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Top 10 favorite wee wee matches

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10) HHH vs. The Rock - Judgment Day 2000


Liked it 10X better than original.


9) Mick Foley vs. The Rock - Royal Rumble 1999


Most brutal match ever.


8) HHH vs. The Rock - Fully Loaded 1998


Awesome match.


7) Mick Foley & Terry Funk vs. New Age Outlaws - WrestleMania 14


Great overlooked one.


6) Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart - WrestleMania 13


Insane brawl, insane crowd heat, double turn.


5) Steve Austin vs. Shawn Michaels - WrestleMania 14


Another feather in Austin's cap.


4) The Undertaker vs. Mick Foley - King of the Ring 1998


Most talked about/remembered match ever.


3) Kurt Angle vs. The Rock - No Mercy 2000


Personal favorite finish ever.


2) Steve Austin vs. Mick Foley - Over the Edge 1998


INSANE crowd heat.


1) HHH vs. The Rock - SummerSlam 1998


Been my fave for ever.


Honorable mention: Austin/Angle SS 01, greatest mark out match of all time.

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The Rikishi run in is your favorite match finish ever? ???

Since when is Rikishi hitting two men with his ass important?

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Guest alfdogg

Well, my favorite WWE match would be RVD/Eddy from Judgment Day.


As far as WWF goes, I'll have to think about it and get back to you.  But for right now it's either Bret/Austin from WM13 or Bret/Owen from SummerSlam 94.

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Guest Anglesault
The Rikishi run in is your favorite match finish ever? ???

Since when is Rikishi hitting two men with his ass important?

Well, there was a superkick too, I guess... ???

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Guest papacita

No real order:


1) HBK and Razor's Ladder Match from SummerSlam 95 (the only one I saw live, and I was a big HBK mark at the time)


2) HBK Vs Bret Iron Man Match


3) HBK and Mankind from Mind Games


4) Austin Vs Bret from WM13




6) Perfect Vs Flair from Raw in 93


7) Austin and HBK from KOTR 97


8) Taker and Mankind from Revenge of the Taker


9) Chyna Vs Jericho from Survivor Series 99


10) Austin Vs Rock from WMX7



Chyna/Jericho from Armageddon 99

Austin/Rock from Backlash 99

HHH/Rock from Judgment Day 2000 (would've made the list if not for the bullshit ending)

Survivor Series 95 Wild Card match

Taker/Mankind from KOTR 96

HBK Vs Jarrett from IYH 2

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It was just a great ending to a great match...HHH Pedigrees Rock, Angle goes for a cheap cover and gets two, Kurt kicks out of a Rock Bottom, Rikishi assbumps Rock after Kurt pulls him in front of him, superkicks Rock when Kurt does it again, Olympic Slams Rikishi and then Rock to win the title and the Olympic celebration in the aisleway.


Great stuff.

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Guest treble charged

1) Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart - WMX

2) Cactus Jack vs. Triple H - RR2000

3) Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon - SS95

4) Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon - WMX

5) Dude Love vs. Steve Austin - OTE98

6) Kurt Angle vs. Steve Austin - SS2001

7) Chris Benoit vs. Triple H - NM2000

8) Triple H vs. Steve Austin - NWO2001

9) Triple H vs. The Rock - JD2000

10) Mankind vs. Undertaker -KOTR98

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Guest AnnieEclectic

I have no comment, but may I say, go hurricanes ;)



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Guest treble charged
I have no comment, but may I say, go hurricanes ;)



No, no you may not.

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Guest Matt

ehhh why not


10. Summerslam 1992-Intercontinental Title-Davey Boy Smith v. Bret Hart

9. Royal Rumble 2000-WWF Title-Streetfight-Cactus Jack v. Triple H

8. Summerslam 1994-Steel Cage-WWF Title-Owen Hart v. Bret Hart

7. Canadian Stampede 1997-10 man Tag Team

6. Mind Games 1996-WWF Title-Mankind v. Shawn Michaels

5. Survivor Series 1996-Steve Austin v. Bret Hart

4. Summerslam 1995-Intercontinental Title-Ladder-Razor Ramon v. Shawn Michaels

3. Wrestlemania 13-I-Quit-Steve Austin v. Bret Hart

2. Wrestlemania X-Intercontinental Title-Ladder-Shawn Michaels v. Razor Ramon

1. Wrestlemania X-Bret Hart v. Owen Hart


Honorable Mentions go to:


Badd Blood 1997-Hell in a Cell-Shawn Michaels v. The Undertaker

Summerslam 2001-WWF Title-Kurt Angle v. Steve Austin


that would about have it

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Guest Slapnuts00

It's so hard to make like a top ten matches list since it changes all the time, and there's always one you forget. For now, my favorite WWF matches would probably be (In no real order):


1) Triple H vs. Steve Austin, No Way Out 2001

2) Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon, Summerslam 1995

3) Ric Flair vs. Macho Man, Wrestlemania VIII

4) Bret Hart vs. British Bulldog, Summerslam 1992

5) Owen Hart vs. Bret Hart, Wrestlemania X

6) Chris Benoit vs. Steve Austin, Smackdown in June 2001

7) Triple H vs. Cactus Jack, Royal Rumble 2000

8) Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin vs. Undertaker vs. Vader, In Your House Final Four 1997

9) Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin, Survivor Series 1996

10) Chris Jericho vs. The Rock, No Mercy 2001


And of course there's a whole bunch more that on any day would be in my top ten. including

- Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart, Wrestlemania XIII

- Any of the TLC Matches

- Triple H vs. Cactus Jack, No Way Out 2000

- Shawn Michaels vs. Undertaker (HITC), In Your House Badd  Blood 1997

-WWF vs. Alliance, Suvivor Series 2001

-Jeff Jarret vs. Shawn Michaels, In Your House 2

-Kurt Angle vs. Rock, No Way Out 2001


I could go on and on. Last year had a lot of great matches..it's too bad nothing this year has been that great...

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In NO particular order


Rock/HHH - JD 2000: Awesome, didnt seem like an hour

Mankind/UT - KOTR 98: Still awe at the bumps

Cactus Jack/HHH - RR2000: Best Streeet Fight EVER!

Rock/Austin WMX7 - "Stone Cold has sold his soul, to satan himself, to win the WWF title!"

Shawn/Razor Ladder Matches - WoW

Mankind/HBK - Mind Games IYH: one of my all time faves

Bret/Owen WMX - A masterpiece

Hart Foundation/LOD-Austin-Goldust-Shamrock: Canadian Stampede: Awesome match

HBK/UT - Badd Blood: Still one of the greatest matches ever

Rock/Mankind - RR99: Brutally insane

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Guest godthedog

yay, another excuse for me to show my total bias toward bret hart.


1) owen/bret cage match, summerslam 1994: i think this is the only 5-star match i've ever seen, as this is the only match that never gets old no matter how many times i see it.  you can taste the desire to win in the air.  it builds perfectly, lasts half an hour, has some great high spots, and the high spots MAKE PERFECT SENSE.  no slow points at all; even the parts where they're fighting each other to get out the door have tension (and owen gets so close to getting out).  the story, the timing...everything was on all cylinders and then some, i can't praise it enough.


the rest are in no particular order...


2) jericho-benoit/austin-triple h, raw: pure markout match, only time as an adult i've jumped around the room over wrestling.


3) bret/austin submission match, wrestlemania 13: duh.


4) hbk/razor ladder match, wrestlemania 10: double duh.


5) angle/austin, summerslam 2001: austin put angle over like no one's ever been put over before, angle was fucking SUPERMAN after this.


6) bret/flair iron man match, boston garden house show 1993: hard as hell to find, but well worth it; best iron man match ever (which is really saying something).


7) bret/owen, wrestlemania 10: another duh.  i feel like such a conformist now.


8) benoit/jericho, royal rumble 2001: the flow gets a little lost in the spots, but oh what great spots.


9) bret/perfect, king of the ring 1993: i just like it a lot, don't ask me why.


10) bret/austin, survivor series 1996: i'm rather finicky about this one; sometimes i love it, sometimes i get frustrated with it.  but when i do love it, it's one of my favorite matches ever.

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My fav match in WWF is Austin Vs Bret at Wm13 great match great heat best double turn ever. Loved Owen Vs Bret at Wm10 that was one of the few times I was rooting against Bret. Fav non WWF match is Flair Vs Steamboat . Man I'd kill to see Austin wrestle Bret one more time sign sadly it will never happen. They had amazing chemistry.

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Guest godthedog

well, if they wrestled again the match would have some interesting psychology.  bret would get to work the neck, while austin would just keep trying to punch bret in the head.

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Guest Coffin Surfer

I'am probably leaving a bunch out, but I'd go with:


1.Bret/Owen Wrestlemania 10(maybe the only ***** WWF match ever.)

2.Bret/Owen Summerslam 94

3.HBK/Razor Wrestlemania 10

4.Bret/Austin Wrestlemania 13

6.Bret/Austin Survior Series 96

7.HBK/Razor Summerslam 95

8.Savage/Steamboat Wrestlemania 3

9.Bret/Smith Summerslam 92

10.HBK/Mankind Mindgames 96


honorable mentions:

Hardys/EC/Dudleys Ladder Match Wrestlemaina 16(I think, I always get them mixed up.)

HBK/Taker (HIAC)Bad Blood

Savage/Flair Wrestlemania 8

Piper/Bret Wrestlemania 8

Benoit/Jericho Royal Rumble 2001

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Guest Your Olympic Hero
9) Chyna Vs Jericho from Survivor Series 99

Tell me he did not just say that.

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Guest TheyCallMeMark
10) Chris Jericho vs. The Rock, No Mercy 2001


Preach on, brother!


I love that match.

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