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Belated CES Thread

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Yeah, so..there was a ton of new stuff unveiled. I think about the biggest things were the HD-DVD/Blu Ray players, Satelite Radio Equipment (mainly XM), and out of left field..The New Lego Mindstorms set.


Personally I just got a Creative Zen Micro 6 GB MP3 player, so most of XMs new stuff doesn't interest me since they incorporate MP3 players into a portable XM Reciever. I was looking to replace my only a couple months old Roady XT, but I guess I'll wait. My Zen Micro has FM record, so I can record XM stuff onto it as well, which was one of the main reasons I got the Zen Micro.


As far as the BluRay/HD-DVD debate is concerned, I laughed when I saw that the HD-DVD players were going to launch at $500 where as the cheapest non PS3 Blu Ray player would be $1000. $500 for the HD-DVD player isn't a bad launch price although I sitll don't think theres enough demand for these players right now. And I also just did get an Upconverting DVD Recorder (less than $200 at Best Buy before I used some giftcards) and its making most of the stuff I have already look pretty damn good on my HDTV. I'll wait it out and see which format wins the "format war" before I comit to one or the other.


And what caught me by surprise was the new Lego Mindstorm sets. I remember my cousin got one of the originals a few years ago, and it was pretty cool back then although you really did have to spend a lot of time (and money) to get the sets to do the really cool stuff. It looks like the new sets will be a bit easier to use and also will be able do even cooler stuff..


Not sure if anyone else followed CES closely enough to have some opinions..

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