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Guest oldschoolwrestling

Would benoit be a good king of the ring?

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

I'm not sure if Benoit will even be ready to have a match, let alone participate in a tournament where he would have to wrestle more than once on one night, but I was wondering if this would even be considered a good option.


He's main-evented already, and along with Y2J had a killer feud with HHH/SCSA.  But for some reason he's never gotten the push the internet community feels he has deserved.  Would the KOTR title make him legit enough in casual fans minds to take him to the next level, which would be the world title?  Now that Y2J  broke through and got to hold the belt, is Benoit next?


Or would this be considered a step down for him?

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Guest gthureson

I'd say it'd be a good idea, if booked well.


If he can handle it physically, having him tear apart people three times in the KOTR would be a great way to build him up in the eyes of the crowd.


You have to get people excited about him, and whats a better way than showing three great matches in one night?

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I think it's beneath him. Benoit has already proven that he is a top tier player main eventing several pay per views with the Rock and Austin, so I think he's already established and hopefully with his feud with Austin on the horizon, that will only do more.


The KOR needs to go to somebody who really needs it to boost credibility. I think honestly it should go to Booker. Booker is already somewhat of a fan favorite and if anything, the Golddust angle has helped get him over... which has made him likeable in the casual fans eyes. However I think it's hurt his credibility as a major threat to any division. If he wins the KOR against heavy competition, then it will basically remind the fans that this guy can be taken seriously.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Its beneath him.  I would very surprised if Benoit is not main eventing almost immediately.

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Guest Brian

I don't think it's beneath him if handled correctly. Benoit wants to warm up before he gets to Austin. Guerrero goes against Austin that night. Benoit has to win. Well, if they do it right and it's leading to Benoit/Horsemen/Austin whatever combination, with Flair and Arn running the show ( and eventually they are going to end up with Flair vs. Austin a ways down the line, then I don't think it's a bad idea. It all depends if he's ready.

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Guest Youth N Asia

What about Jericho...it'd be a great chance for a lower/midcarder to really move up...


Seriously I'd like to see someone like Storm get it...he should at least be working the midcard level

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Guest gthureson
Its beneath him.  I would very surprised if Benoit is not main eventing almost immediately.

Is it better to just stick in the main event and start losing to Austin and Triple H right away, or at least let him some wins first?

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Guest Kahran Ramsus
Is it better to just stick in the main event and start losing to Austin and Triple H right away, or at least let him some wins first?


Understood.  I just don't think the writers are good enough to make the tournament mean something again.

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Guest alfdogg

I don't think Benoit will be ready yet.


And if I'm booking, I have Booker T win the touranment.


I'll explain why in this thread I'm posting in a few minutes.

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I don't think it's beneath him at all.  Oh, sure, he had several WWF (get the E out) Title shots in 2000 and his last match was a world title match at KOTR 2001, and in all those matches they had him come damn close, and actually teased a win over The Rock at Fully Loaded 2000.


BUT...It took ME a day or two to remember all that.  And I'm a smark and, as such, a Devoted Acolyte of The Cult of Benoit within the Church of Workrate.  So I assume the WWFE lemmings have already forgotten, and the WWF didn't exactly mention any of this to remind anyone (although it was just his first night back).


My point?  Benoit needs to be built back up to an extent.  Right now?  He's just "that bastard who jumped Austin" but he's not remembered as "that dangerous bad ass motherfucker who could break a guy in half in the time it takes to blink, the Canadian CRIPPLER~!" if you get my drift.


And I think King of the Ring is the best way to start.  In fact, I thought that they were going to make him King of the Ring in 2000 when he first came in.  I thought, and predicted, and even sketched out some fantasy booking where Benoit gets the Austin push of 1996.  I came up with this because I thought Benoit's demeanor suited the "Stone Cold" description, more so even than Austin himself.


Basically, my ideal feud was to have Austin vs Benoit be a reworking as Austin vs Hart, only with Austin as the old guy this time around.


So yeah, I don't think Benoit is above King of the Ring.  I think he should be in it...but only if he's going to win it.  And then hassle Austin like Austin hassled the Hitman.

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