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Guest Lord of The Curry

My thoughts on vanilla sky.....

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Guest Lord of The Curry

Holy Shit.


I mean, honestly. What the fuck just happened? I thought I knew movies. I thought I could see twist endings coming. I thought I had it all figured out.


Cameron Crowe just gave me a lesson in "Fucking With Somebodys Mind 101". I feel dirty, I honestly do. When the final 10 minutes rolled around I felt torn between what my facial expressions should've been. I was smiling, shivering and having trouble breathing all at the same time. I was used by film. I was abused by film.


Cameron Crowe just raped me of whatever I thought "fucked up" was in movies and spit in my face because of it.


And I really really really liked it.


*Sorry to be to melodramatic but I thought it'd reinforce my point about how massively wrecked this flick is.*

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I agree, it's a great film.


I'm suprised by how many people find the ending "confusing". Sure, it's a pretty shocking ending, but it certainly isn't confusing. It made total sense, and the explained it in VERY specific detail, so anyone could understand it (probably a safety measure, considering how easy it is for North American audiences to get confused). How can you find it confusing?

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Guest Hogan Made Wrestling

I really enjoyed this movie. As someone who's not a huge fan of Cruise, I think this was one of his best performances. Diaz, Cruz, and Lee were all great in this movie. I'm still not sure if it took one (or more) too many twists before reaching the ending, but I enjoyed the ride immensely. The opening and ending scenes (i.e. empty Times Square and on top of the building) are fabulous visuals. This has also got to be one of the most erotic, sexiest movies I've seen in a long time. Diaz is just immensely fuckable here, and Cruz gets naked for anyone wondering, if that's the sort of thing that will clinch a rental for you (it certainly was for one of my friends). Her role gives a nice contrast with that of Diaz, and both have strong chemistry with Cruise. Lee is great in a supporting role, and Kurt Russell gives one of his best performances in a while. I give this movie a 9/10 and highly recommend it as one of the best I've seen in a long time.

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Guest MDH257

Cameron Diaz should have been nominated for Best supporting actress.


I think pepole who hate the movie were expecting a typical Hollywood film and not the Lynch/Cronenberg-type mind trip that they got.


I don't think mainstream audiences want Tom Cruise to be in anything except easy Hollywood movies (see the public reaction to Magnolia, Eyes Wide Shut, and Vanilla Sky).


Though, I do wish they had called it "Open Your Eyes".

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Guest shlidgn90

i went to see this and thought the meaning of it could summed up very quickly. all death will be is just a long dream, so why are we wasting our time on life when we could just go to sleep and become our own gods.

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Guest The Son of Sting

You should check out the original. "Open your eyes".

Does the tittle Vanilla Sky mean anything, or is it just cause it rymes with Open your eyes?

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Guest MDH257
You should check out the original. "Open your eyes".

Does the title Vanilla Sky mean anything, or is it just cause it rymes with Open your eyes?

In the movie it's the name of a painting in Tom Cruise's apartment.

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Guest J*ingus

I didn't think the ending was confusing at all, like C.H.U.D. said, the explanation itself was very clearly explained, and wasn't anything that probably hasn't been done in half a dozen Star Trek episodes.  I loved the cast, with Cruise, Diaz, and Russell playing such weird roles (by their standards).  Lee and Cruz did their standard "goofy best friend" and "exotic sexpot" roles, but did them well.  And out of nowhere, they throw in two of my favorite redheaded actresses for surprise cameos at the end.  F'n awesome.  


Anyone else thought that the mask in this movie looked a LOT like Michael Myers's mask?

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Yeah, I kind of thought it did. And when he had the mask off, he disfigured face reminded me of Matt Cordell aka Maniac Cop.

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Guest Invader3k

I loved Vanilla Sky...I thought it was probably Tom Cruise's best film ever.


What I couldn't understand was how many of my friends I went with didn't get it. Was it really that hard to understand? Maybe I just know stupid people.

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Guest Human Fly

It seems to be a love it/hate it film. I thought it was great but I know some people that thought it was too much and couldn't handle it. Someone expecting some cookie-cutter romance movie got their theatre turned upside down.

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Guest converge241

I saw it in the theater and like it, then bought the dvd and loved it. I still stick with my original thought on whats going on:


everything is a dream, brought on by davids fear of growing up. cameron Diaz is real, penelope symbolizes his "perfect girl" or desire to be single. Jason Lee is his consceince trying to get him to grow up. the car crash symbolizes the breaking point of him being freaked out by commitment to Diaz.


Crowe says that the explanation at the end is true, but also said even though thats what he intended, he admits that there are 4 valid ways to interprate the movie.

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