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Guest tominator89

Any coincidence on who flair...

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Guest tominator89

I know this is a longshot, and probably unreasonal given the WWF's tendencies, but I have to wonder if there is a coincidence on the people Flair has been associating with lately?


The most obvious associate of Flair is his longtime, best friend Arn Anderson. Everyone knows their history, but it's still worth pointing out that a road agent is getting some decent airtime. Secondly, Booker T is handpicked by Flair to join the nWo. Booker, a former FIVE TIME WCW CHAMPION, joins a group (including Nash, Xpac, and Big Show) that has plenty WCW history. I think you probably know where I'm going with this, but tonight on RAW we get Eddy Guerrero and Chris Benoit acting as the "welcoming committee"...


Like I said, I'm probably wasting my time even considering this but, maybe, JUST MAYBE, Flair is slowly rebuilding WCW? Is it possible that he's trying to recruit former WCW stars? Is it possible that some of those unexplaned cell phone calls that he makes (and abruptly ends the conversation when interrupted by someone on camera) are really secret negotiations?


I think if Vince REALLY wants to shake things up, he needs to realize that he's still stilling on a goldmine here. There are plenty of reasons why the inVasion sucked, but if those problems are approached logically and scientifically, they can be solved. Hell, look at who is on the roster now as compared a year ago. Hell, I would have given anything to have seen Flair leading the inVasion.

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Well, Boss Man, Goldust, Molly, RVD, Raven, Stasiak, Austin, Terri, and Regal were also in WCW at some point... so all together that's at least half the RAW roster. Sometimes it's hard to think of an individual wrestler as a "WCW Guy" or an "ECW Guy." Like, what about Raven? He's moved around a hell of a lot, even before he was Raven.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

This would give the Invasion angle more worth, and I think Vince is unhappy with the way it turned out and probably wants another chance to do it right (wouldn't you).  Basically, it would make the Wwf look smarter than they really were.  Having a mass-wcw conspiracy on their hands and acting like it was a year-long build rather than fluke.

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Guest RetroRob215

During the opening segment of Raw, I thought I was watching WCW.  Raw is more WCW-like than SmackDown!, but I wouldn't say it is being transformed into a WCW show.

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Guest Ash Ketchum

Correct. If it were a WCW show, it'd probably still be sucking.


I mean BIG TIME sucking.

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Guest caboose

That isn't a bad idea for an angle actually.

It would actually make logical sense as to why Flair didn't show up and help the WWF beat the original InVasion.

Because he had his own more star studded version going.

Add Steiner and Goldberg to the cause, Mysterio is already coming, you've got most of WCW's big stars from the last 5 years in the WWF.


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Guest HartFan86

Makes you wonder....Flair could say that the first InVasion was just a test and now it's time for the REAL InVasion.

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Guest El Satanico

Flair secretly building a revised WCW on Raw could be a way to actually divide Raw and Smackdown like needs to be done. Flair can play buddy buddy with Vince and get the trades that Flair needs to get "his boys" and then at a later time Flair will reveal his plan then Vince will become the good guy again.


Maybe even have Flair "find" the big gold belt and name his puppet champion probably Beniot, Steiner or Goldberg therefore he could announce that the Undisputed title is now disputed.


They could also bring in some other WCW titles and replace the titles on Raw as Flair making a statement that WWeee is inferior. Instead of naming new champions just have it where if current holder doesn't agree to change(the heels may just agrre) they have to be beaten for the WWeee title before replacing it.


I'd have all the titles switched over quickly except for one. I'd have RVD(or whoever) fight off all opponents and thwart all of Vinces attempts to remove the IC title from him and replace it with the WCW US Title. I'd then do this for many months until Flair finally manages to cheat RVD out of the title. This would majorly elevate the IC title(which will resurface on Smackdown) and would make RVD a major guy.


I'd also leave a group of guys(like Austin and RVD) that are loyal to Vince and WWeee who are thwarting alot of Flair's plots. This way they can continue the WCW(or whatever name) vs. WWe feud with actual first hand action and not just by having Vince cut promos on Flair "via satellite".


Now that both Smackdown and Raw have two wrestling shows they are equal enough to truly divide. Only problem is that they have to address how the PPVs are handled. The best way to handle PPVs for a true split would be for each side to have 5 then have 2 crossover PPVs. With a disputed "world" title and Flair tossing out the WWe titles in favor of "WCW" titles giving Vince the ability to take the scraped WWe titles to Smackdown sets up crossover PPVs well.


The biggest problem with totally split PPVs is that you could lose some viewers who likes the other side more. However a good POSSIBLE solution could be having shows like Clash of the Champions on free tv for the side not getting a PPV. Another possible but unlikely to happen solution could be having a scaled down, shorter(like a hour long) and cheaper ($10-20)  PPV for the side without a normal PPV.

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Guest Risk

Well, if this DOES happen, you can't have one promotion be "heel" and the other be "face."  Heels and faces are juvenile creations anyways, so lets throw them out the window for the moment.  Make it WCW(and maybe some ECW fans who still resent the WWE)fans vs. WWE fans.  That's what was great about the NWO: it had NWO fan vs. WCW fan.

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Guest caboose

As an intersesting Sidenote, I remember that up until the end of January, the wwf.com PPV calender listed the July PPV of 2002 as being called 'InVasion:The InVasion Continues'.

This may or no may not have been the wwf failing to update their website after the InVasion was crushed.

Or it maybe something far more.

Who knows?

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Guest Repo Man jr

Surly the lack of any kind of invasion will make that title seem a little bit silly.

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Jim Ross even has WcW ties. That is what JR needs. Something new. Have him turn as the "Heel" announcer (kissing Flair's ass) and have Lawler stick to the babyface, puppies crap.


LoL, Have JR shoot on Lawler.

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