alfdogg 0 Report post Posted November 30, 2005 [i]Punishment[/i] by BIOHAZARD hits and Rick Heyross leads Brock Ausstin and Team Heyross out to the ring. BUFFER [i]The following is a first-round contest in the tournament to crown the first-EVER OAOAST Six-Man tag team champions! The match is scheduled for one fall! Introducing the first team, at a total combined weight of 790 pounds...being accompanied by RICK HEYROSS, and JUMBO...CHARLIE MOSS and QUENTIN BENAJMIN, TEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAMMMMMMM HEYROSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS, and their partner from Victoria, Minnesota...BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRROCK AUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSTINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!![/i] COLE You heard Michael Buffer, this is our first tournament match! The first-ever OAOAST Six-Man tag team champions will be crowned December 18th at Climax! The Heyross unit gets ready as [i]Krokodilamadurinn[/i] by Quarashi hits and the Spanish Fly runs through the curtains, followed out by the Sooner Bruisers. BUFFER [i]And their a combined weight of 710 pounds...first, from Oklahoma, the SOOOOOOONEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRUUUUUISSSEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! Their tag team partner, from San Diego, California by way of Tijuana, Mexico...the SSSSSSSSPANISSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFLLLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!![/i] COLE And this could be a great team, Coach, the speed of the Fly combined with the strength and mat skills of the Sooners! COACH Yeah, but look on the other side, Cole! These guys, Brock Ausstin, Quentin Benjamin, and Charlie Moss, are the total package. I don't think there's anything the Bruisers or the Spanish Fly can throw at these guys that they won't be able to stop, I say Brock and Team Heyross win this match and advance to the semis. *DING DING DING* COLE And it's the Fly starting things off with Quentin Benjamin, the two speedsters from each side. Fly runs straight to the ropes, and Benjamin catches him in a tilt-a-whirl, but Fly spins around and lands on his feet, then jumps and wraps his legs around his waist, pulling himself back up and giving Benjamin an armdrag! Benjamin charges at Fly again, and gets caught in a drop toehold! Fly runs quickly to the ropes, and drops a snap legdrop! Fly covers... 1.. 2..... Kickout! Fly backs Benjamin into the corner and tags in Frank Frankensteiner. Frank steps in as Fly whips Benjamin to the ropes, and catches him in a bearhug! Frank then sets Benjamin down on his feet and moves his arms up, and takes him over with a belly-to-belly suplex! The crowd goes NUTS as Frank pumps his arms. Charlie Moss runs into the ring, and gets caught with a SOONERLINE~! Brock Ausstin then comes into the ring, as does Frankie Frankensteiner. Brock blindsides Frank with a forearm, then whips him into the ropes. Frankie ducks down behind Brock on all fours as Frank hits a SOONERLINE~! and takes Brock down, and Brock rolls out of the ring! The Fly and the Bruisers play to the crowd as their opponents regroup on the floor. COLE Some nice teamwork from the side of the Sooner Bruisers and the Spanish Fly thus far, and they're in control of this match! Frankie Frankensteiner gets into the ring along with Charlie Moss. Moss goes to the eyes and whips Frankie to the ropes, then goes behind and attempts a sunset flip, but Frankie holds onto the ropes. Frankie charges, ducking a clothesline from Moss, then stopping to catch Moss in a leapfrog and powerslam him! Frankie then gets up and delivers a SOONERLINE~! He then runs to the corner and knocks Ausstin and Benjamin to the floor, then goes behind Moss and delivers a release German suplex! Cover... 1... 2...... Kickout! Frankie slowly gets up and measures Moss, but Benjamin trips him up as he goes into the ropes! Frankie gets up and grabs Benjamin on the floor, which allows Moss to plant a knee to the back, and drop him with a back suplex! Cover... 1.. 2...... Kickout! COLE Tide has turned in this one, thanks to the intervention from the outside by Quentin Benjamin! Moss locks in a front facelock, and tags in Brock Ausstin. Brock drives in a forearm to the back and then another, and then picks him up and delivers a running powerslam! Brock covers... 1.. 2..... Kickout! Brock whips Frankie into the ropes and catches him with a big clothesline! He then tags in Quentin Benjamin, who waits on him and hits him with a dropkick, sending him to the floor! He waits again, then hits Frankie with a PLANCHA to the outside! COACH Benjamin flying to the floor, catching Frankie Frankensteiner with that slingshot to the outside! Benjamin rolls back in and gets admonished by the referee, allowing Jumbo to go behind his back and pick up Frankie in a scoop slam, ramming him back-first into the post! Jumbo then rolls him back in, and Benjamin goes on the apron, then springs to the top rope and comes off on Frankie with a legdrop! Cover... 1... 2...... Frankie gets a shoulder up! Benjamin delivers a snap suplex, then tags Moss in. Moss chokes Frankie with a boot in the corner, breaking at four. He then brings Frankie up and delivers a right hand...and Frankie returns fire! COLE Frankie trying to fight back here in the enemy corner! Moss delivers another right, and Frankie fires back, this time getting off three right hands, knocking Moss to the mat! He then turns and nails Benjamin, and then begins to hammer away on Brock, but Moss comes up from behind, nailing him with the STO backbreaker! Moss then drives more knees to the back before setting both knees on the back. COACH Submission coming up, perhaps, looks like he's setting up the bow-and-arrow! Moss grabs Frankie's ankles and face and rolls over, for a bow-and-arrow hold! Moss wrenches back as Frankie slowly fades. The referee lifts the arm... ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!! TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Frankie keeps the arm up on the third lift, and brings his hands up to try to break Moss's grip! However, Brock Ausstin reaches over the rope and delivers a forearm to the midsection! Moss tags out to Brock, who takes Frankie over with a belly-to-belly suplex! Cover... 1... 2.......... NO! Frankie kicks out! Brock sets up a back suplex, but Frankie slips over and stumbles into the corner, where Frank tags himself in! COLE TAG MADE, and Frankie's brother Frank in there now! Frank hammers away on Brock with right hands, then runs to the ropes and takes him down with a flying shoulderblock! Frank then goes to the top rope, and comes off with a clothesline! Frank covers... 1.. 2...... Brock kicks out! Frank quickly tags in the Fly, who immediately sends a dropkick to the knee of Brock, sending him down to one knee! He then goes to the ropes and comes back with a short dropkick, catching Brock right in the head! He then goes to the top rope, and delivers a missile dropkick right to the face! Fly covers Brock... 1..... 2................ Brock powers out, sending the Fly all the way over the top rope to the floor! COACH WOW! Look at the power of Brock Ausstin! Jumbo tosses Fly into the post on the outside, prompting Frankie to run around and deliver a MASSIVE SOONERLINE~! to Jumbo on the floor, drawing a huge pop! Fly rolls into the ring in his corner and tags in Frank again, but as he picks up Brock, Benjamin hits him with a superkick! Benjamin then attempts an Irish whip on Frank, but Frank reverses, and hits the FRANKENSTEINER~! COLE FRANKENSTEINER~! COACH Benjamin's not the legal man, though! Brock is, however, and picks up Frank, hitting the F-STUNNER-5~!!!!!11111 1....... 2....................... 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 *DING DING DING* BUFFER [i]The winners of the match, advancing to the second round...the team of TEAM HEYROSS and BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRROCK AUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSTINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!![/i] COLE And this team will meet, in two weeks, the winner of our second six-man match tonight, which consists of Zack Malibu, Leon Rodez, and Peter Knight, taking on the team of Jamie O'Hara and the Global Party Xchange! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites