for months and would have had a wrestler with much more chance of connecting with the fanbase than the generic developmental talent they bring up nowadays.

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Vince's senility is getting the better of what little sense he has if this is true.

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And Kurt Angle is a pussy for not using his political power to help out someone who got the best of someone of Angle's caliber. You'd at least think Kurt would want an opportunity to show him up and redeem himself. Then again, Kurt didn't help out someone like Charlie Haas either.


Why should Angle give a shit about someone like Puder? Why would he care if he gets the chance to 'redeem himself' against a no-name for an incident that a vast majority of the fanbase doesn't remember??


I'm not saying he should give a shit about Puder but be a man and admit that someone got the best of you, congratulate them and maybe tease them that it was nothing but a fluke and once they are ready for the big time, he'll prove it. Don't avoid him backstage and never mention a word of it to anyone. It's obvious that the kid had some sort of wrestling ability and that's what Kurt Angle is all about, right? Go to bat for the kid. Yes, a vast majority of the fanbase doesn't remember but I'm sure Kurt Angle does. I'm sure the locker room does, people like Meltzer and those types do as does the shoot fighting community who were all over it before even I realized that it was that big of a deal

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IIRC, Angle DID rant and rave after the incident that he was pissed off about the whole ordeal, but once he calmed down he said "you know, we could make a great angle out of this."


Angle didn't go to bat for him. So? Who cares? Neither did anybody else. Let Puder work elsewhere with people more talented than those in WWE, and let him gain some knowledge from different styles all over the world. The reason Shamrock failed is because the WWF let up on the "he's fucking dangerous" push and turned him into more of a comedy gimmick, and Severn failed because he had no charisma. Ditto Blackman. Puder seemed to have some, so let's see what the kid's made of in a few years' time if he decides to go the pro wrestling route instead of going MMA.

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