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Guest wildpegasus

What movies or Tv shows have people

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Guest wildpegasus

One thing is movies and Tv that I don't like is that whenever someone's doing chinups it's obviosly fake. They only show half or part of the body or they're not full out/full extension manly chins. I want a movie that has someone doing real manly 100% chinups without the aid of any camera tricks. Please name some for me. And remember think hard before you answer so you don't get tricked yourself. Is that chin you're watching a real chin? Ponder carefully.


Thanks in advance for any responses.

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I'm sure any number of martial arts films, and certain action films, show them for real. I've seen it many times, but I can't name any specific films off hand.


But, wow, this is one weird topic.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Easy. Full Metal Jacket.


One for the commandant! One for the corps! I guess the corps don't get theirs.


"You mean to tell me you can't do one pullup? You are a piece of shit private pyle! Get out of my face!"

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