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Guest Steve J. Rogers

Why even classic ecw "shoots" should be taken with

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Guest Steve J. Rogers

Anyone remeber that classic Taz rant in 97 when he ripped Hogan and Rock and saying how he'd kill them.  Basically he shooted as he was saying what pretty much every smark, or everyone in the industry felt (or still feels) about the two.


Well, as a "tweener" commentator Tazz has really not let loose on "shoot style" commentary and seemingly has fallen in line with the WWE's fawnning of all the faces.


The Rock I can see, as despite his shortcommings back when Taz shot all over him, he has changed a bit in his style and shown that he could hang with Taz in a match.


Hogan on the other hand, the way Tazz waxes nostalgic on Hogan's big 80's run, or says how "cool" it was when Hogan came out with the red and yellow for the first time on Smackdown.   Makes you wonder if the "Path Of Rage Taz" is burning up inside Tazz when he says those comments and just wants to jump out of his seat and slap the Tazmission on Hogan.


i guess the point is, while ECW played to the "smarks" and the internet community (though that was the bulk of their audience for most of their peak years) when it comes down to it, they are all just fictional characters and just because someone is "shooting" doesn't mean it's not twisted to suit what the writer of the material wants the audience to believe



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Guest Ravenbomb

I know something inside me wants Taz to jump up and slap the Tazmission on Hogan

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I know something inside me wants Taz to jump up and slap the Tazmission on Hogan

Me too, and I also want to slap the Tazmission on the Crock while he is going for the Sell Out's elbow.  That move looks worse than Hogan's legdrop.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I remember that when the Austin 3:16 era was in full effect in 1997...Taz was cutting a promo for ECW tv in Buffalo.


Someone had a sign that said "Taz fears Austin" and after the interview segment was taped Taz addressed the sign and went off calling Austin a pussy and how he would kill Austin.


The point is its all said for entertainment.  When push comes to shove...regardless of their personal feelings...business is business and they have to act respectful.


Although it did make it extra fun watching Austin punk Tazz out every week during Invasion.

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Guest Flyboy
Although it did make it extra fun watching Austin punk Tazz out every week during Invasion.

Ahhh... those were the days.


When "WHAT?!" was actually cool to use and cool to me...

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I know...I really dug the What? when he was a heel.




...I feel dirty for advocating something that has led to the demise of the heel promo.


I'd also like to apologize for advocating the Hulk Hogan title reign while I'm at it.

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Guest Human Fly

I want to see Taz jump up and put the Tazmission on Michael Cole and then go off on a shoot about how Cole sucks, and then he should drag Cole in the ring and Tazplex him for 5 minutes.

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Guest Ravenbomb

See? Some shoots can be fun to watch, so what's so bad about them doing shoots?

Yes, I DO know that I'm a dumbass, but I just think SOME shoots would be cool.

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Guest Youth N Asia

When you're not #1 what you have to do is talk shit about #1...cause if they even acknowledge you it helps you.


Did that make sense?


When WWF was losing to WCW they ripped them on tv...and from 99-01 WCW did the same to the WWF.


It's easy to take pot shots at someone who won't fire back.


I remember watching that ECW stuff from the time they opened shop till the last show...it was pretty cool to hear other wrestlers say what I was thinking. You really thought Shane Douglas would kill Flair with his bare hands if he got the chance...great stuff

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Guest evenflowDDT
I want to see Taz jump up and put the Tazmission on Michael Cole and then go off on a shoot about how Cole sucks, and then he should drag Cole in the ring and Tazplex him for 5 minutes.

Am I the only one who wants to see the Russo twist and have Michael Cole put the Unprettier (it's not like Christian gets to use it anymore...) on Tazz and go off on a shoot about how he's pissed with everyone always screwing with him.  Hmmmm.... Cole and Coach could get in a tag team, and they wouldn't be the worst in the division either! ::cringes, but it's true::

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Guest Ravenbomb

Two skinny untrained guys with zero ability at ANYTHING? Oooooh yes they would be

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Guest evenflowDDT
Two skinny untrained guys with zero ability at ANYTHING? Oooooh yes they would be

Uhhh... I wasn't talking about the Hardyz.

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I want to see Taz jump up and put the Tazmission on Michael Cole and then go off on a shoot about how Cole sucks, and then he should drag Cole in the ring and Tazplex him for 5 minutes.

Yeah, because that's what will make Taz's career take off again. A feud with an announcer.

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Guest evenflowDDT
I want to see Taz jump up and put the Tazmission on Michael Cole and then go off on a shoot about how Cole sucks, and then he should drag Cole in the ring and Tazplex him for 5 minutes.

Yeah, because that's what will make Taz's career take off again. A feud with an announcer.

If it works for my man Raven (oh, and it will... you'll see...) it can work for anybody! I still think Cole turning on Tazz and kicking his ass is a better angle though... it could be like the Nick Patrick vs. Earl Hebner referees match, the battle of the commentators! Then there could be JR vs. Lawler, or JR & Lawler vs. Cole & Tazz... for the tag titles! Then they could have the tag titles on the announcing table all the time so there could be a belt shot in EVERY MATCH!

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Guest TheMikeSC

Anyone remeber that classic Taz rant in 97 when he ripped Hogan and Rock and saying how he'd kill them.  Basically he shooted as he was saying what pretty much every smark, or everyone in the industry felt (or still feels) about the two.


Well, as a "tweener" commentator Tazz has really not let loose on "shoot style" commentary and seemingly has fallen in line with the WWE's fawnning of all the faces.


The Rock I can see, as despite his shortcommings back when Taz shot all over him, he has changed a bit in his style and shown that he could hang with Taz in a match.


Hogan on the other hand, the way Tazz waxes nostalgic on Hogan's big 80's run, or says how "cool" it was when Hogan came out with the red and yellow for the first time on Smackdown.   Makes you wonder if the "Path Of Rage Taz" is burning up inside Tazz when he says those comments and just wants to jump out of his seat and slap the Tazmission on Hogan.


i guess the point is, while ECW played to the "smarks" and the internet community (though that was the bulk of their audience for most of their peak years) when it comes down to it, they are all just fictional characters and just because someone is "shooting" doesn't mean it's not twisted to suit what the writer of the material wants the audience to believe>>>





You mean ECW's shoots might have been worked?


I am shocked---SHOCKED---I tell you.



...Next thing you'll tell me is that the only reason Taz beat Paul Varelans is because Missy Hyatt offered to give Paul head if he did the job.

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Guest TheMikeSC

I know something inside me wants Taz to jump up and slap the Tazmission on Hogan


Me too, and I also want to slap the Tazmission on the Crock while he is going for the Sell Out's elbow.  That move looks worse than Hogan's legdrop. >>>



Thing is, people talk about how terrible Rock is---but I will tell you, flat out, he's worked better matches, more consistently, than Taz/Tazz EVER has.


Taz has as many 4 star matches as Big Show (namely, none). Taz's work in ECW was always bad---but people would defend his ineptitude at selling because it wasn't part of his gimmick (ignoring that the gimmick was given to him, likely, because he couldn't sell to save his life).


Tazz's burial in the WWF/WWE is one of the better things in wrestling in a while. One needs to put mediocre talent in their respective places.


Tazz was pretty mediocre by ECW standards---and ECW, much as they love to claim otherwise, wasn't a home for great workers when Benoit, Malenko, etc left in 1995-96.



...And Tommy Dreamer is amongst the 10 worst workers in the WWE right now.

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Guest Hogan Made Wrestling

"Taz has as many 4 star matches as Big Show (namely, none). Taz's work in ECW was always bad---but people would defend his ineptitude at selling because it wasn't part of his gimmick (ignoring that the gimmick was given to him, likely, because he couldn't sell to save his life)."


Actually, I would say the Big Show has one 4 star match: the 6-pack match from Unforgiven 1999. Whether that match is **** is a matter of opinion of course, but it is certainly better than any Tazz match I can think of.

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Guest papacita
When WWF was losing to WCW they ripped them on tv...and from 99-01 WCW did the same to the WWF.


It's easy to take pot shots at someone who won't fire back.

Actually, WCW started the on-air cheap shots against WWF. IMO, WWF was simply retaliating when they did it.

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Guest TheMikeSC

<<<So I'm the only one who liked Taz vs Sabu from Barely Legal? >>>



Umm, yeah.



...The match was terrible.

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Guest cabbageboy

Most of Taz's ECW matches were all squashes so I don't guess he has been in too many **** affairs.  There was a tag match with him and Sabu vs. Benoit and Malenko that was good for the time period, not so hot today.  I recall a cool Taz match against Sabu (the one where he let Sabu beat him after nearly killing Sabu).

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Guest RickyChosyu
Most of Taz's ECW matches were all squashes so I don't guess he has been in too many **** affairs.  There was a tag match with him and Sabu vs. Benoit and Malenko that was good for the time period, not so hot today.  I recall a cool Taz match against Sabu (the one where he let Sabu beat him after nearly killing Sabu).

Regardless, Tazz was always a bad worker who got over for acting mean and dropping people on their heads. He tried to use this to act as though he could take anyone in a shoot, but it shows how much that worked because wrestling fans don't care about shoots. If that were true, Fit Finlay would still be active.


I have seen that tag match and it is very good for the time period, but Tazz's selling of the leg work of that match reminds me why Paul told him to stop. I couldn't tell that it was even supposed to be hurting him until 911 carried him off.


Rock is way better than Tazz ever was.

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Taz is a character engima  a 5'9 245 pound wrestler who was booked as a Monster... Whenever he shoots in ECW he could back it up because he was booked for it. a guy that threw people around in various modified Plexes that no WWE creative writer ever seen.  Taz got a Monster following from Ecw that transfered to WWF when Taz went over.... The first match Taz vs Angle...it was Taz..and Not Tazz...

after that when it was Bossman and Bull Buccannon punking him out  the Tazz was being conditioned into Pete... Tazz then went into WM 2000 being able to grab the Hardcore title twice and make himself into a WWF brand legit hardcore wrestler, even though he had lost.  Tazz gets injured by Saturn disappears and reappears all Heel attacking people for weeks before taking on Al Snow and Scotty Too hotty...then Came the Lawler fiasco... old Taz fans would be dropping like flies seeing Lawler and JR beating Tazz at Summerslam.. After that was relegating to Tag with Raven ....then Walking around with the ECW title for about a week even Fighting HHH where again a lil of the Taz ness sneaked out..even though he lost.. then Tazz settled into the announcer role  wrestling as bout as often as Lawler here and there. the Invasion angle I think must have been Tazz's low point as a wrestler.  Being a Austin whipping boy, literally gotta humble and infuriate Tazz down deep in that dormant Taz soul...Right before Invasion Tazz and Austin was gonna do a program because Austin kicked Cole's ass and Tazz was gonna avenge him...then... Invasion and a perfectly good angle gets blown... when Tazz and Austin does go head to head  Not one Tazz plex to be seen... the Brittle but Main Eventing Austin just Squash the Squash machine.  

The Heyman Shoot work on Vince had some truth to Tazz ... Tazz may  have choked out Heyman after it, but somewhere down Deep Taz character may have thought screw the script and Hardway Taz Plex Mcmahon over the ropes and too the Floor.  Tazz being tag champion with Spike for like 2 months was reward for his Corporate Metamorphasis.... But now here he is the baddest ass of Bad assness  Taz now almost totally WWE own Tazz.... soo sad..


One day.... Tazz needs to snap... the former Intense ECW Champion should just snap when someone like Taker, or HHH or Austin or the Rock doing a Promo IN the ring with the belt saying how good they are... Tazz should just calmly take off the headset strole into the ring and DRAGON TAZ PLEX the person silly....then Drag him back up Slap on the Tazmission only to Hit the Tazmission Plez!! the person does a stretcher job and Taz grabs the mic  cusses out the crowd and SHOOTS....



that just too much to ask from the now WWE conditioned WWE Trained and when the time comes. WWE Dead.

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Yes ECW "shoots" should definitely be taken with a grain of salt. Remember the Steve Austin "shoot" that he did on Hogan when he impersonated him? Everyone took that as a sign that Austin hated Hogan. I remember arguing with someone on this board about it when I first came on. I forget who, but that was their line of reasoning... that Austin hated Hogan because he did some impersonation of him. BUT, my argument was that Austin respected Hogan and had no problem with the man. Why? Because I had proof of it. It's called using an actual Torch interview done in 1996 when Austin entered the WWF, where Austin had nothing but good things to say about Hogan. He did say that he was skeptical that he could draw, but he didn't really have a problem because if Hogan could draw it would mean more money for everyone.


And guess what?


The guy I was arguing with never responded

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Guest TheyCallMeMark
Am I the only one who wants to see the Russo twist and have Michael Cole put the Unprettier (it's not like Christian gets to use it anymore...) on Tazz and go off on a shoot about how he's pissed with everyone always screwing with him.  Hmmmm.... Cole and Coach could get in a tag team, and they wouldn't be the worst in the division either! ::cringes, but it's true::


I would love to see Michael Cole flip out and like give one of the heels a stunner somtime. It would be hilarious.

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I would actually like for someone to turn Cole heel and let him play the heel commentator. It probably wouldn't work (since I can't really remember a time when anyone used a heel play by play person), but it would be a change of pace.


Either that or they could at least try and give him more of a personality, kind of like what WCW did to Meeeeeean Gene Okurland. I still laugh when I remember him mouthing the heels: "Oh blow it out your ass Jarret!"

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Guest humongous2002

Hogan actually has some heat with Austin ,because back in WCW(circa 1995) Hogan turn down an angle to work with Stunning Steve Austin. The angle was about Austin mocking Hogan with his Steve-a-mania impression and get a shot at the WCW title. For some reason Hogan didn't think that a match with him and Austin for the WCW title would draw. Austin never forgot about that and that's why he refused to work with Hogan at Wrestlemania x-8.

Now for Tazzzzzz , he is now a company man, a team player in the WWE and he's got to think before he opens his mouth or otherwise he is out of a job, that's why he's got to praise the Oldster even though deep in his heart he knows that Hogan can barely walk. Another factor for those old ECW shoot promos was because back then even though he was the champion Tazzzz was still broke and bitter, but now he is making a good living for him and his family w/o taking any bumps by just sitting on his ass every tuesday night and ocasionally job in a couple of matches here and there.

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Hogan actually has some heat with Austin ,because back in WCW(circa 1995) Hogan turn down an angle to work with Stunning Steve Austin. The angle was about Austin mocking Hogan with his Steve-a-mania impression and get a shot at the WCW title. For some reason Hogan didn't think that a match with him and Austin for the WCW title would draw. Austin never forgot about that and that's why he refused to work with Hogan at Wrestlemania x-8.

Actually, as I said, in an interview with the PWtorch during 1996, he went on record, basically explaining that he had no ill feelings or heat with Hogan. He even went on to explain that he tried really hard to "be one of the boys."


It's pretty much an accepted fact by all insiders that Austin turned down a program with Hogan because he knew the reaction Hogan would get. Hell, I knew the reaction Hogan would get. Whether you like him or not, the guy has been gone for over a year. Has always been adored in Canada, and was making a return to the WWF after 9 years. Of course he was going to get that huge reaction.


If you guys like, I can repost that portion of the interview if you insist on needing proof that Austin does not despise Hogan and did not during his stay with WCW

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Guest dreamer420

Tazz is just a company man now without the balls to stand by all the claims he made years ago when he was actually a wrestler.

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