Stephen Joseph 0 Report post Posted January 9, 2006 (edited) Josh Matthews Fans, I am backstage with none other than THA PUERTO RICAN, who in seconds will go out to face the Heavenly Rockers in tag team action, all brought to you by the Anderson Cup. Puerto, will you have a partner? Where is Stephen Joseph Tha Puerto Rican grabs the microphone out from Josh's hands and with a shove of his right hand, shoves Josh Matthews out of the frame. Ed then raises an eyebrow, cocks his head to the side, looks into the camera, and raises the microphone above his head. Tha Puerto Rican FINALLY, Tha Puerto Rican HAS COME BACK! to HeldDown! ::The crowd cheers a bit for his carcicature. Puerto smiles and flashes some pearly whites, but instantly gets serious. TPR cont. You want to know how Stephen Joseph is? He feels like crap! Crap that he can't be here to wrestle with the Puerto Rican. Crap that I, the greatest wrestler alive, the Corporate Champion, the future of this industry, have to go out there and wrestle two men, because Axel wants to punish me for my friendship with Stephen Joseph. Axel, you may try to keep Stephen out of this ring, ::finger quotes:: medical clearances ::end quotes:: but you won't succeed. Axel, I can tell you this. Your boy Peter will get his ass WHOOPED by Stephen Joseph at AnglePalooza, and then he...and I will fight in the greatest ANGLEMANIA MOMENT ever! Friend vs. friend, not your patsy and some shmuck. As for tonight, Tha Puerto Rican is gonna do what he does each and every night, and that's WHOOP SOME CANDY ASS! And Tha Puerto Rican, and Stephen Joseph, will be back next week, to continue to run through the Anderson Cup IFFF YAAA ::Crowd yells back "SMELL!":: Puerto drops the microphone, and heads to the ring where the Heavenly Rockers have already been introduced. Cole Strong words from the Puerto Rican, but can he hold off two men? Caboose I'm really dismayed at Axel. Stephen Joseph, grrr I can't stand him, but he tried every which way possible this week to tag with Tha Puerto Rican. I don't like Puerto being out here alone. Coach That's tough! Have you even noticed your inconsistency by cheering Puerto and wanting to kill his career consultant? Caboose Piss off bugger. CUE: Know Your Role, 99 Tha Puerto Rican steps out onto the stage, pyro flashing as he holds aloft the 24/7 title belt. His reaction is excited but mixed, evidence he's gained a few fans now that Stephen Joseph has been outed from the Upstarts. Puerto throws the belt down and runs into the ring, sliding under the bottom rope and catching the Heavenly Rockers with their backs turned, with a double clothesline! DING DING DING! Synth audibly yells out a "FUCK" as he hits the ground, but Tha Puerto Rican wastes little time, pulling up Logan and tossing him into the corner. Tha Puerto Rican steps back a few steps, screams, and runs/jumps into the turnbuckle corner. BOOMSHAKALA, he hits a Stinger Splash! Logan groans in pain, and Tha Puerto Rican turns around, just in time to intercept a right hand from Synth. Puerto with a right hand to Synth's head, and Puerto then sends him with an Irish Whip to the far turnbuckle corner. Puerto looks around, and charges again. STINGER SPLASH and the crowd approves, having fun cheering on one man against two. Puerto turns around and charges towards Logan, and hits him with a Stinger Splash, And then Synth with another! Synth collapses to the ground, shadowboxing! Logan stumbles out of the corner, and right into a waiting, smelling it, jiving his feet Puerto Rican. Puerto catches him with a urange, PUERTO RICAN ROCK BOTTOM! Puerto kips right back up and stands at the head of Logan, He shakes his arms both ways, and pulls off the elbow pad, flinging it to the crowd. "THIS ONE'S FOR YOU POPPA!" With a shake of the hands Puerto runs to the rope on his left, then rebounds, jumps over Logan, and bounds off the other side, following up his momentum with the CORPORATE ELBOW! Puerto hooks the far leg and covers, with referee Nick Patrick sliding in for the cover... 1! 2! NO Synth saves with an elbow to Puerto's back. Synth pounds on Puerto as he gets up, but Puerto fights back with shots of his own. Puerto begins to back up Synth into a turnbuckle corner, and starts pounding on the noggin. Noggin pounding, not like noggin slobbin, that;s for Lita! Logan is back up and groggy, but he sees Puerto Rican not looking, so Logan thinks "Sandwich!" and charges screaming at Tha Puerto Rican. Caboose Dumbass Puerto backs away and Logan collides with Synth instead. The two fall backward in awkward fashion, a fashion well suited for movies on PPV channels, and feature you know, the kind of people Cole likes. Puerto goes for a cover! 1! 2! NO! Logan kicks out! Puerto slides over to Synth! 1! 2! NO Logan breaks up the count with an axehandle blast. And another one! Logan picks up Tha Puerto Rican and places him on the top turnbuckle. He scales the left side, and Synth gets up and scales the right side. The crowd senses it, Nick Patrick counts it, and the Hollywood Rockers send Tha Puerto Rican down to the mat with a thunderking Top Rope Double Suplex! Crowd: YEEEAAHHHH! Synth covers... 1! 2! NO! Synth yells at Logan to come on over, and he does. The grip tha Puerto Rican by his hands and whip him forward, but then pull him back, up and over their shoulders in a double-assisted flapjack! The Rockers get up and slap hands, while Puerto writhes on the mat! Synth with an axehandle blow, and Logan with another one. Cole Fans, in case you're wondering, yes, this is a handicap match by rule of General Manager Axel. The Hollywood Rockers can double team legally. Coach YES! Caboose NO! The Rockers, really, just want to advance in the tournament, and the fans know this. So they're not really booed. Then again, Puerto isn't really being booed either. Guess they have pity on him or something. Looking to end this quickly. Synth takes a groggy Puerto Rican and pulls him to the turnbuckle corner. Logan takes over from there, grabbing Puerto by the waist while Synth scales to the top rope. Logan checks out with Synth and Logan executes a perfect sit out powerbomb, followed by Synth's top rope legdrop! The crowd pops as Logan makes the cover! Cole Electric MELODY! Coach Sweet Sassy Molassy! Nick Patrick makes the count. 1! 2! PYRO! PYRO! PYRO! Everyone in the arena acts stunned at the unannounced unexpected Pyro from the main stage. Nick Patrick stops his count, Logan gets up off Puerto and stands up. The lights slowly dim, and the crowd buzzes with anticipation. CUE: Trick Daddy, Little John, and the EastSide Boyz in "Let's Go" AYE AYE AYE! The intro chords of Ozzy Osborne's "Crazy Train" meld violently into the mish mash crunk of Trick Daddy. After the Aye AYE Aye, the lights shut off, the crowd cheers, and all is black and darkness for 5 seconds. COLE What the hell is going on?! "Let's Go!" "If you want it you can get it" "LET'S GO!" Trick Daddy and Lil' Jon continue rapping as the lights pop back on. Synth and Logan, in the ring, take a step back away from the Puerto Rican. A man in a hoodie, with one arm in a sling, stands in the middle of the ring with a microphone to his lips. Stephen Joseph Y'all don't mind if I join in, do you? Synth and Logan look at each other, shrugging their shoulders, shaking their heads to say "No problem man!" Stephen Joseph pulls back the hoodie, finally everyone in the audience comes to a realization as to who it is. Tha Puerto Rican struggles to get up, and kind of hops over to SJ's side. With his good arm, Stephen Joseph slaps Puerto on the shoulder, and mouths "You knew I'd be here". Puerto nods, and after that exchange, SJ carefully takes off his hoodie, slipping it down his left arm gently, so as to not unduly hurt it, becuase its still in a sling. Stephen Joseph looks to the crowd, and flings the hoodie into the third row, right near a cute girl who eventually flirts her way to getting it. Stephen Joseph smiles, and pulls the microphone to his lips Stephen Joseph (to the crowd) Y'all don't mind if we make this a tag team match do ya? Stephen puts the cheap thumbs up Mick Foley sign, and the crowd can't help but pop. A few fans are noticing his t-shirt, a white shirt with "Fuck Me?" on the front. and "No, no, Fuck YOU!" on the back. The crowd doesn't mind, the Hollywood Rockers don't seem to mind, so Nick Patrick says "Sure, What the hell" and tells the ring announcer something Ring Announcer Ladies and Gentleman, this match is now a .. CCZZHHHTREHEHHH Axel HEY HEY HEY HEY ::The crowd massively boos as Axel walks out with Behemoth and Christian Wright backing him up. Wait just a minute Popick! You aren't medically cleared to wrestle tonight! You aren't cleared to wrestle till AnglePalooza! Stephen Joseph Wait...hold on a minute Axel. I've got something for you. I know you being the the General Manager and all, you want to send the OAOAST to new heights! You're the kingpin of the Upstarts, and all that jazz. You know how I feel about that Axel? One Thousand Words couldn't express how I feel, but one picture can! ::Stephen Joseph pulls off his white t-shirt, revealing another plain white t-shirt that simply reads "Fuck You Axel!":: Stephen Joseph Do you like that one, huh buddy? Axel Stephen, I am telling you that you can't... Stephen Joseph Oh yeah, almost forgot, this is for your buddies. ::Stephen Joseph pulls off the Axel T-shirt, and flings it into the crowd, revealing another shirt "Fuck the Upstarts!":: Stephen Joseph I was the only piece of god damn talent you jagoffs had. And you had to go and piss on me and my title legacy like R. Kelly does to children. For shame! Maybe I should just whip it out, I got a powerful stream, see how your boys like it! Axel God Dammit Stephen. Get out of MY ring. Stephen Joseph Oh wait, I almost forgot. I had to save the best shirt for last! ::Stephen Joseph pulls off his Upstarts t-shirt, and looks over to Sofa Central. "Hey Caboose, sorry about all that. This is up your alley" says SJ as he tosses the shirt to the Originals commentator. Coach looks on fuming! and he stands up with shock at Stephen's next shirt. Stephen Joseph I hope this isn't too NC-17 for you. I got it off a fan site. ::The fans whoot and cheer, even Synth and Logan can't help but laugh. On the front with a huge picture of an Angry Vince McMahon, is the word "RAW". On the back, a superimpose imaged of Peter Knight leaning on a desk with an Angry Vince McMahon, sweaty and all that, in an very obviously sexually suggestive pose:: Axel Get out of that ring or I will have you disqualified! Logan Hey :: grabbing SJ's mic:: We WANT to wrestle him. If we beat him, we beat a former champion, and that means! Axel Shut up you goddamn HIPPIE! Stephen Joseph (taking the mic back) Whoa! Axel, you'll have me disqualified? And what then? Deny me my match at AnglePalooza. You can't do that. Axel, you've got alot to learn about screwing people here in the OAOAST. I'm the butch and you're just the BITCH. Synth and Logan want to wrestle. The crowd wants to see the match. ::Crowd pops:: And most importantly, you and Peter Knight (boos) have managed to do the one thing that I never though possible. You know what that is? You've put the crowd solidly behind ME at AnglePalooza, because hey, at least I never lied about where I stand. And I'd like to make one thing perfectly clear before we restart this match. 1 ::holds out a finger:: You're an asshole. 2. You're an asshole. and 3. I promised I wouldn't tell anyone this, but your two buddies back there, definitely are assholes too. Definitely. Let's wrestle, because that's what I'm paid to do. Axel NO! This match is over! You cannot wrestle without a medical clearance,and if you insist on doing so, I must for the good of this company not allow it! Go home Stephen. No one wants or cares about you. If you touch Logan or Synth... Stephen Joseph goes over and pokes Logan, who pokes back, laughing. Stephen Joseph I touched him. Axel And now you're DISQUALIFIED! Ladies and Gentleman, your winners, the Heavenly Rockers! The crowd is a mixture of boos at Axel for being an ass, and cheers for the Rockers to be going on in the tournament. Stephen looks over at Tha Puerto Rican, mouthing the word, sorry, when Logan comes up and pulls SJ around. COACH OH YEAH! But instead, Logan puts out his hand. Stephen Joseph looks at it, and after a moment, shakes it! The crowd cheers, and Logan says "We'll do this again sometime proper." Edited January 12, 2006 by Stephen Joseph Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stephen Joseph 0 Report post Posted January 12, 2006 Put this towards the end. Backstage, Zack Malibu is kicking in doors, looking for the Upstarts. Fuming and madly angry, he pounds his first against the walls. MAN That really doesn't help much you know. MALIBU (turning around) YOU! MAN Yeah, me. The camera pans around to show Stephen Joseph w/ his anti-Upstarts t-shirt and black duffel bag. Stephen Joseph I was just heading out. Don't bother with them now, you don't have the advantage. Zack Malibu Like I would ever, ever listen to you. Stephen Joseph Let me ask you something Zack. Are you completely sinless? ::Zack looks a little shocked at this. "Not this religion stuff..." Stephen Joseph No no...You remember, 2 years ago. You. Me. Title Match? I had it won, you used the belt, got yourself disqualified? Remember that? Zack Malibu Can't say I'm sorry about it. Stephen Joseph Can't say I forgive it. But after being the World Champion, I understand why you did it. Anyways, since you're all about finding who's side people are on, thought I'd just make my stance perfectly clear. Zack Malibu You're looking out for yourself, and the Lightning Crew, and Puerto, and no one else...Blah Blah Blah Stephen Joseph Not quite. Well, yeah, I am just looking out for me and Puerto, but also, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, right? So just to let you know, I want nothing more than to get back at Axel, at Peter Knight, and every single Upstart for making me look like a damn fool. Zack Malibu I'm not shaking your hand. Stephen Joseph I'm not expecting you too. Just don't go attacking me when I run in to save your ass when you get yourself into a bad situation. Zack Malibu I'm not worried about that. I can take care of that. Stephen Joseph Sure you can. Anyways, cheerio good chap. ::Stephen Joseph walks away with Zack standing there. Over his shoulder, Stephen says SJ Oh, they're room 4269. That's two hallways down, one over, on your left. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites