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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

I'm in desperate search of summer reading material.  I've got 4 books currently lined up, but at the rate I go those'll be gone in 2, 3 weeks at best.  What in the blue hell do YOU people read?  Share, sluts, or I'll sic JD on you.

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Guest Thoth

Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson.


The Diamond Age by Neal Stephenson.


Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson.

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Guest Perfect_Bo

The Swan Song By:  I dont know, who gives a fuck?


Best book I ever read, so what if I only read three books, that shit is still the shit...


B "Reading is fuckin fundemental." O

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Guest HVilleThugg

I'm so gay...


Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte...


then it's The Hobbit by that Lord of the RIngs guy


Da "didn't know a nigga could read, did ya?" H

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Guest Ace309

Lost in the Funhouse, Bill Zehme... it's an Andy Kaufman bio.


On Writing, Stephen King. It should be required reading for everybody.


Anything by James Morrow... bizarre, religion-related fiction. In one novel, God dies and his two-mile-long body falls into the ocean. Amazing.


And it wouldn't be the SmarksBoard if I didn't recommend Pure Dynamite by Tom Billington. :D

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Guest Renegade

Well right now....


A View from the bridge - Arthur Miller


Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy- Douglas Adams


Sonic the hedgehog - Adventure book 3



ok forget that last one....

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Guest Grand Slam

My reading list for the summer?


Just finished "If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a B-Movie Actor" by Bruce Campell.  Highly recommended.


"The Two Towers" by Tolkien again.


"Lord Demon" by Roger Zelazny


"Tears of the Gods" by Raymond Feist, the best fantasy writer out there right now in my opinion.


"Nine Princes in Amber" by Roger Zelazny

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Guest Smeghead

Currently reading The Two Towers by J.R.R. Tolkien.  Gotta prepare for the movie.


I must also recommend Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, the first of five books in the Hitchiker's Guide trilogy.

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Guest AnnieEclectic

I recommend all five books in the Hitchhiker's Trilogy. You read right.


I also recommend Cat That Walks Through Walls. Wonderful, sexually charged funny sci-fi spy thriller romance novel. Yeah, there's technically incest and orgies too, and homosexual relationships, but who cares?


I second Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson, I need to read that again.


Also: Linux for Windows Addicts.


I had to try....


-Annie "Because the more you read, the more you know!" E

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

I'd just like to point out that, instead of working on my match or reading one of these many books, I've been listening to Eddie Money.


I really need a job.

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Guest BA_Baracus

PROMO (Stubby P. McWeed);

"First, I'd like to say that I'm insulted to be referred to as a "funster".  I'll have you know I'm an bitter stick in the mud.




...what in the blue flaming hell is a "book"?


Mothernature says books kill trees..."

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Guest Insanityman

I just got done reading Angel of Death by Jack Higgins... and now I'm reading Midnight Runner by Higgins.

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Guest Longdogger_Pete

Damn, I used to read all the time... I never seem to have the time anymore...


Ah well.  Life sucks and all.

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Guest El Luchadore Magnifico

Why not go with a classic in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn? One of the best books I've ever read, but then again I'm a Mark Twain, uh, mark.

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Guest Ace309

More that's been randomly selected from my bookshelf:


HP Lovecraft stuff

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Robert M. Pirsig. Make sure you have a whole week to devote to this. It's the puro of books... you have to make sure to watch every word, and even then, I had to go back and reread a few things several pages later.

Siddhartha, Hermann Hesse. Wrote a paper on this, and it's probably even better when you're not reading critically.

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Guest redbaron51

Pet Cemetary by Stephen King


Rainbow Six by Tom Clancy


or an porno mags like Swank, Penthouse, Playboy, etc...

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Guest DiabloIIFreak1010

Well, I'm not actually reading anything, but I'm writing something for FanFiction.net. I'm in the process of writing a Legend Of Zelda/Dragon Warrior III/Final Fantay 9/Diablo II type of story. And I also might be writing a kind of Star Wars story (Epesode II inspires me).


And I read Stephen King's "Eyes Of The Dragon" book a while ago last summer, and I must say, it's a great story of Dark Age/Mideval Murder, Betrayal, Rebellion, and Mystery. I like alot of Mideval/Dark Age stuff, if anyone knows a good book about that, do tell.

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto
I like alot of Mideval/Dark Age stuff, if anyone knows a good book about that, do tell.


If you are a fan of medieval fantasy, you've probably already read Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series, but if not, I highly recommend it.


Yes, it's already at 9 books, over 5000 pages, and still going.  Yes, after book five, the story starts to slow down a bit and the character development grinds to a standstill.  Yes, it's cumbersome and bloated...but start it, and you'll never want to stop.  First book is called The Eye of The World--if you get it, make sure you get the full thing, not the crappy half-of-the-book reissue they're doing now.  It's a very cool series with a unique mythology--some classical themes, and some Tolkien influence, but obviously a lot of creative thought and much love for the story told.


If you want a one shot deal, pick up Ken Follet's The Pillars of the Earth.  A lot of my criticisms from Wheel of Time apply to this, too: the prose isn't the best (Follet is best known for semi-hackneyed spy novels, but this was a break from form), the story is a bit too repetitive at times, and, uh, this man couldn't write a romantic scene if his life depended on it.


(Sidenote to all aspiring writers: while the JL may love it, do not under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES write a romantic scene...and use the word cock.)


But the story is engaging as a whole, the characters are deep and multilayered, and it's quite compelling for being a medieval tale lacking in fantastical beasts and magic.  Call it a really well-done guilty pleasure.


And...I'm spent.

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Guest Grand Slam

If there is a Fantasy lover out there who hasn;t read "Magician: Apprentice" and "Magician: Master" by Raymond Feist, then you are but tools... there, I said it.


These are the start of the Riftwar series (followed by two more books, "Silerthorne" and "A Darkness at Sethanon"), and they are absolutely amazing.  The situations are believable and interesting, but the best part?  The characters.  Amazing.  These are real people, and by the time they either leave the narrative or die, you feel a real loss, as if it were a real person, and a friend of yours.  Epic in scale and small in feel, this is one of the greats.  My second favorite behind The Lord of the Rings.  And to be fair, and give credit where credit is due, King introduced me to this series.  So I thank him for that...


Also, I highly recommend Roger Zelazny's "Chronicles of Amber".  Five books, all easily under 300 pages and a fast read at that.  Incredible.  The first five lead into a second series that, while good, never really approaches the first in emotion and sheer writing skill.  They are...

- Nine Princes in Amber

- The Guns of Avalon

- Sign of the Unicorn

- The Hand of Oberon

- The Courts of Chaos


Enjoy, and if you have read these, I'd be thrilled to chat about them on IM...

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