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Guest areacode212

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papacita- Bret really does have reason to think soeone was sabotaging his career in WCW, he came over to the WCW as the biggest story in wrestling at the time and is arguably the greatest wrestler of the 90's and WCW pissed it all away making him look like shit by never really having a good feud with anyone even though he could still do it in the ring he didn't age 5 years in 6 months but he was treated like a mid card wrestler behind the technical wizardry of Hulk Hogan, Goldberg, Kevin Nash, and By Gawd DDP.

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Actually I'm surprised that people are jumping on Bret for feeling victimized about his WCW career, I mean if you look at most of the peole ranging from Austin, Foley, and HHH to Benoit, Jericho, and Kanyon they all have mentioned how they felt victimized by WCW, most blame it on Hogan, Flair, or whoever the booker was at the time.


I really don't see why Bret shouldn't feel victimized when everybody else who's walked through promotion feels that way, I don't see anybody criticizing the guys I mentioned above, why? When they mentioned it, everybody was like "damn right [insert name], WCW sucks and so do Bitchoff and Russo".


As for feeling victimized about his treatment by Vince, when the WWF comes out and takes responsibility on their side for what happened then I'll criticize Bret for feeling victimized. WWF is still running this charade about how Bret held them hostage and Vince was so courageous to do what he did.

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Guest HartFan86

Thanks a lot for posting the report.


Fuck Shawn and HHH. At least I'm proud to say The Rock will probably do more in his life and achive more than both of  them combined...and I hate the Rock. Shawn's a battered man who abused his power and his carrer and now he's sitting at home and HHH is stinking it up the ring as The Rock is making movies.


I'm glad to hear Bret's trying to drop the whole Montreal situation...unlike the WWF.

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Thanks a lot for posting the report.


Fuck Shawn and HHH. At least I'm proud to say The Rock will probably do more in his life and achive more than both of  them combined...and I hate the Rock. Shawn's a battered man who abused his power and his carrer and now he's sitting at home and HHH is stinking it up the ring as The Rock is making movies.


I'm glad to hear Bret's trying to drop the whole Montreal situation...unlike the WWF.

I couldn't agree more. I couldn't help but laugh when I heard Bret talking about what Shawn and HHH did to the Rock early in his career and who has the last laugh now

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Guest Goodear
Thanks a lot for posting the report.


Fuck Shawn and HHH. At least I'm proud to say The Rock will probably do more in his life and achive more than both of  them combined...and I hate the Rock. Shawn's a battered man who abused his power and his carrer and now he's sitting at home and HHH is stinking it up the ring as The Rock is making movies.


I'm glad to hear Bret's trying to drop the whole Montreal situation...unlike the WWF.

Geeze, am I the only person who actually remembers Rock's rookie year anymore?  It WAS fucking horrible, and he had to make a complete overhaul before he became even half a success.  This revisionist "Let's make Triple H look like the most jealous man alive" crap should be flushed with along with the "Bluechipper" Rocky Miavia character.

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Goodear is right this is more of the typical fashionable smark attitude, which turns in to bashing HHH, and now even HBK.  Remember there is two sides to every story, and I hate the fact u are all making it look like HBK and HHH lead inferior lives to Rocky.  Shit shawn is one of the main reasons the WWF didnt totally sink in the 90's and put it all on the line when he had too, giving us great matches, so dont piss on his career, u heard the man say he was sorry about his attitude on confidential.  And of course this had to be somehow twisted into how HHH, is holding down Angle and Jericho, get over it, everything in the end goes through Vince McMahon and not HHH.

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Goodear is right this is more of the typical fashionable smark attitude, which turns in to bashing HHH, and now even HBK.  Remember there is two sides to every story, and I hate the fact u are all making it look like HBK and HHH lead inferior lives to Rocky.  Shit shawn is one of the main reasons the WWF didnt totally sink in the 90's and put it all on the line when he had too, giving us great matches, so dont piss on his career, u heard the man say he was sorry about his attitude on confidential.  And of course this had to be somehow twisted into how HHH, is holding down Angle and Jericho, get over it, everything in the end goes through Vince McMahon and not HHH.

Syxx, I agree with alot of what you said... I'm not the typical HHH basher... I usually just roll my eyes as the conspiracy theories... but it's WELL known that these guys were a cancer backstage at the time. Michaels himself ADMITTS to being an asshole. Did you even listen to Bret's interview? I was laughing at how, if the story is true, how Michaels and HHH picked on Rock and pretty much degraded him... and then Rock turned out to be a bigger star than the both of them combined. I respect Michaels as a performer, and I think theres a possibility that he has grown up. But even on Confidential, he admitted to being a 30 year old kid

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Guest The Man in Blak

Of course, Trips and HBK could have maybe taken the Rock aside and helped him out a little bit.  But they didn't, did they?


And Shawn apologizing for his attitude on national television is just sooooo sincere.


Anyways, I didn't hear the interview, so I'm not going to throw on another "ooooh, wow, he wasn't bitter or anything" comment (like it really should be celebrated), but I just think that it's refreshing to see that Hart somewhat tied up the loose ends with Davey Boy, despite all of the crap that had went on between their families.

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Guest Goodear
Of course, Trips and HBK could have maybe taken the Rock aside and helped him out a little bit.  But they didn't, did they?

Yes, I am sure that in the 200,000 (rough estimate) matches and however many years in WWE that Triple H and The Rock had together, Triple H never said one helpful thing to Rock.  


 Look, in Rock's rookie year, anyone that would tell him that he was doing everything perfectly fine was lying to him.  Rock's look and wrestling style needed dramatic improvement and for Bret to tell him that it wasn't the case (while nice) was a diservice to Rock's career.

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Guest areacode212

I'm sure Bret gave him some constructive criticism as well, he didn't just say "don't change a thing, kid, and you'll be a star!"

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Guest Army Eye

So funny to see the people who were apparently just listening for dirt on HHH.  Ah well.. not much has changed here I see.

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Guest What?!

I could understand Shawn going at it with The Rock, since he was the best at the time, but was HHH really any better than Rock back then. They were both pretty bad and that's putting it nicely.

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Guest graph9

Shawn said it himself he was like a 30 year old kid..i just find it funny that he and Hunter, where acting like school yard bullies picking on Rock because he was green..very green.


I wonder if they thought that Rock was going to amount to anything at the time, probably not..that's why they probably did it and tried to get Bret to humilate him..And Hunter Hearst Hemsley, at that time..sucked also and was in that shytty ayz..blue blood gimmick. There is no disputing that the Rock wasn't very good his rookie year..


But he did work on himself not to long after that..lost weight..worked on mic skills..etc..and the next year or so became "The Rock"..and blew both HHH & HBK away in popularity..


And nobody was listening for dirt on HHH..at least not me..he wasn't a main player in Montreal..but i was fascinated by this particular part of the interview..because I was surprised that HHH & Shawn where doing that to Rock..well not really surprised..and that they where picking on the wrong guy because look at him now..it just further solidified for me that they are player haters..not willing to help a rookie out a liitle..because to me it just seemed so unprofessional..


I can't stand Rock either but it was nice to see he was able to rise above adversity like that and become very sucessful..he can write his ticket now..The tables are turned now..And you have to wonder.. HHH must be jealous as hell, and HBk is sitting at home probably twidling his thumbs..

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Guest Just call me Dan

I will accept Rock doing the Sharpshooter a lot more now...


Funny note: Watch (if you can) The Rock's 1st appearance on SNL where Show, HHH, etc were in the opening montage. Triple H, even with the title, looked like Rocky's bitch and came off as a horrible actor who forced his lines, hard sold for the WWF and basically was a generic corny loser. I like HHH, I am entertained by him, but I think he's just as full of himself as HBK, but he masks it behind his supposed "intensity and desire and passion for the sport. He lives and breathes wrestling." He uses that crap to make himself sound like he is a pioneer and a veteran who should be respected above all. Bullshit.

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Guest graph9

I have read a couple of interviews where HHH said that he wants to act..to try to make a go at hollywood..umm..don't think so..there is nothing unique about him..again i can't stand Rock..but there is something unique about him, in my opinoin..HHH is reduced to things like mad tv..while the Rock is in big budget movies, getting paid millions..I wonder how HHH feels about him now..being he used 2 make fun of him..


That cracks me up to..this "i live and breathe wrestling..but he has worked hard..and he has had lots of help along the way..roids..being with stephanie..kissing ayz..He has his time in the limelight now..but when it's all said and done..i don't think he is going to be mentioned in the same breath..as Bret or even that slime ball HBK..because in my opinoin he hasn't had a really good match along the lines of Bret vs Owen..he is better as being a sidekick, much like he was during the dx dayz..

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Well, the Rock's got a certain charisma about him outside of the ring where you can't help but like the guy. HHH doesn't have just a hell of a lot of charisma. I mean, he comes off okay in interviews, but he just doesn't have the "hollywood glitz" like Rocky seems to have

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Guest Army Eye

Let's not too carried away about The Rock being a movie star.  He's starred in one movie that did well at the box office, but actually grossed far less money than the two previous Mummy movies.  The jury is still out on him.


The HHH stuff from the Bret interview is being blown out of proportion (of course).  I don't believe Bret said HHH/HBK were 'making fun' of Rock.  If I recall, they were telling Rock stuff he did wrong.  And, true, he was not doing too many things right at the time.  


Is it rude to tell people their shortcomings in front of everyone else in the WWF locker room?  I don't know; I have no idea what the proper WWF locker room protocol is.  But whatever the case is there, also consider the source you're getting this info from.    Bret hates Shawn's guts and he hates HHH's guts.  Would he have even related the story on Meltzer's show if it was, say, Taker that was telling Rock what he was doing wrong?  Something to think about.


With all the great work that HHH and Rock did together in 2000, and laying down for each other, do you really think there was any animosity there?  As for what HHH thinks of Rock now, I don't know the guy but he's probably happy for him.  HHH is doing what he loves most, (he eats, drinks, and shits wrestling), and Rock has an opportunity to make tens of millions of dollars if his acting career works out, and he can't be faulted for pursuing that.

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Guest graph9

I was listening to that interview and Bret didn't purposley go into that story..He told Dave Meltzer off the record about that..because he was talking about a totally diffrent subject..and Dave was like "tell everyone that story you told me reguarding the Rock" and he was like ok..because it stuck Dave how Rock got the last laugh..and he even said that..."he sure got the last laugh"..And Bret's tone of voice was not vindictive, in telling that.. if anything..i was feeling that he felt totally weird about being asked by them to do that 2 Rock..I don't think he was gonna tell it if Dave didn't ask him..But i believe the story..


And there is no denying that Both HHH & Shawn where known as not so nice in the locker room..in short ayz holes..and very capable of picking on a rookie..the WWF lockeroom was diffrent in 97 than it is today..And as in any company..the WWF<<fuck the E..is no diffrent..I am positive you have massive jealousy because everybody wants to be number 1..


And i know the Rock is not some huge movie star..but he's getting off to a great start, he mentioned that he signed 4 a romantic comedy..And true that..HHH does seem 2 live 4 wrestling but he's overrated..this 1,000 diffrent variations of knee moves that he has been doing 4 like 7 years is tired..

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