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Guest goodhelmet

The jim rome show

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Guest goodhelmet

I was listening to the Jim Rome show earlier today and he announced an interview with the doctor who performed surgery on HHH for tommorow (Thursday's show). Guess what the main focus is: dealing with athletes and their injuries due to steroid abuse!!! A subject he is an expert on. I know Rome dislikes wrestling so he may drop a few jibes at the wrestlers who have been worked on including HHH!

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Guest Brian

Well, Rome seems to be a MLB fan but we'll see if he deals with that fully to.

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Guest goodhelmet

actually, that's why he is a guest because of ken camminnetti (spelling?) and his admitted steroid abuse. I just found it odd that Dr. Andrews is also the guy who worked on HHH's steroid ingested body.

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Guest NoCalMike

Jim Rome is great, I really enjoy his show. He doesn't really like prowrestling at all, but hey who really cares.  I listened to the show this morning(wednesday) and he spent a great deal talking about steroids in baseball, so if he brings up roids in prowrestling tommorow on thursdays show, I don't want to hear people complaining that he has a grudge against wrestling because he spent ample time talking about this issue regarding ALL of sports....OUT

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

What a coincidence, I was reading an old Sports Illustrated where they were talking about Sports Radio. They were talking about Jim Rome and his show The Jungle. I wouldn't have known who he was except for the fact that hey mentioned that he was the guy who Jim Everitt roughed up on TV. I had downloaded that clip on Kazaa a few months ago. I wish he would have a wrestler on his show and try to bait them into attacking him. I'm damn sure Triple H would do a number on him.

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that jim/chris everitt shit was fuckin hilarious, I love to see shit like that, even if worked.  I guess thats why I like wrestling :)



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Guest phoenixrising

There's a regular caller to the Jim Rome show who is prone to quoting wrestlers in his calls - often the guy uses "never...EVVVVVVVVVVVVVER" and various Rock quotes.  Rome also describes Vince McMahon as "an evil genius who knows how to make money".  So yeah, wrestling does come up and he don't like it - but he's still entertaining so I'll listen.


I seriously doubt wrestling will come up at any time...Andrews will probably be introduced as "a respected sports medicine specialist" or something like that.  With the Caminiti article on everyone's mind and Rome's interest in baseball, the conversation will probably circle around that - honestly the chances of wrestling coming up are slim to none.

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I don't know about slim to none.  I'd be willing to side with "unlikely" but I wouldn't take it to that degree.


It did, after all, come up in the local paper (S.F. Chronicle).  Some guy wrote an article about roids and Caminiti's confession, (and a funny little piece of satire about how non-user Curt Schilling has an "unfair advantage" over roided-up hitters because theire muscles are so big they lack the flexibility to get their arms around on his fastball).  But anyway, the article referenced a chat the writer had with Superstar Billy Graham [simply called "Billy Graham" in the article].  Graham apparently attested to roid use turning his joints to mush and that roid use was "mandated" by his wrestling organization (and I presume that to be the WWWF).


So it could come up briefly, especially since Dr. James Andrews has worked on so many wrestlers over the years.  Probably only in passing though, so you'd have to be paying rapt attention to catch it.  If it does come up.

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Guest graph9

I just got finished listening to the interview..i was laughing because Rome mentioned how he was the surgeon to the "legitimate" athletes only..The Doctor did mention that he has seen a signifigant increase in a certain type of tendon and muscle injurys over the last 10 years..that when he see's them he automaticlly knows are caused by steroids..hmmm

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