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Guest EricMM

Future of the nwo?

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Guest EricMM

Who thinks they are going to remain heel and who thinks they will turn face?  I personally think it's a good idea to turn them face.  I mean, face wrestlers generally can be shoddy wrestlers since the face pop is a very powerful thing.  The crowd is already popping for 3 of the nWo members (Booker, Nash, Goldust) and even Giant would get pops.  He has before.  His offense is suited to a face, because huge power moves, even individual ones, get better pops than continued domination.  Even xpac can sit in the background, maybe wrestle in a team, and I'll bet the xpac sucks chants will disappear.  All they have to do is leave flair.  Nash could cut a big promo about it.  It would be easier.  Nash wouldn't really have to wrestle too much, and you would have faces that could compete with Flair's Eddy/Benoit/whomever team.  Maybe some of you don't want to see benoit interacting with the nWo anymore, but truthfully Booker T would get good matches out of them.  And Eddy and Benoit can get good matches out of Xpac and Show if anyone can.  And Austin can come out and stun them all at the end of every show ;)


Really, or he could fued with uh I dunno.  HHH for the title?  it's gonna happen :(



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In my opinion, the nWo is generally a heel faction... that is it's nature. But if you're going to make it an "anti-authority" faction, then with Flair and Vince as heels, it would make sense to turn the nWo face.

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X-Pac & Big Show have been faces with moderate success, but I think that it's way easier and way more plausible for them to stick to being heels. It's easier to get the fans to hate you than it is to get them to love you.


Nash could turn face. Hell, he gets face pops as it is already.


Booker is a definite face. When it [the turn] does finally happen, he's gonna be huge.


Goldust is iffy. If he sticks with Booker and continues his comedy routine, he could pull of a face run, or at least a tweener role.


I'm guessing though, that Nash, X-Pac & Show will stay heel. Nash will probably trick Goldust into thinking that he's been accepted into the nWo, and then they will turn on him. Setting up Booker T to make the save and turn face, finally!

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There is no chance in hell I will ever, ever cheer for Big Show or X-Pac.


On the other hand, it seems the last couple shows like RAW is moving away from face-heel structure into shades of grey, which can't be all bad. (i.e. Benoit attacked Austin - but he had a storyline reason to [his neck]. Austin acts like a heel, let's face it - but everyone cheers for him. If Benoit ends up on RAW and opposes both Austin and Eddy that would be great. Here's to the 'tweener'!)

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Guest notJames

Future of the nWo? How about face down in a puddle of their own blood? Or, hanging by their heels over the Grand Canyon, held by a single, burning piece of dental floss?




I am Jack's swift and unrelenting violence...

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Guest Kahran Ramsus
Austin acts like a heel, let's face it - but everyone cheers for him.


Backstage maybe.  But he hasn't acted like a heel on any WWF show I've seen since November.  Austin is as much a face as Hogan is.

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Backstage maybe.  But he hasn't acted like a heel on any WWF show I've seen since November.  Austin is as much a face as Hogan is.


Do we get the same shows?


Austin's character is paranoid, vindictive, and cruel. He has no compunction about Stunnering those who are trying to help him. He is mean. He is jealous. This spells 'heel' to me.


Actually, I just think he's a heel because last week he got drunk on 2 Natural Lights.

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