alfdogg 0 Report post Posted October 13, 2005 Before the match, of course. *Josh is backstage with HeldDOWN GM Calvin Szechstein.* JOSH Mr. Szechstein, first of all, thank you for taking this time to answer this question for me. CALVIN Oh, well the pleasure is all yours, don't mention it. JOSH I was curious, after the last couple weeks, what plans do you have for the Heartland title at World Without End? CALVIN Well, you know, Josh, I've actually just recently come to a decision as it pertains to this. A couple weeks ago saw a terrific match between Alfdogg and Brock Ausstin, with Alf pulling out the win. But Brock put forward a terrific performance, and based on that performance, I think he's earned the right to a rematch. *crowd cheers* So at World Without End, it's going to be Alfdogg once again defending his Heartland title against Brock Ausstin! *crowd cheers* JOSH Again, thank you for... *the crowd starts to boo as Chris Stevens and Jay Richards of the CSI make their way onto the screen.* STEVENS Wait a minute, Calvin, you promised me a title shot if I helped Brock in that match... CALVIN Whoa, whoa, whoa. I said if you helped him [i]win.[/i] Brock didn't win that match. RICHARDS Wait a minute...Heyross told me Alf would give me a shot if I helped him out! STEVENS What??? RICHARDS I'll explain later. But Calvin, you saw how I did against Alf last week, I deserve this shot more than Brock Ausstin! The rest of Canada may hate Quebec, but I think the WHOLE country can agree on that! *crowd boos* STEVENS But not as much as me! Come on, Calvin! RICHARDS Oh really, now? I don't think that was ME getting my ass stomped in a ladder match at License to Pin! STEVENS What are you saying? *Stevens and Richards have a staredown as the crowd buzzes...then goes CRAZY as Alfdogg himself walks into the office.* ALF If you want my opinion...I'd be willing to take on either one of you at World Without End. But the way this is going, I don't think this place is big enough for the both of you. *Alf puts his arm on Calvin's shoulder* ALF How does this sound...tonight, right here in Montreal...(*thumbs up, cheap pop*) Chris Stevens vs Jay Richards. *crowd pops HUGE* Whoever wins, can take on me AND Brock at World Without End. And you can tell by this reaction that the people really want this match. And I'm sure there are millions of people watching at home that would give you the ratings you're looking for to see this match. CALVIN You know Alf, for once you're right. I'm going to make that match. The winner goes on to a Triple Threat Heartland title match at World Without End. *Alf leaves smiling.* Good luck to both of you. *Calvin goes back into his office, leaving Stevens and Richards looking at each other in shock.* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites