alfdogg 0 Report post Posted October 29, 2005 COLE But coming up next, it's a fatal four-way match for the OAOAST Heartland championship! Alfdogg defends against Chris Stevens, Jay Richards, and Brock Ausstin! A lot of interesting stuff leading up to this one, let's take a look! [i]CALVIN I've got someone for you, all right. He's returning tonight, for the first time since License to Pin. Tonight, Alf, you're going to defend your title against...BROCK AUSSTIN. *Brock Ausstin is shown walking to the ring for his match, then doing his Happy Happy Hoss Dance~! in the ring. Alf is then shown walking to the ring.* COLE Alf staring down Brock Ausstin. This is the first time these two have ever met in a match. CALVIN Yes. And I've booked him against Alfdogg for the OAOAST Heartland title. Now, I'm sure if you were to help Brock win that title tonight, you could get back on his good side. Just something to think about. ... And should you succeed...I'll make sure you get a shot at that title at World Without End. So, do we have a deal? STEVENS Absolutely! *screen fades to black, then returns* Rick Heyross walks onto the screen, flanked by Team Heyross, and puts his arm around Richards. HEYROSS JAY RICHARDS! I'm glad to see you here tonight. Now I know we've had our differences over the past few weeks, but we share a common hatred. Do you know what that is? ... We both hate...BROCK AUSSTIN. You see, Brock Ausstin STABBED ME in the BACK. And he did the same to you guys in the CSI. ... I bet if you went out there and helped Alf successfully retain his title against Brock Ausstin, he'd be more than happy to give you a title shot at World Without End. And could you imagine the bragging rights you would have if you took Alf's Heartland title on Pay-Per-View, just three months after your leader failed to get the job done? *Richards starts to grin, and nods in agreement along with Team Heyross.* RICHARDS I like the way you think sometimes, Heyross. *cut to match clips between Alf and Brock* The camera focuses in on Chris Stevens, who shoves Alf off the top rope! COLE That's Chris Stevens! Remember the conversation he had with Calvin earlier! Stevens slides into the ring, runs off the ropes, and drops Alf with a DIAMOND CUTTER~!!! COACH You can tell how bad he wants another crack at that Heartland title! Stevens pats Brock on the face, trying to revive him. As he's doing this, Jay Richards sneaks down the aisle and ducks down below the apron. Brock gives another weird look to Stevens, but pulls himself up again as Stevens attempts to revive the official. As he turns to do this, Richards quickly slides in and gives Brock a chop block to the front of his knee, and then slides out as if nothing had happened! ... Stevens hops out of the ring, and exchanges words with his stablemate! They each shove each other with one hand, then Brock grabs Richards around the neck, and attempts to drag him into the ring, but Richards goes to the eyes of Brock, then pulls him outside, where he looks on confused as Stevens and Richards continue to argue. Alf breaks up the confusion with a HANDS-FREE PLANCHA, taking out all three men!!! COLE Alf FLIES again!!! What a match this has been!!! All four men lay around on the floor for a few seconds, then Alf rolls Brock back into the ring. Richards crawls over and grabs the Heartland title belt, then rolls into the ring and flies at Brock...who ducks, and Richards collides into Alf with the belt! ... Stevens slides into the ring and waits for Alf to get to his feet. Alf and Brock struggle to their feet at the same time. Stevens hops across the ring, and delivers a SUPERKICK!!! ...but Alf ducks, and STEVENS HITS BROCK!!!!! COLE OH MY GOODNESS... COACH DE JA VU from License to Pin! Brock is down and out!!! Alf catches Stevens with an overhead belly-to-belly, and Stevens bounces over the bottom rope to the floor! Alf then slowly climbs to the top as the crowd reaches a fever pitch...and flies off with the FIVE-STAR ALF SPLASH to Brock, who is nearly two-thirds of the way across the ring!!! 1.............. 2............................. 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *DING DING DING* COLE ALF RETAINS AGAIN! WHAT AN INCREDIBLE MATCH!!! BUFFER The winner of this bout...and STILL OAOAST Heartland champion...ALFDOGG!!! *screen fades to black, then returns* CALVIN World Without End, it's going to be Alfdogg once again defending his Heartland title against Brock Ausstin! ... STEVENS Wait a minute, Calvin, you promised me a title shot if I helped Brock in that match... RICHARDS Wait a minute...Heyross told me Alf would give me a shot if I helped him out! STEVENS What??? RICHARDS I deserve this shot more than Brock Ausstin! STEVENS But not as much as me! Come on, Calvin! RICHARDS Oh really, now? I don't think that was ME getting my ass stomped in a ladder match at License to Pin! STEVENS What are you saying? *Alf walks into the office* ALF If you want my opinion...I'd be willing to take on either one of you at World Without End. But the way this is going, I don't think this place is big enough for the both of you. *Alf puts his arm on Calvin's shoulder* ALF How does this sound...tonight, right here in Montreal...(*thumbs up, cheap pop*) Chris Stevens vs Jay Richards. Whoever wins, can take on me AND Brock at World Without End. CALVIN You know Alf, for once you're right. I'm going to make that match. The winner goes on to a Triple Threat Heartland title match at World Without End. *cut to match clips* Stevens gets on his knees and begs off Richards. He then offers his hand, which after hesitation Richards accepts, but Stevens grabs his tights and pulls him into the exposed buckle! Richards staggers backwards and falls down, then Stevens goes to the top, and comes off with a FROG SPLASH!!! But Richards rolls out of the way, and catches one arm coming down, then quickly flips over and locks in a CROSS-FACE CHICKEN WING~!!!111 COACH WHAT A COUNTER by Richards! Stevens keeps an arm up on the third lift! He then turns over on top of Richards, resulting in a pinning combination... 1...................... 2............................................ 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But Stevens tapped out, simultaneously!!! COACH What a counter by Stevens, and he got the pin! Stevens is going to WWE for a Heartland title shot! COLE Wait a minute, Coach, Stevens tapped out! Richards should be going to WWE! CALVIN World Without End, for the OAOAST Heartland Championship, it will be the champion, Alfdogg... VERSUS Brock Ausstin... VERSUS Chris Stevens... VERSUS Jay Richards! COLE WHAT AN ANNOUNCEMENT by Calvin Szechstein! *screen fades to black, then returns* COACH CSI making their way down to the ring for some six-man action here, against a very oddly matched trio! FIVE-STAR ALF SPLASH~!!!!!11111 on JUMBO!!!!! Alf bounces to his feet...right into a Heartland title belt shot from Richards! COLE Richards with the title belt right between the eyes of Alf! Richards tosses the belt to the outside and covers, as the referee turns around... 1.................. 2..................................... 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *DING DING DING* COLE DAMN IT! COACH WHOA! COLE Jay Richards has stolen one from Alf here tonight! Richards celebrates in the ring, as Stevens watches on in disbelief. COLE THERE'S BROCK! COACH Jay...turn around! Brock takes Richards out to ringside, and sets up an F-STUNNER-5 by the announcers' booth! Team Heyross steps in front of Brock, holding their arms out. They then pick up Stevens in a double suplex and set HIM on Brock's shoulders, as well! Jumbo steps in front and begs Brock off, then LAYS on the announcers' table! Brock looks for a second, then shrugs and delivers an F-STUNNER-5, taking out all three CSI'ers and the announcers' table! COLE OH MY GOD!!! Look at the carnage left by Brock Ausstin! Brock grabs the belt as Alf comes to and crawls to the end of the ring, and holds it up for Alf to see. COLE And is this the visual that awaits us in ten days from Cleveland, Ohio, at World Without End? Only time will tell! *screen fades to black, then returns* *clips from Thursday's battle royal are played.* COLE And we're ready for a big battle royal to kick off HeldDOWN, and I really like the stip behind this, Coach! COACH Exactly, choose the right to face one of the three reigning singles champions, if you win this thing. ... Richards attempts a piledriver on TK, but TK grabs the legs and sets him up for a slingshot! Stevens lifts Reject up for the suplex, only to collide with his own stablemate, courtesy of a slingshot from TK! Both Reject and Stevens go tumbling to the floor! COLE More mishaps within CSI, ... Suddenly, Richards hits a huge dropkick to the back of Brock, and Brock drops X to the floor! Brock hangs upside down on the top rope, and Richards give one last push.... ....and SENDS BROCK TO THE FLOOR~!!! COLE THAT'S IT!!! COACH JAY DID IT!!! *cut backstage* STEVENS What the hell are you doing out there? If you're going to eliminate me, at least be a man and do it face-to-face. RICHARDS Tonight, I'm going to make it up to you, Chris. I've already told Calvin who I plan to face tonight, and tonight, I'm challenging Alfdogg for the Heartland title, one-on-one. STEVENS Now wait a minute, Jay, this isn't how the plan was supposed to go... RICHARDS Well, to be perfectly frank...I think your plan SUCKS. I beat Alf last week, and this week, I'm going to do it again. And this time, I'm going to do something you couldn't do, and take his title. *Richards walks out of the room, leaving Stevens and Jumbo with shocked looks on their faces.* *cut to match* *Richards and Alfdogg are shown making their entrances.* COLE The Heartland title getting ready to be defended, right now! Alf reverses an Irish whip, and Richards comes back with a CRUCIFIX...but releases his legs from the hold and reapplies the CROSS-FACE CHICKEN WING once again!!! COACH It's locked in again!!! At this point, Chris Stevens slides in on an opposite corner, and waits for Jay to turn Alf towards him. When he finally does, Chris goes for a superkick! ... But Alf is able to get away, and the kick connects with Richards!!! COACH OH NO!!! Stevens' kick accidentally connecting with Richards, who's down! *an instant replay then reveals that Stevens did a shuffle as Alf was moving, then went ahead with the kick on his cohort!* COLE That didn't look accidental from the replay, Coach! COACH What are you implying? COLE ...that it wasn't an accident, what the FUCK do you think??? Alf gives Stevens a shot with the trashcan, sending him from the ring! Alf then climbs the top once again... FIVE-STAR ALF SPLASH~!!!!!11111 1............ 2........................ 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111 *DING DING DING* BUFFER The winner of this bout...and STILL OAOAST Heartland champion...ALFDOGG! COLE Well, NOW we know who will go into World Without End as the Heartland champion in three days from Cleveland, Ohio! And I think Chris Stevens is going to have some explaining to do to his associate! Alf pulls himself to his feet, and raises the belt, then spots Brock Ausstin standing at the entranceway! Brock mockingly claps his hands in approval, and Alf raises the belt once again, making sure Ausstin sees it.[/i] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites