Patty O'Green 0 Report post Posted December 2, 2005 (edited) Hola to my North American friends. I am Julio The Talking Flag. Bienvenido a España. Mi casa. Spain is a land of beauty, love, history and wonderful energy. Look into any of the crystal blue waters surrounding the shores of Spain's majestic beaches, and you may see the reflection of your deepest hopes and treasured dreams. Turn around and you'll see those vivid dreams brought to beautiful life in España. Won't you join us as the superstars of the OAOAST bring their imaginative brand of culture to this glorious land? OAOAST HeldDOWN~! The theme song, LaLa plays. But it plays really softly, because I'm embarrassed I picked that as a theme song, and I don't you to hear it. Don't blame me, Hoff approved it! Blame him! You know what I'm gonna pick. POWPOWPOWPOW! Our Spanish friends get an extra special pyrotechnic display on this fine Thursday evening. It's not like they needed the colorful display of booming extravagance, as they're plenty worked up for their first ever taste of OAOAST action. Some rowdy fans wave beautifully designed banners, while others beat their hands against drums as chants for random superstars break out. The cameraman has a difficult time just figuring out what he wants to focus on. The producer is telling you to focus on Triple C! COLE Folks, we welcome you to a historic edition of HeldDOWN! Historic for more reasons then one! Not the least of which, being that this our first ever HeldDOWN broadcasted overseas, as we are coming to you from Madrid, Spain! Fans, if you've never been here you owe it to yourself to come once in your life. It is wonderful. The food, the sites, the men. Oh, the men.. CABOOSE Uh...what makes this night truly historic is that it marks the opening of the tourney to crown the first ever OAOAST six man tag team champions! (The image of the belt flashes onto the screen with the participating teams surrounding it.) CABOOSE Tonight Team Heyross faces off against none other then lucha sensation the Spanish Fly and the Okay Okies, The Sonner Bruisers. In addition to that, those rats in the Upstarts Jamie O'Hara and The Global Party Exchange mix it up with Peter Knight and The Usual Suspects. COACH Speaking of Peter Knight, who's becoming cooler by the second, even though he hangs out with dorks like Leon Rodez, how about his loss at November Reign? Dropping the X-title to a man he said wasn't in his league, his ex-partner the Parka. We've got Axel in the da hizzy for shizzy, Stephen Joseph is here, all kinds of mad shit is going down in Madrid tonight! Biggest show of the year baby! Dy-no-mite! Let's get this party started! Punishment by BIOHAZARD hits and Rick Heyross leads Brock Ausstin and Team Heyross out to the ring. BUFFER The following is a first-round contest in the tournament to crown the first-EVER OAOAST Six-Man tag team champions! The match is scheduled for one fall! Introducing the first team, at a total combined weight of 790 pounds...being accompanied by RICK HEYROSS, and JUMBO...CHARLIE MOSS and QUENTIN BENAJMIN, TEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAMMMMMMM HEYROSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS, and their partner from Victoria, Minnesota...BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRROCK AUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSTINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!! COLE You heard Michael Buffer, this is our first tournament match! The first-ever OAOAST Six-Man tag team champions will be crowned December 18th at Climax! The Heyross unit gets ready as Krokodilamadurinn by Quarashi hits and the Spanish Fly runs through the curtains, followed out by the Sooner Bruisers. BUFFER And their a combined weight of 710 pounds...first, from Oklahoma, the SOOOOOOONEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRUUUUUISSSEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! Their tag team partner, from San Diego, California by way of Tijuana, Mexico...the SSSSSSSSPANISSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFLLLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!! COLE And this could be a great team, Coach, the speed of the Fly combined with the strength and mat skills of the Sooners! COACH Yeah, but look on the other side, Cole! These guys, Brock Ausstin, Quentin Benjamin, and Charlie Moss, are the total package. I don't think there's anything the Bruisers or the Spanish Fly can throw at these guys that they won't be able to stop, I say Brock and Team Heyross win this match and advance to the semis. *DING DING DING* COLE And it's the Fly starting things off with Quentin Benjamin, the two speedsters from each side. Fly runs straight to the ropes, and Benjamin catches him in a tilt-a-whirl, but Fly spins around and lands on his feet, then jumps and wraps his legs around his waist, pulling himself back up and giving Benjamin an armdrag! Benjamin charges at Fly again, and gets caught in a drop toehold! Fly runs quickly to the ropes, and drops a snap legdrop! Fly covers... 1.. 2..... Kickout! Fly backs Benjamin into the corner and tags in Frank Frankensteiner. Frank steps in as Fly whips Benjamin to the ropes, and catches him in a bearhug! Frank then sets Benjamin down on his feet and moves his arms up, and takes him over with a belly-to-belly suplex! The crowd goes NUTS as Frank pumps his arms. Charlie Moss runs into the ring, and gets caught with a SOONERLINE~! Brock Ausstin then comes into the ring, as does Frankie Frankensteiner. Brock blindsides Frank with a forearm, then whips him into the ropes. Frankie ducks down behind Brock on all fours as Frank hits a SOONERLINE~! and takes Brock down, and Brock rolls out of the ring! The Fly and the Bruisers play to the crowd as their opponents regroup on the floor. COLE Some nice teamwork from the side of the Sooner Bruisers and the Spanish Fly thus far, and they're in control of this match! Frankie Frankensteiner gets into the ring along with Charlie Moss. Moss goes to the eyes and whips Frankie to the ropes, then goes behind and attempts a sunset flip, but Frankie holds onto the ropes. Frankie charges, ducking a clothesline from Moss, then stopping to catch Moss in a leapfrog and powerslam him! Frankie then gets up and delivers a SOONERLINE~! He then runs to the corner and knocks Ausstin and Benjamin to the floor, then goes behind Moss and delivers a release German suplex! Cover... 1... 2...... Kickout! Frankie slowly gets up and measures Moss, but Benjamin trips him up as he goes into the ropes! Frankie gets up and grabs Benjamin on the floor, which allows Moss to plant a knee to the back, and drop him with a back suplex! Cover... 1.. 2...... Kickout! COLE Tide has turned in this one, thanks to the intervention from the outside by Quentin Benjamin! Moss locks in a front facelock, and tags in Brock Ausstin. Brock drives in a forearm to the back and then another, and then picks him up and delivers a running powerslam! Brock covers... 1.. 2..... Kickout! Brock whips Frankie into the ropes and catches him with a big clothesline! He then tags in Quentin Benjamin, who waits on him and hits him with a dropkick, sending him to the floor! He waits again, then hits Frankie with a PLANCHA to the outside! COACH Benjamin flying to the floor, catching Frankie Frankensteiner with that slingshot to the outside! Benjamin rolls back in and gets admonished by the referee, allowing Jumbo to go behind his back and pick up Frankie in a scoop slam, ramming him back-first into the post! Jumbo then rolls him back in, and Benjamin goes on the apron, then springs to the top rope and comes off on Frankie with a legdrop! Cover... 1... 2...... Frankie gets a shoulder up! Benjamin delivers a snap suplex, then tags Moss in. Moss chokes Frankie with a boot in the corner, breaking at four. He then brings Frankie up and delivers a right hand...and Frankie returns fire! COLE Frankie trying to fight back here in the enemy corner! Moss delivers another right, and Frankie fires back, this time getting off three right hands, knocking Moss to the mat! He then turns and nails Benjamin, and then begins to hammer away on Brock, but Moss comes up from behind, nailing him with the STO backbreaker! Moss then drives more knees to the back before setting both knees on the back. COACH Submission coming up, perhaps, looks like he's setting up the bow-and-arrow! Moss grabs Frankie's ankles and face and rolls over, for a bow-and-arrow hold! Moss wrenches back as Frankie slowly fades. The referee lifts the arm... ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!! TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Frankie keeps the arm up on the third lift, and brings his hands up to try to break Moss's grip! However, Brock Ausstin reaches over the rope and delivers a forearm to the midsection! Moss tags out to Brock, who takes Frankie over with a belly-to-belly suplex! Cover... 1... 2.......... NO! Frankie kicks out! Brock sets up a back suplex, but Frankie slips over and stumbles into the corner, where Frank tags himself in! COLE TAG MADE, and Frankie's brother Frank in there now! Frank hammers away on Brock with right hands, then runs to the ropes and takes him down with a flying shoulderblock! Frank then goes to the top rope, and comes off with a clothesline! Frank covers... 1.. 2...... Brock kicks out! Frank quickly tags in the Fly, who immediately sends a dropkick to the knee of Brock, sending him down to one knee! He then goes to the ropes and comes back with a short dropkick, catching Brock right in the head! He then goes to the top rope, and delivers a missile dropkick right to the face! Fly covers Brock... 1..... 2................ Brock powers out, sending the Fly all the way over the top rope to the floor! COACH WOW! Look at the power of Brock Ausstin! Jumbo tosses Fly into the post on the outside, prompting Frankie to run around and deliver a MASSIVE SOONERLINE~! to Jumbo on the floor, drawing a huge pop! Fly rolls into the ring in his corner and tags in Frank again, but as he picks up Brock, Benjamin hits him with a superkick! Benjamin then attempts an Irish whip on Frank, but Frank reverses, and hits the FRANKENSTEINER~! COLE FRANKENSTEINER~! COACH Benjamin's not the legal man, though! Brock is, however, and picks up Frank, hitting the F-STUNNER-5~!!!!!11111 1....... 2....................... 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 *DING DING DING* BUFFER The winners of the match, advancing to the second round...the team of TEAM HEYROSS and BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRROCK AUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSTINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!! COLE And this team will meet, in two weeks, the winner of our second six-man match tonight, which consists of Zack Malibu, Leon Rodez, and Peter Knight, taking on the team of Jamie O'Hara and the Global Party Xchange! COACH That should be great! Finally the GPX get revenge for being screwed out of the tag team titles! CABOOSE Finally? They just lost the match four days ago. And they weren't screwed. Fans, we'll be back. (GO TO BREAK) (RETURN FROM BREAK) Cold return shot of Stephen Joseph, dressed up to wrestle, with OAOAST Championship Gold around his waist, pacing back and forth across the Upstarts locker room. Towels and sports drink bottles lie on the benches, Stephen wringing a wet towel with his hands. He pauses as the sweat drips from the towel to the floor below, cocks his head leftward towards the camera, smiles and then notices the boos from the crowd Crowd: BOOO! You Suck! BOOOO! Stephen Joseph smiles at this, sits down on a bench and from off camera takes a water bottle, downs a swig, smiles again, places the bottle back off camera, clears his throat, and begins to speak. Stephen Joseph Last Sunday Night, I, Stephen Joseph, OAOAST Champion of the Woooorrllld, successfully defended my title for the 5th straight week. In total, I've defended my World Title belt 21 times in the last month, each time earning a pinfall or submission win. I *AM* a fighting champion, and true to my word, I walked out of November Reign still YOUR World Champion. ::BOOOOOO!!!:: Last Sunday Night, I faced a challenge. Tha Puerto Rican, tried and FAILED to get the title away from me. Now, Ed, you put up one hell of a fight, and I commend you for that. I commend you further for shaking my hand afterwards. Sure, you didn't like the fact that I cheated to win, but a champs gotta do what a champs gotta do. You were too busy enjoying the cheering crowd, forgetting that your purpose that night was to WIN the match, not the fans. I took advantage of that. Still, it was a hell of a match, and as soon as I exhaust the list of challengers that are breaking down Calvin's door for a shot, I'll give you another. SJ vs. PR II, whatta match. That could Main Event Anglemania son. Now, I've got to turn my attention to a recently returned ::finger quotes:: Superstar. Axel Crowd: YEEEAAAHHHHH Axel. Fuck Me? No, Fuck you son. You want to talk about not respecting me? You want to completely diss the World Title that I have around my waist. Son, I can handle your shit talking, but you don't EVER talk shit about the OAOAST World Title. You might wear it one day, you really want to shit on that lineage. I might not like most everyone that's held this belt, but I despise them, not the belt. The belt is the BE all and END ALL of the business, so if you won't take back your disrespect, I will beat it the hell out of you. Anytime, Anywhere, Any stipulation. You want to talk about disrespect? ::Stephen Joseph stands up, grabs a water bottle and throws it against the locker room wall, soaking Scotty Static's jersey hanging on a hook.:: Let's talk about YOUR disrespect you hypocrite. Where were YOU this year? You were in Japan, doing your shoot wrestling. You abandoned the OAOAST, because you felt it was sinking. You used us, and then were laughing at us. When Drek Stone and Hoff took their crybaby ass bawl and left, you LEFT with them. And now what? You're back? Axel, you're back because the SHIP has been righted! And who did all that work? WE DID, THE UPSTARTS! I DID, as a FIGHTING CHAMPION. I WILL NOT STAND FOR YOUR SHIT! ::Stephen Joseph is visibly shaking. He breathes deeply, to calm himself down.:: As for tonight, whoever signed my "Open Challenge" it will be for the title, and I will consider you to be Axel. Woo be unto you, for tonight the ring is my inferno, and ye who enter...abandon all hope. Scotty (from off-camera) Dude, my shirt's wet. Johnny (appearing on camera) And it's orange at that. Stephen Joseph Where the hell were you two? Scotty Meeting Stephen Joseph Meeting? Johnny Yeah. You got any stain cleaner? Stephen Joseph Just send it to our dry-cleaners. I'll take the tab. ::Stephen storms out:: Johnny What's his beef? Scotty You know Stephen, always paranoid he's going to get screwed by Corporate Johnny Yeah, Corporate. Scotty Poppyseed bagel? Johnny Dude, where'd you get those? (As Scotty munches on a tasty bagel treat, we go back to the SC) Edited December 2, 2005 by Patty O'Green Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Patty O'Green 0 Report post Posted December 2, 2005 (edited) COLE Coach, what meeting are they talking about? COACH Hey! If you wanted to know that, you should've joined The Upstarts. CABOOSE You don't know, do you? COACH Shut your mouth. Of course I do. CABOOSE Do they know you're an Upstart? COACH I said shut your mouth. On with the show! CALIFORNIA LOVE!!!!! YEAHHHHHHHHH!!! "California Love" by Dr. Dre and Tupac starts up as the doors slide open and headlights appear. COLE Here comes the new X-Division Champion The Parka. What a match he had with his former partner Peter Knight at November Reign! COACH And what a beat down occured after it was over! COLE Yes I'm very disappointed in Peter Knight. CABOOSE Ohhh are you going to send him to his room without supper? COLE No. COACH No Cole would rather spank him. CABOOSE Good one Coach. (Coach goes to give Caboose a five and Caboose ignores him.) Parka pulls the El Camino out onto the stage and holds the X-Division belt out of the window for the fans to see. The crowd cheers as Parka revs the engine extra loud. Parka then exits the car as Eddy gets out on the passenger side. Parka holds the belt up for everyone to see as the fans cheer. Parka then puts the title on his shoulder and walks to the ring. He climbs onto the apron and steps through the ropes before posing on the turnbuckles for a few seconds to take in the cheers. Finally he steps down as the music dies out and takes a mic. PARKA Man it feels good to have gold once again! YEAHHHHHHH!!!! PARKA At November Reign Peter Knight gave me the fight of my life and I don't want to take anything away from him, because he fought well. However, I'm still stinging from that post-match attack. I could come out here and whine and complain about how a man who was supposed to be my friend disrespected me, but honestly I've been there. I've reacted the same way he did and I know what he's feeling. If he believes our friendship and our tag team is dead then so be it, but I'm not going to cry over spilt milk. Tonight is the beginning of a new era in my career and I'm going to celebrate. After all we're here in Madrid, Spain!!! YEAHHHHHHHHHH!!!! PARKA I feel like hanging out with a few of those Spanish Mamacitas and doing a little dancing! I learned a few things during my time in Mexico. Sure it's a bit different here, but I can fit in! (Parka does a little Spanish dance and the fans cheer.) PARKA Okay okay enough about that it's time to get to business. Now that I have this X-Division Championship I plan on being a fighting champion. Now we already have a man around here claiming to be a fighting champion and he defends his belt every week. I think you know who I'm talking about and that's the OAOAST Champion Stephen Joseph. BOOOOOOOOO!!!! PARKA Now I consider myself an Original so I cannot let an Upstart, even if he technically has been here longer than I have, upstage me. Therefore I too will defend my title every week here on HeldDOWN until the day I lose this title! YEAHHHHHHHHH!!!!! PARKA I have already told the guys and gals in the back that there will be an open spot against me every week on HeldDOWN so I ask that anyone who wants to answer the challenge go ahead and come on out. COLE Wow! We're going to have an X-Divsion Title match right now!! COACH Yeah but who's going to answer the challenge? LIGHTNING CREW!!!! COLE Oh no! BOOOOOOOOO!!!!! "No Chance in Hell" by Bradley Royds begins to play and out comes a Mexican Flag appears on the Angletron and suddenly a Lightning Bolt hits the stage. White smoke fills the entrance way and out comes....Mr. Boricua! COLE Now I wasn't expecting that! CABOOSE I think he might be lost. PARKA Well...this is a surprise. Boricua walks down the aisle and enters the ring. He gets a mic of his own and comes face to face with Parka as the music dies down. PARKA Well big man I said I would take on all challenges and they do say there are no limits in the X-Division, so if you want a match you got it. BORICUA Yeah!!! Boricua next X Champ! BOOOOOOOO!!!! PARKA Whoa let's not get ahead of ourselves. BORICUA *Grinning widely* AJ Styles!! PARKA Next AJ Styles?? Aren't you a little big to be AJ? BORICUA I'm not fat!! PARKA I'm not saying you are! BORICUA I'm pissed now!!! PARKA Oh crap! COLE Oh crap is right!! CABOOSE Does Boricua honestly think he's the next AJ Styles?? COACH I think he's too dumb to know the difference. COLE That wasn't very nice. CABOOSE No I agree. Parka backs into a corner as Boricua stalks him. Parka frantically apologizes for supposedly calling him fat, but Boricua doesn't want to hear it. The ref comes running out of the back and slides into the ring, calling for the bell. *DING DING DING* COLE I guess we have a match. Boricua, at 6 foot 9 inches and 300 pounds, isn't your normal X-Division wrestler. CABOOSE Like I said he's too dumb to know the difference. COACH I said that actually. CABOOSE No you didn't. Parka takes off his La Parka mask and tosses it to Eddy just in time as Boricua rains down a hard palm strike to Parka's chest that echoes around the arena! Boricua rains down two more strikes and Parka's knees become weak. Finally Boricua whips Parka across the ring and into the opposite corner. Parka hits hard and Boricua comes running in for a Clothesline, but Parka quickly jumps over the top rope and to the apron. Boricua slams sternum first into the turnbuckle and stumbles back. Parka then climbs to the top rope and comes off with a Moonsault, but Boricua catches him and Presses him high above his head. COLE Oh no what's he planning on doing?? CABOOSE Who knows? Does he even know? Boricua then launches Parka to the outside and Parka hits the protective mats hard! Boricua then throws his arms out to the side in an AJ Styles-like pose. BOOOOOOOO!!!! COACH Yeah...he's lost his mind. COLE He had a mind?? Wait a minute!! What is he doing now? Boricua sees Parka begin to stand and grabs a hold of the top rope. He then slingshots himself out of the ring with a Pescado! Parka sees him coming and quickly moves, just barely getting out of the way as Boricua crashes hard on the floor!! COLE This whole building just shook!! CABOOSE Well I've seen it all now! The fans laugh and cheer the bold move by Boricua as Parka snaps out of his shock and tries to lift Boricua up and roll him into the ring. Parka manages to roll him in and then positions himself on the apron. Parka twirls his finger in the air and the fans cheer as he hits the Slingshot Senton Splash on Boricua and goes for a cover. 1 2 No! Boricua presses Parka off of him and over the ref! Parka is up quickly as the ref recovers from his near heart attack and Boricua gets to his feet as well. Parka waves Boricua on and Boricua gets a big grin on his face. COLE Okay now Parka has gone crazy. Boricua goes for a Bicycle Kick, but Parka catches his foot and hits a quick Dragon Screw Leg Whip! Boricua is slow to get up and when he does Parka goes for the Shining Wizard, but Boricua catches him! Boricua presses Parka up, but Parka fights out and goes for a Sunset Flip! However, Parka isn't able to get Boricua over! COACH No way...Boricua is too heavy for that! CABOOSE But he's still trying. Parka tries with all his might to get Boricua over and Boricua starts to wobble, but finally he gets his bearings and reaches down to grab Parka. Boricua pulls him up with a Double Choke, but Parka breaks free and hits a Dropkick on his way down. COLE What a counter, but Boricua isn't going down! Boricua stumbles, but he stays on his feet. So Parka hits the ropes and nails him with a Shoulder Block. Still Boricua stays up, but he teeters dangerously close to falling over. Parka strikes quick and hits a Clothesline that knocks Boricua over the top rope! COLE Finally he got him! CABOOSE Hold on look!! Boricua lands on his feet on the outside and the fans can't believe it. Parka looks frustrated, but he doesn't miss a beat as he bounces off the ropes and flies over the top rope with a Tope! COLE Parka takes to the air....but Boricua catches him!! COACH Uh oh! Boricua has Parka across his right shoulder facing up and looks to ram him into the ringpost. COLE If he hits this the match could be over! COACH Along with Parka's title reign! Parka manages to break free at the last second, fall behind him, and shove Boricua face first into the post! Boricua stumbles back into Parka, who slides him into the ring. Boricua is back on his feet quickly as Parka climbs to the top rope again. Parka leaps off for a Flying Hurricanrana! COLE Shades of the Dream Catcher! CABOOSE Speaking of catching...Boricua's done it again! Boricua catches Parka as he tries to hit the Hurricanrana and drops him with a Sitout Powerbomb! 1 2 No!!! COLE I thought he had him! COACH I think Parka is rethinking this open challenge! Boricua pulls Parka back to his feet, whips him to the ropes, and catches him coming off with a Flying Clothesline! COLE Boricua is pulling out moves I wasn't expecting! Boricua with a cover! 1...2...No! Parka kicks out! CABOOSE This may be a short reign for Parka. Parka comes up dazed as Boricua whips him to the ropes again. Boricua presses Parka into the air and then lets him fall to the mat hard. Parka bounces off the mat like a basketball and Boricua makes another cover. 1 2 No!!! COLE I admire Parka for taking on all challengers, but he's in for a fight. CABOOSE This is becoming kind of fun to watch. Parka slowly pulls himself up by the ropes and Boricua is there to whip him hard into the corner. Before Parka can even take a breath Boricua comes in with an Avalanche to the corner and Parka flops face first to the mat. COLE My God! Boricua just flattened Parka in the corner. COACH But why isn't he going for a cover? CABOOSE Why do you think? Boricua then pulls Parka into position and climbs the turnbuckles. COLE Oh no...what is he going for now!? Boricua comes off with a Flying Splash....but Parka gets his knees up! COLE Boricua just landed on the knees of Parka! CABOOSE I think that hurt both men! Parka indeed seems to have the wind knocked out of him as Boricua's weight drove Parka's own legs into his gut and chest. Both men lie on the mat as the ref makes a 10 count. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Parka starts to pull himself up 7 8 Boricua starts to get up 9 Both men make it to their feet and Parka goes in for the kill. Boricua comes to life and kicks Parka in the gut before Parka can do anything and then he goes for the Latino Bomb. COLE Boricua going for the Power Bomb. This could be the end!! COACH Say goodbye to your title Parka. It was nice while it lasted. As Boricua gets him up Parka reverses it with a Hurricanrana that takes the big man over! COLE What a reversal!! CABOOSE I can't believe he got him over! Parka is momentarily shocked, but he manages to get it together and go for a pin. 1 2 No!!! Parka then waits for Boricua to get up and as Boricua gets to a knee Parka comes in with the Shining Wizard and connects!!! Parka then pulls Boricua away from the ropes and goes for another cover. 1 2 3!!! No!! Boricua kicks out!!! COLE Parka and this capacity crowd cannot believe it! CABOOSE He needs to keep on him! Parka pulls Boricua to his feet and kicks him in the gut. He then goes for the Day of the Dead, but he cannot get Boricua up! COLE I don't think he's going to be able to hit that move!! COACH Boricua is just too heavy Cole! Parka tries again, but he strains his back and Boricua counters with a Back Body Drop! Parka gets up slow and receives a boot to the gut before Boricua lifts him for the Latino Bomb....and hits it!! COLE He got him!! CABOOSE Yeah but he's not going for a cover! COACH No...he's going to the top! COLE What...the...hell?? Boricua climbs to the top rope and throws his hands out to the side before steadying himself and then leaping off....with a Spiral Tap!! But at the last second Parka moves and Boricua hits the mat hard! COLE Oh my God I'm surprised the ring didn't collapse!!! CABOOSE This idiot really thought he could be like AJ Styles!! The fans chant "Holy Shit" as Parka pulls himself back up and looks absolutely shocked! Parka signals for the end and the fans cheer. YEAHHHHHH!!!!! COLE What's he going to do? He can't hit the Day of the Dead! Parka climbs to the top rope and looks out the the crowd with a smile on his face. COLE What is he planning? Parka leaps off the top rope with a Shooting Star Press....into a Double Stomp!!! COLE Oh my God!!!! CABOOSE Well that was new!! Boricua holds his gut in pain as Parka goes for a cover. 1 2 3!!!! *DING DING DING* BUFFER Here's your winner and still X-Divsion Champion....THE PARKA!!!!! Parka comes up and wipes his brow before looking to the crowd and mouthing, "did you like that?" YEAHHHHHH!!!! "California Love" plays as Parka is handed his title and exits the ring. Boricua finally gets up and looks pissed. Parka gets back in the El Camino along with Eddy and holds the X Title up one last time for the fans before backing the car through the entryway. COLE What a win for Parka! COACH And now he's going to defend his title every week? He might not make it very long! CABOOSE Hopefully he makes it a lot longer than Stephen Joseph does. COLE Well that's something we agree on. Boricua walks back to the back and runs into Tha Puerto Rican. PRL What the hell was that?? BORICUA I'm in the X-Division! Boricua walks away holding his gut and grinning like a fool, leaving PRL looking confused. COLE I guess you at home are just as confused as PRL. Fans, just a quick reminder the next time the OAOAST will be on PPV is December 18th for Climax. Now, you can still order the replay of our last pay per view event and see all the great matches. Make sure you have some coffee on hand, because it is long. COACH And coming up, we have a really long commercial break! (GO TO BREAK) (RETURN FROM BREAK) We cut to the back and find the World Tag Team champions, the Usual Suspects, walking the halls. They stop and converse with a crew member, who points them towards a door. COLE Seems like Zack is looking for someone. The duo approach and open the door without knocking. The camera follows them in and reveals it to be the dressing room of Peter Knight, their partner in the six-man tag tournament match tonight. Knight is on his cell phone and looks in slight surprise at the intrusion. KNIGHT (on phone) Hey, I gotta go. No, really, I can’t talk about that now because Zack and Rodez just walked in. We’ll talk more later. Right, see ya. Knight hangs up the phone and stands, only to find Zack Malibu right in his face. ZACK So, you FINALLY get all that “frustration” out last Sunday? You have your little temper tantrum there after Parka beat you fair and square? I don’t want to know what the hell has been going on with you lately, but it stops TONIGHT! We’re all teaming up to face O’Hara and the GPX and, as we showed on Sunday night, we know how to handle the GPX. MY problem is having to deal with an unstable, moody and “frustrated” partner who I really don’t know if he’ll have our back tonight. KNIGHT So you’re suddenly becoming “Mr. Leader” around here, telling me what to do? I’ve got two words for you, and one rhymes with “Malibu”: screw you! *SLAP* “Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!” Zack literally slaps the taste out of Knight’s mouth. Knight makes a move towards him, but Rodez gets in the middle, pushing Zack out the door as he trades words with Knight. ZACK When you meet us in that ring later, you better put behind everything else but the GPX and O'Hara. Get your head on straight tonight, Peter; if you don’t, I’ll knock it clean off your shoulders. KNIGHT Why not do it right now, huh? (To Rodez) Get his preppy ass out of here. Rodez manages to get Malibu out of the room and the door is closed. Knight, now pretty angry, picks his cell phone back up and dials. KNIGHT (on phone) It’s me again. That idea you had? (He looks off towards the door in anger) I’m in. (FADE) Edited December 2, 2005 by Patty O'Green Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Patty O'Green 0 Report post Posted December 2, 2005 (edited) (RETURN TO THE SC) When you were here before, couldn't look in your eye You're just like an angel, your skin makes me cry You float like a feather In a beautiful world I wish I was special You're so FUCKIN' special The greatest fucking rock song of all time, Creep, hits, leading the capacity crowd to shower the arena floor with a plethora of boos. That's just because they can't appreciate a bitchin' song like this mac daddy can. Fuck yeah, Radiohead! Fuck yeah! These twits in the stands continue their unwarranted jeering, but maybe that has something to do with the fellow standing on the entrance stage, Christian Wright. The robed grappler stands stoically underneath a white spotlight, head bowed, pretending to be oblivious to the hatred that surrounds him. COACH Here's the thing with the Upstarts, we have diverse personalities. What on earth does Johnny Jax have in common with Christian Wright or Stephen Joseph with Jamie O'Hara? Nothing. But we accept each other, because we're all devoted to the same cause. Can you all in the Originals say the same? I mean, who's in the Originals anyway? Are you even an official stable? Bowing his head backwards so that his face is awash in the aqua colored glow, Wright flings his hands to the side. Minus Bohemoth, and plus the hatred of several thousand Spaniards he strolls down the entrance way. BUFFER The following contest is non title match for the uh...crap I missed up. Um, now making his way to the ring from Raleigh, North Carolina, weighing two hundred and thirty three pounds he is the HI-YA heavyweight champion, representing the Upstarts, THE NATURAL.....CHRISTIAN WRRRRRRIIIIGHT! “BOOOOOO!” Wright casts off his robe, leaving it for some underpayed ringside crew member to deal with. He enters the ring, with a stern expression on his face, and foists his title high into the air for all the jealous gawkers to see. The wordy superstar takes hold of a microphone and prepares to mount his high horse. WRIGHT Salutations, Madrid. One's ears shouldn't be subjected to such barnyard debasement provided weekly by the filth that spews forward from the alcohol tinged mouth of one Krista Isadora Duncan. You trumpet yourself as the holder of two masters degrees from Stanford, but your dishonorable conduct and your smutty style of dress cast a long shadow of shame onto that prestigious institution of higher learning. I have come to secure the knowledge that you were once a fitness model. No doubt using your appearance as a means to cloak your abhorrent personality, which is little more then a sewer, ripe with ugliness, and thin with morals. While your brawny words that you use to broadcast your opinion that you're better then everyone in the OAOAST may have bamboozled the common rodent watching this hackneyed program from his pig sty, they have failed to fooled me. I, Christian Wright, The Moral Highground, have willingly assumed the burden of proving to you and the world, that you, my dear woman, are not the best at anything. Krista Isadora Duncan, regardless of what sinful alternative lifestyles you chose to lead, after this lopsided battle draws to a close, you shall be my wife. If not by law, then certainly by practice! (No one knows what he said, because you know, they're all Spanish. But they boo anyway because he made mean faces and that means he's a heel!) COLE That means he's going to make her his bitch. He also stole that last line from Titanic. The familiar strands of pop queen Lindsay Lohan's Anything But Me leak out of the speakers. A beautiful red pyro fountain shoots from the center of the stage, connecting with a gorgeous yellow pyro waterfall. After they dissipate, the entrance doors slide open, and Krista Isadora Duncan steps out to a thunderous ovation from the fans! COLE Krista's been running down every male wrestler in the company as of late. She thinks she's better then them, and she also happens to believe they're conspiring to keep her underneath their glass ceiling. But now she has her first real test in Christian Wright. Wright has offered to be the one to put Krista back in her place. BUFFER And his opponent, she is the author of the New York Times best selling Soul of a Womyn, the star of the FIT with KID line of exercise videos, she hails from Los Angeles, California...KRISTA ISADORA DUNCAAAAAAAAAAN!!! “YEAAAAAA!” CABOOSE Cole, they've got a women's division now, let her and Alix wrestle in that. COLE They don't want to. They've never wrestled in it before, and they don't want to start now. Why should they all of sudden be shuffled to the women's division, when just seven months ago they were were fighting with the boys. CABOOSE A lot has changed in seven months. COLE Chicks Over Dicks as a team has lost only three matches in over a year. They have a 20 and 3 record. Twenty wins. Three losses. All wins came against men, and one loss was against a team of Zack Malibu and Holly-Wood. That's the best winning percentage of any regular tag team I've ever seen. Wearing a golden tank top and a glittery gold skirt, Krista confidently strolls to the ring. The former tag team champion steps onto the ring apron, and slowly ducks underneath the second and third ropes, giving the camera and the viewing audience a perfect view of her long and lovely, tan legs. With the wrestlers in the squared circle, the man in the stripes calls for the opening bell. DING DING The competitors start with a lockup that lasts exactly 5.3 seconds, ending when Wright switches around for a go-behind. Christian actually has difficulty lifting her up for an amateur style takedown, which is both very funny and very sad. Krista grows tired of what basically amounts to being dry humped, and breaks the waistlock by grabbing his arm and snagging it into an arm wrench. The fans clap politely, as Wright cringes with the torquing of his limbs. When he feels her grip loosen ever so slightly, he turns the tables with an arm wrench of his own. Nobody claps for him. How ever will Krista escape such a deathly hold? By rolling forward, sliding onto her knees, and doing a nifty headstand kip up, turning the tide back in her favor with her second armwrench! “Can a bitch get a handclap?” A proud Krista asks the crowd. A bitch sure can! She can also get a chant of “K-I-D! K-I-D!” Wright is forced to swing his body in front of her, then hit the ground back first in a speedy effort to free the hold. Befuddled over what exactly he's attempting to do, Krista gets suckered into a knuckle lock. Wright presses his left boot into her bare stomach and pulls her in, making it so that she's nearly floating on his foot. Izzy still has zero idea what the hell is going on, but she tries to maintain her calmness in the face of uncertainty. Using his size 10 boots, Wright pushes her off, making sure to land her on her feet. The knuckle lock still held tight, he springs to a standing position. The Natural leaps into the air, and presses his legs into her inner thighs. He falls backwards, and as he does so, he executes his plan to perfection, flinging Krista overhead with a monkey flip!The blonde bombshell properly braces herself for what could've been a nasty fall. As such the damage is dispersed throughout her body, and she's able to stand up rather quickly. COACH It's great to see two Upstarts duking it out on HeldDOWN! COLE Krista isn't an Upstart, Coach! COACH Sure she is! She asked to join the group last week, and Scotty let her in. She never officially quit! KID flashes a smug smile at her foe, as she claps sarcastically for his first victory in their game of one upsmanship. Wright for his part, stares daggers at her, not put off by her childish attempts to take him out of his game. They circle one another like ancient gladiators preparing to duel to the death. Ever the sneaky one, Krista extends her right hand for a test strength. Thinking Krista stupid for starting a fight she can't win, Wright meets her hand with his. Then his face meets the mat courtesy of a surprise drop toe hold. Krissy hits the ground, looking to score her favorite move, the headlock, but Wright is just a bit to fast for her. He sweeps out to her side, and grabs her arm into a hammerlock. A grin forms on his face, as he seems to believe he's forming the beginning of Krista's end with this simple hold. Izzy rolls into a sitting position, taking some of the pressure off her back and chest. Referee Billy Silverman asks Krista if she wants to submit. Krista looks at him like he just said the sky was yellow, because who the hell submits to a hammer lock three minutes into the match? The former fitness model reaches behind her and grabs onto the back of Wright's head, taking what little hair he has back there into her grip. She stands herself up, ignoring his shouts of “Stay down”, then flips him forward with a headlock takedown! He stands up, then gets taken right back down with a flipping dropkick! He stands up again, and gets taken down with a dropkick again. Rinse, repeat, rinse, repeat. COLE Fans, later tonight, Wright's fellow Upstarts, The GPX and Jamie O'Hara face off against Peter Knight and The Usual Suspects in a six man tourney opening match. Wright stands up, wisely putting distance between himself and his dropkick happy opponent. The fighters come together with a lockup that ends as quickly as it started with Krista grabbing her world famous headlock. Krista wrenches on Christian's head, trying her damnedest to cause as much damage to his neck as she can possibly can. Wright ends the move prematurely by shoving her into the ropes. She runs back and decks the HI-YAH heavyweight champion with a clothesline. The SoCal diva goes back to the well, running to the ropes for another clothesline! But the standing Wright refuses to be hit again, as he tries to plant a boot into her gut! She catches it, turns him around, and grabs a tightly held waistlock! German Suplex? Not if Wright's crushing elbow to the head has anything to say about it! He grabs her left arm and hurls her to the ropes. On her return he spins her around for a tilt a whirl slam into a back breaker! Krista slides off his knees to the mat, as everyone in the arena winces at the extreme pain she must be going through. Wright triumphantly pumps his fist into the air, while his free hand clutches the chest that her clothesline almost caved in. The Upstart drops down on her for the pin. 1 2 KICK OUT! YEAAA! “Pardon my rudeness, Squire Silverman.” Wright begins. “But I must object to your denial of the pivotal three count. I do believe that such an adjudicature, for lack of a better word, was reached in both haste and simple misapprehension. Far be it for me to postulate at such an inoppurt.....” Before Christian can finish reciting the rest of the words in the dictionary, Krista gets him with a school boy! He kicks out at one! Both wrestlers stand up at the exact same time. It's Wright seizing the moment, and nailing her smack in the face with a back elbow! Stunned, with her whole world turned into a blur, she's unable to stop him from whipping her into the hard turnbuckle pads. What she is able to do however, is halt his incoming onslaught with a side elbow to the cheek! He staggers backwards, checking his mouth to see if her brutal shot drew any crimson goo. This distraction affords her the chance to climb to the third rope. When her rival returns looking for a bit of vengeance, she gives him leaping a tornado DDT! But Wright staves off disaster, shoving her off entirely! Fortunately, she lands on her feet. Intoxicated with fury, Wright charges her with a shoulder block! The best selling author drops to her stomach and captures him with a drop toe hold! CW's face slaps the hard ring mat, causing a trickle of blood to seep from his nostrils. He rolls onto his stomach, honestly hoping that the ref will see the blood, take pity on him and grant him a moment to attend to his wounds. But all that happens is that Krista runs the ropes, carthweels back, gets a pop because her skirt lifted up and the fans could see her thong-th-th-th-thong, and hits a moonsault. Ah, but Wright gets his knees up! COACH Very clever, Mister Wright! Krista rolls around the mat, moaning in sheer misery, and nursing her injured stomach. Wright, such polite gentlemen wipes his blood off on Silverman's shirt, then puts the stomps to Krissy. After lifting her up, he whips her into the bright orange ring ropes, trying for a hip toss upon her returns! But Krista aggravates him, landing on her feet! She hits him with a knee to gut, bending him down. From there, KID puts her leg on the back of his neck, and backflips over, popping the crowd but doing no actual damage whatsoever. She charges at him, purposely making herself into an easy target, in an effort to dupe the hot head into attempting a clothesline. He doesn't disappoint, and misses with a fantastic lariat! CW turns right around, and nearly gets decapitated with dropkick to the face! The shot causes more blood to seep out of his nose, as he plummets to the beige colored mat. With the crowd rooting on Krista, and the match firmly in her control, The Natural has to bail out of the ring to extinguish her fiery momentum. COACH Come on, baby! I'm talking to both of them, because they're both Upstarts. Wright is bent over, catching his breath, and trying to ignore the vapid American tourists in the front row who are calling him “CHRISTIAN WRONG”. He doesn't see that his enemy has followed him to the outside. She takes him by surprise with a forearm to the back, leaving him defenseless from her Irish whip into the guardrail! CLAAAAANK! After the horrible collision with the now dislodged guardrail, Wright lurches forward, mouth hung open, hollering in pain. To make matters worse a fan from the third row hits him in the head with a beer cup! Totally humiliated and awash with shame, a dejected Wright just falls flat on his stomach. The fan nearest him earns fifteen seconds of fame by dumping his beer all over Wright's back. COACH Krista likes beer, I'll bet she tries to lick it off him....hey throw some beer on me! “KRISTA! KRISTA! KRISTA!” The recipient of those chants scoops up the Upstart and rolls him into the ring. As Wright staggers to his feet, a mess of bud light, blood, sweat and lots of baby oil, the tanned beauty climbs to the third rope. When Wright turns around, she flings herself off and hits him with a gorgeous cross body block! Silverman drops down the mat for the count! UNO MOMENTO, MOMMY, SLOW YOUR TEMPO KICK OUT! Looking a little amazed that she only got a one count, Krista brushes her golden locks away from her baby blue eyes. Her pouting comes to a sudden halt, when she notices Wright leaning against the ropes. Terrible position, she tells herself, then runs at him, intending on clotheslining him to the outside! But the beer drenched heel was just playing possum, and his backbody drop rockets Krista over the ropes! The crowd holds their collective breath, for it looks like the vulgar heorine might take a very nasty bump! But they all breathe a sigh of relief as she lands solidly on her boots! Their happiness is short lived, as CW grabs onto the top rope, then shoots his feet through second and first one, disgustingly blasting her in the jaw and knocking her flat on the mat! CABOOSE Not a bad move. Krista starts to crawl away, seeking a place to regroup. Wright, now on the outside, remembers how she refused to let him recover, and hopes to repay the discourteousness in full. He picks her up, grabs her into a front face lock, then drops her stomach fist onto that pesky guard rail! He nearly hitting a few fans with her feet in the process of executing his brutal move. She groans audibly, bringing a smirk to Christian's blood stained face. KID's body does twisting slide back onto the floor. She promptly resumes crawling away from Wright, fans patting her on the back with encouragement as she attempts a futile escape. CW pounces on her once more, lifting her up and tagging her face with closed right hands. He jaws with a few simpletons in the stands, who order him to leave their beloved femme fatale be. Upon giving them a sound verbal thrashing, he Irish whips Krista against the ring apron! Krista reverses it, crashing him into the hard material hidden underneath the flimsy fabric! Wright leans against the ring, huffing and puffing like a big bad wolf, but feeling more like a distressed sheep. Krista dashes at him, but he's able to move out of the way at the last moment! Now she's forced to place her hands on the ring apron to brace herself for the impact! But what this allows Christian to do is grab her legs, one in each arm, swing her around, and cruelly drop her throat first onto the guard rail! The audience is absolutely livid at such a blatant disrespect for Krista's body, and every last one of them gives a remorseless Wright an earful. Izzy looks to be in horrible pain, feeling like her neck was just ransacked by a dozen razor blades. Wright stands over his disheveled victim, trembling with rage, spit flying from his mouth. “I am doing this for your own good! I am your moral superior, you street walking tart! You will obey me!” COLE We'll be back with more, HeldDOWN! (GO TO BREAK) (RETURN FROM BREAK) We return at exactly the perfect moment, as Wright has Krista draped over the first rope, her throat resting in an unenviable spot on the bottom cable. Displaying admirable agility, the HI-YAH heavyweight champion throws himself over the top rope, and hits Krista in the back of the head with a leg drop! Izzy rolls back into ring, grabbing onto her neck, gasping for whatever air will come to her. Silverman admonishes a returning Wright for the cheap tactic, but is rudely instructed to “mind your own affairs, wretch.” by the abrasive superstar. Duncan backs herself into the corner, coughing up a storm. Her adversary brings the fight to her, unloading on her with vile knife edge chops! Although they smart dearly, she's just glad he's leaving her tortured throat alone. After hitting one last delightfully bitter chop, he whips her to the opposite corner! Reversed! Wright makes the error of taking the turnbuckle bump stomach first, and staggers back into a lung blower from Krista! COLE Obviously Krista wants him to see what it's like to go without air! Krista lies on the mat, next to Christian, scarcely able to breathe, her energy all but consumed. Taking strength from the touching show of support the fans give her, she stands and starts stomping the absolute shit out of Wright! He tries to cover up, but she just hits him in all the parts he's not able to shield. He'd need to be Goro from Mortal Kombat to properly save himself from these hate fueled stomps. Eventually she stomps all the way over to the corner, where he leans against the bottom turnbuckle. Krista picks him up, brings him away from the corner and whips him to the ropes! He reverses it! She returns, leaping onto his shoulders for a hurricanrana! But he counters that high risk move with a high impact sitout powerbomb, that shakes the squared circle! “AWWWWW!” says the upset crowd. Silverman makes the count! 1 2 KICK OUT! “YEAAAAAAA” goes the crowd. Wright ignores the gob of cheers, and goes back to work on her neck with two quick but dangerous elbow drops to her throat! Wasting no movement or time, he locks her into a modified dragon sleeper! Silverman knows the reputation of the Upstarts, and the second the hold is cinched in, he checks it's validity, wanting to see if it's nothing more then an illegal choke. Lying on her back, not only does Krista have to worry about not blacking out, but she also has to worry about not getting pinned, as Silverman seems insistent on checking her shoulders. Wright doesn't seem to notice that her shoulders are this close to touching the mat, and switches his dragon sleeper into the regular sleeper, perhaps costing himself a chance to obtain victory. 'KRISTA! KRISTA! KRISTA!” chant the fans, trying to rally their gal. Krista doesn't let her large fanbase down, getting to her feet, and furiously elbowing her way out of Wright's treacherous trap. She runs the ropes, rebounding to punt Wright smack dab in his gigantic junk! That scores an enormous pop from the spectators! And her dropkicking him clear out of the ring, through the second and third ropes, gets an even bigger one! COACH AGHHHHH! And YEAAAH! Because they're both Upstarts. Krista leaps onto the highest rope, and before her balance can disappear she throws herself at Wright with a terrific shooting star press to the outside! Camera phones, digital cameras, and regular old Kodaks, click off pictures as a spiraling KID takes CW down to black mats! Krista stands up and flexes her impressive, but not freakish, muscles, as CW looks to have taken the next train to la-la land. She rolls the dizzy champion onto the ring apron, where he very slowly rises to his knees. Krista, gaining joins him and hits him in the face with a few left jabs. The one sided slugfest is ended when Wright rocks her world with an elbow to the stomach, doubling her over! It looks like she just might crumple to the outside, but Wright keeps her upright, then throws her through the second rope into the ring. COACH Some close calls for my man, The C-Dub, but he's getting it under control. But if Krista wins that'd be okay, because she is an Upstart, you know. COLE Coach, you're so silly. Wright drags a standing Krista into a tightly secured front face lock! He tries for a slingshot suplex, and the sling part works okay. The shot part backfires however as Krista crushes his cranium with a big time DDT reversal! Krista keeps the fans cheering by getting up and climbing to the top rope! Wright gets them booing by making a mad dash to the corner and shoving her off, propelling her to the oft-visited outside! KID has a less then pleasant landing, tumbling backwards, falling over, and violently smacking her head on the bottom bar of the guardrail. Fireworks of pain explode throughout her possibly concussed head. COLE That doesn't look to good! She stands up, and leans against the railing, grunting in agony, not even having the requisite strength to slap the fan who's getting a little to friendly with her bra strap. However she does have the vitally necessary energy to avoid CW, who's coming down on her like an atomic bomb with an axe handle smash! Not only does Christian miss her completely, but he overshot his jump so he misses the guardrail as well! That means he's about to land in the best seats in the house! The unsympathetic fans haul ass, leaving his face to get up close and personal with several steel chairs! CRAAAAASSH! That's the sound of Christian's muscular body being ravaged by the combination of concrete, half eaten hot dogs, beer bottles and unforgiving steel. COLE That looks even worse! COACH My boys got Ups! Look how far he want! The fans chant the only English they probably know, “HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT!” drowning out Wright's screams “Oh my god, my knee, my arm, my whole body!” CABOOSE If Billy Silverman had any sense at all, he'd tell them to keep this match in ring! What good are these two to the OAOAST if they're both on the injured list? Krista grabs a nearby fan's camera phone and starts snapping photos of Wright, whose body looks to be doing an impression of Raggity Ann. “Smile, baby! Let me see those pearly whites!” She tells him, knowing he may have just lost a few of those pearly whites. After tossing the phone back to spectator, Izzy undertakes the gargantuan task of pulling Wright's battered and busted body over the guardrail. The fans, returning to their seats, show him no mercy or respect, making derogatory claims about his sexuality, his dorky hairstyle and his choice of tights. KID tries to lead him back into the ring, but he confounds her with a surprise elbow to the chest! Desperate for a moment to rest, he grabs her by the back of her head and bashes her face into the ring post! And again! And again! And that's all he'll get, because they just both topple backwards, almost driven to the point of exhaustion. COLE How is Wright even able to stand after what he just did? What an amazing resiliency! COACH He's a champion, Cole. That means he's one of the greats. A loser like you wouldn't understand what it takes. CW slides the best selling author into the ring. He stands her up and hits a Northern Lights Suplex, rolls it and gets another. This time he bridges it! 1 2 KICK OUT! “YEAAAAAAA!” You can see the perturbation on Wright's clobbered visage, but he doesn't have energy or the patience to debate with the zebra. Letting Krista exhaust her strength, he allows her to stand up, then resumes the attack with four forearms that push her into the turnbuckle. CW hammers her with six quick chops to the chest, then hurls her across the ring to the opposing corner! He runs in for a body splash, but she dives out of the way, leaving him to crash stomach first into the sharp steel! She spins her bruised foe around, putting his back against the pads, then backs up, and measures his body for the perfect target. Charging in, she jumps up for a forearm smash, but he moves at the last possible second, and she meets a much worse fate then he did, hitting her face against the top buckle! She staggers backwards and the crimson masked Wright rolls her up for a pin! 1 2 KICK OUT! Krista stands up, and gets hammered with a left armed lariat! Or does she? No she doesn't because she ducks the attack! She turns around to hit him with a discus punch, but he's just a shade quicker and..SMAAAACK....he floors her with an amazingly harsh superkick! Watching Krista writhe in pain on the mat, a disdainful laugh escapes from Wright's bloody mouth. He lifts her up, but not before planting a few elbows to her back, then sends her to the corner! He follows her in for what looks to be a body splash, but the bottom of her golden shoe introduces itself to his jaw! The stuffy gladiator clumsily reels backwards, and Krista rumbles to him for a shoulder block! However, he manages to take hold of her slender hips, planning to just slam her to the canvas. But she leaps out to his side, then quickly shoots behind him! With the advantage all in her corner, she jumps onto his broad shoulders, and falls forward for a victory roll! CROWD UNO CROWD DOS TRE....WRIGHT REVERSES IT! 1 2 KICK OUT! “YEAAAAAAA!” CABOOSE So close! An expression of pure hatred for his feisty rival resting on face, Wright drags her upright. He tries to rearrange her facial structure with wild haymakers. The Natural sweeps behind her, and foists her up for a backdrop. But she slips out of the hold and lands on her feet! He turns around, only to take another boot to his massive meat missile! Oh, how the sadistic crowd loves seeing that encore! KID joyfully brings him even more pain with a sweet double arm DDT! She goes for a pin.... CROWD UNO CROWD DOS NO! Wright gets to his feet, wobbling like a bobble head as he rises. Krista locks onto her prey, and runs at him for a bulldog. But Wright sees her coming out of the corner of her eye, and halts her with a knee to the stomach! He hooks her into a backdrop set up, then lifts her up, seating her on the top turnbuckle! He climbs up with her, as every member of the audience rises to their feet in anticipation of the big move that's forthcoming! Wright applies a rear waistlock, and the fans who know what that means pop huge. Those who didn't know what was about it to happen are even more astonished by Wright's murderous top rope German Suplex! COLE No! Krista is dead, Caboose! CABOOSE I call dibs on her Porsche. Krista lands on the mat, folded in half, any expression on her face going blank as she slips into a blackness. Resting assured that this contest is all but over, Wright attempts a pin. 1 2 KICK OUT “YEAAAAA!” COLE How's Krista kicking out of that?! Beside himself with anguish, Wright sure wishes he had the answer to that query. He throws the mother of all tantrums to the audience's delight, slamming his tapped fist against the canvas, kicking his feet in the air, and letting a superabundance of tears flow freely from his hazel eyes. COLE I guess we will get to see the tears he's cried behind these hazel eyes. Still crying, Wright violently pulls her into a standing head scissors, then wraps his arms around her slim waist, and drags her into the air for a powerbomb! NO! Krista flips out of it! Lariat by CW! Ducked! Superkick by Krista! He catches her foot, and smiles with barbaric glee! He spins her around and gets a quick waistlock! German Suplex! She flips out of it! Grinning from ear to ear, she waves him on! He accepts her invitation, and gets an elbow to the face as a result! The strike turns him around, leaving his back wide open to whatever she wants to do! And what Krista wants is to finish this match. And what Krista wants, Krista gets, baby! Standing behind him she wraps her hands around his head, then butches him with Elizabeth, I'm coming to join ya! (Reverse X-factor)! Saying a little prayer that she'll get a three count, reaches forward and hooks his leg for the pin! CROWD UNO CROWD DOS CROWD TRES! DING DING “YEAAAAAAAAAAAH!” Her hair oddly drooping in front of her face in a sweat drenched mess, she gets up and runs to the corner, leaning against it for support. Silverman helps to her feet, handing her a liquor bottle so she can celebrate her victory with her favorite man in the whole wide world, Jim Beam. The fans give her a wonderful response for her winning effort on this December night. COLE Talk about a match! A great showing Krista Isadora Duncan, in her first match since April.. And how about Christian Wright? He looked excellent. But tonight belongs to Krista. She has proven that she's better then at least one OAOAST wrestler. COACH A great performance by two Upstarts! CABOOSE Krista isn't an Upstart. But you can have her. That woman is a vulgar drunk. Not a fun drunk either. COLE We'll be back with more! (GO TO BREAK) (RETURN FROM BREAK) Magnum Opus: Father Padilla Meets the Perfect Gnat/Howling at the Moon hits and Alf makes his way to the ring with a microphone. COLE Well, I don't have Alf on my schedule on right now, Coach, but apparently he's got something to say! ALF Last Sunday, at November Reign, all you people witnessed the pecking order as it pertains to factions in the history of the OAOAST. Now that that's out of the way, it's time for the Heartland title to come home where it belongs! *crowd cheers* ALF I'm ready to use my rematch clause, and I'm ready to use it TONIGHT! Get out here, Chris Stevens! COACH Alf came out and got right to the point, Cole! HHH should be taking notes right now! *dun dun* *dun dun* *dun dun* *dun dun* WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ARRRRRRRRRRRE YOU? WHO WHO, WHO WHO! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ARRRRRRRRRRRE YOU? WHO WHO, WHO WHO! Chris Stevens comes out and stands in the entranceway. COACH Here he comes, Cole! Are we gonna get a match tonight? STEVENS You know, Alf, as much as I'd love to come down and beat your brains in again, and retain my Heartland championship...I can't. *crowd boos* STEVENS You see, due to the injuries I've sustained thanks to the ILLEGAL LIGHTTUBES used last night, I was given STRICT orders from my doctors after the show to stay out of Heartland matches for three weeks. *crowd boos* ALF Three weeks, huh? So that would allow you to defend your belt on...December the 18th, that would be Climax, am I correct? *crowd cheers* ALF Let's make a little bet, Stevens. Say next week, you and your buddies Richards and Jumbo score a win over my team in the six-man tournament. Should that happen, I'll let you choose what kind of match we have at Climax. Should you lose...I'LL be choosing the match, and I've already got the perfect match in mind. *crowd cheers* STEVENS You know what? I've already kicked your ass once, and took this belt from you. I'll be glad to do it again at Climax, in a match of MY choice. I accept your challenge. WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ARRRRRRRRRRRE YOU? WHO WHO, WHO WHO! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ARRRRRRRRRRRE YOU? WHO WHO, WHO WHO! COLE Well, there we go, Coach! We've got it for Climax, Alf gets his rematch for the Heartland gold! COACH And he'll have a chance to choose the stip next week, it's Alfdogg, Thunderkid and Reject facing off against Chris Stevens, Jay Richards and Jumbo in another first-round match of the Six-Man championship tournament! COLE And the final matchup of the first round, the World champion, Stephen Joseph, teams with the 24/7 champion Tha Puerto Rican and Vitamin X, as they take on the team of Black T, and their partner, Theodore Moneymaker! COACH Alvin, Simon, Theodore! hhahahahaha! CABOOSE Terrible. Theodore is not a chimpmunk. Not that I know of. He's Tony Brannigans cousin, and he has a great future in the wrestling industry. He's one to watch in 2006. COLE We've got more to watch in 2005 after this break. (GO TO BREAK) Edited December 2, 2005 by Patty O'Green Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Patty O'Green 0 Report post Posted December 2, 2005 (edited) PROMOTIONAL CONSIDERATION PAID FOR BY: NRG Having fun playing beach volleyball on a bright sunny day with bikini-clad beauties is JESSE "THE BODY" VENTURA, sporting an NRG bandana, OAOAST tie-dye tank top, and orange shorts. VENTURA Here are testimonals about NRG, the fastest selling supplement and nutritional drink in the world! CUT TO: In # 72 jersey, former Chicago Bear WILLIAM "THE REFRIGRATOR" PERRY, who isn't exactly a poster child for weight loss. On-screen graphic reads: William "The Refrigrator" Perry Pro Football Great William points meancingly to the camera, snarling. THE FRIDGE There's two things I've loved all my life: food and football. Once my playing career was over I knew I had to drop some pounds to stay healthy. I tried everything except gastric-bypass. It wasn't until I discovered NRG that I was able to control my cravings and still enjoy great food, while giving me the extra energy I need to continue doing the things I love. A clip of the Frig sitting on his couch channel-surfing with a bucket of buffalo wings next to him is inserted. THE FRIDGE And if it weren't for NRG, I would have stuffed my face with so many hotdogs and crushed that Japanese chump and brought the Foot-Eating Title back home. Thanks NRG. GRRRRRRRRRRRR! CUT TO: PARIS HILTON and her pet of the week dancing on top of a table at a nightclub. She stops to look into the camera. On-screen graphic: Paris Hilton Socialite/Reality TV Star/Actress/Singer/Dumb Blonde PARIS NRG gives me the energy to live life to the fullest. That's hot. * blows kiss * (looks off-camera) Do I get paid now? DIRECTOR (Off-Screen) You sure do, honey. Here you go. The "Handsome Hustler" NED BLANCHARD walks in. PARIS You're hot. NED I know. CUT TO: New York Yankees 1st baseman/Designated Hitter JASON GIAMBI in an empty ballpark hitting homerun after homerun. The camera zooms up behind him, he looks over his shoulders and directly into the camera. GIAMBI Steroids? No. NRG. He turns back to the mound and slugs another homerun off the automatic pitching machine. VENTURA (Voice-Over) NRG, the fastest selling supplement and nutritional drink in the world! Now available at GNC or your local drugstore. CUT TO: Jesse with Jivin' J.R. on the boardwalk. J.R. I've lost 5 pounds of not only my weight but my, BAH GAWD, intestines as well. I've even dropped 3 bra sizes. J.R. rips open his black longsleeve shirt to reveal a tight bra underneath. J.R. Thank you, NRG! NRG! NR--! * BOOM * Philadelphia Flyers center Peter Forsberg (roller)skates into view and body checks J.R. FORESBERG NRG! William "The Refrigrator" Perry falls on top of J.R. from out of nowhere. THE FRIG GET NRG-GIZED!! (RETURN FROM BREAK) BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is a first round match in the tournament to crown OAOAST 6 Man Tag Team Champions! It is scheduled for one fall, with a 30 minute time-limit! "In a world full of posers, phonies, and pure wannabees, there finally emerges a group which has come to set the record straight. so, all you suckers better recognize, ya heard can you say uhhh na na na na..." "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Emerging through the curtains, The Global Party Exchange are in no mood to play games tonight. Still feeling scorned from their loss on Sunday night, The GPX have sours look on their faces as they stomp down the aisle. Their recent running buddy and tag team partner for the night, Jamie O'Hara, follows close behind. He too doesn't look best pleased, what with getting bumped around by the Tag Champions on Sunday also. Tonight, as much the the 6-Man Tag Titles, this is about revenge for The Upstarts. BUFFER Introducing first, team number one. At a total combined weight of five hundred and seventy seven pounds...the team, consisting of JOHNNY JAX and SCOTTY STATIC, THE GLOBAL PARTY EXCHANGE...and "The Birmingham Bad Boy" JAMIE O'HARA! And, they represent... TTHHEEEE UUUUPPSSSSTTAAAAAARRRRRTTSSSSSS!!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" The Upstarts trio reach the ring, with O'Hara vaulting in over the top rope just to show off his athleticism. Jax and Static make a more conventional entrance and immediately turn to the entrance, waiting, eagerly, for the opponents. COLE The Global Party Exchange have come up short on consecutive Pay Per View events in their quest for the World Tag Team Titles and as a result, their standing in the imaginary OAOAST tag team rankings has plummeted. This tournament may be their biggest shot at a title for some time. COACH They're two-time Tag Team Champions! They'll always be in contention! Suddenly, the drumroll hits, bringing the crowd to their feet. Jax scowls at the overwhelmingly positive reaction, while O'Hara continues to jaw with the ringside fans. After a little dramatic dead time, Leon Rodez finally bursts through the curtains, leading the way for Zack Malibu and of course, Candie. The threesome...or, foursome, if you're counting fetuses...are. in stark contrast to The GPX, beaming from their win at November Reign. Oh, and they're still the Champs. "BEVERLY HILLS, THAT WHERE I WANT TO BE! LIVIN' IN BEVERLY HILLS BEVERLY HILLS, ROLLIN' LIKE A CELEBRITY! LIVIN' IN BEVERLY HILLS" BUFFER And introducing, team number two! First...accompanied to the ring by CANDIE! Hailing from Grand Rapids, Michigan and Providence, Rhode Island respectively...they weigh in at a total combined weight of four hundred, twenty eight pounds. The reigning OAOAST WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS... "SILKY SMOOTH" LEON RODEZ... ZACK MALIBU... THE UUSSSSSUUUUAAAAAAALLL SSSSUUUUUSSSSSPPEEEEECCTTSSSSSSS!! "YYEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!" Right on cue, Zack unstraps his title and raises it high over his head. Much to the disgust of The GPX, who look on from the ring with venom in eyes. Until, they disappear, as the arena is shrowded in darkness. Blue lights begin to strobe around the arena as "Oh Hell Yeah" by H-Blocx hits, to a decidedly mixed reaction from the fans, with more than a smattering of boos greeting the Champs' partner. "People think they know me Say I'm wound a little tight Tell me I go lookin' for trouble That I'm always ready for a fight But I'm just an easy goin' guy, not crossin' any line I'm a carin' individual, most of the time. Most of the time Quite a lot of the time. IT'SJUSTTHAT IT'SJUSTTHAT IT'SJUSTTHAT OH HELL YEAH!!" The former X-Division Champion storms out...and the boos hit him again. PK glances out into the people, shaking his head slightly as he makes his way onwards. BUFFER And, their tag team partner! Hailing from Fall River, Massachussets and weighing in at two hundred, sixty five pounds... PPEEEEEEEETTEEEEEERRRRRRR KKNNIIIIIIIGGHHHTTT!!!! Another mixed reaction goes up, as Knight reaches his team. Or, rather, his partner. Leon Rodez has waited in the aisle for PK and slaps hands with an awkward nod, but Zack has already stormed off towards the ring. But PK doesn't seem too offended and gets on with his walk to the ring. Zack enters the ring first...but the trouble is, The GPX are waiting on him. And the moment Zack steps into the ring, Jax and Static pounce on him! Candie only just avoids stepping into the ring and following her man, screaming as she quickly scampers back down the ring steps. COLE Oh, come on! The GPX, attacking Zack before the bell can even sound! *DINGDINGDING!* Static and Jax continue to club away on The Franchise as Rodez and Knight finally spot what's going on, charging into the ring. Rodez is quickly pounced on by O'Hara. But Knight is able to get in unscathed and pulls Static away from Zack, pulling him around into a hard right hand Static goes flying, as Knight then grabs hold of the other GPXer by the shoulders and reels him into a right. It's chaos in the ring as Rodez and O'Hara brawl in the corner, while The GPX pulls themselves back to their feet. So does Zack, brushing past Knight and tackling Scott Static out through the ropes to the floor! COLE Woah! COACH (jumping onto chair) Too close, too close! Momentarily surprised, Knight stops. But he soon follows his partner's lead, as he charges Jax and clotheslines him up and over the top rope, all the way out to the floor. And PK goes crashing out with him, his momentum taking him for a tumble over the top also. That leaves just Rodez and O'Hara in the ring, still brawling in the corner. Glancing around, Rodez sees his partners have gone and also sees the ring clear, so grabs O'Hara by the arm and looks to whip him across the ring. O'Hara reverses, but Rodez reverses again sending O'Hara into the turnbuckles. In follows Rodez...but O'Hara gets the boots up! Back staggers The Silky Smooth One as O'Hara leaps to the middle rope, tumbling over Rodez with a sunset flip... 1... 2... Rodez kicks out, rolling through to his feet and catching O'Hara with a basement dropkick flush in the jaw! He follows up with a cover... 1... 2... Two count. Pulling O'Hara up to his feet, Rodez nails a straight kick to the gut. And a second. O'Hara manages to catch a third though...and ducks an Enziguri! Rodez flops onto his front as O'Hara releases the leg he caught, running across Rodez's back on his way into the ropes. Coming back up, Rodez smartly drops down again as O'Hara rushes back. SuperJay leaps over, coming off the opposite ropes as Rodez finally does reach his feet. A leapfrog keeps O'Hara on his way, hitting the ropes once more...only to run right into a BEAUTIFUL, Standing Dropkick! O'Hara lands hard on the back of his neck, while Rodez leaps to his feet and fires up the crowd!! "YEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!" COLE The confidence is flowing through Leon Rodez here and it's clear to see why! Climbing back up, O'Hara throws a desperate forearm. Rodez ducks it easily though, waiting for him to turn back around... *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOO!" ...and connects with a thunderous chop! *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOO!" ...a second! *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOO!" ...and a third! O'Hara is sent rocking back, but Rodez pulls him right back in, landing a knee to the gut. That's followed with another irish whip towards the corner. Planting his hands, O'Hara manages to push himself up and over the instantly charging Leon though, landing behind his opponent with ease. O'Hara gets too caught up with escape though. And as he begins to gloat to his partners, who have returned to the apron by now as have Zack and PK, they frantically tell him to turn around. He does, but not in time to see a big clothesline coming! COLE If there's one fault in these Upstarts, it would definately be their over-confidence. And there's another example right there. They're all too busy posing and crowing after they do something right to finish the job off. CABOOSE And they suck. COLE And they su...HEY! Don't put words in my mouth 'Boose, I'm supposed to be the unbiased one here. CABOOSE You ARE!?! The GPX despair on the apron, as Rodez drags a limp O'Hara back to his feet. He prepares for a next move...but suddenly, he notices Zack Malibu with hand out-stretched, begging for a tag. A wry smile creeps over Rodez's face as he decides to play the crowd, asking if they actually want Zack in? No prizes for guessing that yes, they do. So Rodez grabs O'Hara and leads him to the corner while tagging in Zack. Up goes the pop, as Zack enters and just BRUTALLY punts O'Hara in the ribs!! Zack wastes no time in then snapping O'Hara over with a quick suplex, rolling right into a firm pin... 1... 2... Kickout. COLE Zack has just picked up the intensity a notch here! Indeed he has, as he pulls O'Hara up and just rocks him with a forearm strike! O'Hara stumbles backwards into the ropes, where Zack grabs him and sends him across the ring with an irish whip. Back rebounds O'Hara, right into a roundhouse kick which is aimed expertly at his chest. It connects, knocking O'Hara clear off his feet and turning him INSIDE OUT~!, causing him to belly-flop to the canvas on landing!! "OOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" COLE Oh, MY! CABOOSE Man, I dunno what's got under Zack's skin, but I likes it! "FUCK HIM UP ZA - ACK, FUCK HIM UP!" *clap clap!* "FUCK HIM UP ZA - ACK, FUCK HIM UP!" *clap clap!* "FUCK HIM UP ZA - ACK, FUCK HIM UP!" *clap clap!* Dragging up a clearly dazed O'Hara, Zack does just that. Jab! Chop! Jab! Chop! Jab! Chop! The series of strikes has O'Hara rocking and reeling on his feet in the centre of the ring, with no defence. Zack has time to measure O'Hara up, before lunging in with one almighty forearm that knocks O'Hara down and stupid. All The GPX can do is look on, as Zack contemplates a cover...but instead, grabs O'Hara limp arm and hauls him off the canvas by it. Jax takes issue with this with the referee. So Zack smirks over, wagging a finger to tell Jax he isn't done yet, before repeating his brutal forearm strike to again knock O'Hara down! COLE This is beginning to get uncomfortable to watch. Jamie O'Hara may be a great high-flier, but he's inexperienced and he's being literally picked apart by the former World Heavyweight Champion here. COACH Don't worry, I'm still confident. It ain't over till it's over guys! Just as Coach speaks though, Zack hits the ropes and drives into O'Hara with a Muta-esque elbow! CABOOSE ...I think it's over. With a handful of vest, Zack drags O'Hara up. Before a brutal chop puts O'Hara down again. Zack finally shows a little mercy though and walks over to the corner, where PK wants the tag. But, for some reason, Zack totally bypasses him and slaps an unsuspecting Rodez on the wrist. Rodez seems confused, but doesn't make a big deal of it and quickly enters the ring. Meanwhile, PK is left to stare at Zack, waiting for an explanation, but not getting one. COACH HA! See! They can't get along! Victory is ours! ...I mean, their's. Upstarts. They. Rodez makes sure O'Hara doesn't make the tag and pulls him to the centre of the ring, landing a forearm. And a second. But Rodez is still distracting by what's going on over in his corner though, allowing O'Hara back into the match with a straight kick to the gut. O'Hara snaps off another couple of quick kicks, before turning to tag in Scotty Stati...NO! Rodez grabs O'Hara by the waist of his loose tracksuit pants. Not loose enough for him to stretch for the tag. But loose enough for Rodez to pull O'Hara back by, into a Northern Lariat (clothesline to the back of the head)! O'Hara spikes into the canvas face-first just for good measure, so Rodez tries a cover... 1... 2... Kickout! Rodez's mind is clearly still elsewhere as he pulls O'Hara up again. *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOO!" A chop sends O'Hara reeling back into the ropes, but he kicks out as Rodez approaches and runs past. Continuing on, O'Hara vaults to the middle rope and moonsaults back towards Rodez. Rodez is waiting though and swats O'Hara away. Now, it's Rodez hitting the ropes...BLIND TAG! Zack is legal now and the referee signals so, just as O'Hara finally takes Rodez down on the run, with a spinwheel kick! O'HARA YEAH! DA'S RIGHT DAWG! JAX TURN..AROUND! Confused, Jamie takes his partner's advice. STO! Zack catches O'Hara turning with an STO, straight into a cover... 1... 2... Just a two! COLE There's that over-confidence again. COACH It's not over-confidence! He's just...boisterous, s'all. Zack pulls O'Hara up again and prepares to put an end to things, as he knees O'Hara in the breadbasket and applies a front facelock. Zack then goes for the leg, setting up for Fisherman's of some sort. Seeing this, Johnny Jax quickly scrambles into the ring. The referee just as quickly scrambles over to stop him getting in. But the distraction is enough to allow Scotty Static to springboard to the top rope out of the ref's line of vision, front flip and wipe Zack out with a Shooting Star Lariat!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Out of the ring goes Jax, making sure Static is out first though of course. Across the ring, Rodez storms in complaining to the referee...while, Knight to be honest doesn't look all that bothered. Rodez is though. And his distraction is now allowing O'Hara to choke Zack with the flat of his boot! "UP - STARTS SUCK!" "UP - STARTS SUCK!" "UP - STARTS SUCK!" "UP - STARTS SUCK!" Once the referee turns around, O'Hara finally tags out to Johnny Jax. In steps Jax, fresh and eager to get involved. A few stomps find the mark before Jax pulls Zack up, draping his throat across the top rope and measuring a punch to the kidneys! Jax follows that up with a back suplex and makes a cover... 1... 2... Kickout! Jax wastes no time in getting back up and tagging Static in. The expert tag team set up some expert tag teamery, as they send Zack off into the ropes and hoist him up for a Midnight Express style Double Flapjack! And while Ned Blanchard and the other guy prepare their lawyers, Static pops back to his feet and piefaces Rodez off the apron! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Rather than lose his temper, Rodez stays on the outside and cools himself off. PK isn't going to strain himself for Zack's honour either, so Jax is forced to leave. Static goes on the attack instead, rolling Zack over. A quick power-stomp slams into Zack's chest. Static then hits the ropes, snapping off a quick lightning legdrop (X-Pac style). Followed quickly by a second, standing legdrop. Pausing as he rolls to his knees, Static thinks over his next move and decides to drag Zack over to Team Upstarts' corner before he can even think of tagging out. Once there, Static does tag out, to Johnny Jax. In steps the other GPX member, he and Static taking an arm each on Zack and hurling him back first into the turnbuckles! The count is being laid on, as they then drag Zack out to arms length...before pulling him back, again into the buckles! Zack collapses to his knees, as Jax turns and taunts the fans gleefully. "LET'S GO ZACK!" "LET'S GO ZACK!" "LET'S GO ZACK!" "LET'S GO ZACK!" Jax pulls Zack out from the corner, scooping and slamming The Franchise of the OAOAST down. After a quick double bicep pose that would make Tony Brannigan quake in his boots with despair and laughter, Jax then follows up with an elbow drop... 1... 2... Kickout! Looking up, Jax glares at the referee, unhappy with the count. COLE Give me a break. You're not going to beat Zack Malibu with an elbowdrop! COACH What if you ran him down in a Hummer, threw him off a bridge, THEN elbowdrop him? COLE I doubt the referee would allow that, Coach. CABOOSE I doubt the state police would allow it either. Jax pulls Zack up and sets him up for a suplex. Lifting Zack up, Jax then takes a detour, dropping him forward and hanging him gut first across the top rope! The referee chastises Jax for his actions. But, Jax shrugs it off and sets Zack right back up for the suplex, taking him back off the ropes and looking for a Slingshot Suplex. Ned Blanchard's finger is going loop on the lawyer dial though. But he needn't worry, as Zack floats over behind, then takes Jax over with a Rhode Island roll-up... 1... 2... Kickout!! "OOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" COLE Zack nearly stole it right there! Jax quickly makes up for his momentary mistake, kneeing Zack in the gut as he gets up. He then backs up and prepares to take Zack's head off with a clothesline...but Zack ducks, then catches Jax on the turn with a standing dropkick! Jax goes crashing backwards and smashes his head into the top turnbuckle behind him, knocking himself for a loop. Which allows Zack to scuttle along, lunge for the corner and tag...Leon Rodez, despite PK being closer. "YYEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!" COACH SEE! SEE! COLE I see a tag! And I see Leon Rodez, coming into this match! Knight looks severly pissed now, as Rodez steps into the ring and beats Johnny Jax to the punch as he charges forwards. In comes Scotty Static, but he takes a clothesline. A clothesline from Jax. And a clothesline for Static. Now it's Jamie O'Hara's turn to rush into the ring, but Rodez ducks his head and backdrops O'Hara HIIIIGH~ overhead, sending him crashing back down to earth with a bang! COLE Good Lord, Jamie O'Hara was in the lights off of that backdrop! Turning his attention back to Johnny Jax, Rodez grabs his former running buddy and sends him into the ropes. A backdrop is Jax's punishment as well! Holding up three fingers, Rodez then sets up Scotty Static for a backdrop...but Static grabs onto the top rope as he hits them, managing to stop his momentum. Rodez reacts and charges in. But Static raises a boot, catching Rodez in the jaw. Away stumbles Rodez and Johnny Jax is waiting, grabbing Rodez at the side and setting him for a Side Russian Legsweep. Which is the prompt for Scotty Static to come in with a Yakuza Ki...NO! Rodez tumbles forward and Static misses his mark! Rolling through to his feet, Rodez then lines up The GPX, waiting for them to stand side by side before firing himself forward with a double dropkick, a foot apiece for the party exchangers!! O'Hara is up next and tries to catch Rodez before he can get up. But, he gets a faceful of JAB! JAB! JAB! JAB! JAB! Rodez turns around, blows the kiss...and turns right into a spinkick! The momentum sends Rodez sprawling backwards into his corner, where Peter Knight finally takes matters into his own hands and tags himself in! COLE Well, here comes PK! COACH This outta be good. *knowing laugh* Stepping into the ring, PK glances out into the people and seems almost offended that he should be booed. Jamie O'Hara sees PK entering the ring and backs off, not wanting to go toe to toe with the bigman. Jax and Static don't attack either. Infact, they seem welcoming. A little too welcoming. Big mistake. PK lays out Static with a boot, then catches Jax still in shock with a hard forearm strike. In rushes O'Hara, but PK catches him at the side and drives him into the mat with a brutal sidewalk slam!! The former X-Division Champion pops right back up, catching Jax in his arms and pressing him into the air with a release flapjack, stepping back and allowing Jax to plummet face-first to the canvas!! PK is cleaning house now, as Static takes a big clothesline! COLE Peter Knight is cleaning house here! CABOOSE Well, good. I never had any doubts in him. Still fuming, Knight grabs two handfuls of the first hair he can find...which, so happens, to be Johnny Jax's. And Jax is picked straight up into a fireman's carry by Knight! A mixed reaction goes up as Knight parades Jax around on his shoulders, waiting for the right moment before tossing Jax's feet back and DRIVING him to the mat!! THE KNIGHTMARE CONNECTS!! COLE KNIGHTMARE! Before PK can go for a pinfall though, here comes Scotty Static. But HE goes up on the shoulders too. And comes down in the same way his partner had earlier. Hard. COLE ANOTHER KNIGHTMARE!! PK IS TAKING THEM ALL OUT!! COACH No, no, NO! Static is out. Jax is out. Only O'Hara remains conscious for The Upstarts, but he's certainly not in a good condition himself. Back on the apron, Zack is watching on, as PK turns around and O'Hara suddenly vaults onto his shoulders for a hurricanrana...BLOCKED...POWERBOMB!! O'Hara lands stacked and the crowd are already gasping in shock, even before PK steps through O'Hara's legs as if going for a Sharpshooter and turns The Birmingham Bad Boy over. Pulling on the legs, PK then reaches forward and hooks under O'Hara's arms, hoisting him up into the Ace In The Hole!! The crowd suddenly seem much warmer to PK as he pulls back on O'Hara...and pulls back on O'Hara...and pulls back on O'Hara, bending him into the most back-wrenchingly disgusting position you're likely to see!! "OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" COLE GOOD GOD! THE HUMAN BODY ISN'T SUPPOSED TO BEND THAT WAY!!!! The crowd don't believe what they' seeing, as O'Hara, resembling a Stretch Armstrong toy more and more with everything passing second, can take no more and frantically calls for the end! *DINGDINGDING!* With the submission called, PK tosses O'Hara down in disgust and looks around, to see the crowd finally sending some cheers anyway. Perhaps still a little bitter though, he doesn't react to them. Instead, he just stares down at O'Hara. "HOLY SHIT!" "HOLY SHIT!" "HOLY SHIT!" "HOLY SHIT!" BUFFER Your winners of this match, advancing to the semi finals... ZACK MALIBU... LEON RODEZ... AND PETER KKNNIIIIIIIIGGHHHTT!!! "YYEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!" Entering the ring first, Rodez pats PK on the back...before Zack and PK share a rather awkward handslap of approval. The victors then leave the ring, as Peter Knight's trail of destruction is left in the ring. Jax, out. Static, out. O'Hara, in traction. COLE Peter Knight used the disappointment of his defeat on Sunday night firmly to his advantage, coming in and clearing house once he got in the ring! The Global Party Exchange and Jamie O'Hara, decimated, by the fresh PK. And I tell you what...if PK and the Tag Champs can get their collective heads together, you could be looking at the favourites for the 6 Man Tag Team Titles! COACH *weeps* CABOOSE Wimp. (GO TO BREAK) Edited December 2, 2005 by Patty O'Green Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Patty O'Green 0 Report post Posted December 2, 2005 (edited) (RETURN FROM BREAK) The lights go down in the arena. A Puerto Rican flag appears on the AngleTron. The crowd starts booing. In big, white blocky letters the following words appear on the screen, with Tha Puerto Rican saying them: *THE CHAMP IS HERE!* “BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” With that, a lightning bolt hits the entrance, the PRL entrance video plays on the AngleTron, and “Know Your Role ‘99” begins playing while the crowd stands up and boos loudly. PR is heard saying, “THE CHAMP IS HERE!” throughout the song, while smoke fills up the entryway and the lights flicker on and off in the entrance. After a few seconds, the entrance doors slide open, and through the smoke come “The Corporate Champion” Tha Puerto Rican with The Lightning Crew behind him. The crowd greets The LC with loud boos. PR looks at the crowd in disgust, carrying his custom made spinner 24/7 Championship belt in his left hand. PRL doesn’t spin the belt plate. Instead, he looks at the crowd with a cocky smirk on his face, looks at The Lightning Crew, and starts walking down the entrance ramp as “Know Your Role ‘99” continues playing. COLE These fans are responding differently to Tha Puerto Rican than they did last Sunday. COACH These fans are pissed off at PRL for his actions at November Reign. PRL was *this close* to finally becoming a fan favorite, and he threw it all away to align himself with Stephen Joseph again! PRL jaws with some fans as he continues his walk to the ring. CABOOSE Last Sunday night was such a tragedy. What a sad, sad day for the OAOAST. Tha Puerto Rican can do so much better. I know he can. But instead, he chose to continue drinking Popick’s Kool-Aid and continue being a Corporate ass-kissing Champion. Oh, what a terrible day last Sunday was. Tha Puerto Rican gets on the ring apron. He sneers at the crowd. Vitamin X holds the ropes open for Tha Puerto Rican. PRL enters the ring. He spins around; soaking in the fans boos. He does the HBK-muscle pose, but pyro doesn’t go off. Instead, Tha Puerto Rican simply gets up and calls for a microphone. COLE PRL isn’t scheduled for a match tonight, so I guess the only reason he’s out here is to explain why he shook Stephen Joseph’s hand at November Reign. CABOOSE It better be a damn good reason. The lights go back in the arena. The Lightning Crew stands in the ring, looking all menacingly and what not. PRL grabs a microphone and paces around the ring, still holding his 24/7 Title belt. “THE CORPORATE CHAMPION” THA PUERTO RICAN Cut the damn music! “Know Your Role ‘99” dies down. The crowd starts booing again. PRL just stands there with a cocky smile on his face. PRL is in his wrestling gear by the way. COLE Every fan in this arena is booing the hell out of Tha Puerto Rican. COACH And to think just last Sunday, PRL was one of the most popular wrestlers in the OAOAST. CABOOSE It’s a damn shame. Such a shame. The crowd starts chanting “P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS!” The Lightning Crew starts laughing, evilly. PRL starts to speak, but instead lets the crowd continue booing. After a few more seconds, he finally speaks. THA PUERTO RICAN Why, P.R., Why? Why, P.R., Why? Ever since Sunday night, that is the one question people have asked me. Ever since Sunday night, my phone has been ringing off the hook with people and the message has been clear. “Why P.R.? Why would you shake Stephen Joseph Popick’s hand?” “Why would you want to continue your alliance with the Most Hated Man In The OAOAST?” “Why would you go back to your old ways when the fans were finally starting to like you?” Well, I’ll tell you why. The reason I did what I did last Sunday at November Reign was not because I WANTED to. Believe me, I wanted to slap the taste out of Popick’s mouth after our match. Oh no. Tha Puerto Rican did what he did because I HAD to. COLE Had to? What’s he talking about? PRL You see, if I did what I WANTED to, and that is slap Popick in the face and go on my own, then I wouldn’t have gone anywhere. The OAOAST has a grudge against Tha Puerto Rican. The OAOAST HATES Tha Puerto Rican. And frankly, I’m not surprised. Since I am the most electrifying man in professional wrestling, I will have my share of resentment and jealously. Now normally, I wouldn’t mind the hatred and jealously, infact, I would relish in it. But that hatred and jealously has prevented me from getting what I deserve. And that is, the OAOAST World Heavyweight Title. There was a reason I never got a World Title shot until Popick won the belt. And it was because the OAOAST hates Tha Puerto Rican and the suits that control this company don’t want to see Tha Puerto Rican wear the OAOAST World Title around his waist. But thanks to Stephen Joseph, thanks to Popick, I got my title shot. I GOT what I DESERVED! And I lost. Twice. Infact. But it’s okay. I finally got a shot and that’s all that matters. PRL stops to let the crowd boo. PRL (CONT’D) So, as I was making my decision in the ring last Sunday, I realized something. As long as I stick with Stephen Joseph, I will continue to get World Title shots because Popick is loyal to me, and he knows I deserve them. I know that if I were to stick with Popick, I would get another World Title shot someday, where as if I were to go on my own, I wouldn’t get a World Title shot until I’m 54. When you look at it that way, you can understand why I looked Stephen Joseph straight in the eye last Sunday and slapped his hand. Tha Puerto Rican did what he had to do in order to continue getting World Title shots. And Tha Puerto Rican will continue getting World Title shots until the day when FINALLY I become the OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion! CABOOSE Oh PRL. Popick’s lying. Don’t you see that? He won’t be giving you any more title shots because he knows that you can beat him! Popick’s a dirty, lying rat! THA PUERTO RICAN Now, I’m sure some of you think I’m just drinking Popick’s Kool-Aid. That Popick is lying and that his word doesn’t mean a damn thing. Well, I’m sure you people will believe such nonsense and buy into such obvious B.S. since you are all IDIOTS! CROWD BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! PRL Besides, did you really think I LIKED being cheered by you people? Oh yeah, don’t think I haven’t noticed the way you people have reacted to me in the past few weeks. You people have treated me like crap since the day I came into the OAOAST, and then, just because you all of a sudden started chanting “P.R.!” without adding, “SUCKS!” at the end of it, you expect me to do a 180 and start LIKING you people? For two years, FOR TWO YEARS, I’ve come out here, made a living laying the smackdown on anybody who came in my way. For TWO YEARS I’ve been, without a shadow of a doubt, the best damn wrestler in the OAOAST. For TWO YEARS, I’ve been the most electrifying man in professional wrestling. And yet, what was the reception I got out here? “P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS!” The crowd cheers at the mention of their favorite chant. PRL DIE, P.R., DIE. Tha Puerto Rican never EVER forgot about that. And I’m gonna make it damn sure that you NEVER EVER forget it as well. Four weeks of cheering me does not make up for TWO YEARS OF BOOING ME YOU PIECES OF TRAILER PARK TRASH! CROWD BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! PRL Now… “P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS!” PRL That’s exactly what I’m talking about! Now, you pieces of trailer park trash have to accept the fact that Tha Puerto Rican is STILL the One And Only AngleSault Thread Twenty-Four/Seven Champion, and will continue to be the 24/7 Champion FOREVER! There is nobody in this entire organization that can stop me! I have beaten everybody that’s challenged me for this belt! And I will continue to beat anyone who challenges me for this PRESTIGIOUS belt! Tha Puerto Rican will continue to step into the Corporate ring, raise the Corporate Eyebrow, give you the Corporate Nightmare, plant you with the Corporate Smackdown, and will continue to lay the smackdown on your candy ass with the most electrifying move in professional wrestling, the IntenseZone Elbow! And if you object to this, you can step right up and kiss my CORPORATE ass! Tha Puerto Rican raises his spinner 24/7 Championship belt over his head. PRL (CONT’D) “The Corporate Champion” Tha Puerto Rican is the best damn 24/7 Champion in history! There is nobody who can stop me! NOBODY! ABSOLUTELY NO ONE! Tha Puerto Rican will be the 24/7 Champion FOREVER! You hear that? FOREVER! FOREVER! FOREVER! FOREVER!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!! *Give me fuel Give me fire Give me that which I desire!* “Fuel” by Metallica starts playing. The Lightning Crew all turn their attention to the entrance. The crowd starts cheering. The entrance doors slide open, and John “Rock Hard” Brickston walks out, receiving a pop from the crowd! COLE What the hell? John “Rock Hard” Brickston! It’s John “Rock Hard” Brickston! What he is doing out here? COACH He’s probably had enough of PRL’s talking! He’s not alone! Brickston stands on the entrance stage with a microphone in his right hand. He has an angry look on his face. The Lightning Crew are puzzled as to why he’s out here. “Fuel” by Metallica dies down. JOHN “ROCK HARD” BRICKSTON PRL, the fact that you are willing to sell your soul to the devil himself for a World Title shot is disgusting! The crowd cheers. BRICKSTON But not as disgusting as you claiming that you will be the 24/7 Champion forever! Let’s not forget, we still have an issue to settle! And there’s still the issue of getting the 24/7 Title out from your hands! PRL So what you’re saying is that you’re challenging me to another match for the 24/7 Title! Sure. I accept. I’ve beaten you twice before. I’ve proven to the world that you’re a choke artist, Brickston. You don’t scare me. I’ll beat you a third time! BRICKSTON No. It’s not me that’s coming after your 24/7 Title. Oh no, it’s another former member of The Lightning Crew that wants a shot at your belt. Perhaps you’ve heard of him. “Krokodilamadurinn” by Quarashi starts playing. The entrance doors slide open, and Spanish Fly steps out, wearing a Spanish Fly T-shirt and his wrestling tights. He also has a microphone in his right hand. The crowd cheers. COACH Spanish Fly? He already had a shot at the 24/7 Title. CABOOSE And he lost too. Fair and square, I might add. Fly glares angrily at PRL. PRL and The Lightning Crew start laughing. PRL motions to Vitamin X, “Can you believe this?” “Krokodilamadurinn” by Quarashi dies down. PRL wipes tears from his eyes. PRL HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh man! Oh man! You—you can’t be serious. You gotta be kidding me. I mean, SPANISH FLY? I have a better shot at losing to The Gobbledygooker than I do to Spanish Fly! Besides, I’ve already beaten you at World Without End. What? You need another reason to feel embarrassed about yourself? Because I’ll gladly humiliate you again, little man. Just name the time and the place. SPANISH FLY No, it’s not me PR. There’s someone else who wants to fight you for the 24/7 Title. PRL Well who? Just go ahead and spit it out, bitch! SPANISH FLY Well, okay. But just so you know, the person who wants to be the next challenger to your 24/7 Title is a friend of mine. He’s a former member of The Lightning Crew. AND he’s your FORMER BEST FRIEND! Tha Puerto Rican’s eyes widen. The crowd starts cheering. COLE Uh-oh. I think I know who it is. Piano music starts playing. The lights go down, flickering on every few seconds in tune with the music. *COME ON!* “What’s My Name” by DMX starts playing causing the crowd to cheer. PRL paces back and forth nervously inside the ring. The entrance doors slide open, and through the smoke appears Tha Puerto Rican’s former best friend…COLOMBIAN HEAT. COLE It’s Colombian Heat! We haven’t seen Heat in over a year! Heat looks pretty much the way he looked when we last saw him, except he has a goatee. Colombian Heat looks at the crowd, and then walks down the entrance ramp, with a serious look on his face. Heat is wearing a black bandana with the knot on the front, a gold chain, an orange T-shirt with a yellow basketball jersey over it, orange basketball shorts, and black Reeboks. COLE I can’t believe it! The last time we saw Colombian Heat he was knocked out after getting hit in the head with a lead pipe from Stephen Joseph. Now 19 months later, he returns, and he’s gunning for Tha Puerto Rican! CABOOSE That lead pipe must have hurt Heat really bad if he was gone for 19 months. Heh heh heh. COACH Look at PRL. He’s shocked! He thought he would never see Colombian Heat again, and yet here he is, live on HeldDOWN~!. Colombian Heat enters the ring. The crowd is still cheering. Colombian Heat shoves The Lightning Crew aside and walks right up to Tha Puerto Rican. The two men engage in a staredown. PRL nervous, and Colombian Heat pissed. The lights go back on in the arena. COACH Isn’t it funny that someone named COLOMBIAN Heat is getting cheered in Madrid, SPAIN? COLE Only in the OAOAST, folks. Colombian Heat doesn’t take his eyes off Tha Puerto Rican. “What’s My Name” by DMX dies down. PRL is still stunned, unable to speak. The crowd starts chanting “HEAT! HEAT! HEAT! HEAT!” COLE It looks like PRL has just seen a ghost! Tha Puerto Rican finally puts the microphone to his lips. Colombian Heat is STILL glaring at PRL. John “Rock Hard” Brickston and Spanish Fly have left, by the way. PRL ….Uh….um…uh…H—Heat. Heat! Welcome back buddy! PRL puts his right hand out for Heat to shake. Heat just stares at PRL’s hand IN ANGER~! The crowd boos. Tha Puerto Rican smiles a wide smile. PRL Uh, it sure is great to see you again! Man, I haven’t seen you in…ages. Sorry, I haven’t talked to you. I thought you had retired, so I didn’t want to bother you. But dude! You’re here! And I’m here! We can be friends again! Just like old times! Look. Listen, I know that we’ve had quite a few battles in the past. But the past is the past. Let’s bury the hatchet, huh? We’re both a little older, and a little wiser. Surely, we can see that there’s no reason for you to come all the way out here to Madrid, Spain to challenge me to a match for the 24/7 Title. Am I right? Colombian Heat stares at Tha Puerto Rican. PRL See Heat. We can work together again. With my vision, charisma and your talent, together we can make The Lightning Crew the greatest stable of all time! With our abilities combined, we can make The Lightning Crew the most feared stable in wrestling. Together as…friends, we can we can dominate the OAOAST! Colombian Heat, let by gones be by gones. You’re still my friend, my amigo, my homie. My jive soul brotha~! You’re a genuine human being. I find you to be…a, well, swell guy. Um, all right, I mean, Colombian Heat, you’re my brother, and…and I love you, man! So, let’s start this new era of dominance, together. As partners, as friends…as brothers. And brothers don’t shake hands, brothers hug! Tha Puerto Rican very slowly and awkwardly hugs Colombian Heat. The crowd boos. Colombian Heat just stands there and takes the hug. The Lightning Crew all smile and say “AWWW!” CABOOSE This is a Hallmark Moment. A friendship is back again! I feel like I’m gonna cry! Colombian Heat shoves Tha Puerto Rican off of him! The crowd and PRL are shocked. Colombian Heat starts speaking. COLOMBIAN HEAT You must still think I’m an idiot, don’t you? YEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! HEAT Aiyo, I don’t know why you guys still follow PRL around, but the junk you feed them, doesn’t work on me! COLE I guess that answers that question. HEAT You know, even though I haven’t been around in, what seems like forever, I’ve still been following the OAOAST. When I found out you went to jail, I was ecstatic. I did cartwheels all over my house. Then you were released, even though you should have been in jail for life. Then you go ahead and beat Panther in a Steel Cage Match at AngleMania IV, and then for no reason whatsoever, you are given the 24/7 Title by Stephen Joseph. The crowd boos. PRL smiles evilly and points to his belt. HEAT And then, to make things worst, you become the longest reigning 24/7 Champion in OAOAST history. Not because you worked hard, but because you cheat. You cheated to beat John Brickston twice. You cheated to beat Otaku. And then, something happened. YOU were the one that was getting screwed. Suddenly, you were the victim as Stephen Joseph Popick cheated to beat you not once, but twice. Then, when I think you are finally going to change your attitude. When I think that you are going to turn over a new leaf, you go ahead and decide to stick with the man who screwed you over twice! You say you're a little wiser? That's a bunch of crap, son! Somehow I’m not surprised that you decided to let Popick continue treating you like his bitch! PRL is offended by that comment. CABOOOSE Okay, Colombian Heat gets points for that remark. COLOMBIAN HEAT So, I got a phone call from Spanish Fly asking me if I wanted to join the OAOAST again. I accepted without hesitation, and I accepted for one reason only. And it’s not because I want to be a main eventer, and it’s not because I want to be World Champion. And it’s not because I want to have sex with all of the women in the OAOAST even though that would be a nice bonus. It’s because I want to fight YOU. And I want to take your 24/7 Championship away from you once and for all! COLE Colombian Heat has laid down the challenge! Will PRL accept it? HEAT I still haven’t forgotten that the last time we fought, your boy Stephen Joseph hit me over the head with a lead pipe. Which means, you needed help to beat me. So, what’dya say, you, The Corporate Champ, step up to the plate and put your 24/7 Title on the line in a match against me, The Latino Superman, El Latino Superstar, El Pimp Colombiano, Colombian Heat and prove to me that you can beat me cleanly? How about it? PRL thinks this over. The crowd cheers. COACH Is he going to accept? HEAT What? You scared? You scurred? You ain’t got the cajones to face me? You afraid of Colombian Heat? Come on Corporate Champ? You’re “The Corporate Champion”! What you afraid of? PRL First of all, somebody ought to teach you how to speak proper English. Second of all, you just came back to the OAOAST. You expect me to just give you a title shot right away? You can’t just waltz right in and say you want a title shot. You have to EARN it. Just like I EARNED the 24/7 Title! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Colombian Heat rolls his eyes. PRL So Heat, I’m afraid the answer is no. No. No. Nope. Absolutely not. No. No. No, no, no. Uh-uh! Not gonna happen! No. No. No. No. NO! Now, if you don’t want to renew our friendship, can you please step off to the side and let The Lightning Crew leave the ring, before I have to put my Corporate Foot up your candy ass! PRL starts to leave…but Colombian Heat blocks him from leaving. PRL tries to leave again, but Heat refuses to let him leave. The crowd cheers. PRL tries again. Heat won’t let him go. COLOMBIAN HEAT I says I ain’t leavin’ until I get my title shot! PRL And I "says" you ain’t getting any, you juvenile delinquent! Now please MOVE BITCH! GET OUT THE WAY! PRL tries to leave again. Colombian Heat blocks his way. PRL tries AGAIN. Heat blocks him again. COLOMBIAN HEAT Yo! Where’s my title shot? PRL LISTEN HERE, YOU EBONICS SPEWING ASSHO— Colombian Heat SLAPS the microphone from Tha Puerto Rican’s hand! COACH I’ve been waiting for somebody to do that for years! CABOOSE How rude of Heat! Didn’t anyone teach him some manners? Tha Puerto Rican looks at the microphone and then looks at Heat. The crowd starts buzzing in anticipation of a fight breaking out. PRL stares at the angry Heat. He then smiles and turns around. His smile fades, and he turns around, and hits Colombian Heat in the face! BUT WAIT! Colombian Heat BLOCKS THE PUNCH! POW~! Colombian Heat blasts PRL in the head with a right jab! PRL goes down! Vitamin X goes for a shot, but Colombian Heat knocks him down! Punch for Mr. Boricua! Punch for Cuban Wall! Punch for Tha Puerto Rican! Punch for Vitamin X! Again! COLE Colombian Heat is going wild on The Lightning Crew and the crowd loves it! Indeed, Heat knocks Vitamin X to the mat. Colombian Heat punches Cuban Wall, and then clotheslines him over the top rope and onto the floor! Heat knocks Mr. Boricua onto a turnbuckle. Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez leaves the ring with Tha Puerto Rican and Thomas Rodriguez follows them…but gets grabbed from behind by Colombian Heat! COLE There’s trouble ahead for Thomas Rodriguez! CABOOSE Oh no. Don’t pick on the referee! He’s a pussy! Thomas Rodriguez begs for mercy. The crowd cheers Colombian Heat to attack him. Heat obliges with a smile on his face. He turns Thomas around, grabs him from behind, and lifts him up in the air…dropping him onto the mat with the Vertebreaker! COLE The Colombian Necktie! We haven’t seen that move in over a year! COACH Colombian Heat is back in the OAOAST! CABOOSE And I’m going to throw up! Thomas Rodriguez lies in the center of the ring out cold. Colombian Heat gets up and hypes the crowd up with a smile on his face. The Lightning Crew walks up the entrance ramp, holding their heads in pain. Colombian Heat and PRL lock eyes. The crowd is still cheering wildly as Heat grabs his microphone. HEAT Aiyo, P.R. This right herre (points to Thomas) will be you when we have our match. So, the sooner you give me a title shot, and the sooner you can suffer a Colombian Necktie and get it over with. Trust me, you can only suffer the Colombian Necktie once if you just give me a title shot right now. PRL HELL NO! COLOMBIAN HEAT Well then, there’s no telling how many more Colombian Neckties I’m going to have to give you and your friends. Because I won’t stop until I get my title shot and UNTIL I BECOME THE OAOAST 24/7 CHAMPION! “What’s My Name?” starts playing. Colombian Heat stays in the ring to pose for the fans. Heat makes the Colombian Necktie signal (putting his hands around his neck in a choking pose). He does the pose in PRL’s direction and then points at him. PRL points back. COLE What a return for Colombian Heat! He’s been gone for 19 months, but it’s like he never left! CABOOSE I can’t believe Colombian Heat expects to receive a title shot right now. That’s absolutely preposterous! He has to pay his dues before he gets a title shot. COACH Did PRL pay his dues to become 24/7 Champion? COLE Guys, lets not open a can of worms here. Let’s instead concentrate on the fact that Colombian Heat, Tha Puerto Rican’s FORMER best friend, has returned to the OAOAST and is targeting Tha Puerto Rican and his 24/7 Title. Will PRL ever grant Heat a title shot? CABOOSE He won’t. Heat isn’t worthy of a title shot. COACH I don’t know Caboose. After what he has just done to The Lightning Crew, I think he is. CABOOSE That is why I’m the better announcer than you. COACH Why? COLE More HeldDOWN~! after this! Tha Puerto Rican is still jawing at Colombian Heat. Heat makes the Colombian Necktie signal to the camera. Colombian Heat then poses on the turnbuckles. He then gets off the turnbuckle, and hypes the crowd in the ring. “What’s My Name?” by DMX continues playing. (COMMERICAL BREAK) COLE Here we go with more great action! "Stars & Stripes Forever" begins playing, but instead of the warm reception it customary receives once the music hits in the States, its met with venom by the Spanish crowd. The hostility intensifies as the All-American Boys appear onstage proudly waving Old Glory. Uncle Sam's favorite tag team keep their heads held high as they avoid plastic bottles and other debris thrown at them on their way to the ring. CABOOSE Never have I seen the All-American Boys treated like this before. These men are heroes back home. COLE As they've quickly found out, they're not at home tonight. COACH They must've found out the All-American Boys voted for Bush in the last presidential election. Heh. BUFFER The following contest is set for one fall with a 15 minute time limit. Introducing first. From the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave... "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" BUFFER (CONT'D) ...the ALL-AMERICAN BOYS! All-American Boy # 1 grabs the microphone from Michael Buffer. AAB 1 Show some respect to the United States of America, the greatest country in the world, you European cowards, and rise for the singing of OUR National Anthem. COACH Oh, my God, yes! They're gonna play it heel! CABOOSE John Cena, take note. This is how you handle a hostile crowd. SPLIT-SCREEN: Sofa Central on the left side, live action on the right. COACH Stand up, fellas. Let's show these commies who rules the school. CABOOSE Well, my legs are starting to fall asleep... Triple C stand up. We cut to a wide shot of the ring. All-American Boy # 2 holds Old Glory in an upright position as both AABs place their right hands over their hearts. AAB # 1 (singing) Oh, say can you see... "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" AAB # 1 (CONT'D) the dawn's early light, What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright star-- * TING * "YEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHH!" The crowd cheers as All-American Boy # 1's singing of the "Star-Spangled Banner" is cut off by Henry Mancini's "Pink Panther theme." Cult favorites Los Diablos de Fuego are given a rousing ovation as they dance onto the stage in their bright pink attire, bumping against the guardrails and thus with the fans on their way to the squared circle. BUFFER And their opponents. The sexiest tag team in all of Mexico, Moracca and Mariachi -- LOS DIABLOS DE FUEGO! COACH The reaction these fans are giving Los Diablos de Fuego show how morally bankrupt Europe is. And you know what the sad thing is? They're popularity will likely skyrocket now that they're running around with Alix Spezia. One of my sources told me Alix threw a fit in a nightclub she and Los Diablos attended here in Spain because she couldn't pick up a guy. They are all mobbing Moracca and Mariachi. She was too stupid to figure out she wasn't in just any club, but a very special club, if ya know what I mean. COLE Los Diablos de Fuego have developed quite a bond in recent weeks with Alix Spezia of the duo Chicks Over Dicks. A brother/sister type of relationship, or maybe sister/sister depending on the way you look at it. COACH Heh. When people say they suck, they literally mean they suck. COLE The last time we saw the 3 of them together, they were assaulted in the parking lot by The GPX. Moracca and Mariachi haven't forgotten about that. They've issued a challenge to Scotty Static and Johnny Jax. OAOAST officials are in the process of getting a contract signed for that match, and what a match it would be. But tonight Los Diablos de Fuego have to worry about the All-American Boys, former KABOOM tag team champions. Moracca leaps from the apron onto the top rope and BACKFLIPS into the ring. He waits in the corner and catches Mariachi coming off the top with a backflip of his own. Now in a tombstone piledriver position, Mariachi shifts his weight back and gets Moracca in a tombstone position. They each counter the other's grip until they've reached their corner. (It may not make sense in writing, but it's sexually suggestive!) COLE, COACH & CABOOSE ... CABOOSE I understand you're very familar with that position, Cole. COACH COLE What a great matchup this should be, huh, guys? Only the second time we've seen Los Diablos in action. They look for their first win in the OAOAST after losing their match to the Love Doctors at World Without End. A very hard fought match for the HI-YAH International Tag Team Title. There were a number of occasions where it looked like they might pull off the big upset. The AABs stick Old Glory in the corner and slaute her, while Los Diablos remove their sombreros and ponchos. The fans rise to their feet as Nick Patrick flicks his right hand to the timekeeper, signaling for the bell. * DING DING * We quickly find out why the fans rose to their feet as the SOUTH CENTRAL MILITIA hit the ring and go after both teams. The crowd cheer Marcellus "One-Eye" Wallace and Vincent Santana when they level the All-American Boys with a pair of clotheslines, but boo when they shove Los Diablos into the corner and unleash a fury of punches and kicks. Like the United States would for a friend in need, the All-American Boys come to the aid of Los Diablos, pulling the SCM off Los Diablos and rocking them with American made right hands. "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" COLE Hey, come on! We don't need this. COACH The fans don't like the South Central Militia, but they hate the All-American Boys even more. And I always thought Canada was bizzaro-world. COLE The All-American Boys taking to the SCM. Los Diablos return the help from the All-American Boys by fleeing backstage! The AABs whip the SCM to the ropes, as do they. Off the near side come the AABs. Vincent drills one of the AABs with a KICK to the face as the All-American attempted a cross bodyblock! The other AAB doesn't have any better success, missing a clothesline and getting SPEARED by One-Eye on the rebound while Santana nails him with the FLYING FOREARM SMASH to the head! JAILBREAK! One-Eye calls for a mic. COLE Good luck trying, pal. They aren't scheduled for an interview so they won't be getting any mic time. When One-Eye doesn't get a mic, he begins threaten officials ringside. COACH I don't care if they're scheduled or not. I don't like the looks on their faces. Somebody get them a damn mic! Buffer hands One-Eye a mic while keeping his distance. ONE-EYE Synth, Logan -- I hope you pop idol bitches are watchin' because I got a little somethin'-somethin' to say. You're makin' things harder on yourselves. Ya see, me and Vinny, we got a business to run. And with no money is no business. Get what I'm sayin'? We got expensives to pay. Brassknucks, duct tape, blindfolds, the whole shebang. That shit costs money. And money you cost us all right. You cost us a good chunk of change at the pay-per-view. Some might say we got what we deserved for what we did to you at Thanksgiving HeldDOWN~!, we say it messin' with our business. And in our line of work, when you mess with somebody elses business, you send them a little message. One-Eye drops the mic. He and Vincent exit with smirks on their faces. COLE What did he mean by that? COACH I don't know. But if I'm the Heavenly Rockers, I'd watch my back. You never know with guys as brutal as the SCM. They're thugs. Gangsters. Much like The Coach. Sure I ain't pulling my gat out quite like I used to. But these suckas know not to mess with it. COLE Ugh. Fans, it's time for another break. Please stay tuned. (GO TO BREAK) Edited December 2, 2005 by Tony149 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Patty O'Green 0 Report post Posted December 2, 2005 (edited) (RETURN FROM BREAK) Backstage we go, to the Joshmeister! MATTHEWS Josh Matthews here, standing by with the OAOAST Women's Champion Ashley Street. First of all Ashley, congratulations on your victory in the Torneo Cibernetica this past Sunday night. By virtue of winning that match, you earned the right to be exempt from defending your title for the remainder of the year. So, what now for you? Well earned holiday? ASHLEY Not quite. I earned the right not to defend this title. But, I've never been one to rest on my laurels. I'd be stupid not to take advantage of my win. Not defending the title for a month? Well, I have one match I desperately want. I got my hands, finally, on The Benefactor in the Cibernetica. But what I want is clarity. I want to know who it is. If I have to offer the Title to do that, then I will. What I this. My Title...versus, your Mask. If you've got the guts, Ms Benefactor...then I've got the guts. This is the only way you'll have a shot of getting this belt off me before next year. So...take it, or leave it. Ashley, short but to the point, is done. But Josh Matthews isn't, as as soon as Ashley storms off, Josh Matthews is grabbed around the shoulders and wheeled Serena Blackmore. BLACKMORE What? Nothin' to say to me? MATTHEWS Wha...well, uh...uh... BLACKMORE That's what I expected. Nothing. Nobody has anything to say to Serena Blackmore. That's the way it's been my whole life. Little Serena. The brat who's taking all her parents' money from their pockets and food from their table. The waste of space. The kid who's left out. I grew up in Philidelphia Josh, I know what it's like for no-one to give a *bleep* about you. You'd think I'd be used to it now, huh? Huh? MATTHEWS Well, uh... BLACKMORE GUESS AGAIN! Where was my spot in the Cibernetica? Nowhere. Once again, I go without. And I'm SICK of it!! Somebody's gonna pay. Somebody's gonna pay bad! On the streets in Philly, if you don't don't GET! Well, guess what Joshy. I'm TAKE! Serena storms off, leaving J.Math a rather bemused and flustered individual. (BACK TO THE SC) COLE I'm sure what Serena means is that she's going to take time out and head to the OAOAST online store to buy some of the latest goodies! Like the special edition "Two's Company:Best of the OAOAST Tag Teams" DVD, featuring fourteen unclipped matches and candid interviews with GPX, Black T, Chicks Over Dicks, TNT, The Heavenly Rockers, The Dream Machines and more. Edited December 2, 2005 by Patty O'Green Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Patty O'Green 0 Report post Posted December 2, 2005 (edited) CUE: "It Ain't Over For Me!" PYRO~! PYRO~! PYRO PYRO PYRO~~~!!! OAOAST World Champion Stephen Joseph steps out from behind the curtain, title belt fastened to his waist. His reaction is well, negative to say the least. He is flanked by Lightning Crew member The Cuban Wall. COLE We all though Tha Puerto Rican was turning on Stephen Joseph, but they're thick as thieves again. He's even allowed his Cuban Wall to accompany Stephen to ringside! Stephen Joseph walks down the rampway and begins to walk around ring, Wall goes to the opposite side. Stephen scales the ring apron and poses with the title on the turnbuckle. BUFFER Introducing first, the cOAOAST World Champion, from ATLANTA, GEEEAAAAWWWGGGGIIIAAAAA, the master of the Finality, heeeeeee issssss STTTEEPHEN JOOOOSEEPH! And the crowd boos. No big suprise. The music dies down, and then the lights go out! STYLES OH MY GOD~! COLE How'd he get there? The lights come back on, and Stephen Joseph is outside the ring pummeling Caboose! The referee is calling for Stephen to get back into the ring but Stephen Joseph decides enough is enough, and throws Caboose into the ring first. Stephen: Wall, RING THE DAMN BELL! COACH Oh Hell YES~! COLE Stephen Joseph has swerved us tonight! Caboose scrambles to get up in the ring and meets Stephen with some rights as the champ slides into the ring DING DING DING~! Caboose whips Stephen Joseph into the ropes, and hits a spinning elbow! Tha Cuban Wall jumps up onto the ring apron, distracting Caboose and prompting the referee to come over! Stephen Joseph with a low-blow to Caboose while Wall is trying to get into the ring. COLE Is this what Stephen Joseph had in mind? OH NO! COACH OH YES! Stephen Joseph, meanwhile, has put on some brass knucles. He steps around Caboose to put himself in between him and the ref. Stephen Joseph drops down and hits a European Uppercut with the knucks to Caboose's jaw! Caboose slumps to the mat, Stephen chucks the knucks, and Wall jumps down off the ring apron. Stephen Joseph smiles to the crowd as he pulls up a limp Caboose. Resting his body facing his chest, Stephen lifts the deadweight of the former wrestler turned announcer with a reverse full nelson, balancing Caboose's head between his legs. He drops Caboose with a SYNCHRONICITY DRIVER~! COLE NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! STYLES OHHHH MMMYYYYY GAAAAAWWWWDDD! COACH Where the hell is that ECW reject? It's academic by the referee! 1! 2! 3! Stephen Joseph retains, but the carnage isn't done. Cuban Wall has grabbed Michael Cole and throws him into the ring, and Stephen Joseph decks the referee! FINALITY TO MICHAEL COLE~! Cuban Wall comes into the ring with a microphone, tossing it to Stephen Joseph Stephen Joseph All I see are two bodies named AXEL lying here. FUCK ME? AWW NAWWW HELL NAW, I WILL FUCK YOU UP! COACH WALLBREAKER ON MICHAEL COLE~! Cuban Wall and Stephen Joseph pose admist the bodies of Michael Cole and Caboose. COACH Another beautiful display by the esteemed OAOAST Champion! SJ climbs the turnbuckles and poses again with his title belt, with Cuban Wall applauding from the ring. "YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAHHHH!" ITS AXEL! COACH He's got no business out here! Axel comes in through the crowd and into the ring, but Joseph is still on the turnbuckles, so he can't see the former champion! Cuban Wall is also unawares, and Axel takes advantage of this, sneaking into the ring, hooking one arm of The Wall, and taking him over with a SICK Half-Nelson Suplex! "OOOOOOOOOWWWAAAHHHHHH!" Axel gets right back up, BEGGING for Stephen to get off the turnbuckles and turn around! The crowd is practically begging for he champion to turn around, and he does so... ...but here comes Security! COACH Thats right! Get that crazy man out of here! COLE (obviously in pain) KICK HIS ASS, AXEL! CABOOSE Son of a bitch...he'll get his! What the hell are security doing out here? Let Axel go! These people want to see Stephen Joseph knocked out! SJ finally turns around and sees his adversary, and Cuban Wall clutching at his neck on the mat. Axel tries to get to the champion, but Carl Weathers and co. are right there to stop any altercation between the two. AXEL SOON, STEPHEN! YOUR TIME IS COMING SOON! Security lead the champion out of the ring and up the ramp, as he tries desperately to get to his adversary. Axel, still in the ring, paces around, wondering what to do next, when HeldDown General Manager Calvin Szechstein appears on the AngleTron! CALVIN Hey, Axel! You might be back with a fat new contract, but you’re going to have to re-learn a few things. First lesson, I’m the boss around this place! You want to hurt somebody? Axel nods his head, pacing around the ring like a caged animal. CALVIN Well you’re going to have the opportunity right now, because I’m making a match. It’s going to be Axel, in his return to the OAOAST against… JIIINNNNGGGUUUSSSS!!!! The crowd doesn’t know what to think, but Axel is surprisingly quite happy with the development. COLE My god! Axel versus JINGUS! One on one! CALVIN And that match is coming up right after a word from our amazing sponsors, so Axel, stay right where you are! COLE It’s NEXT! (COMMERCIAL BREAK) COLE What a mountain Axel is forced to climb tonight! He has to contend with the Devilman himself, JINGUS! JINGUS makes his way to the ring, stepping through the ropes and right to Axel, going face to face with the former champion. COACH You know, the Devilman may only have five inches on Axel, but he has over one hundred pounds on the former chump. Axel’s going to get his ass beat tonight. CABOOSE That remains to be seen. We don’t know how much Axel’s style has changed in the last six months. We don’t know what new moves he’s incorporated, and neither does JINGUS. That won’t worry the Devilman, because he’s just after pain, but it should. *DING DING DING* TEH BEL~! Rings and we are underway in this heavyweight match up. Neither man wants to make the first move, with Axel and JINGUS staring each other down, before both men back off and ready themselves for the inevitable tie-up. COLE Two big bulls going at it, but as you said earlier Michael, JINGUS has a distinct advantage in leverage in this one, Axel had better hit-and-run or go to his ground game, because he’ll lose a power battle. Axel and JINGUS stop for a moment, and then step forward to meet in a collar-and-elbow. JINGUS immediately overpowers Axel, pushing him backward, and almost sitting the former champion on his derrière. They lock up a second time, but the same result, JINGUS overpowers Axel a second time. Axel tries a new strategy for the third lock up, ducking under JINGUS’ attempt and going behind the Devilman to apply a rear waist lock. Axel tries to take the big man down on his stomach, but the one hundred pound weight difference makes this difficult, with JINGUS blocking Axel’s attempts to get him off of his feet. COLE Axel with the rear waist lock, but he needs to strategise if he wants to take JINGUS down. The former champion connects with two hard forearms to the back of the head of the big man, but he should know better than to give JINGUS the option to no-sell something. JINGUS tries to swing an elbow around to catch Axel in the side of the head, but Axel ducks under the attempt, grabs JINGUS around the waist and the shoulder… ..T-BONE SUPLEX TO THE THREE-HUNDRED SIXTY POUNDER! COLE What strength shown by Axel! What a suplex! Into a cover straight away! ONE… NO! JINGUS rolls onto his stomach instinctively. COACH Stephen could have done that. JINGUS, while rolling out of the cover, leaves himself open to a front face lock, which Axel applies almost instantaneously. The big man still has a lot of energy though, using his strength to help him get firstly to one knee, then to one leg, and then upright, even with Axel cranking away at the front face lock. JINGUS struggles in the face lock, but decides using his power again would be a good idea. Lifting Axel off of his feet, JINGUS forces him hard into the corner, back-first, causing him to let go of the hold. The Devilman measures the former champion, before connecting with a hard right to the temple, followed by a second for good measure. An Irish Whip later, and Axel is in the opposite corner, and JINGUS is following him, charging and connecting with a hard clothesline to the former champion. Axel stumbles out of the corner, with the Devilman in tow. JINGUS charges out of the corner, and takes Axel down with a clothesline to the back of the head. CABOOSE Two hard clotheslines and Axel is down. JINGUS is exploiting the power advantage in this match. JINGUS comes off of the ropes and delivers a huge elbow drop to Axel, following up in a cover… ONE… NO! Axel kicks out before the two count, but JINGUS is back on him straight away with a choke. The referee tells him to break it, and utilises the five count… One! Two! Three! Four! …and the Devilman breaks the chokehold, as he doesn’t want to be Disqualified. …but he applies it again! One! Two! Three! Four! …and breaks it again, as he is one smart cookie. COLE The Devilman choking the life out of Axel here, and now he’s going to continue the punishment! JINGUS lifts Axel to his feet, grabbing him by the hair, and connecting with a hard right. And a second. One more for good luck. An Irish Whip by JINGUS, Axel comes off of the ropes, ducks a clothesline, comes off of the other side, but doesn’t duck a BIG BOOT~! By JINGUS! COACH Ha-ha! Axel just got his head taken off by JINGUS! Cover by the Devilman… ONE… T-NO! Axel kicks out once again, and JINGUS is back on the offensive, pummelling Axel on the ground, and lifting him to his feet again. Punch to the stomach by JINGUS, before sending Axel into the corner. The big man charges… ..but Axel moves, and follows up with a STIIIIIIFFFFF~! Forearm! And another! A left! A right! Left-right combo! With every clash of skull and forearm, the crowd shudders! A knee doubles JINGUS over, and Axel takes advantage, grabbing the back of JINGUS’ head, and connecting with three Joe-like knees while he is bent over! And he follows these up with a series of stiff kicks to the unprotected skull of the Devilman, each kick eliciting an ‘UWAAAH’ from the crowd! COLE My god! He’s sick! He’s showing no mercy! Axel with hard forearms to the head of JINGUS, and finally he uses a closed fist, landing an uppercut, which momentarily incapacitates the big man. Axel runs back, measures his opponent, and charges forward, connecting with a leaping knee to the head of the three-hundred pounder in the corner! “UWAHYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAH!” CABOOSE That’s how he gets a lot of his knockouts! JINGUS stumbles out of the corner, and into the arms of Axel, who somehow takes him over with an overhead belly-to-belly throw! COLE Axel using the hit-and-run style we talked about earlier, he’s striking quickly, and using his background to keep on the offensive. COACH He’d want to stay on JINGUS though, he’s taking a rest at the moment, but you can’t afford to do that! Axel brings the big man to his feet, hitting two solid forearms, before trying an Irish Whip. This proves to be a mistake, as JINGUS reverses it straight away, sending Axel into the ropes, and hitting a sidewalk slam! COACH I told you! CABOOSE Wow, you’re right one time. What do you want, a cookie? Cover by Jingys! ONE… TWO-NO! Axel kicks out again, with the Devilman on the attack straight away, hitting Axel with repeat blows to the temple, before lifting him to his feet, and grabbing the former champion in a double arm choke, and throwing him halfway across the ring! Axel tries to use the ropes to get up, but JINGUS is right there to continue the beating. JINGUS lays vicious boots into the former champion, to the point where the referee has to intervene, as Axel is in the ropes. JINGUS brings Axel to his feet, and applies the DREADED BEARHUG~! COLE Axel is going to have to fight to get out of this! The referee asks Axel if he wants to give up, and gets a resounding no. JINGUS applies the bearhug tighter, with the crowd supporting Axel, and starting a slow clap to get him out of the hold. Axel with an elbow to the side of JINGUS’ head, a second, and a third which breaks the hold. Axel runs to the ropes, tries a diving crossbody, but JINGUS catches the former champ in mid-air, and throws him to the mat with a Fallaway Slam! COACH Axel thought he had the advantage, but you never have the advantage against JINGUS! JINGUS picks Axel up and to his feet, and after a blow to the face, whips him to the ropes. JINGUS tries a big boot, Axel avoids the blow, JINGUS turns around, Axel goes for a jumping martial arts roundhouse kick, but JINGUS avoids, and grabs Axel by the head, ready for a Clawslam!!! COLE He’s going for the CLAWSLAM! JINGUS lifts Axel by the head, but Axel fights out of it and ducks behind the Devilman, grabbing him in a waistlock and sending him over for a German Suplex to the delight of the crowd! CABOOSE Another powerful suplex! JINGUS is up somewhat quickly, but Axel meets him, and takes him back to the ground with a nice snapmare. Axel measures JINGUS, as if he is going to kick him in the back of the head, but his foot sails over the big man, faking the kick. Axel takes a couple of steps forward, and just when the Devilman think’s he’s out of trouble, Axel snaps a kick back, dismantling the face of JINGUS! With the big man on his back, Axel goes for a cover… ONE… TWOOOOOOOONO! JINGUS gets a shoulder up! COLE Axel with the fake kick, and then a nasty kick to the face of the Devilman! And he’s on the attack yet again! Axel with hard forearms, not letting up on JINGUS now! Axel has JINGUS against the ropes, and is peppering him with stiff right and left forearms again, before bringing him out of the corner, whipping the big man across the ring, but holding onto his arm and whipping JINGUS back to Axel… ..SPIIIIIINNNEEEEBBUSSSTTAAAHHHH~!~! “YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!” COLE Axel is fired up! Axel strikes the Crucifix Pose, telling the crowd that this match is about to be over! CABOOSE How’s he going to finish the big man off? Axel picks JINGUS up and gets him in a front face lock, trying for a suplex. But the big man blocks the attempt, and a second, before landing a solid blow to the stomach, and readying Axel for a Clawslam again! JINGUS lifts Axel high in the air for a Clawslam, but the former champ lands a blow to the side of the big man’s head, causing him to fall off balance and drop Axel in the Clawslam, rather than getting all of the impact he needed. COLE Smart by Axel on that exchange, he took the Clawslam, but JINGUS didn’t get all of it! JINGUS, angry about not getting to destroy Axel’s head like a little bug, grabs the former champion and tries to get him up for the Burning Hammer, a move that Axel knows all too well. Axel has this move scouted, countering by slipping down JINGUS’ back! COACH Wow, that was close! JINGUS turns around, boot to the midsection by Axel, front face lock, and he finally gets JINGUS in the air! COLE POWER! CABOOSE STRENGTH! Axel holds JINGUS in the air for a couple of seconds… ..Before dropping him with a BRAINBUSSSSTTTAAH~! “YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAH!” COLE Axel just dropped JINGUS on his head! Axel comes off of the ropes, and drops a VICIOUS~! Knee to the head of JINGUS! CABOOSE That knee squashed JINGUS’ head! Axel then gets in the dominant position, and starts teeing off on the big man’s temple! Lefts, rights, just brutal blows to the head of the Devilman! COLE Axel is going for the K-O! JINGUS’ arms are locked under Axel, so he can’t fight back! Axel keeps going, he just keeps hitting JINGUS over and over again, his knuckles grazed from the blows! The referee CALLS FOR THE BELL! *DING DING DING* “YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!” COLE The referee has stopped this match! Axel stops hitting the Devilman when he hears the bell, jumps up and shouts in elation at the win. He strikes the Crucifix Pose to the crowd, who respond with a huge ovation as “I’m on a High” starts blaring over the loudspeakers. BUFFER Ladies and Gentlemen, your winner, by stoppage, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAXXXEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!! CABOOSE Axel just showed a side of himself that we haven’t seen before! JINGUS is out! He just wouldn’t stop with those blows! He’s the OAOAST’s Most Dangerous Man! COACH He-he just wouldn’t stop! He was in some sort of zone there guys, he just kept hitting JINGUS, and hitting JINGUS, we’ve never seen anyone tee off on the Devilman like that before! COLE This can only be bad news for the Champion! That combination of the Brainbuster and the knee to the head, that’s what did it guys. The blows were just a horrible, violent afterthought. Axel could have gotten the three count after the knee, but he didn’t want it. He was after something more, he wanted to prove something. And he sure as hell proved to me that he hasn’t lost any ability, in fact, I think he looks in better shape than ever! Axel celebrates with the crowd, as JINGUS is helped out of the ring. Axel spots a camera in the ring, walks over to it, and speaks directly at the audience. AXEL STEPHEN JOSEPH, THAT WAS FOR YOU! YOUR TIME IS COMING! COLE Axel with some choice words for the champion! God save your soul, champ! God save all our souls, because the OAOAST will never be the same without Axel back! (FADE OUT) Edited December 2, 2005 by Patty O'Green Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Patty O'Green 0 Report post Posted December 2, 2005 (edited) OAOAST Productions, Proudly Presents... #~~THE LOVE SHACK~~# We're taken to 'Grand Rapids', 'MI', to the state of the art set of the world's most influential interview program, The Love Shack! Our wild and wacky host, often compared to Larry King in his prime, Leon Rodez is sitting behind his desk wearing a Grand Rapids Griffins hockey jersey. RODEZ Oh, hello there. Welcome to The Love Shack, the show Entertainment Weekly called insipid, base, distasteful, and a banal rout that sets broadcast journalism back twenty years. Fortunately, I declared that week opposite week, and that means they really liked the show! Thanks guys! Now, The Love Shack is more then just a place for me to be a comedic foil to straight laced heels and uptight babyfaces who the bookers have forced me to tag with. No, The Love Shack is also a place for me to pontificate (I've been doing mah book learnin') about serious issues of the day. I'll tell you what's a serious problem. The Boy Scouts of America. That's right, you heard me. Bear with me. Innocent organization designed to breed upstanding citizens or Neo Nazi cult designed to breed super soldiers to prepare for the arrival of cyborg Hitler? Before you change the channel to a rerun of The Parkers, and proclaim I've been hitting the wacky weed, look at this picture of these hate mongering servants to the third Reich, then decide. RODEZ (shaking his head) I think the answer is fairly obvious. Wouldn't you say, audience? Audience? Audience? There is no audience, even though I promised free punch. Camera man, say yes. CAMEREA MAN Yeah, screw Hitler. RODEZ Yes. That's why I propose a new group where young boys can be molded into the men of the tomorrow, free from pervy old dudes giving them the once over. I propose the uh..Rodez Scouts of America. No, I won't give you any fancy badges from walking old ladies across the street and not coping a feel while doing it, no I won't teach you any stupid skills that will only be useful if you decide you want to be Davey Crockett when you grow up, no I won't give you a uniform that's basically an invitation to bigger kids to beat your ass, but I will give you this; Spice World on DVD. A cinematic masterpiece. I always liked Sporty Spice, because it always felt like I could do her. She was hot, but ugly enough that she felt doable to the average man. Speaking of ladies I wouldn't mind doing, let's introduce my guests. They haven't been on a pay per view since Laguna Beach season one was still on the air, they've wrestled exactly two matches in the past four months, but that's alright, that's okay, they're gonna make it anyway, because they're really hot. They are Chicks Over Dicks....Alix Maria Spezia and Krista Isadora Duncan... Cue the applause track as The COD walk onto the set. Alix merrily waves to some non-existant audience members while Krista seems noticeably less enthralled. The two sit down on their provided chairs, Krista closest to Leon. Until, that is, Alix picks up her chair and squeezes it in the small gap between Krista's and the desk. ALIX Did I hear you right? Did you say that I was really hot? Aw, that's so nice of you. Isn't that nice, Krista? She looks angry. Best not talk to her too much. I really like it when men say that to me because it means they're not just into me for my brains or to steal my expert haircare tips. Men are such women nowadays. Have you noticed that? Huh? Huh? And, not like those half and halfers. Love Hewitts, I call them. She tried to sue me once, but then we spread that rumour about her on the internet. So. Owned. That's what she gets for stealing my part in Can't Hardly Wait. But, I think I've said to much because there's a flick knife jabbing me in the thigh, which usually means Krista's getting tetchy. Or she's drunk. Or not drunk enough. Putting on facecream, wearing pink, washing their hair more than twice a week. If I don't do that, why should men? Makes no sense. I see you have funny little braids in your hair, so I'm gonna stop talking. RODEZ Good, so... ALIX See, I like compliments. They're so...complimentary. Like those funny little mints that you get on your pillows. Your minty compliments make me all fuzzy inside. In a good way. Not the way I went fuzzy inside when I accidently swallowed that lollipop I found down the back of my car seat and unwrapped and put in my mouth to see if it was apple or lime. But Krista, she has this kinda thing where she kinda wants to kill every male that she sees. Kinda. In fact, if she were paying attention enough to realize that you called her hot, you'd be in a lot of hot, bubbly water right now. If that desk wasn't protecting your wang shaft, she'd have probably dived onto you as soon as she walked in and cut it right off. She did it to this hobo one time. Man, that was some running. Some people would probably enjoy that though. RODEZ Oh, I know exactly what you mean. And what I mean by that is, I kinda tuned out midway through what you were saying and started staring at your breasts. But I heard the last bit...and I've seen it all in my time. ALIX Really? Have you ever seen a Portugese woman in an Emu costume getting it on with two Alsatians. RODEZ Uh, no. ALIX Oh, damn. Okay, okay, how about this one. A woman called Krista and a guy called Ned in the back alley behind a Diary Queen? RODEZ Ha, yeah, I saw that one! ALIX (to Krista) See! And to think, you said nobody with half a braincell would buy it! KRISTA I still have no evidence to say otherwise. This 'interview' is beginning to get out of control. So, ever the professional, Rodez completely ignores the bickering going on between his guests and simply grabs a swig of his Fresca. ALIX (to Rodez once more) Hey, you're tag team partners with Zack now, aren't you! Boy, that must be fun. I really mean that. Honestly. I swear on it. Promise. Honest engine. Incase you couldn't tell, that was sarcastic. Zack sucks. By the way, this interview is really swell, don't ya think? RODEZ Can't be any worse than my recent efforts. So, anyway, Krista, you haven't said much. What do you think of the interview so far? KRISTA Me? I think it's been god awful. It's like being tied, bound and gagged to your bed and being forced to watch re-runs of MadTV 24 hours a day, all day, every day. Cruel and unusual punishment. But, maybe I'm being too kind. I have that habit. How about I tell it to you straight, kiddo. It's a farce. You're no more of an interviewer than David Letterman is. It's more of a farce than American Idol. It's more of a farce than NASA. It's more of a farce than WNBA coverage. Sure, we don't know how to dunk, but we make up for it with good fundamentals. Yeah, so I stole that line from a Futurama what? Are you saying that makes me unoriginal? Obviously, you're not saying with words. But I can read your mind. You're lusting after my little sister and hoping that that lackey you sent to get you a foot long from Subway would hurry the hell up. ALIX Oh my gawd! We're sisters!?! That means we just got our incest on in the dressing room before we came out here! That's hot! But I don't want our babies to come out all deformed and defective. Like they could have three eyes, or six arms, or be Saved By The Bell fans. KRISTA (cringing) You, Mister Rodez, also think I'm unoriginal. Me. Unoriginal. Leon, you're preaching to the choir here. We're the original originals. And we don't need cool jackets with our names on to prove it. Chicks Over Dicks have been ripped off more times than Christina Aguilera's underwear. Consistantly and rampantly. With teeth. Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen? Bitch, please. Alix had an eating disorder while they were still occupying space in their mother's womb...sapping her energy...taking her internal fluids...making her unattractive to the opposite sex. Yes, I have issues. Don't even get me started on that jerkoff Billy Banks. All the moves in Tae-Bo were the same I used to kick his bald ass when he made a pass at me at Miss California contest. The Pussycat Dolls? Don't make me laugh. Seriously, I got a botox injection and it'll make my face hurt. They're a ripoff of a ripoff. Where do you think the Spice Girls got their dress sense from? Certainly not us. They did steal everything else from us though. Including Alix's singing voice. Don't you wish your girlfriend was a freak like me? That was my sure-fire chat-up line for 7 years, 8 months, 23 days. Not that I need it now, seeing as all men are sub-human pigs who impregnate you with their demon spawn and then run off to form half baked tribute acts to wrestling tag-teams from the 1980s. RODEZ Not me. KRISTA I'm sorry little boy, did you say something? I've heard that before. You narcissistic sports pimps are all the same. RODEZ No, seriously. I'm a former pornstar see... ALIX Really? RODEZ, I'm actually incapable of that, if you catch my drift... ALIX Rrrrreeeeeaaaaalllllyyyyy? RODEZ ...and me and Zack don't rip off anyone from the 1980s. Zack's too busy ripping off the entire early 90's re-run lineup. I pratically had to beg him not to call ourselves Hang Time. ALIX Rrrrrrreeeeeeeaaaaaaalllllllyyyyyyy? RODEZ ...actually, no. It was the other way around. Seemed cool at the time. Awkward silence. Alix glances at a nonexistent watch on her left wrist, as Krista contemplates suicide, just to get out of this ear-bleeding pointless segment. RODEZ According to this card, I have to talk about OAOAST matters on the show. So I'll abandon my planned discussion on climate change's affect on the mighty Himilayas and ask you about tonight instead. And, everyone's happy. Win for me, win for you Krista...err...and Alix...err... ALIX I found a nickel! It was in someone's pocket! RODEZ Wow...nickel! That's one of the most precious metals alive! ALIX I know! Wanna see it? Reaching hurriedly into her pocket, Alix pulls out the nickel and shows it to Leon with a beaming smile. But Leon isn't looking at the nickel. He's looking right into Alix's eyes. Cue sickly sweet, romantic music. ALIX ...Oh, that's my phone. *picks up phone* Hello? I'm sorry, I can't quite hear you, this is a very bad connection. You want to know how big my whats are? Man, there's a lot of static here. But, thankfully, no Jax. Hello? You'll have to speak up. You want to know if you can jab your long, floppy, rubber what up my who? I think you might have the wrong number, madam. Unless you got this off a bathroom stall door. In which case, thank you very much for your interest in whatever services you've been told I provide. But, unfortunately, I don't do that sort of thing unless you're a tall, rich, hot blonde, who happens to think the phrase “happy hour” has a silent “twenty four” in the middle. My “sister” however, seems to be turning into a man-hating lesbian as of late, so maybe I'll put her on. Nope, flick knife in the thigh again. Best hang up now. Toodles! *hangs up* And now, back to the staring. Re-cue sickly sweet, romantic music. KRISTA Ugh! That's it, I'm out of here. There's a liquor store around the corner run by a guy who looks like Chong. Or the other guy. I forget which one. If I haven't staggered out of there in 10 minutes, somebody grab the defibulator from my locker room. I might need to sell it for some beer money. And with that, Krista grumpily walks off. Leaving Alix and Leon still engaged in a super STAREDOWN~! ... OF LOVE~! RODEZ So, assuming your “sister” isn't going to affixiate herself to death, you wanna go grab something to eat? ALIX You had me at Hello. RODEZ That's funny. I don't remember saying "Hello". ALIX Sure you did. Silly! RODEZ No, I think that was the dominatrix chick on the phone. ALIX Oh. Well, either way, it turned me on. So, where are we going to eat then? I fancy something different. Like people say, when in Rome. Hey, lets get pizza! No, wait, Rome's in Italy. What does Spain have. Think Alix, think. You've watched Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego. Spain. Spain. Beaches? Bullfighting? Landon Maddix? Uh, uh...PAELLA! Let's have some of that. With french fries! RODEZ ...yeah, okay! Just, let me take care of this quickly. *to camera* That was the Love Shack, I was Leon Rodez, Krista was here, Alix still week, stuff will happen no doubt. So, yeah, okay, see ya, yeah, bye. C'mon, let's go get stuffed. ALIX Ooh, goodie! Let's go get something to eat first though. Leon seems confused for a minute, but seems to get the picture and beams as he scuttles out from behind the desk. Grabbing Alix by the arm, Leon then whisks the wacky Ms. Spezia out of her chair and away out of shot. Just missing a stagehand walking in from the other side of the camera, carrying with him a plastic carrier bag, with a Subway logo..... Edited December 2, 2005 by Patty O'Green Share this post Link to post Share on other sites