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Return of the 'Rush

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I was thinking you and Dames should just rotate from PPV to PPV. That way you'd each get a good month of a break and wouldn't get burned out so quickly.

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And I'm going to pay for these PPVs how? I may have just gotten a steady job, but expenses, man...


I meant the IMPACT's dude. If you guys don't do the PPVs, I think that's cool. No one should be forced to buy wrestling.

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Ah, I misread ya. Well, that'd be cool if I could stop partying every weekend and don't mind coming to work Tuesday morning strung out.


Actually...I DON'T mind coming to work Tuesday morning strung out, since there's no long-lasting effects and a cup of coffee wakes me right up.

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Guest M. Harry Smilac

Well Dames could do just the PPV's and you Impact?


Do you or anyone still have that first 'Rush' you did?That thing was seriously a loyal fan pushed to the edge and every line of it had me dying laughing.

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I like the idea of me and Dames trading it off week after week, but I'm never around to watch the show (I'm usually in bed during the replay, and out with friends during the initial airing). Once it gets a better timeslot, you damn skippy I'll make a move to recapping it weekly.


And yeah, I still do have the first Rush on my old Angelfire account. Why, want a link?

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