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OAOAST HeldDOWN~! 11/10/05

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After the opening video, we head into the arena in Omaha, Nebraska for another night of action.



Welcome to HeldDOWN everyone! Michael Cole here and we have another packed show for you this week. Three titles are on the line as the Usual Suspects defend their tag titles against Team Heyross, former partners face off for the first time as Peter Knight defends his X-Division title against The Parka, and Stephen Joseph defends against...well....we don't know.



That's three more titles than people in Nebraska have seen lately. Because their college football team sucks, you see.



If you have to explain the joke, it isn't funny.


The camera cuts to the parking lot just in time to see a jet-black limousine enter.



I wonder who is in that limousine.



It’s Vince McMahon!



WHAT? Oh nevermind. Thank God.


The chauffer gets out and opens the door. Out steps OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion Stephen Joseph Popick. The crowd boos. Popick is dressed for success, wearing a suit and tie with Rayban shades. Popick grabs the OAOAST World Heavyweight Title belt and puts his over his right shoulder.



The World Heavyweight Champion is in the building!



Drats! I was hoping it was Vince!


Stephen dusts off his suit, and sports a smirk on his face. He starts walking. At this point, you can play “Staying Alive” because he walks like John Travolta in “Saturday Night Fever”.



Like it or not, Popick is on the top of the world following his win at World Without End.



Well I don’t like it.



I don’t think anyone does.



Except Tha Puerto Rican.





Popick leaves the parking lot. Then, another limousine drives into the parking lot.



Hey. Another limo? What’s up with that?


The door opens…and out steps “The Corporate Champion” Tha Puerto Rican.








PRL is wearing his suit and tie and sunglasses. Tha Puerto Rican has a serious look on his face. PRL grabs his spinner 24/7 Championship belt and places it over his left shoulder, closing the door on the way out. The crowd is booing. Tha Puerto Rican starts walking.



PRL and Popick are in the arena, but they arrived in separate limousines. Could that mean anything?



I have no idea Michael. It looks like there could be some dissension within the PR/Popick camp.



That’s great! Keep it going!


We cut back to the backstage area and find Tony Schiavone jog-walking towards SJ with a mic in his hand.


Tony (Catching up to Stephen Joseph)

Stephen. Can I ask you a question? Who are you facing tonight?



Well, I haven't checked my ::A shadow, 6'5" 300 lbs, hovers over him...and SJ looks up::



You're facing ME!


::SJ gulps, and Jingus smiles::


Hey! Hey!


::The Mad Cappa runs into the picture::



I'm getting the world title shot tonight! I'm next on the list!



Like I care...you're what, half my size. Wait in line!


::Well then, what about me? The camera pans around to show Peter Cone!::



Stephen, who will .... Stephen?


::Stephen Joseph has disappeared::



That damn sneaking bastard!



Leave it to Popick to go scurrying off like a rat.



Wait....I'm hearing in my headset again that someone just found a tape that explains Josh's disappearance. Let's take a look.


*Shot earlier in the day*


Josh Matthews is seen backstage.



Josh Matthews backstage, I'm waiting on Stevens/Heyross Incorporated...


Suddenly, Josh is grabbed by the jacket by Brock Ausstin and forced to follow him down the hall.



Have we got a job for YOU, Josh! We just came out of the office of Mr. Szechstein, and he wants us to ensure that Alf doesn't show up tonight. So we're on our way to Alf's place right now, to PERSONALLY give him the night off, and you're going to get the scoop.


Brock throws Josh into a limo, where Jay Richards and Jumbo are sitting. Brock and Chris get inside and the limo speeds off, with a destination of Indiana.



Where the hell are they going?



.....Indiana, maybe?


The camera cuts to “Mean” Gene Okuerland, who is in a dressing room.



Michael, I have seen some shocking things in my lifetime. But I have never been so shocked as I was last week, when Stephen Joseph Popick gave a low blow to Tha Puerto Rican to retain the One And Only AngleSault Thread World Heavyweight Championship. And now, I am joined by the man, who was, I guess, betrayed by his manager and friend last week on HeldDOWN~!. He’s “The Corporate Champion” Tha Puerto Rican!


Tha Puerto Rican walks into the shot. The crowd boos. Tha Puerto Rican is in a foul mood.



Now, P.R. Last week, Stephen Joseph gave you a title shot. You thought it was going to be some friendly competition, but Popick surprised you, and surprised all of us, by giving you a low blow, followed by the Finality to win the match and retain the title.


THA PUERTO RICAN (calm voice)

Well, Mean Gene, I can’t say I was pleased with what happened last week. Popick is not just my manager, but also my friend. Atleast, I *think* he’s my friend. Popick says he gave me the low blow because he had to. Because he had to do whatever he could to retain the belt. Well, you know how bad I want to become OAOAST World Champion. But I wasn’t going to fight dirty. I wasn’t going to give Popick a low blow, or scratch his eyes, or pin him using the ropes. No. I was going to fight fair and square. Why? Because Popick’s my friend. And I never fight dirty when I fight my friends. But Popick.


PR starts to get angry. But he calms himself down.



Popick doesn’t care. He doesn’t distinguish between friend and foe when he’s in the ring. In the ring, you’re his enemy. I wish I knew that last week. But I didn’t. And I paid the price. I could have become World Heavyweight Champion last week. I could have finally accomplish what I wanted my entire career. I could have become the World Champion, in addition to the 24/7 Champion. Last Thursday could have been the greatest day of my life. Instead, it was one of the worst.



May I ask, P.R., are you still friends with Popick?


PR thinks this over.



Gene, I don’t know. I don’t know if Stephen and me are still tight. We’ve been thick as thieves for two years now. I don’t know if he still thinks of me as a friend either. But what I do know is, whether or not he’s still my friend, I’m not going to take what happened last week lying down. No. That is why, tonight, I am challenging Stephen Joseph Popick to a rematch at November Reign. And if Popick wins his match tonight, then I want that match to be for the One And Only AngleSault Thread World Heavyweight Title.






Stephen, you’ve taught me a lot. And last week, you taught me another lesson. When you’re fighting for the World Heavyweight against your friend, you must treat him like your worst enemy. In other words, Popick, if you accept my challenge for a rematch at November Reign, I’m not going to go easy on you. No. I’m going to treat you like you’re my worst enemy. If we meet at November Reign, I’m going to do whatever I have to do to become World Heavyweight Champion, even if I have to HURT you to do it! Because come hell or high water, I will finally, FINALLY become the OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion. The Champ Has Spoken.


Tha Puerto Rican leaves.



Strong words from a strong man. Guys back to you.



More HD in three.

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Tony Schiavone is backstage with that one blonde chick.






The other blonde chick. The old one.


(And we do in fact go backstage where Tony S is in the interview area with the other blonde chick, the old one, Krista Isadora Duncan.)



Fans, Tony Schiavone here with you on OAOAST HeldDOWN. And from what I've seen, with the tag titles on the line, and the Dream Machines colliding in an X-Title match, this night is shaping up to be the greatest night in the history of professional wrestling. Standing beside me is an always radiant young lady, she is the namesake of the new fragrance Elegance, available at fine stores everywhere....



As in not Wal-Mart or Target! If you can buy diapers, tampons, and a Game Boy all in the same aisle, then that's not a store where you can find my perfume!



Krista Isadora Duncan, ladies and gentlemen. Krista, I'd like to start off this interview by asking..



You're not going to interview me.



I'm not?



Hell no. For longer then I care to remember I've watched you, my favorite announcer, sit by and try to extract an intelligent thought of the oversized Neanderthals that inhabit this cesspool. That's like trying to extract a decent song out of Kelly Clarkson's vocal chords. It's pretty much impossible. No longer will I sit by while you, the only person besides myself and Alix, who can lay claim to a diploma that doesn't come from a college with the words barber or clown in front of it, waste your intellect on these cretins. So, I'm going to interview you. Ladies and gentlemen set your VCR's, your TIVO's, what have you, because I'm presenting to you the gospel according to Tony. Are you ready to preach the good word to the asses of the OAOAST? Excuse me, I meant masses. How silly of me. I don't know how I could've made that mistake.


(He nods)



Good stuff. Last week Johnny Jackson brought up the fact that Alix and I aren't in the OAOAST very often. Duh. He said our absenteeism should upset the fans. Are you upset by it, old friend? Does our absence bother you, comrade? Does it aggravate you, playmate? Does it plague you,countryman ? Let me pull out my pocket thesaurus...does it nettle you, companion ? That's a good one. Nettle. I educate, Tony. I expand the mind.



I think the fans would appreciate it if you two were more consistent in your um..OAOAST activities. We all still like you, but it would be nicer, and you'd accomplish more if you were here on a regular basis.



I thank you for your honesty., Tony.



Honesty is a good policy.



It's the best policy. You know what else is an equally good policy?






Getting your hand off my ass cheek.






You know what's an even better policy? Getting your hand off my other ass cheek






Tony, I'm a thinspiration for millions of overweight women across the globe, but you're an inspiration to me. I'm gonna be honest to. I gotta be honest, baby. I can't bullshit you no more, Tony Schiayouhaveahardlastnametopronnounce. I gotta get something off my chest, and you need to help me, Tony.


(Tony starts to undo Krista's shirt)



Damn it, Tony! It's a metaphoric concept I need to take off, not my actual shirt. People, when you boo'ed Johnny Jackson last week, you boo'ed a man who spoke a golden truth! I never thought these words would spill out of my mouth, but Johnny Jax is right. Everything he said, was spot on. Unlike him, unlike a lot of other people here, wrestling isn't my life, and it isn't Alix's. That's honesty. And that's always created resentment between myself, and my fellow performers. See, I'm better then all of them, and it drives them batty, because I don't put in nearly the amount of the work they do. Tony, I dwarf them in charisma, and I dwarf them in entertainment value, I make these chumps look like housewives doing community theater. These poor souls arrive to the arena early, spend all day watching tapes, trying to get better, trying to improve, trying to get ahead in the game, trying to perfect every nuance of the art of professional wrestling. What does Krista Isadora Duncan do? I'll tell you what she does. She shows up and hour before the show starts, she walks out into the arena, the audience chants her name...





And she's good. I'm great, because I'm Krista Isadora Duncan, and I can be nothing less. I've got the crowd, the men, the women, the transgendered, the confused, the children, the adults, hanging off every word I say, the way they hang off my nuts. Metaphoric nuts, Tony, read nothing into it. I could be deaf, dumb, and blind, and I'd still be a hell of a lot more enthralling then anyone in this company, past, present, and future. I can burp a better a promo, then they can speak. Once you've seen one Krista Isadora Duncan promo, you can just turn off the TV, and never watch it again, because just like Helen Hunt, that's as good as it gets. These kids in the lockeroom can't even hold my sport's bra long enough to get aroused. Johnny Jax, The Upstarts, everyone, is jealous of me, and to a much, much, much, lesser extent of Alix. That's honesty. That's what makes Johnny Jax so upset. But, I'm getting off track. I'm gonna ramble a lot, Tony. Because, I'm an angry woman. I hate everyone, and everything. My great grandfather was black, so you can call this promo Diary of a mad 1/8ths black woman



We know why Alix returned, the long arm of the law forced her back, but what about Krista Isadora Duncan? Why did she come back?



Because Krista, just like the NBA, cares. KristaCares. When I saw Drek Stone, and Hoff vamoose, part of me actually began to worry about the OAOAST. I started to think this place was going down the drain. People proclaimed it a sinking ship! That upset me a great deal because where else can I pull down six figures for four months worth of easy work?






Heavens no! Then people will think I'm a lesbian, and I certainly wouldn't want that! I came back because you needed me, Tony. You need the entertainment Krista brings to your table every time she hits the floor, because everyone else is slacking on the game. Look at your last pay-per-view mainevent. Horrible. In this fourway, you had first, a guy I've never heard of. I know he's from New England, but the only good thing to come out of New England is Stephen King. And this kid, who looks, talks, and acts, like the world's biggest down syndrome suffer is no Stephen King. This sack of shit probably can't write his own name, whatever it is, without going cross eyed and falling into a coma, much less a book. But hey, he's got a title belt! Well, sweetheart, when you're in a fed that has eighty billion belts, that doesn't mean a whole lot. I'm gonna call him deja-vu, because everything he says and does, I've seen done, and I've seen done better. The only redeeming thing about this idiot is that one day he'll be dead. Then there were two guy's in the match who, while mildly talented, earlier this year I was routinely beating like ho's on a street corner. They kept coming back for more like a battered spouse, I had to say “You can do better with your life. Find a woman who'll really love you.” Now I find out one of them won a world championship! I'm just amazed that this guy's first major championship didn't come from an organization that had the words “Special” and “Olympics” in it. I don't even want to talk about the creepy English kid. And the fourth guy in that little match is now your champion. This four eyed geek makes Steve Urkel look like James Dean. I need a shot of Jim Beam just to watch this guy's matches. His most memorable feud was with a farm animal. A cow. And not a cool cow like the Gateway Computer cow. I wish he feuded with a donkey. Because at least a donkey would've kicked him in the balls so he couldn't reproduce. I'm rambling. I just hate so many people, and so many things. It's feels good to hate. I had no choice but to come back. You all need me, more then I'll ever need you. Because I'll never need you. Ever. Some of you can accept it. Some of you won't. That's fine. But, every person in this locker room, Upstart, Original, unaffiliated, or otherwise, needs come to this location right now, drop down to their knees, and bow before their better.


(The Sk8er Boiz, the ultimate nerds, actually come running to Krista and bow before her. Pathetic.)



There has to be another reason you came back. What about the fans?



I gotta admit, I didn't really like the OAOAST fans at first. I thought they were something barely qualifying as subhuman. And they are. But Tony, they're my subhumans, and I love them. Now, as a firm believer of cleaning up our gene pool, it's my duty not to piss on them were they to catch fire, but I'll be sad when they die. I thank them for everything they've ever done for me. Which isn't a whole lot, but oh well



(feeling something on this tushy!)

Hey! How came you can touch my BUTT, but I can't touch your's? Where's the gender equality?



WHAT?! I'm not touching your ass, jerkoff! Turn around!


(Tony turns around, and is mortified to find that the Los Diablos De Fuego are the ones who were grabbing his big ol' booty!)



WTF, N00B???!!!






:D :D :D :D :D








I must say that is a nice ass.






I mean Krista's. But if there weren't any chicks around, Tony might start looking pretty good. Smile.



Can we just get to a match, please?



Yes we can....after yet another backstage skit and these commercials, that is.


The camera cuts to the backstage area. Otaku II and Spanish Fly stand outside a door. The crowd cheers.



Is he coming?


Spanish Fly opens the door.



Yo, you ready yet?


Spanish Fly closes the door. After 5 seconds, the door opens again, and out steps JOHN “ROCK HARD” BRICKSTON.



Definitely. Let’s go kick some Lightning Crew ass!



Oh yeah.


Spanish Fly, Otaku II, and John “Rock Hard” Brickston walk down the corridor, each with smiles on their faces.



Spanish Fly, Otaku II, and John “Rock Hard” Brickston getting ready for a Six-Man Tag Team Match against The Lightning Crew, and it’s up next!

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*We fade into to an airplane cam over Interstate 74 and the eastbound limousine of Stevens/Heyross Incorporated. The camera then cuts inside the limo to show Josh Matthews sitting between Brock Ausstin and Chris Stevens as the three sip champagne.*



OK, according to the map, this road should take us straight into Indianapolis. You got the address?


*Camera pans to Richards and Jumbo sitting across from them.*



Yeah, just a second. Here it is...100 South Capitol Avenue.






Are we going to be able to get back in time for the show?



Don't you worry, when you send in this scoop, no payday you may get will compare to this.


*Stevens smiles and looks ahead to the road.*



What is at that address? What are those S.H.I-heads planning?


Close-up of Tony Schiavone standing in front of the interview position backstage.



One of the big matches just signed for November Reign on the 27th of the month will be an 8-Man elimination tag team match featuring the Heavenly Rockers and Sooner Bruisers against my guests at this time...


The camera pulls back to reveal Jim Cornette, smirking and stroking his trademark tennis racket but still wearing a neckbrace (the man believes in selling), an arrogant New New Midnight Express and an imposing South Central Militia with their valet Shyanne.



...the New New Midnight Express and the South Central Militia, along with James E. Cornette and Shyanne. Lots of bad blood involving the 8 men who will be involved in that tag match, the reprecussions of the on-going feud between The Heavenly Rockers and Jim Cornette Enterprises, specifically the New New Midnight Express.



First of all, Tony Schiavone, the OAOAST should have The Heavenly Rockers arrested for coming out here last week and killing their ratings, not to mention every stray dog and cat in America with their albums! You talk about an on-going feud between The Heavenly Rockers and Jim Cornette Enterprises. The way I see it this feud, like St. Elsewhere, is the imagination of a mentally challenged person, that being Synth and Logan. And when it's all said and done, The Heavenly Rockers will wish they were elsewhere. Because time and time again my Midnight Express have embarrassed those wannabe rock stars with not just their good looks but with their wrestling ability as well. The Heavenly Rockers might have every girl in the world with their poster on their wall, but the Midnight Express and South Central Militia are forever etched in the mind of the one girl who matters...Holly-Wood. Hahaha!



I take it you haven't gotten over that fateful summer night, huh, Logan? The night your dream girl found herself in an orgy of violence. I bet you can't stand the fact Holly wakes up in the middle of the night with chills from having seen the Handsome Hustler in her dream. Well, I got news for ya, buddy -- love it! I know she did. Apparently all she needed to realize I'm the one for her was to get spiked on her head a couple of times by the foxiest honey in South Central L.A., Shyanne. The phone calls, the e-mails and text messages -- they've all shot up. When you think she's freshing herself up in the bathroom, she really's getting down and dirty to a pic of my handsome self. Our little game is coming to an end. I'm gonna end up with the girl, Logan, you're just gonna continue what you're doing right now...walk around with a broken heart.



Synth, Logan, Holly, I want you to listen up real good. You think we've made your life a living hell in the past? Just wait until what we have in store for you in the future. Look at what we've already done. Synth, you're considered the wildchild of the group, a man who marches to the beat of his own drum. Now you can't even beat your own damn drum because we broken your stinkin' arm again! Then you got Holly-Wood. Just like you, karma's a bitch, ain't it, Holly? You cause Jimmy Cornette months of pain and expensive medical bills by DDT'ing him multiple times, and now you're the one suffering while Jim gets better and better and richer and richer with each passing day. As for Logan, what more can be said? You're a loser! You're scum! You're an embarrassment to all of mankind! You're gonna wind up some has-been like former N'SYNC member JC Chavez writing songs about the woman who got away and went with a real man, a champion. You 3 should've stayed home with your head between your legs and live with the fact the better team kicked your asses. Retire with some dignity! All you've done is earned yourselves another ass-kicking! We've broken your bones, your heart, now all that's left to break is your spirit. Then Ned and I will take that next step and become the first 3-time World tag team champions.


The SCM and Shyanne shoot Simon a "Whatcha talkin' 'bout, little fella?" type look. Simon responds with a smile and big thumbs up.



Now let's turn things over to your partners at November Reign, Marcellus Wallace and Vincent Santana, The South Central Militia. You're coming off a big win, albeit controversial, over the Sooner Bruisers at World Without End. Your take on the big 8-Man elimination coming up on the 27th.



Money makes the world go 'round, Fat Tony. When Jimmy "Crack" Cornette approached us with an offer we couldn't refuse, we took the job and did it. It just so happens these Heavenly Rockers have bigger cajones than we thought. We'll give you boys credit, ain't no one come back wanting to fight after crossing our path. Whether it's all the drugs you've done or you're just a couple crazy bastards, you better live life to the fullest because the sand in the hour glass is running out. Your wrestling careers won't be the only thing finished after we're done with you, so will your so-called music career.



That ain't just some threat, Synth and Logan. Nobody said we could beat The Sooner Bruisers. The Sooners are on a roll, they said. They'll out-wrestle you. The Sooners bitched and moaned like the farmer's daughters that they are, calling us out, saying a couple of bamas punk'd out two bad asses from the hood. What happened tough guys? What happened?! For starters, they found out the farm was thataway because when they crossed our turf, we made 'em squeal like Porky F'N' Pig! We did things to them in that match people thought was only possible in a prison drama. Now at November Reign, we're gonna stand beside the White Men Express like a band of brothers and fight the power.



Logan, you may no longer live by your motto of sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll, but, brother, the Midnight Express and South Central Militia still live by their motto of blood, guts, violence and intimidation!



That's it from here. Back to you at Sofa Central.




Smoke fills the entryway as the opening to “No Chance In Hell” starts playing. After a few seconds, a lightning bolt hits the entrance, and “No Chance In Hell” by Bradley Boyds starts playing while The Lightning Crew entrance video plays on the AngleTron.


*No Chance (No chance)


That’s what ya got (Ha, Ha Yeah)


Put up against

no machine too strong (Too strong)


Pussy politicians buying souls for us

Are…PUPPETS! (Puppets!)*


A few seconds passed. The entrance doors slide open, revealing three silhouettes. They pass through the smoke, and are revealed to be the silhouettes of “The Corporate Champion” Tha Puerto Rican, Vitamin X, and Cuban Wall. The crowd greets the men with boos. PRL is wearing his custom made spinner 24/7 Championship belt over his left shoulder. He has a serious look on his face, different from his usual cocky self. He doesn’t even spin the belt plate like he usually does. Vitamin X does the Shane-O-Mac Shuffle, while Cuban Wall pumps his right fist in the air. Vitamin X asks PR if he’s okay. PR says he is, and tells The Lightning Crew to walk to the ring.





Ladies and gentlemen, the following Six-Man Tag Team Match is scheduled for one fall, with a forty-five minute TV time limit. Introducing first, coming to the ring at this time. At a total combined weight of 753 lbs. The team of Vitamin X, Cuban Wall, AND the One And Only AngleSault Thread Twenty-Four/Seven Champion…”The Corporate Champion” THA PUERTOOOOOOOOOOOOOO RICCCAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!


The Lightning Crew continues their walk to the ring. Vitamin X jaws with some fans, while Cuban Wall has his eyes solely focused on the ring. He also shadowboxes.



Well fans, it looks like we’re in for an exciting matchup. Three of The Lightning Crew’s best will face two members of Mad Machine, and John “Rock Hard” Brickston!



Hey guys. Look! Notice anything different?



Yeah. I don’t see Stephen Joseph Popick anywhere!



Well, I think that’s a good thing. A very good thing.



Well, earlier tonight, PRL challenged Stephen Joseph to a World Title match at November Reign if Popick wins the “Blast From The Past” OAOAST Title match later tonight.



PR is still hurt by what Stephen Joseph did last week, giving him a low blow in route to retaining the OAOAST World Title. They arrived in the arena in separate limousines, and then PRL challenged Popick to a rematch at November Reign.



As someone who detests Popick’s Title reign, I hope that Popick loses tonight OR he accepts PRL’s challenge, and loses to PRL at November Reign.


By now, PRL, Vitamin X, and Cuban Wall have entered the ring. PR spins around, soaking in the boos of the fans, and does the HBK muscle pose with Vitamin X and Cuban Wall standing next to him, while pyro goes off behind them. The crowd is still booing loudly, chanting “P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS!” PRL heads to the second rope and raises his spinner 24/7 Title belt over his head. Vitamin X heads to the opposite turnbuckle and crosses his arms in an X. PRL and Vitamin X leap off the turnbuckles. PRL heads to a second turnbuckle, and raises his belt again. PR heads to a third turnbuckle, and raises his belt with his right arm while “smelling the electricity” a’la The Rock. PR does the same Rock pose on the fourth turnbuckle, receiving boos.



This is most likely the first time since the alliance began that Stephen Joseph is not with Tha Puerto Rican!



You think there maybe some dissension in the PR/Popick camp?



I sure hope so.


Tha Puerto Rican, Cuban Wall, and Vitamin X stand in the middle of the ring. They all make L’s with their arms, doing The Lightning Crew Salute. Vitamin X does the Shane-O-Mac Shuffle, Cuban Wall raises his arms on the turnbuckle, and Tha Puerto Rican removes his sunglasses and earring as the lights go back in the arena and “No Chance In Hell” by Bradley Boyds dies down.


*Give me fuel

Give me fire

Give me that which I desire!*


“Fuel” by Metallica starts playing. The crowd stands up and cheers loudly. After a few seconds, the entrance doors slide open, and John “Rock Hard” Brickston and Otaku II come out onto the entrance stage. Sky blue lights around the arena turn on and off. Brickston and Otaku play to the crowd, pointing to both sides of the stage. The cheers get louder. Brickston and Otaku jog down the entrance ramp, slapping hands with the fans along the way.



And their opponents. First, from Boston, Massachusetts. Weighing in at 215 lbs. OTAKU II. And, from Sacramento, California. Standing 6-foot-6, and weighing in at 215 lbs. JOHN “ROCK HARRRRRRRRRDDDDDDDDDDD” BRIIIICCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKSTTOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNN!!!



What an ovation for John Brickston and Otaku II!



Gag me with a spoon!



Nice 80s reference there, Caboose.



Thanks Coach.


John Brickston and Otaku stand at the end of the ramp. They stare at the three Lightning Crew members in the ring. “Fuel” by Metallica dies down.



These men have all faced each other in the past. They know each other’s moves by heart.



This is gonna be very interesting!


The lights go down in the arena. Two spotlights shine on the entrance. After five seconds…












Spanish Fly leaps onto the entrance, and raises his right fist in the air. The crowd cheers as “Krokodilamadurinn” by Quarashi starts playing. Spanish Fly points to both sides of the arena, and then walks down the entrance ramp.



And their partner. Coming to the ring at this time. Originally from Tijuana, Mexico, but now residing in San Diego, California. Weighing in at 175 lbs. SPANISHHHH FLLLLLLLLLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!



Otaku II requested a rematch against Vitamin X after what happened last week. Vitamin X turned it into a Six-Man Tag Team Match, and that’s what we’re going to see next!


Spanish Fly high fives Otaku II and John Brickston. They look at each other, and then rush into the ring. A pier six brawl erupts! Referee Jimmy Korderas calls for the bell.






John Brickston brawls with Cuban Wall, Spanish Fly brawls with Tha Puerto Rican, and Vitamin X brawls with Otaku II. Brickston gets the advantage over Cuban Wall, clotheslining him over the top rope. “Rock Hard” stops PR from beating on Spanish Fly. Meanwhile, Otaku clotheslines Vitamin X over the top rope and then heads to the ring apron. Brickston applies an arm wringer on Tha Puerto Rican’s right arm. Brickston follows that with a shoulder thrust. Puerto elbows Brickston in the face to escape. He punches Brickston in the face several times. He does a Rock-style punch to the temple. PRL whips Brickston into the ropes; Brickston reverses, and hits PR with a big boot! PRL does a somersault onto the mat.



And oh my! What a move!


Brickston covers Puerto Rican. 1…2…PRL kicks out! John Brickston picks up Tha Puerto Rican. PR scratches his eyes, then runs over to his corner to make the tag to Cuban Wall.



Uh oh. Here we go. Big man vs. Big man. Cuban Wall vs. John Brickston!


Cuban Wall flicks his wrists. He has a smirk on his face. The crowd is hot. Cuban Wall and John Brickston circle each other. Brickston goes for a lock up, but Wall ducks, and punches John in the face.



Cuban Wall really giving it to John Brickston!


Kick. Kick. CW whips John into a neutral corner. Cuban Wall heads to the opposite corner, and charges forward for an avalanche. “Rock Hard” moves out of the way, causing Wall to hit the turnbuckle chest first. John Brickston beats on CW in the corner. Brickston then gives Wall some shoulder thrusts. The crowd chants “LET’S GO BRICK-STON! Clap Clap Clapclapclap” “Rock Hard” Brickston tags in Spanish Fly. Spanish Fly beats on Cuban Wall with right hands. Fly whips Wall into the ropes, Wall reverses, but Fly fires back with a dropkick! Spanish Fly nails Vitamin X with a punch, and then a punch for Tha Puerto Rican! Cuban Wall is up, so Spanish Fly gives him a spinning wheel kick, then tags in Otaku II. The crowd cheers as Otaku grabs Cuban Wall and gives him a forearm shot to the head. Otaku whips Wall into the ropes. Wall reverses…and gives Otaku a sidewalk slam!



Oh sweet Jesus! That had to hurt!



Heh. That’s a new one.


Cuban Wall makes the tag to Vitamin X.



Look at Vitamin X. He can’t wait to attack Otaku!


Vitamin X punches Otaku in the face. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Shane-O-Mac Shuffle. Punch. VX whips Otaku into the ropes. He goes for a clothesline. Otaku ducks. Roaring elbow from Otaku! Otaku gives X a snap suplex. Otaku picks up X and whips him into the ropes, and follows with a hip toss!



Otaku grabs Vitamin X and whips him into the turnbuckle!


Otaku climbs onto the second rope. He looks at the crowd, and starts doing the 10 count!







Tha Puerto Rican nails Otaku with a low blow! Vitamin X shoves him off the second rope. John “Rock Hard” Brickston heads into the ring, which causes PR to run out of the ring like a chicken. Referee Jimmy Korderas holds Brickston back. Meanwhile, Vitamin X and Cuban Wall do a beatdown on Otaku II.



Come on ref! Stop this!



Now Cole. Cuban Wall and Vitamin X are doing whatever it takes to win.



This isn’t right! Somebody stop this!


Vitamin X does a forearm on the back of Otaku’s neck. He then does a punch. Shane-O-Mac Shuffle. Punch. Punch. Shane-O-Mac Shuffle. Punch. Otaku goes down!





VX picks up Otaku and gives him a snap suplex. He covers Otaku. And gets a two count.


“X’S A PUSSY! *Clap. Clap. Clapclapclap.*

X’S A PUSSY! *Clap. Clap. Clapclapclap.*

X’S A PUSSY! *Clap. Clap. Clapclapclap.”*


Vitamin X tags in Tha Puerto Rican.






P.R. hits Otaku with Rock-style punches to the forehead. Left. Left. Left. PRL sneers at the crowd. Left. Otaku goes down. Puerto heads to the top rope. He removes his left elbowpad and throws it into the crowd. Puerto Rican stands on the top rope and jumps off, doing the “Up yours!” hand gesture in mid-air. Corporate Elbowdrop! Puerto Rican covers Otaku.









Otaku kicks out at TWOOOOOOOOO!!!


PRL is annoyed, but continues. He picks up Otaku by his mask and takes him over to The Lightning Crew corner. He tags in Cuban Wall. He holds Otaku, allowing Cuban Wall to kick Otaku in the stomach. Cuban Wall punches Otaku in the mask. He then kicks him in the gut. Cuban Wall whips Otaku into the ropes. Flying clothesline by Cuban Wall!



Here’s the cover! One! Two! And no!


Cuban Wall tags in Vitamin X. VX leaps onto the top rope. He dives off, doing the Leap Of Faith onto Otaku! VX gets up and does the Shane-O-Mac Shuffle to boos.



X should have covered Otaku when he had the chance!



He can do some showboating once in a while. What’s the harm in that?


Vitamin X picks up Otaku and whips him into the ropes. Otaku reverses. He goes for a clothesline, but VX ducks, and grabs Otaku, giving him a Floatover DDT! VX tags in Tha Puerto Rican. Shaky leg kick to Otaku. Puerto picks up Otaku and gives him a vertical suplex. PRL rolls through, and gives Otaku a second vertical suplex. PRL rolls through again, and lifts Otaku up for a third suplex. PR holds Otaku in the air for a few seconds. The crowd applauds. PRL does the “You can’t see me!” hand gesture. He walks over to the ropes, and drops Otaku’s stomach on the top rope. PRL does a slingshot suplex to complete the Corporate Trifecta. PRL covers Otaku.

















Whoa! John Brickston just saved Otaku!


Tha Puerto Rican gets up. He waits for Otaku to get up. Suddenly, he notices something at the entrance. Puerto Rican becomes pissed off. He leaves the ring.



Wait a minute. That’s…that’s Popick. Popick has come to the ring!


Indeed, the crowd boos as Stephen Joseph Popick walks down the ramp, the World Heavyweight Title over his waist. PR glares angrily at Popick.



I don’t think Tha Puerto Rican wants Stephen Joseph out here.



Can you blame him? The man punched him in the balls last week!



What the hell are you doing out here?



I’m your manager! I’m supposed to be out here!



I don’t want you out here! I don’t need your help!



P. Buddy. Come on! I’ve helped you in the past. You can trust me.



After last week? I don’t think so.



Puerto. You’re my friend. Just trust me.


PRL glares at Popick. He heads back into the ring.



I think Popick is going to stay out here.


Stephen Joseph continues walking to ringside. PRL is in the ring. He picks up Otaku. Otaku punches him in the stomach. Again! And again! Forearms to the face! Otaku whips Puerto Rican into the ropes. He goes for a clothesline. But Tha Puerto Rican ducks, grabs Otaku from behind, and gives him a German Suplex! PR quickly gets back up and yells to the crowd, “THE CHAMP IS HERE!”





PRL taunts John Brickston.



PRL isn’t making any more friends here in this arena.


Stephen Joseph applauds PRL. Tha Puerto Rican tells Stephen Joseph to do something. Popick obliges. He heads over to the timekeeper’s table, shoving the timekeeper off his chair. Popick grabs the chair, and stands next to the ring.



What’s going on now? Popick has a chair!



It looks like he and PRL are on the same page again.



Well that bites.


Tha Puerto Rican gives Popick the thumbs up. Popick does the thumbs up too. Puerto Rican picks Otaku up, and whips him in the direction where Popick is. Otaku reverses, and when PRL hits the ropes…













Stephen Joseph SLAMS the steel chair across his back!



Hey! Wait a minute!



Did Popick just do what I think he did?



Popick just nailed Tha Puerto Rican with that steel chair!



You see? You see? You can’t trust Popick, P.R.! You can’t trust Popick!


PRL screams out in pain. Popick is shocked at what he just did, as is the crowd. Otaku takes advantage of the chairshot, grabbing PRL and placing him in between his legs. Otaku II lifts Tha Puerto Rican up. The crowd starts cheering.





The Bubblegum Crash! Otaku hits his move!


Otaku rolls through for the pin. Referee Jimmy Korderas counts.























The crowd is still shocked at what Popick did. “Ashburn” by Hikari starts playing as Otaku gets up and celebrates the win. Otaku’s teammates also celebrate. Meanwhile, Cuban Wall and Vitamin X pout on the outside. PRL holds his back, while Popick mouths he’s sorry.






Apparently Popick didn’t mean to hit PRL. But from what I saw, it didn’t appear to be no accident.



Popick is a dirty rat. He’s a lying, sneaky rat. And he cost PRL the win because he’s a dirty sneaky rat!



John Brickston, Spanish Fly, and Otaku II won the match. But everyone’s paying attention to Popick hitting PRL with that chair!


John “Rock Hard” Brickston, Otaku II, and Spanish Fly all raise their hands together in victory. Stephen Joseph is still mouthing, “I’m sorry.” Spanish Fly and Otaku II get on the turnbuckles, and play to the crowd. The crowd has finally started cheering for the Brickston, Fly, and Otaku. PR buries his head in his hands, upset at Popick’s actions. John Brickston looks at PRL with a smirk on his face. He leaves the ring, as do Spanish Fly and Otaku. The three babyfaces laugh at PRL’s misery. They raise their arms one more time.



I don’t think either John Brickston, Otaku, or Spanish Fly feel any pity for Tha Puerto Rican.



That’s a no-brainer.



Otaku II has gotten his revenge against Vitamin X for what happened on last week’s show. But I don’t think he cares about that right now. Let’s look at the replay.


The HeldDOWN~! logo flashes across the screen as Otaku II, Spanish Fly, and John “Rock Hard” Brickston leave through the entrance, smiles on their faces.



Tha Puerto Rican told Popick to grab a chair. PRL whipped Otaku into the ropes. Otaku reverses it, and Stephen Joseph STILL hit PRL with the chair! And from the looks of things, he KNEW that PRL was heading in his direction! He knew that he was going to hit PRL with the chair! And yet, he is saying it’s an accident?



Popick is a liar, in addition to being a dirty rat!


The HeldDOWN~! logo flashes across the screen. “Ashburn” by Hikari has died down. Stephen Joseph Popick has entered the ring. Tha Puerto Rican has gotten up, and is resting on the top turnbuckle. Vitamin X and Cuban Wall try to comfort Tha Puerto Rican. Popick keeps saying it was an accident.



Yeah. It was an accident. Sure.


The crowd is hot, wondering what’s going to happen next. Tha Puerto Rican stares at Popick, furious.



I didn’t mean to hit you. Honest. I was going to hit Otaku. It was an accident. I made a mistake.



You son of a bitch!


The crowd actually starts cheering. Tha Puerto Rican goes face-to-face with Popick. Vitamin X and Cuban Wall try to play peacekeepers. PRL gets in Popick’s face, yelling a bunch of obscenities at him. A small “P.R.! P.R.! P.R.! P.R.!” chant starts, but quickly dies down.



I thought it was Otaku!



Otaku wears a mask! I don’t! How could you mix us up?



I just did!



I don’t buy Popick’s excuse at all!



Me either.


PRL shoves Popick! Popick shoves PRL back! PRL shoves Popick again! Popick shoves PRL again! Now the both of them get into a heated argument.



Frankly, I was a little annoyed with you, but now I’M PISSED OFF!



You think Popick didn’t like Tha Puerto Rican challenging him to a rematch earlier tonight?



I don’t know. Maybe that’s what Popick hit him with the chair. I think a wedge has been further driven into the PR/Popick alliance!



If Popick wins tonight, will he accept Tha Puerto Rican’s challenge?



I’m starting to think he will.



Punch him, P.R.! Punch Popick! Knock him out!



Fans, we got to take a break. We’ll be right back after this!


“The Corporate Champion” Tha Puerto Rican and Stephen Joseph Popick are still arguing face-to-face. Vitamin X and Cuban Wall are still trying to keep everything together. The crowd is still cheering as we fade to commercial.

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Welcome back...before we go to our next match, we thought we'd explain something that we didn't get to go into last week.



Last week, we briefly announced the first ever OAOAST Torneo Cibernetica, to take place at what is shaping up to be a HUGE November Reign Pay-Per View event, and that this match would impact the OAOAST Women's Division.



A "torneo cibernetica", by definition, is a tornado tournament. What shall happen is that twelve of the very best wrestlers of the female gender in the world will travel to November Reign and be divided into two seperate teams on that night, put together completely by random draw on the afternoon of the Pay-Per-View.


(The rest of the rules show up on a graphic, that Coach reads off of. The graphic reads as such:)


- Each team must decide a "batting order" in which they must tag in by.

+For instance, #1 can only tag out to #2, #2 can only tag out to #3, etc.

+If a person is eliminated, their spot in the batting order is consolidated.

- You can be eliminated via pinfall, submission, or disqualification*

*DQ = any regular American DQ, plus any form of piledriver being used is illegal

- A physical tag AND simply leaving the ring will BOTH count as tag-outs

- If one team is completely eliminated and the other team has more than one team member left, the team members must then wrestle amongst themselves, tagging out in batting order, until one is left standing.

- There can only be ONE winner to this match

- The winner will receive an OAOAST World Women's Title shot at anytime before December 31, 2005.



Next week, to preview the match, we will see a lucha trios match with six of the women competing in the Torneo Cibernetica, including the returning Pantera Combatienta, a lucha female star who's helped season and bring up some of the OAOAST female stars and has visited our promotion once before. Her return to the United States actually fueled this match, as she's undefeated in the bouts south of the border and wanted to test herself in this form of combat in America. Apparantly, she has stated in the Mexican press that there is one member of the OAOAST roster who she feels is shaming the artform of professional wrestling and is coming to get her.



Shaming the artform of professional wrestling, eh? Who does that remind you of Coachman? Man, where's Joey Styles when you need him?


Punishment by Biohazard hits and Team Heyross comes through the curtains to the boos of the crowd, flanked by their manager, Rick Heyross.



And we're set for tag team championship action!



The following contest, scheduled for one fall, is for the OAOAST World Tag Team championship! Introducing first, the challengers...accompanied by their manager, Rick Heyross...two members of Stevens/Heyross Incorporated...here are CHARLIE MOSS and QUENTIN BENJAMIN, TEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAMMMMMMMMM HEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYROSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!



Well, last week here on HeldDOWN, Team Heyross defeated the team of Thunderkid and Reject for the right to face Malibu & Rodez here tonight in this, their second two-on-two tag team match in the OAOAST!



But they didn't do it alone, Coach, Brock Ausstin played an instrumental role in them winning that match!


Team Heyross stretches in the ring, as Beverly Hills by Weezer hits, and the champs make their way out, receiving a phenomonal reception from the crowd.



And listen to the eruption for the champs!





As the champs pose in the corners with the belts, Benjamin hits Rodez with a dropkick, sending him all the way over to the floor!




Moss hammers Malibu on the back, then picks him up off of the buckles onto his shoulders and pushes him off, with Zack landing throat-first on the top rope! Moss holds him there, and Benjamin jumps over his shoulders onto the back of Zack!



Team Heyross off to an early start, jumping the champs before the bell, and now they're in control of two-time World champion Zack Malibu!


Moss hooks his hands around Malibu's neck and right arm in Rock Bottom form, then snaps him forward onto his knee!



Nice modified backbreaker there by Moss, and the referee needs to get one of these guys out of the ring!


Rodez rolls back into the ring as Moss & Benjamin set up a double suplex, and catches Malibu on the way down, then the champs hit stereo dropkicks! Team Heyross rolls to opposite corners, and the champs follow. Rodez puts the boots to Moss as Zack hammers Benjamin, then the champs set up Irish whips, but Team Heyross with a DOSIE-DO~!!!, only to run into another set of stereo dropkicks! Team Heyross rolls out of the ring as the Usual Suspects get the crowd into it some more.



Well, Team Heyross was able to gain control early, but the champs turned it around in a hurry and now Team Heyross needs to regroup!


Benjamin slides in the ring as Moss climbs onto the apron, and circles the ring with Zack.



So here's our first one-on-one action of this match, it's Zack Malibu and Quentin Benjamin!


Benjamin ducks an attempted tie-up and hooks a rear waistlock. Zack struggles, but executes a standing switch. Zack hangs on for a few seconds, but Benjamin is able to separate Zack's hands with his own, then takes Zack down with a reverse drop toe hold from the same position and reapplies the waistlock. Benjamin then breaks cleanly and backs off into his corner, holding his arms out to the crowd and drawing some boos.



Benjamin showing off some of his amateur prowess right there, taking Zack down to the mat.


Benjamin ties up with Zack, and gives him a knee to the gut. He then tries for a snap suplex, but Zack slips behind the back and grabs another waistlock. Benjamin goes behind again, and Zack jumps up and attempts a victory roll, but Benjamin drops to his knees!
















Zack BARELY slips out!



WOW, and Zack almost pinned there! I'm surprised that Zack is trying to beat these guys with wrestling, Coach.



Yeah, if they try to match wrestling with Team Heyross, we're going to have new champs tonight. Benjamin just took Zack to school twice right there, and the scary thing is, his partner's an even better amateur wrestler than he is! I think Zack's realizing right now that these guys are no pushovers.



A tag is made, and here comes Charlie Moss, and we're going to have a tag on both sides, it seems.


Leon circles the ring with Moss, then ties up.



Champs also giving up a little size to their opponents here tonight, as Moss gets a side headlock.


Leon pushes off, then drops down as Moss comes back, and catches him with a monkey flip! Leon gets up and whips Moss into the ropes, and comes off the other side with a flying forearm! Benjamin comes in, and is met with a dropkick! Zack comes in and gives one to Moss, and Team Heyross is out on the floor again!



A little more luck with Leon and Charlie Moss in there, Coach.



No doubt, Leon went to his forte, which is the high-flying maneuvers, and Moss can't match up with Leon in that category.


Zack grabs Charlie Moss as he's coming back into the ring and wrings his arm, then Leon comes off the top with a chop! Zack follows with a Russian legsweep, and rolls over for a cover...















Zack tags Leon back in, who climbs to the top rope, and comes off with a flying bodypress!

















Leon whips Moss into the corner, and as Moss walks out, Leon runs up and catches him with a hurricanrana! Leon plays to the crowd, then runs to the ropes, but Benjamin pulls them down, and Leon goes crashing to the floor!



Benjamin pulling the ropes down as Leon came in, and that turns the tide in this match!


Benjamin walks to the other side of the apron, then runs and leaps off with a clothesline to Rodez on the floor! Benjamin then motions for Rick Heyross to jump on the apron, and he does as Benjamin pulls the steel steps off and tosses them to the side. He then drags the bottom part out as Zack gets into the ring, drawing the referee towards him. Benjamin gives Leon an underhook, then lifts him up and drops him BACK-FIRST on the steps!!!



Oh MAN!!! Leon Rodez in HUGE trouble now, and the referee missed ALL of that because of the distraction by Rick Heyross!


Benjamin rolls Rodez back into the ring and jumps back on the apron, as Heyross walks over to Zack's side of the ring. Zack jumps off and stalks Heyross, and the referee jumps out between them, allowing Benjamin to jump down and fix the steps as Moss delivers a trapped-arm belly-to-belly. Moss then goes to the top rope...



This is unusual here, it's usually Quentin that handles the high-risk moves!


Moss comes off with a senton bomb! (not to be confused with Jeff Hardy's Swanton bomb) The referee slides into the ring as Moss lays back...

















Leon kicks out!



Leon barely able to kick out, a nonchelant cover by Charlie Moss there!



Gotta agree, Cole, if Moss hooked the leg there we might have new chamions right now!


Moss tags in Benjamin, who stands by as Moss slingshots Rodez right into a Benjamin roundhouse kick! Moss then gets up and runs to the ropes, and Team Heyross hits a DOUBLE GOOZLE~! Benjamin covers...
























NO! Leon kicks out!



Team Heyross giving Leon Rodez everything they've got, but Leon still refusing to quit!


Benjamin sets up Rodez...and hits the ORANGE CRUSH~!!!111



There's his finish! New champions, coming up!





























Zack makes the save!!!



COME ON, ref!



Zack in there for the save, and you've got a five count to get in and out of there!


Moss tags in, and picks Leon up onto his shoulders, as Benjamin knocks Zack off the apron with a superkick! Benjamin then runs over and climbs the ropes...but as he jumps off, Leon quickly spins around and gives Moss a hurricanrana, and all three men lay on the mat! Zack slowly climbs back onto the apron, just in time for Leon to MAKE THE HOT TAG~!



TAG MADE, and Zack in the ring!


Zack hits Benjamin with a clothesline! Then another one for Moss! Zack yells out to the crowd, then ducks a Moss clothesline and hits THE TRENDSETTER~!!! Zack covers...














Benjamin saves! Team Heyross whips Zack into the ropes, but Zack ducks a double clothesline and hits one of his own! Dropkick for Benjamin! Dropkick for Moss! SCHOOL'S OUT~!!!!!11111 for Heyross, who got up on the apron!



SCHOOL'S OUT~!!!!!11111 Heyross had no business on the apron, serves him right!


Benjamin has reached into his tights, and pulled out a set of brass knuckles! Zack walks over to Benjamin, and gets CLOCKED with the knucks as the ref attempts to get Heyross off of the apron!



But you see what Heyross did, he sacrificed himself so his team could win the tag team titles!


Benjamin covers, and the crowd boos LOUDLY as the referee drops to count...

































































SO, SO CLOSE for Team Heyross!


Suddenly, Benjamin looks up at the big screen, which shows the rest of S.H.I. getting out of the limo earlier in the day, accompanied by guards, presumably having found the residence of Alfdogg.



According to Calvin, this is the place.



Here we are, 100 South Capitol Avenue...


The crowd busts out in laughter as the camera goes to the wide shot.



...you guys, this is the RCA Dome.



What...are you sure you got the right address?



This is what Calvin gave me! 100 South Capitol Avenue!



If you don't mind my saying, I think you guys have been duped.


S.H.I. throws a tantrum on the sidewalk.



Come on, we've got to get back to the arena!


Team Heyross stares at the screen, then go back to work on Zack, setting him up on Moss's shoulders.


Suddenly, the crowd ERUPTS as Alfdogg runs out, with Reject and Thunderkid in tow! Alf has a kendo stick, and takes a home run swing at Moss, hitting him in the midsection! The ref spots the shot and calls for the bell!




Alf catches Benjamin coming in with a shot to the midsection, then one to the back! Thunderkid drops Moss with the THUNDERBOLT DDT~!!!!!11111 Reject then pushes him out of the ring, and TK lifts Benjamin, and Reject joins in for the THUNDEROUS REJECTION~!!!!!11111 Alf goes up to the top...FIVE-STAR ALF SPLASH~!!!!!11111


At this point, the remainder of S.H.I. runs to the ring, as Alf, TK and Reject depart and move to the aisleway. Alf has a mic, as does Stevens.



All right Alf. I BEAT you at World Without End, and took your Heartland title. Why can't you just accept that?


*crowd boos*


I mean, last week, you already put Jumbo on the shelf, what do you want from us?



I'll tell you what I want. I want the five of you guys at November Reign, in an Elimination Rules match. You'll be facing myself, Thunderkid, Reject, and there's one other person.


*crowd cheers, as S.H.I. laughs in the ring.*



Who could you POSSIBLY have acquired that would delude you into thinking you could defeat Stevens/Heyross Incorporated a man down?



Well, this is all I have to say. You know, they say two is company...THREE is a crowd...but FOUR, can be a very DEADLY number.


*the crowd starts to get excited, as Alf points to the big screen.*


The lights in the arena dim, then begin going crazy, as does the crowd! The lights act as if a virus has infected them, randomly jerking around the arena, frantically changing colors and turning off and on. It’s as if a bad anime scene has come to life.



Oh my GOD.


Loud scratching fills the airwave, as if a DJ has lost their mind and is attempting to break their equipment. In-between the rips, legitimate music kicks on, of a Southern, heavy metal nature.


“I ask you please just give us/

Five Minutes Alone.”


The lights continue to dart and flash as the music leaves and the scratching continues, only to come back again, now of a hip-hop nature.


“White America/

I could be one of your kids.”


The rap fades out and the scratching continues, at an even greater pace, until music comes back, now of a hardcore variety.


“Final Prayer/

Final prayer for the human race.”


The lights come back on, and the crowd is at a fever pitch as the S.H.I. has collectively shit a brick in the ring.



This...THIS CAN'T BE. If this is going to be who I think it is at November Reign...



I know this isn't the best time, Coach, but we've got to take a break.






He is a former World Champion.....

He's one of the OAOAST's most recognizable stars.....

And in 3 weeks at November Reign.....

He's back, and he's got a lot to say.



Coming up later tonight, the duo once known as the Dream Machines will face off one-on-one for the X-Division championship. Mean Gene is standing by with the X-Title holder, Peter Knight.


Cut to the backstage interview position.



Thank you Michael Cole. PK, you proposed this match last week to Calvin, why?



It’s like I said last week, I’m not a tag team wrestler anymore. My focus now is defending this title and getting another shot at the World Championship. Parka said that he respects that, but then he turns around and starts bugging me about this “reunion” business. I mean, I have a lot better things to do than some half-assed comeback of a team that hasn’t been around in years. If Parka can’t let go of the past, that’s his problem. To answer your question, I asked for this match because I want to see what Parka’s got. He’s been doing his thing in singles since he came back, but I want to see if he’s finally in my league.



In your league? What does that mean?



Face it, Gene, I’ve shown that I am the better half of that team. When a knee injury, among other things, forced me out of wrestling, I found a way to stay fit and learned some new moves and it’s paying off pretty well. I don’t know what the hell Parka’s been doing the past year. That’s why I want him in the ring tonight. Will he take this title from me? Gotta tell you, I can’t see it happening.


Knight walks off.



Well, this should be an interesting match later tonight. Back to you guys.



I gotta say, I don't like this attitude change in Peter Knight at all. Parka was just as much the reason for the Dream Machines' popularity and success as he was.



I dunno Cole, Knight did dominate in that Glass Tables match at the Bash in '03.



Yeah, while you were hiding under the desk sucking your thumb....or at least what you THOUGHT was your thumb.



I thought my thumb looked a little pale.



GAH! Go to something else!


(We're taken to the lavish accommodations of the Upstarts locker room. Amazingly it isn't the hotbed of hookers, illegal narcotics, and questionable sexual experimentation, we would expect. Jamie O'Hara is reclining on a couch, playing Need for Speed on the PSP. Beneath him, on the floor sleeping like a baby, is the monster Bohemoth, surrounded by candy wrappers from Alix's Bratz trick or treat bag. Sitting in a leather chair, looking mighty intelligent is Christian Wright, who's attention is held by a National Geographic article on the population density of North Eastern Africa. Standing in the center of the room are Johnny Jax and Scotty Static.)



Man, can you believe what Krista said about our boy, SJ? No respect for a real champion. I hate that girl.



You ain't the only one, bro. We can start a hater team with all the people who don't like her, man. You hate Krista, Jamie?



(not actually paying attention, but assuming the best answer is yes)

Heck yes I do.



Bo, you hate her don't you?






Probably dreaming about choking the ho. Christian, you?



To travel the same ground as that insufferable cur boils the blood, and passionately inflames the very soul of I, the HI-YAH Heavyweight champion. Why, whimsical thoughts of her inevitably morph into horrific fantasies soaked with the crim...



Next time, just say yes. See, Big City, you ain't the only one who hates her. Chicks Over Dicks? I hate 'em both. They piss a brother off nonstop. They don't take no breaks from it. They don't sleep, they don't eat, they don't go to a bathroom, they just piss you off. Constantly, and consistently. No time off for good behavior.



No, you don't understand. I really hate Krista.



Playboy, you ain't struck on some new thought concept. You got a whole locker room of people who hate her and Alix.



I thought everybody loved Alix?



“Spunky Alix is wrestling's sweetheart”, so say the scribes at OAOAST magazine.



Shut up!



No, Alix is different then Krista. When you're doing a promo against Alix, she may out talk you, but she just does it in a goofy way. Like, she hasn't embarrassed you, she's just having fun. She's annoying, but it's like how your little sister annoys you. She's no Krista.



What do you mean Alix doesn't embarrass you? Dawg, what were you watching last week? She said I was lactating.



You are.



She ain't gotta say it out loud. And she got me beat up by fan. I had fat pussy in my face! I ain't no chubby chaser! I don't cruise the Jenny Craig parking lot looking to score, hanging out the window, waving a drumstick from KFC, screaming 'More where that came from! And I got biscuits n' gravy to!' That was not fun. Alix is friends with that scrawny twink Leon Rodez, right? I bet he told her and Krista to piss us off to distract us from our goal of being three time tag team champions.



A likely postulation as it were. I, the HI-YAH heavyweight champion, would not put it past that immoral Mephistopheles and that closet case meathead partner of his, Zack Malibu, to architect...



Uh-huh, that's great. Anyway, Scotty?



Alix ain't as bad as Krista. I'm telling ya. Krista's smart. Go say what you said to Krista last week. See what happens. I dare you. She won't just make a joke like Alix, she will shred your ass apart. You heard her just now. She insulted everyone in this arena, and they mama, but no one's gonna boo her, cuz if you do, she'll mess you up. You're lucky she didn't say all that to your face, because you wouldn't be showing that face around here no more. She is so mean she don't even celebrate Christmas. Christmas, man. Serial killers celebrate Christmas. Charles Manson hangs the Missile Toe. She don't. The bitch no sells the birth of Christ. She hates on our lord and savior! And you say she's no big deal? You can't even argue with her unless you got a PHD. You need to take an entrance exam just to speak to her. God damn, I'm worked up. This isn't good for my condition.



Are you afraid of Krista or something?



She's tall.




She's only 5'10. That's not as big as that Julie Sharcor chick.



Ain't nobody in this room talking about no Julie Sharcor! 5'10 is a tall woman! With Alix, you may wrestle her, and you may lose, but you're still beating her up, she just fluke pins you with a roll up. You can hold your head up after a roll up. Krista kicks your ass from the start of the match right down to the finish. You have to be JINGUS to pin her down. No, I take that back, because she pinned JINGUS before. I've never pinned JNGUS, and I ain't never gonna and I've wrestled him a billion times! That crazy woman did it on her first try.



You're afraid of Krista.



There she is, look behind you, Scott!



(jumping out of his pants in fight)

Got damn, no!



(high fiving each other)




Don't be doing that! I ain't afraid of no ghosts, and I ain't afraid of no Krista! She's just some big mouth dike, who's fixing to get one big black eye. Just like any woman, she'll run her mouth when it's safe, but when she gets face to face with a real pimp from Detroit, Rock City, Michigan you can believe she'll shut that big mouth on the quick. I'ma kick Krista's ass right now. You watch me on that there TV. I'm gonna look good while doing it. Hustle n flow, baby. Hustle n flow. Ready or not here I come. Gonna find you, and beat you dooown. I hope she took a shower, because my dick is hard, and her ass is soft.


(Scotty goes to the door, and pulls it open. A look of horror creeps onto his face, as Krista is staring him dead in the eyes. Calmly, she cocks her fist, then delivers a punch to his nose. Still displaying no emotion, the blonde bombshell slams the door as he goes reeling.)



(tumbling backwards, grabbing his nose)

Sweet Virgin Mary in Heaven, the bitch is nuts! Ow, my nose! I'm hurt! Jamie, help!



Don't come over here bleedin' on me. I'm wearin' white, you'll stain mah clothes.



(shaking his head)

Terrible. Christian, you're smart, figure something out.



Your attacks must be focused on eliminating the weakest member of your enemies party. Who is the weakest link in the chain that forever binds the Chicks Over Dicks? Alix. With Alix fallen, the broken hearted Krista will be weakened, leaving her susceptible to a well planned onslaught.



Like Xena The Warrior Princess! Where if you messed with Xena's ho, Gabriel, then Xena would get all upset and stuff for smacking her chick. Right on, yo. One love.




I would appreciate it if you would refrain from comparing my brilliant masterwork of strategy to that of syndicated television pap. If I, the HI-YAH heavyweight champion, could quote military strategist Sun Tzu...



Thanks, man, that'll do...



Those who..



Nope, I'm cool. Thank you.


(back to the SC)



I'd get up and take care of Krista myself, but I have to carry you two greenhorns through the rest of the show. Learn from the master, kids.


CABOOSE (scoffing)

"The master." Of what, making people miss Jim Ross' constant "BAH GAWD"s?



Fans, Calvin Szechenstein is standing by in his General Manager's office with an important announcement about tonight!




::The TV Shot goes to a live feed of Calvin in the General Manager's office, adorned with red velvet and other nice pretty things. He lives life well...almost too well eh? Stephen Joseph, YOUR OAOAST Champion, sits in a chair as Calvin sits in hish SUPER EXPENSIVE black leather executive chair across his desk from SJ, but facing the camera.::



Tonight, I asked Stephen Joseph if he was willing to defend his title. He says he is



Damn Straight, and I don't care who.



Which is great, because earlier today, 3 individuals challenged you for the title. Now how do I choose?



Any one of them will do!



Nah. Not exciting. How about...all 3?






Fatal Fourway!






To one fall. That means you don't even have to be pinned to lose!


::Stephen pulls his chair up and flings it against the wall, furious at Calvin::


Stephen Joseph

You think I'm some sort of joke? You think you can push me around? Calvin, I AM NOT A FUCKING JOKE. I won at World Without End, pinning TWO Originals. I *BEAT* Puerto Rican last week, the best damn wrestler on this show. I have been waiting, for so long, for this time to shine. And you want to fuck with me?


Fine Calvin...but I'm going to pull a string. Fuck me? Fuck you Calvin? This match is no disqualification. Otherwise, you're out a Championship match tonight, because I'll walk.



Fine. But no outside interference.



Oh, I wouldn't dream of that. ::he picks up the previously thrown chair:: I just wanted to use this...alot. I'm going to pretend each head it hits will be yours Calvin. You can't FUCK with me!



You're a fighting champ Stephen. Go get em, Tiii ::CRACK SMASH::



Stephen Joseph just cracked the chair over Calvin's head!


::Calvin slumps over his chair, his head laying on his desk as blood pools on white paper strewn across the top. Stephen turns the camera.


Stephen Joseph

*I* am the OAOAOST Heavyweight Champion. I am NO joke, and I will win tonight, I'll win next week, I will keep winning. This belt means EVERYTHING to me ::intense stare:: EVERYTHING!


::Fade to Black::

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Llladies and gentlemen, the following contest, scheduled for one fall, is for the OAOAST X-Division Championship!


“California Love!”




The Camino pulls onto the stage and the challenger steps out, walking down the aisle with an angry look on his face.



I think someone heard Knight’s comments earlier tonight.



Introducing first, the challenger. From San Diego, California, weighing in at two hundred and fifty pounds…..The Parkaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!


Parka steps through the ropes and windmills his arms, loosening himself up as his music fades, soon replaced by Oh Hell Yeah.





And his opponent, from Fall River, Massachusetts, weighing in at two hundred and sixty-five pounds. He is the reigning OAOAST X-Division champion….Peterrrrrrrr Kniiiiiiiight!!


Knight, the X-Title strapped around his waist, walks down the aisle with a focused look on his face. He steps through the ropes and hands the belt off to referee Nick Patrick. Parka says something the sound cannot pick up before the opening bell is rung.





Here we go!


The two circle each other before locking up, jockeying for position as they go around the ring. Parka backs Knight into the corner and holds him there, cleanly breaking as the ref reaches 4 and making a “come on” gesture with his hands. Knight steps out of the corner and locks up with his former partner again, grabbing a headlock and taking him over, but Parka quickly grabs a headscissors and escapes the hold, grabbing a wristlock while Knight is on his stomach. Knight searches with his foot for the ropes and hooks them, forcing another break.



Parka’s looking good so far in this one.


Both men get to their feet and lock up once again. This time, Knight gets a go-behind and a takedown, grabbing a front facelock. He pulls back for more pressure, but Parka uses that momentum to flip over Knight and out of the hold. He grabs a headlock of his own and Knight backs him into the ropes, shooting him off. He tries a clothesline, but Parka ducks it and nails a flying leg lariat on the rebound. He stays on the attack, pulling Knight up and hitting a snap suplex, dropping down for a cover.









But Knight kicks out, sliding under the bottom rope for a breather, slapping the mat with his hand.



If Knight was underestimating this guy before, he sure isn’t…..wow!


Caboose’s commentary is interrupted by Parka flying through the ropes with a suicide dive, knocking Knight down again. Parka drags Knight up again and rolls him into the ring, climbing up to the apron, pulling back on the top rope and coming back into the ring with a hilo on Knight, grabbing another cover.









But again Knight kicks out and again rolls out for a breather. Parka follows him out, but that is exactly what Knight wanted as he boots Parka in the gut and rams his face into the apron before grabbing him by the arm and sending him into the ring steps. He scoops Parka up and slams him on the floor before rolling him back in and going for a pin.








But Parka kicks out. Knight delivers a few stomps to the body and jams his boot into Parka’s throat, drawing some boos from the crowd. He releases at four, only to return to choking. Again Patrick counts, and again Knight releases at four, going down and locking in a chinlock to wear Parka down.



Knight slowing the match down here, trying to swing the momentum back to his side.


Knight wrenches it in, but Parka begins to stir. He manages to get to his knees and then up to one foot, the crowd starting to get behind him. He gets back to his feet and delivers a few elbows to break free and bounces off the ropes, taking Knight down with a neckbreaker. Parka quickly drags Knight back to his feet and backs him into the corner, climbing to the 2nd turnbuckle and firing off punches.






















Parka hops down and pumps his fists, getting the crowd almost fully behind him.



Parka’s starting to feel it again.


Parka grabs Knight’s arm and goes for a whip, but Knight hangs on and pulls Parka towards him, ducking down to hoist him onto his shoulders!



This might be it right here.


He spins Parka off, but Parka escapes and lands behind him. He jumps, hooking his legs under Knight’s arms and rolls him up!


















3!! – NO! Knight barely gets his shoulder up.





Centimeters away from crowning a new champion.


Knight looks incredulous at almost getting pinned. The frustration boils over as he repeatedly slaps the mat with both hands. Parka moves in, but Knight again slides out of the ring, waving his hands dismissively at Parka before walking over to the timekeeper and grabbing his title belt.



Wait a minute here.


Knight holds the belt up, saying “This is mine!” before walking around the ring again and up the ramp as Patrick continues his ten count.



Is he walking out?



I think the frustration is back.







But Knight keeps on walking.













Lladies and gentlemen, the winner of the match by countout….The Parkaaaaaaaa. However, because titles cannot change hands by countout, Peter Knight is STILL the OAOAST X-Division Champion.




Patrick raises Parka’s hand in victory, but Parka is understandably upset.



Well, Parka gets the victory here, but not the way we expected. I really don’t know what to make of Peter Knight’s attitude tonight, underestimating his opponent and then just walking off when things aren’t going his way.



He might be beginning to crack under the pressure he’s put on himself.



Let's send it back to Gene Okerlund.




Well, with just a week and a half removed from World Without End, the OAOAST is slowly settling in to the Stephen Joseph era, something which doesn't sit very well with my two guests at this time. Two men who were involved of course in the Fourway Dance at World Without End. Dan Black and Tony Brannigan, Black T...


From either side of Mene Gene, Dan Black and Tony Brannigan emerge from off screen with solemn, business like looks on their faces.



Gentlemen, a new day has dawned in the OAOAST and it could very well be a bad one for veterans like yourself. Your thoughts?



A new day has dawned, huh Gene? Let me make one thing perfectly clear, myself and Tony Brannigan aren't worried by the fact that Stephen Joseph is the World Champion. We're not worried that now, 'The Upstarts have all the power'. He might make out like holding that belt gives him all the power in this company. And sure, he can pick and choose his challengers. If he wants to, he could make sure men like me and Tony never get another shot at the gold for a while. But sooner or later...


Suddenly, Black pauses as his camera shot is suddenly stolen by the backs of two people walking past and rather rudely stopping right in front of the interview. One wearing a snappy black suit and with folded arms...the other wearing the HI-YAH Heavyweight Championship belt.



Do you mind?



Gene, does your incompetence know no boundaries?



Excuse me?


Wright sighs.



May I impart a little advice on you, Gene? Maybe you should be conducting this interview segment with individuals of more deserving natures? I.e Champions. Not two decrepid, inconsiquental antediluvians who despite favourable odds could not help but fail to disrupt my good friend Stephen Joseph's triumphant rise to the summit of the OAOAST at World Without End.



You know, if I thought you said anything important, I'd ask you to translate that. As it is, I'll settle for you getting the hell out of our camera shot.



That's just the problem Brannigan. By all rights, this camera shot should be mine. After all, whilst you were unsuccessful at World Without End, I was defeating your fellow 'veteran', The Parka, to capture the HI-YAH World Heavyweight Championship. Somehow, I think that is of more significance to the OAOAST than what the FORMER OAOAST Tag Team World Champions have to tell. You see, this is exactly the kind of incompetent, biased, partial media representation I and my fellow Upstarts have come to expect from the OAOAST. No surprise then, that our very own heptagenarian is responsible.



Hey! You know, maybe if you showed people more respect, you and your buddies might get more interview time!


Glancing to his left, Wright looks up at Bohemoth with a look of confusion, unable to believe that a mere interviewer is talking back to him. Slowly, a smile creeps over Wright's face, as he then turns his thumbs down, giving Bohemoth the signal...




...to step right into Black T's path, the former Tag Champions stepping in front of Okerlund to protect him.



Not a good idea, 'big boy'. *motions for Gene to go, which he does...and fast* I suggest you and your friend leave, before things get ugly.


With a wry smile, Bohemoth casually tilts his sunglasses down and get right up in T-Bod's face.



Make us.


And with that, all hell breaks loose as Brannigan suddenly tears into Bohemoth, whilst Dan Black tackles Christian Wright to the floor in the background and begins to tussle with him. Brannigan and Bohemoth are exchanging heavy blows, while Black is simply trying to choke the life out of the squirming Wright...all until eventually, a mass wave of referees and officials swarm onto the scene and quickly set about pulling the four men apart. Held by the arms, Black is dragged off of Wright, who doesn't need restraining as he is done fighting. Instead, he helps to restrain Bohemoth, while Brannigan and Black are dragged away.



You haven't heard the last of this, punks!



You'll get yours! Real soon!



Our (fairly brief) World Title main event is next!

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::We return to OAOAST HeldDown Thursday Night. All three challengers for the OAOAST World Heavyweight Title are in the ring. Now for some Bufferin!::



Annnddddd the RREEEEeeeiignnnning and DEEEEfeeeeEEEEnnnding OAOAOAST Wuuuuuuuurld Chaampion, he hails from Atlanta Georgia and proudly leads the Upstarts, SSSSTeeeeeeePPHHHEENNN JOOOOOOOOOOOSsseeeppphhh


CUE: It Ain't Over For Me


Stephen Joseph steps out from behind the curtain, flanked by Tha Puerto Rican, and one very large and BRAND NEW gold belt adorning his waist. Stephen walks confidently down towards the ring, with PR staying off to the side. Backup. Stephen slides into the ring and scales the turnbuckle, taking off his championship belt and holding it aloft with both hands, eyes beaming with pride. The crowd just boos.



Because we still aren't certain he won't jump in and tear Stephen Joseph's larynx from his throat, Caboose is once again off commentary for this match.




Immediately, all three men dump SJ over the top rope! PR yells at SJ to get up! Mad Cappa squares a right punch to Jingus, who catches the punch, lifts Cappa up, and throws Cappa onto PR and SJ!


And Peter Cone with a rollup from behind...!



















Jingus kicks out and powers Peter Cone off from his back. He spins around and scoops slams P to the C, then hits a legdrop for dood measure. He covers!














NO! Cappa springboards a legdrop from the ring apron!



Fast action to start this match.


The count being broken up, Cappa pulls Jingus up and slaps a right across Jingus's head, but the J-man absorbs and tosses Cappa to the ropes, following with a clothesline sending Cappa over the top rope, and back on top of Popick!


PR yells in disgust!


Meanwhile, Jingus roars with delight, but screams in pain as Peter drops him to his knees with a chopblock.


SHINING WIZARD by Peter Cone! He poses for the crowd and then catches an intercepting Cappa with a sidewalk slam into a cover!

















Ooh, the former SpiderPoet almost had the title there.


Peter tosses Cappa up and into the big man Jingus. Jingus catches Cappa and looks puzzled, and this moment allows Peter Cone to hit a running dropkick onto Cappa, whose momentum fells Jingus, and Cappa falls into a cover.












No SJ Pulls Cappa off from outside! Peter and Jingus fight inside, and SJ starts wailing right hands into Cappa outside.


But wait! Tha Puerto Rican has a chair, and he's holding it high behind Popick! The crowd buzzes with anticipation, but when SJ turns around, PR gently throws him the chair. SJ uses it to WALLOP Cappa with an unprotected Chair Shot!



Oh come on ref! How didn't he hear that impact?


Back in the ring, Jingus has suplexed Peter Cone, and has him up again. Peter twists his feet and back, and wriggles free behind the big man. He irish whips Jingus right into SJ's thundering Steel Chair, which breaks in half over Jingus's head! He slumps on the ropes as SJ looks flabbergasted at the split in half steel chair.



Note to Stephen: use a gun next time.


Peter Cone brings SJ into the ring (w/ 1/2 steel chair) Peter tries a DDT but SJ catches himself before falling, and stomps on Cone's trachea, and then plants the chair right into his neck! Peter writhes on the canvas as two big palms pull SJ into a Full Nelson! Jingus lifts SJ up, but Stephen counters with a unique variation of the CODE RED~! essentially X-factor Jingus's Head into Peter's Stomach!. SJ tugs at Jingus to pull him over to cover...




















CAPPA lunges!







Cappa HITS SJ with a diving kick!





SJ stays on top of Jingus!









The ref calls for the bell as Cappa can't believe it! PR jumps into the ring to pull his boss off and out of the ring, whilst collecting the OAOAOST World Title. As they walk up the ramp, the 3 contenders stand in the ring, until JINGUS chokeslams them both out of frustration!



And Stephen Joseph retains once again, his second successful title defense.



The odds were stacked against him tonight, but he's still got the gold.



Next week we should have more great OAOAST action for you, along with some more news about November Reign. Until then, goodnight from Omaha!


Joseph pauses on the ramp and lifts his belt high as we fade to black.

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Credits (in no particular order):



King Cucaracha


Patty O'Green


Ed Wood Caulfield


© 2005 OAOAST Entertainment. All rights reserved.


The Love Shack begins.....RIGHT NOW!

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OAOAST Productions, Proudly Presents...





Listen, I'm been think this whole 'Usual Supsects' name over and well, look, it's just not me. I'm just not feelin' it. ..... What do you mean I can't use that as an excuse? ..... Well, why not? ..... What do you mean I don't have any backstage stroke? Remember the time when I successfully lobbied for the robe making department to get extra budgeting? Or the time I got my sister that contract. And I didn't have to sleep with one executive to get the deal. ..... I said I didn't have to, not that I didn't ..... Look, look, I just don't think it's 'snappy' enough. What does it have to do with us? Really? How are we 'The Usual Suspects'? .... Better suggestions? Well, now you come to mention it, I do.


Rodez places the phone down momentarily while he unfurls a long sheet of paper.



I still think we should call ourselves The Z Squad. ..... But it looked so good on the t-shirts I printed up! ..... Fine. Well, what about Dicks Over Chicks? ..... Pssh! C'mon Zack, I doubt they even know the meaning of the word lawsuit. Okay, okay, how about Pimp and Circumstance? ..... Oh, come on, that's witty. The Zack and Shack Attack? ..... Hey, hey! Go easy man, I stayed up all last night thinking of these! The New, New Blackjacks? ..... Hello? ..... Hello? ..... Zack? .....


Presumably causing Zack to hang up, Rodez tuts as he shoves his cellphone into one of the drawers on 'his' desk, before ever so suddenly beaming up at the camera as if the previous conversation had never happened.



OAOAST Productions, Proudly Presents...



(Honest this time.)



YYYEEESSSS! Guess who's back, back again...Leon's back, tell a friend. Another night, another successful title defence. But, that's not what we're here for, obviously. See, it's that time of the week again folks...Love Shack time! And once again we are coming live to you from the majestic backdrop of Grand Rapids, Michigan! Which, if there were a window behind me, you'd be more inclined to believe. But, hey, I've got an honest face, haven't I? (cheesy smile) Now, never let it be said that Leon Rodez isn't a nice guy. And never let it be said that Leon Rodez doesn't believe in equal opportunities. Oh yeah, I support all sort of equal opportunity stuff. Women getting the vote? Fine by me. Chicks on the bench? What's the harm? Foxy boxing? Can't be matched. But...an Upstart, on the Love Shack? Well, it's true, believe it or not. Because tonight, my guest on the Love Shack is an Upstart. Infact, he's the new leader of The Upstarts. And he just happens to be the NUUUUUUU - spelt with a 'U', natch - OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion. Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for Stephen "Don't Call Me Popick" JJOOSSEEPPHH!!


Cue the now traditional canned applause, as the smug like a mug (!?!) World Champion strolls onto the set. Carrying the World Title over his shoulder, Joseph isn't offered so much as a handshake from Rodez, who is trying his best to hide his destain for Joseph with a forced smile, so just sits himself down.



Alright, Stephen Joseph, welcome to The Love Shack.



Well tha...






Ha, cute.



Yeah. I'd make the most of it while you can.



Excuse me?



So, Stephen Joseph! Live on the Love Shack! Who'd have thought it, eh? But then again, you've paid your fee so you're on the show. That's democracy for you. Now Stephen, I hope you don't mind me asking the all important question that I'm sure you get everywhere you go. And no, I don't mean "Hey, aren't you that guy out of Fozzy". I of course mean "Why?" Why Stephen Joseph? Why exactly are you, of all people, leading The Upstarts now?


Leaning over the side of his chair, Joseph smirks at Rodez.



Well, for starters, because I want to see your good buddy Zack Malibu's career suffer a slow, painful death. (laughs) And of course, I want the young talent in this company to get the breaks they deserve.



Like yourself you mean?


That one stumps SJ, who stammers for an answer momentarily.






What with you being a youthful, virginal 26 years old, going up against the old, decrepid, 24 year old Zack Malibu.



That's ju...



You see, I simply had it down as a mid-life crisis.



A mid-life crisis?



Yeah. I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but The Upstarts are supposed to be a group of young, disgruntled wrestlers looking to 'throw off the shackles off their oppressors' like little mini, teeny bopper Martin Luther Kings. Now, disgruntled you may be, but Stevey you're hardly young. Infact, you've been around almost as long as Zack has, haven't you? And Dan Black, the man you of course turned your back on at Angleslam.



Yes, but that's different. I haven't been holding back the young superstars...



What's in it for you? Besides the World Title of course. The chance to go around for the next years reminding everyone how you 'Saved The Fed'. Because, you seem like the type of guy who'd save something, like a message board perhaps, then constantly weave it into conversation. Just a vibe I get from you.


Getting more than a little agitated, Joseph has finally had enough.



You know, I might have known the only reason you invited me onto your little Talk Show is so that you could try to upstage me! Which is a shame. Because I actually came here with a proposition in mind for you.



What is it, a chance to join the prestigous Lightning Crew? Along with "what'shisface", "who'sit" and that guy who does that thing that he always does that is, like, so totally rocking?



A proposition that involves you taking your rightful place alongside The Upstarts, where you belong. Because you've been held at bay for too long Leon, just like me, just like The GPX. Your career has been neutralised from the moment you stepped into the company by these so called 'Originals' of the OAOAST. You were X-Division Champion for almost 6 months. An impressive feat. But where did it take you? Nowhere! You descended into mediocrity, stuck tagging with Malibu and presenting a talk show while you were continually passed over time and time again for World Title shots.



(laughs) It's funny you should mention that. See, the only World Champion to ever give me an actual shot at the title was Zack Malibu. And he's supposed to be the worst culprit, right? The guy that's holding the Tag Titles with me, right? The man allowing me to share his spotlight, right?



Join The Upstarts and I will give you all the World Title shots you require.


Wiping a wry smile from his face and shaking his head, Rodez



The GPX couldn't get me to join up. Drek Stone couldn't get me to join up. What makes you think that YOU can make me throw away my principles and join your pathetic little 'Uprisal'? The promise of a World Title shot? You know what, the fact you're the World Champion and I haven't recieved a shot in well over a year does bug me. So, I might just take you up on part of that offer...let's see you back your words up for once SJ. How about you put your World Title on the line against me?



Fine! I'm not going to back down from any challenge.



Well good. How about you put that title on the line next week then?



Next week? I have no problem with next week what-so-ever. (smiling) And, as far as joining The Upstarts goes?


Rodez smiles.



You'll see Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Aniston settling their differences in a live, worldwide transmitted water fight in the middle of Lake Michigan before you ever see me in The Upstarts! I'd like to see that! (glances into distance) You know, come to think of it, I WOULD like to see that...


Rodez continues to stare off into the distance at his...well, rather odd vision, as Stephen Joseph stands up, adjusting his World Title.



Fine. If that's the case, consider yourself a target for The Upstarts. As far as we're concerned, you're just as bad as everyone single person you and Zack Malibu continue to associate yourselves with. Black T. Caboose. The Parka. Those and the rest of the unco-operative veterans of the OAOAST. You're all our targets. And you have made a very powerful enemy tonight. I'm the Champ! I am the World Heavyweight Champion. If I wanted to, I could pull the plug on this pathetic little Love Shack and replace it with my talk show! An Upstart talk show! A talk show that puts aside the bullshit and...ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING!?!



Huh? Oh, sorry, no. I was imagining Angelina Jolia and Jennifer Aniston settling their differences in a li...



NEXT WEEK! I'll see you in the ring!


Storming off the set, Joseph leaves Rodez to his own perverted little visions. Visions that Leon manages to snap away from just long enough to realise he's still on camera.



Heh. Next week. St Louis, Missouri...it's going to be the beginning of the Silky Smooth Era!






...yeah, that too.

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