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So, who do they trade for benoit?

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I'm hoping they announce some sort of trade tonight that explains Benoit-to-RAW.  I don't want to see Benoit on SD after such an interesting angle was built up last night, so here are some suggestions...  thoughts?  


a.  Benoit to RAW; BROCK to SD.  This gives SD the kickass heel they need, puts Heyman on the show he's writing (may be a negative, though), and makes perfect sense with BROCK/Bubba feud blown off with their match on Monday.  


b.  Benoit, Faarooq and the rights to fight for the Tag Titles to RAW; Regal, D-Lo and the European Title to SD.  This gives SD a much-needed secondary title for all the midcarders to fight over, puts Vince and Regal together, where they're funnier, reunites the APA, and makes the tag division stronger by allowing teams to be formed on both shows.  


c.  Benoit to RAW; Regal/Euro Title to SD.  Similar to b, but a bit less complicated, and still solves some problems.  Tag division can always be solved later on.

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