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Guest papacita

Funniest turns ever...

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Guest papacita

Funniest turns ever IMO...


1) Paul Ellering's turn on LOD 2000 back in 98. They introduced him as their new manager, then he immediately turns on them to join the DOA. DOA sucked even with Ellering as their manager, but still that turn was funny as hell.


2) Christian's turn on DDP before WM: I don't give a damn what anybody says, that was classic.


3) The Nation's turn on Ahmed Johnson in August 97...Ahmed was one of my favorites at the time, but I couldn't help but to laugh when that happened. That whole match was funny now that I think about it. During the match, he runs over towards the commentary tabe and screams "EVERYBODY'S GONNA DIE!!" and JR's all like "What the hell is he talking about?" Then after the match, the Nation all comes out to the ring, they do their salute and just start beating the crap out of him. What makes it so funny is that I think that was Ahmed's first match as a member of NOD. It killed his heat, but still...


Anyway, can anybody think of any others?

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Guest caboose

Triple H's turn to the corporation at WMXV was funny.


At the time I hated dX, and for Triple H to come down and just straight out Pedigree X-Pac made me laugh my ass off.

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HHH's turn the night after WrestleMania X-7. They spent the whole show building up HHH's animosity towards Vince McMahon and Steve Austin, and had a perfect money drawing face turn in their hands... and at the very end with Austin facing the Rock in the steel cage rematch, HHH comes out after receiving a huge pop, gets in Austin's face... the crowd is getting hotter... and then turns on the Rock, joining Austin. That has to be the stupidest move that I had seen in a long time at that point. They spent so much time on that Austin/HHH feud months earlier (you know, where HHH tried to KILL Austin, and Austin tried to KILL HHH.) I laughed my ass off at the stupidity and I honestly think, that at that point... the WWE started to truly sink, and hasn't really recovered since

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Guest bravesfan

Still wondering why HHH was on Austin's side for that feud. Had they left Rock out to the wolves on that one, setting up his movie leave and gone with Trips versus Austin instead of UT/Kane versus that tag team at the April PPV, would've been much better....especially when they decided to push Benoit and Jericho.

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Guest bravesfan

Still wondering why HHH was on Austin's side for that feud. Had they left Rock out to the wolves on that one, setting up his movie leave and gone with Trips versus Austin instead of UT/Kane versus that tag team at the April PPV, would've been much better....especially when they decided to push Benoit and Jericho.

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Guest Shaved Bear

i always thought when Chyna and Latino Heat errr "broke up" it was funny, she sat their looking all sad during the match, i cant help but laugh at her "acting"

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Guest Zack Malibu

Mideon's face turn as "Naked Mideon".  Especially the time he ran in on a Road Dogg/RTC (pretty sure this is who is was) match, and Dogg had a hard time keeping a straight face.


Bodydonna's babyface turn.  Yeah, bringing Cloudy in really helped get them pops!

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Triple H sided with Austin because he didn't want to job.  They had been fueding for a while and with Austin winning the belt Triple H would have been one of his first opponents. Since there was no way Austin was losing the belt the next PPV Triple H refused to finalize his face turn and as a result things haven't recovered since then.

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Guest papacita

Speaking of that Chyna/Eddie break up, the funniest part about that was after she left when Eddie got confronted by Billy Gunn. Billy said something like "I don't ever want you to go near her again. Compredes?! Ese?!" Then as soon as he turned his back, Eddie grabbed a bottle and hit him in the head with it. That one had me on the floor laughing.

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Guest Human Fly

It wasn't a full fledged turn, but when Pillman first came into the WWF he was still on crutches from his accident. He wandered down to the ring during a Bushwackers match and acted like he was a fan of theirs. Doing the arm thing and all. Well, Luke came out after the match and put one of the hats on Pillman and licked him on the side of the face. When he turned around Pillman nailed him with a crutch and had this disgusted look on his face (rightfully so) as he whiped his face off.

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Guest evenflowDDT

Although this isn't necessarily a turn per se, I thought it was funny when Angle joined the Alliance right before Survivor Series 2K1 just so the team would have enough people so they wouldn't look like a total joke and then interfered in the ending for the save to kill the Alliance.

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Guest the 1inch punch
Although this isn't necessarily a turn per se, I thought it was funny when Angle joined the Alliance right before Survivor Series 2K1 just so the team would have enough people so they wouldn't look like a total joke and then interfered in the ending for the save to kill the Alliance.

Wasn't that so that Vince could do the whole "one of the Alliance will join Team WWF at Survivor Series" (Not that it was in any doubt)

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Guest caboose

Austin's turn to join the Alliance was funny cos the whole world saw it coming and the crowd didn't react.

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Mr. Perfect's face turn against Flair and Hennan.

Undertaker turning on the the Snake.

Jake the Snake training the Warrior.

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Guest What?!

The Eddy turn on Chyna was funny because right after GTV showed Eddy in the shower with the hoes he got the loudest pop of the night and a long "Eddy" chant!

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Guest Redhawk

Scott Steiner came to Nitro in a wheelchair, with Rick Steiner pushing him, and announced that he was retiring due to a bad back. They had a Scott Steiner video tribute and everything. Then Bret Hart and the nWo interrupted and they had words. Later in the show, as the nWo is beating on Sid Vicious, Chris Benoit (I think) and Terry Funk, who should come to help but Scott Steiner? Well, I guess you know what happens next: Steiner, wearing a back brace and limping heavily, threatens Jeff Jarrett with a lead pipe and tells Sid to powerbomb him. Then Sid turns his back on Steiner like a dumbass and gets hit with the pipe. Steiner beats on him some more, reveals his nWo shirt, and does this little "my back is fine" dance. That was classic.


My other favorite was when Stevie Ray turned on Booker T and Midnight. I think Stevie and Midnight fought, and if Stevie lost he had to rejoin Harlem Heat. If Midnight lost, she'd go away or something. So Stevie loses, they do the "we are family" hug, then Stevie CLOCKS Midnight and Booker with the flapjack.

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