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Guest Redhawk

Poop-stain sid

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Guest Redhawk

What exactly is the shitty pants Sid Viscious story? First I heard that Sid had a "leak" during the Wrestlemania 13 match, then I heard that it was during a house show leading up to 'Mania and it was a solid turd. What's the real deal?

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
What exactly is the shitty pants Sid Viscious story? First I heard that Sid had a "leak" during the Wrestlemania 13 match, then I heard that it was during a house show leading up to 'Mania and it was a solid turd. What's the real deal?


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What does that mean, and why is there another thread on this?  Who caresif Sid shits himself?

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Guest Redhawk

I was just asking because it seems to be a very infamous story. I've heard several 'net writers make mention of it, not just X-Killer.

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Guest Youth N Asia

I've pretty much heard that Sid had the shits in the ring durring a match with Taker at a house show right before WM 13...sadly, no footage of this incident seems to exist...who knows if it's even true

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The story as I've always heard it was that Sid had a stomach virus and poo'ed himself during a WM-13 match with 'Taker. Only recently have I heard of it happening at a house show, and not WM-13.

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Guest RetroRob215

I also thought it happened at Mania XIII.  Unfortunately since no one probably has a copy of the show because it sucked so much, we well never know the truth.

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