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Future WWE Main Eventers

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Unless Carlito starts pissing people off in the back, he'll keep getting chances because even though he sucks in ring, "they" believe he can talk his way out of things, and thus that negates actual in ring ability.


Lashley is and will probrably be protected since he is seen as a homegrown product. Now if they put him in with a guy like Taker, who won't sell for him, or a chump who can't work like Heidenreich or Boogeyman, it'll expose Lashley as just another green machine. For Lashley to make it, they're going to have to go Goldberg with him and have him kill no name guys and mechanics who can make him look good. As he builds that reputation up, it won't hurt so much for a bigger name like JBL to job to him because, well, everyone would be. Again, this is all theory in how to handle Lashley. Also, Lashley must not speak more than 3 sentences or he'll also lose a ton because his voice does not match his appearance.


Kennedy is in the same boat as Lashley in that he is homegrown and will get oppurtunities, except he can talk and has more experience in the ring and doesn't look as green. He's passable as a worker and should get better on the SD roster. They should avoid hot shotting him to ME status. If you ask me, I'd build him to Main Event after WM at the earliest and Summerslam at the latest.

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WWE logic: If he's popular without a push, we don't need to push him to ME level.


To many WWE headliners hate flippy/floppy stuff for RVD to ever be booked as a true top flight wrestler. He'll always be on Mysterio level.

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Only way Carlito should be part of the main event is as a manager. Which is what he should have been all along. He has the "perfect" heel character to be a manager.


Shawn Michaels couldn't even pull a decent match out of him.

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Guest Coffey

I just remember talking about how bad it was while it was happening and a couple other people were trying to defend it with statements like "it's not that bad." Oh man, they were wrong. It was that bad and most people agree. Just a long, drawn-out, slow, plodding shitstorm of a match.


I have no doubt in my mind that HBK was told to "go out there and see if the kid has anything" I bet HBK came backstage after the match and said "Nope."

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Carlito is way too small to be a believable main eventer.


I can definatley see Masters in the main event in the next 2 years or so.


Don't know about Lashley.


Kennedy is gonna be huge.


Birchill's going nowhere.

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As far as HBK/RVD...


can I use the excuse that it was HBKs THIRD MATCH back after the injury and the only one that wasn't gimmicked to all hell?


His match with HHH at Summerslam sucked by the way...but it was booked to be enjoyable.


The third match was the first Elimination Chamber btw...

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Heidenreich still has a chance because he a weird type of charisma that will always keep him over with the fans.

Nah. Even using the limited "WWE Main Event Style", Heidenreich still can't work. Can't bump for shit, horrible punches, just plain awful. He's barely passable as a midcard act, and that's only because the "MAH FRIEND!" and LOD schtick got him over.


-he often looks awkward in the ring

-he's not very attractive


It's a good bet the WWE knows his limitations, because they're quite obvious. They may give him a shot, which will no doubt bomb, but to say he's a "future long term ME'er" is ridiculous. Being a tag team champ in a fledgling division, and doing the "MAH FRIEND" schtick, is hardly what I'd call being pushed.

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He hasn't done "my friend" in a while.


He's a badass tough guy who is over as a face now.


The "friend" gimmick was to garner face heat and get him over as a face by leeching the LOD's heat onto him with the new team.


The point is:


Heidenreich is one-half of the most popular team in WWE. The tag team divison is important on Smackdown. Not on Raw, but they're trying. When the thing with Animal is over, we'll see how he's dealt with. Personally, I don't WANT him as a main eventer. But they'll try. It's my longshot-but-not-a-super-longshot pick.

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I think Burchill made a mistake in going to the E.


I love Shelton to death, but I wonder whom he pissed off in the back to get the treatment he is getting now?


Whomever's tagline it is that says how seeing him perform a maneuver as simple of a dropkick makes him giddy, thats how I feel. He just is not good, on the mike or in the ring. How he is where he is boggles me.


But yes, Masters is going to get the mega-push in the next six months.

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WWE logic: If he's popular without a push, we don't need to push him to ME level.


To many WWE headliners hate flippy/floppy stuff for RVD to ever be booked as a true top flight wrestler. He'll always be on Mysterio level.

What a difference 6 months makes...

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What a difference 6 months makes for some of these picks.


Looking at it now, I'll say...


1. Kenny

2. Mr. Kennedy

3. Paul London


I really think Rey is going to be a true pioneer in letting smaller guys get to the top.

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I see London getting the push over Spanky. I'm still probably one of the very few people that sees London as a main eventer in a few years. Current London isn't much different from early Michaels at all.

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I dunno, I think I see more Michaels in Spanky, actually. But because of their charisma and uniqueness in the ring, if size is negated (unlikely), then both can go pretty far I think. Unless one gets a drug problem, I don't think I see them becoming the Rockers where one is incredibly successful and the other is fired 8 times.

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Both London and Spanky actually look like they hit hard for their size. Unlike say, Rey, whose offence is mainly based on using his opponent's momentum to land them on their back, and landing on them himself when he's easily the smallest guy on the roster. London and Spanky aren't THAT much bigger, but do moves that actually look like they hurt.


That being said, my money's on Lashley. And for the people who suggested Hardy... I'd love it, but what fucking PLANET are you on!?

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It may seem to easy to go the Rockers/Michaels route, but I think Nitro could be a star. After MNM keep him with Melina and give him a cocky bad attitude along with the flashyness of his character.


He's still young so he has a lot of time to grow and improve.

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You're saying it like HOMEGROWN is a good thing.

This was regarding me saying Nitro could be a main eventer. As far his chances of actually being a main eventer? Yeah, being a homegrown talent IS a good thing. Sure, the vast majority of WWF/WWE main eventers haven't been homegrown, but he's gonna get a push towards the top one day if he's still with the company in the next 5 years, and I wouldn't be surprised in the least if he took hold of the opportunity, rode it, and became either the WWE Champion or the World Heavyweight champion. Kid's gonna be a star one way or another. Good look, decent ring abilities, GREAT charisma, and he's willing to learn from the veterans on how to improve his ringwork.


Nitro/London. Nitro/Kendrick. Nitro/Mysterio. Nitro/Angle. Think of how many possible quality singles feuds Nitro could have in the next 5 years if given a singles push.


And yes. Keep him with Melina when MNM eventually splits. Matthews/Mercury/whatever you wanna call him (I'll still always refer to him as Joey Matthews, though) doesn't have the finesse Nitro does, although he has much more experience, so I see Nitro winning the split feud and going on to greater success. Keep Melina with him so he can be the prick he is with her at his side.


Johnny Nitro: reppin' Trent Acid in the E since '05.

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Guest jaderock

Long shots:


1. Boogeyman

2. Dalip Singh

3. Matt Hardy






.Ok now that the jokes over, I would say - people that are in WWE employees:


1. Ken Kennedy - I mean Vince game him HIS name already KENNEDY....KENNEDY...KENNEDY...ummm take the mic away from me!


2. Albright ... the next Chris Benoit?!?


3. Daivari ...perhaps in the Main Event as a manager!!!

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Doane/Dykstra is a can't miss world champion in the making. He'll be 22 years old in March of 2008, so he's got a lotof years left in him, barring a major injury. I could see a big push for him as early as this year on SD! with the possibility that he could be lined up to threaten Orton's "youngest world champion" accomplishment in 2009 which will lead to a feud between the two.


I believe I mentioned it here before, but I'd love to see Dykstra/Victoria booked as the new HBK/Sensational Sherri - both would be perfect for the role.


Who was your third?


This would be interesting to do again.

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