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Guest Phr33k

Hogan unhappy?

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Guest Phr33k

Apparently, Hulk Hogan is unhappy with the direction the WWE is taking, and also with the payoffs he's getting for house shows. It's also rumoured that he isn't "having fun" in the company anymore, and he may soon leave.



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Guest Human Fly

The fact that Hogan is gainfully employed by the WWE is reason enough why he shouldn't be unhappy. Even if he was feuding with Maven.

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Sad to say Hogan is going nowhere the guy loves the spotlight. Hogan will bitch till he gets his way. Vince will have to force him out or just plain fire him mark my words he's not leaving on his own.

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lol Jesus Christ, this Hogan bashing is getting almost as ridiculous as the "HHH is holding everyone down! Backstage politcs!" bs that some of you like to throw around. I'm not a Hogan mark by any means, but some of you just need to shut up and stop complaining. He's not the champion anymore so celebrate. Get over it. It's funny how the REAL insiders (REAL smarks) like David Meltzer and the guys at the PWtorch have noted that Hogan has been cooperating and being a really good sport and that the locker room is accepting Hogan... yet you guys seem to know for a fact that he's using some pull, whining, wanting to hog the spotlight etc... since some of you guys are in the locker room to actually know all of this right?


Why don't you take into account that Hogan, if depressed, is depressed because he knows that his run hasn't been successful. Regardless of whether you like the man or not, this is a guy who was a huge huge huge draw, and has actually remained a somewhat consistant draw throughout his career... and now that he's on his final run, he's had to be bitten hard that people don't care as much anymore. I don't know about you, but if that were me I would be heartbroken. So for Christ's sake give the guy some slack for once, and actually prove to the wrestlers out there that laugh at you (I've spoken to several that think some of you internet smarks are morons) that you do have open minds, and shut the fuck up

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Guest Dangerous A



You go bigjig!!!!!!!

(snaps fingers in a z formation)

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lol sorry to go off on a rant... but Geez, the sensation of being humored and frustrated at the same time is quite interesting and just makes me want to go off on somebody with a baseball bat while laughing my ass off at the same time


Is that normal?

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

Of course wrestlers think smarks are morons. If we aren't hanging on their dicks worshipping them, we aren't worth their time. Ironically, we're the ones who keep watching their dismal shows when the business isn't booming, hoping the product improves, as opposed to those who just leave and come back when it's cool.


Ok, so that's a different topic altogether. Anyways, Hogan. Eh, he should leave. Not cause I hate the fucker, I do, but it's his time. Nostalgiamania was wild, but the ride is over. Hard to believe he isn't 'having fun' when he's getting Hulkapops. Hogan really should be grateful that he's getting this kind of reaction since his return. I don't mean that in a vindictive way.

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Guest justcoz

Hogan is over.  The ratings being low isn't the fault of Hogan.  Many people who watch at work site Hogan as the one thing in the program they are interested in.  Bad writing and television which just isn't all that entertaining anymore is the reason their ratings are done.  Hogan's last hurrah hasn't been a failure.  People cheering him over The Rock means they still care.  Him getting the ovations he's been receiving on WWE television means they still care.  The problem is that the casual viewer at home, disenchanted with WWE television since Nitro ended just don't care.  New fans aren't going to be brought in by Hulkamania.  They are going to be brought in by a better overall presentation and new breakout stars.  


Hogan has a place in all of this.  Farewell tours are a common thing in the music industry and as long as he doesn't have a title and puts some people over on his way out I don't have a problem with marking out to Voodoo Child each week.


I don't buy into him not being happy or being a backstage complainer right now.  I think he more than anybody sees this for what it is and I think the majority of the locker room are marking for it like Tazz, Edge, etc.

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Guest Vern Gagne

Not the Oragne Goblins fault. The whole point of Smackdown last week was Hogan's "retirement" and the ratings still sucked. There wasn't even any competition. Hogan might get a nice pop at the arena but the TV audience doesn't care about him.

Why can't Hogan fans except that getting a reaction at the event doesn't mean your a ratings draw.

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Guest justcoz

I just said that Hogan getting huge pops at arenas does nothing for the ratings.  My point is that it takes more than Hogan to spark WWE ratings.  To point to him and his 'overness' as the reason for the ratings decline is ridiculous.

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Guest Brian

Source for the Hogan is unhappy is in the Torch Newsletter.


Hogan drawing an older population vs. the younger population which is fleeing won't be worth it in the long run. That's one of the reasons new stars need to be built; so younger fans can latch onto a star as part of their generation. Nostalgia doesn't draw. People aren't flooding to watch for Hogan, and they weren't doing it when he had the title. The only thing Hogan has done near drawing is against Rock at WrestleMania.

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Guest El Satanico

Well if Hogan is such a delicate little flower that can't take not remaining insanely over for long periods of time then he should've retired after the Rock match.


Claiming that Hogan's depressed over not being insanely over all the time is a load of horse shit. Hogan didn't seem to mind being in the spotlight when he wasn't over or a draw in WCW where he was making way too much money and had way too much power.


People talking about Hogan causing trouble backstage isn't anything like when they talk about HHH. In HHH's case eventhough there are hints and clues that he has too much power it's still speculation by everyone(for now). In Hogan's case he has a history of using his backstage power to reward himself and his friends with little regard for the company.


It's true that no one has proven that HHH and Hogan are doing this now. But to claim that people talking about Hogan's backstage pull is the same as speculating about HHH's backstage is the same...well that's wrong. When everyone knows what Hogan has done in the past they have a right to question Hogan's motives.


Let's say a serial killer was some how paroled and swore on his mother's grave that he was a new man. Then say awhile after he is free someone is killed and it's similar to how the serial killer killed victims. Rumors start floating around that the serial killer has resumed his murdering. There's no concrete facts or evidence linking him to the slaying yet strong rumors continue to float around in the general public and within reputable sources. Do you think the FBI would ignore this all because the killer said he was a changed man when getting out of prison and instead try to find the killer without investagating the known serial killer whose style closely resembles the crime scene.


That may be a flawed comparison but it's similar. Hogan has a history and he "claimed" to be a changed man upon entering WWF. So to totally ignore any rumor about Hogan's pull just because there isn't concrete proof and because Hogan is a "changed man" would be plain foolish.


I don't read all the rumors and suddenly think he has all the power and is going to drive us all into the wall. But reading more and more rumors about Hogan from reputable makes me slightly uneasy. It should make anyone uneasy given his past.

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Guest The Man in Blak

To be totally honest, since the end of that Raw in St. Louis (that I saw live) where Hogan and Austin did their off-camera stuff, I really don't think Hogan's been the same.  I think that was the major awakening, when Austin stunned and the crowd cheered.  And the fact that they only gave him 12 minutes for a PPV (not that I'm complaining) probably was a big sign to him as well.

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Guest goodhelmet

now that it's apparent hogan will never get the belt back, i could care less about him. he's kind of pathetic wobbling out and going through the motions. where as before you could justify his reign because of the loud pops, now he looks so done. I am not bitter towards him anymore. I'm far more worried about HHH and the poison he is to the main event. BREAK THE KNEECAP ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

of course Hogan's unhappy! HHH is the one holding people down now. Hogan's jealous. DUH.

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