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Wrestling fan level ?

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Let me explain: Everything in life, from work, to games, to entertainment has a certain level of fandom. A certain amount of love for something or someone. You can not give a shit about it or want to do it over and over again, that's the fan level. Since this is a wrestling thread, what wrestling fan level are you? It goes from:

1. Couldn't care one way or another about this shit

2. I watch it or do it whenever I can it is on but that is that

3. I NEVER MISS OR DON'T DO IT!                                    4. Don't you dare bother me when I'm doing this or afterwards

5. This is my life. I eat, breathe, and sleep this thing


For me, I am a wrestling fan level 5. I have loved wrestling since I was a kid and I draw wrestling, think about wrestling, and dream about it. I love it that much.


For other things like Star Wars, I'm fan level 4. I am not what you call a die-hard Star Wars fan but it is still one of my all time favorite movies.


Simpsons is fan level 5. I recorded every episode, how's that for a fan.


For the Yankees, Level 3. I love the Yankees but I don't have time to watch the games but I still check their scores.


For Coca-cola and Pespi level 5. I could drink it all day if I could.


And for girls level 5. Next to wrestling, this is the most thing I think about.


What fan level are you?

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Guest caboose





The Green:5

Motor Racing:3



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Wrestling; 5


Football; 4 (slowly dropping by the season)


Baseball; 5


Beer; 5


Women; 5


Porn; 3


Music; 12


Friends; 4 (TV show)

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Wrestling: 3 (I'll always be a diehard fan, and I kick myself for missing a single show...used to, anyways)

Music (especially metal): 5

Movies: 4

Social (parties, hanging out, etc.): 3

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Guest RetroRob215

Wrestling- 5

DVDs- 5

Music- 4

Current Movies- 3

TV- 5

Baseball/The Mets- 2

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Guest Flyboy

Wrestling: 5

Girls: 5

Video Games: 5

Star Wars: 4.. oh fuck it, 5

Music: 4

RPing/E-Fed's (when I use to do them): 4

Me playing Football & Wrestling: 3

Reading books: 3

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Girls: 5

Wrestling: 4 (I've been a fan for so long and yet lately, there's been so little to keep me watching. I'll never turn off completely though)

Music: 5

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Wrestling: 5


Hockey/Redwings: 5


Music: 4


Girls: 5


Weightlifting: 4


Reading: 3


Football: 2

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Guest TJM004

Wrestling: 5

Girls: 5

Soccer: 4

Football: 4

Reading: 4

DVD's: 4

TV: 3

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Guest TheHulkster

Wrestling: 5

Books: 3

Wrestling books: 5

DVDs: 3

Wrestling DVDs: 5

Film: 3

Video Games: 4

Wrestling Video Games: 3 (hey, there aren't many good ones)

If WWE With Authority Counts: 5 (WA rules ass)

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Guest phoenixrising

Wrestling: 4

Books: 5

Football: 5

Star Wars: 5

Music: 5

Video Games: 5

Girls: 5

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Guest buffybeast

Wrestling: off the chart.


I love this stuff so much it is unreal.  My ultimate dream is to work for WWF(E) someday.  I'm studying public relations now and would love to work for them someday.

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Guest The Son of Sting

Wrestling - 5

Comics - 4

Films - 5

Art - 4

Video games - 4

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Guest dreamer420

Anyone ever have any troubles with a girlfriend that think you watch too much wrestling?  I'd get bitched at because there was stacks of tapes all over my room and because I was constantly copying tapes, and of course, watching too much wrestling.

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Guest TheDames7
Anyone ever have any troubles with a girlfriend that think you watch too much wrestling?  I'd get bitched at because there was stacks of tapes all over my room and because I was constantly copying tapes, and of course, watching too much wrestling.

You need to do what I did...get a girl that likes wrestling as much as you do.



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Guest dreamer420

I've tried but I can't find one.  Why aren't there any girls out there who like to sit around watching wrestling and getting baked all the time?

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Guest TheDames7

Oh, trust me, they are out there.  I'm not talking about marks either..



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I find it no suprise that most of you put wrestling fan level 5 because we got to be level 5 to spend our time going on wrestling sites like these discussing and overanalyzing moves, storylines, and chracters.


Btw, thank you so much for responding to this thread. I seriously appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.


So keep going!! :)

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Guest dreamer420
Oh, trust me, they are out there.  I'm not talking about marks either..



my last one was a huge mark.  she even said that an upcoming undertaker/big show match was going to be awesome once during a show.  most girls can deal with someone who watches wrestling on tv regularly but they can't deal with the guy who has a couple hundred wrestling tapes stacked across his bedroom floor.  that sucks.

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Guest Anorak

I'd put myself about a level 4 on the Wrestling fan scale, i'm a big fan but not quite on the truly hardcore scale.

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Guest converge241

when you watch every piece of american wrestling available from right before WM2 to now and are older than most of the people here and stil as into it, that qualifies me as a 5.


wife/family is a 5.5

music/movies/writitng/sports = 4


I've tried but I can't find one.  Why aren't there any girls out there who like to sit around watching wrestling and getting baked all the time


how far away do you live from massachusetts? we got a bunch of them!!

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Guest Just call me Dan

Wrestling - 4

Girls - 4

porn - 3

work - 2

beer - 4

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Guest JaKyL25


I was bored yesterday, so I wrote down the title lineages for all WWF, WCW, and ECW titles, mostly off the top of my head (I do have to research the Hardcore title sometimes).  Wrestling is my favorite thing in the world, and my dream is to be a booker someday.


Video Games--4.5

The Simpsons--5

View Askew movies--5

Dragon Ball Z--5

Lord of the Rings--4

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Guest dreamer420
how far away do you live from massachusetts? we got a bunch of them!!

too far.  BC Canada

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