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The Mandarin

Crying over Tim White's death is pathetic.

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This is the one and only post I'll ever say anything about this topic.


-For starters, much of this is yet another reason to just bash me. I said that I shed a tear when I heard about the news, and I shed a tear at the end of Armageddon. Honestly, I don't see how almost anyone could hold back the tears after that Armageddon ending. Seeing Josh Matthews in that emotional state, the "Thank you Tim" chants, the concern from the announcers, and the hush over the crowd. It was very touching stuff, beacuse it was all real. Of course I don't know the guy like any of them, but just knowing what they are going through is hard to actually see like what we did on Armageddon. I've had hardly any contact with Tim, I met him once for just a second, but I've seen him referee live plenty of times. He was also my second favorite active referee, which I've said plenty of times in the past.


-Do you people never get emotional when watching certain movies or TV shows? There have been plenty of times I've seen people say they cried over episodes of Lost (Locke's first episode I think) and other stuff such as that. That shit is fake though, it's fine to get emotional over film and TV shows, but in the end it's still fake. What you have seen the past two days is real life, this is what really matters.


But I'm sure you hardasses never get emotional over anything at all. Not any TV show, not any film, nothing. More power to you all if that's the case, way to go. To me the point of watching certain shows and films are to take you through the emotions. To scare you, make you laugh, and even make you cry.


But if some of you don't "get that", then I really feel sorry for you. That's what I call pathetic...not someone shedding a tear or two over the death of a real person, and shedding a tear or two over seeing what it has done to those closest to him.


This isn't just about me, it's about all of the guys you have been seemingly getting off on bashing just because you are emotionless assholes.


In short, fuck off.

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Didn't Nick Patrick get bumped during the match?


I need to add him to my death pool list...

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