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The Dames

I've got a question for you all...

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I was thinking back about how good Wrestlemania 17 was in terms of the announcing. Paul Heyman was on that night and it was a great event, so I guess that led me to think about what you guys think are the worst announced Wrestlemanias.


Cole and Lawler for most of 15?


Vince & Lawler at WM X?





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I would say Vince McMahon/Jim Ross/Jerry Lawler from WrestleMania 13, McMahon and Lawler pretty much dominated the commentary and you could tell that Ross was getting upset at some points throughout the night.

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Ventura and Monsoon were excellent, particularly Ventura.


I'd say 15 with Cole and Lawler most of the way and 12. I just hated Vince echoing on about the boyhood dream.

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Cole losing his voice during Brock/Angle was terrible but not his fault...If I recall Hacksaw didn't do too bad of a job either...and he got to call the Rockers/Orient Express(I think) which was a fun match but really I'm too lazy to look it up and I know either way someone here will...predictable bastards

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Cole/Lawler from XV was awful, perhaps worse than the job they did at the Royal Rumble that year.


Vince McMahon/Susan St. James from II was terrible, but I didn't mind the other teams. I was particularly fond of Monsoon & Ladd during the Battle Royal. The Wrestlemania XIII team was bad, as was all the times we had Vince/Lawler (X-XII).


Overall though, I have to give XV the nod. Nothing like giving away the results of your main event before it happens.

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Guest Amy Ace

I think WM 22 will probably be pretty bad, considering the Coach will have the lead gig.

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I'm pretty sure that IX was the worst that I've heard (haven't seen all of XIII and XV). Absolutely nothing redeeming from that commentary, with Ross having to throw out all of these generalized statements about everyone since he had just came into the company (and knew jack-squat about most of the workers).

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Guest Rrrsh

Id go with Lawler and Cole


From Bossman v Taker HiaC. Cole: You could get a finger caught in there!

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WM IX. Savage was always intolerable, JR was new to everything and Heenan was the only man on the team suited well to the event. Not as bad as their team at King Of The Ring a few months later, but not great either.

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Guest P-Any
I was thinking back about how good Wrestlemania 17 was in terms of the announcing.  Paul Heyman was on that night and it was a great event, so I guess that led me to think about what you guys think are the worst announced Wrestlemanias. 


Cole and Lawler for most of 15?


Vince & Lawler at WM X?






LOL, "Discuss", "I'm overklempt, just give me a minute, I'll throw out a topic...talk amongst yourselves..." LOL

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I'd say 15 with Cole and Lawler most of the way and 12. I just hated Vince echoing on about the boyhood dream.

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Vince McMahon/Susan St. James from II was terrible, but I didn't mind the other teams. I was particularly fond of Monsoon & Ladd during the Battle Royal. The Wrestlemania XIII team was bad, as was all the times we had Vince/Lawler (X-XII).


Susan St. James announced at a Wrestlemania? I had no idea "Kate and Allie" was that popular a show amongst wrestling fans.

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WM13 was a bad ppv outside of hart/austin.I thought that match had some good exchanges on commentary.


Vince:If bret hart loses this match,you have to wonder what he will come up with as an excuse,because he will have one.


Austin gives bret a low blow and vince says "I'm not sure if that wasn't deserved."


Austin puts bret in the sharpshooter and we get this exchange.


Lawler:Wouldn't that be the greatest of all time.For bret to have to submit to the sharpshooter.


Vince:Hey,It can happen.

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I liked wm xs announcing so sue me. Lawler was very funny and Vicne was less annoying (except for the doink and dink match)


I dont even remember much about wm 15 as I havent seen it in probably 4 pr 5 years (even though I do have a tape)

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Pretty much any combination from Wrestlemania 2.


Eh, I dunno.


I liked the Ventura/Hayes/Elvira team.



I thought there commentary for the Bundy vs. Hogan match was very good, and they sold the avalanche extremely well. they got me more pumped up than i already was

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Guest Super Leather
Vince McMahon/Susan St. James from II was terrible, but I didn't mind the other teams. I was particularly fond of Monsoon & Ladd during the Battle Royal. The Wrestlemania XIII team was bad, as was all the times we had Vince/Lawler (X-XII).


Susan St. James announced at a Wrestlemania? I had no idea "Kate and Allie" was that popular a show amongst wrestling fans.


Susan St. James was (is?) married to then-NBC president Dick Ebersol, if that provides a theoretical explanation as to why she was even there in the first place.


Cathy Lee Crosby at least seemed like she was into the matches...they also interrupted her when she was trying to talk about how her father was a big wrestling fan when she was a kid.

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Vince McMahon/Susan St. James from II was terrible, but I didn't mind the other teams. I was particularly fond of Monsoon & Ladd during the Battle Royal. The Wrestlemania XIII team was bad, as was all the times we had Vince/Lawler (X-XII).


Susan St. James announced at a Wrestlemania? I had no idea "Kate and Allie" was that popular a show amongst wrestling fans.


Susan St. James was (is?) married to then-NBC president Dick Ebersol, if that provides a theoretical explanation as to why she was even there in the first place.


Aw, it makes sense now.

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I got pretty fucking sick of hearing Susan St. James saying "come on George" during any of the matches with someone named George in them. It was only two but it felt like 80. I swear, it was like every other thing she said was "Come on, George!"

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