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Guest Duke_The_Dog

Packer lineman bites off sheep testicles

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Guest Duke_The_Dog
Actually, Ruegamer does a lot with his mother, who named him for that inestimable Western man of letters Zane Grey. ("Zane Ruegamer" was probably just a touch too naff.)



Such as: They castrate sheep together in the Basque country of Spain.



From the same Miami Herald article:



"We were at [a friend’s] farm [last May], and she needed some assistance” castrating a large herd of sheep, said Lynne Ruegamer, Grey’s mother. In the Basque tradition, ranchers use their teeth instead of a knife because it is believed the wound heals faster.



"Grey didn’t really want to do it, but she needed help. What could he say?”


Ruegamer was game. So game that he went through approximately 800 lambs in the next three days.



And this from a New England site called South Coast Today, which fleshed out the story when the Pats (clearly desperate) picked up our budding moil:



"She needed help docking her sheep (clipping the tails, ears and reproductive organs)," he said. "I did about 200 on one day. It takes forever to keep washing your hands off. It was easier to keep rinsing your mouth out. It was a lot easier doing it that way since I wanted to go catch a beer afterwards."



It’s an annual excursion for the two, apparently.


Grey is well known for cheap shots and groin rabs in pile ups as well


Not since the days of Wayne Simmons....

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Guest Vitamin X

Ruegamer's awesome. I was pissed when they gave the starting guard role earlier in the season to that fucking clueless rookie Whitticker. I hope Grey keeps it up.

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