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Guest Ace309

Sjl metal 5/29 comments thread

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Guest Ace309

Excellent show out of everyone here.


Ced and Z had an excellent match that was basically a clinic of their tag stuff, along with a really cool finish.


Amazing match between MVS and Danny Williams. The legwork was intense, and I can't complain about someopne pulling out one of my old moves for the ultimate P.


I'm sure everyone else will comment on the double main event matches, so I'll let them handle it. The whole card was really, really good.

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom

Damn, and I thought I was the first to post the comments thread. Oh well, here's my post in MY thread, which someone should probably delete....oh, and will the Crimson card be up as earyl as the show was?


Wow, looks to be great, though I haven't read anything but a bit of Danno's match and the MAIN EVENT. For those of you who felt a little cheapened by a joint blowoff match, me and Tod felt that it was all for the better as even I wanted Tod to win, and I think we churned out one hell of a match, though it was mostly due to Tod, for I only wrote about a third of the match. Anyway, PLEASE COMMENT on the match, because I'd like to know how it is from an outside perspective. Also, congrats to all the winners, and I don't think there were many no-shows....did MVS end up showing? I know his match was a little short.....anyhoo, comment away ye all!

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom

By the way Frost, how does it feel to write a winning match for the title but not actually win the title? ;)


But really, great match Frost, and you've risen to the top of this fed incredibly fast, I'm sure you'll have that Euro. belt for a long, long time.

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

Once again I try to do a full critique of the show.  Does anyone read it?  Does anyone care?  Does anyone who cries about wanting feedback find this?  We shall see.  Also, Big Wang Candy Mountain is so hilarious to me, but I don’t know why.


Francis vs. Impact

-Great setup and recapping to start, maybe a little long though but good none the less.  The commentary seemed a little bland throughout, but you used it well in complimenting and explaining the in ring action.  I also liked how you had Axis just straight call one action sequence in the middle of the match, I’ve been toying with writing a match of just the commentators’ dialogue and piecing the action together through that.  Interesting array of spots and good descriptions, especially with the submission sequences.  I didn’t get a good feel for Impact’s character though and I’m kind of confused by Fancis’ mild face reaction in spots.  Didn’t I miss a pseudo turn somewhere? (very possible as I don’t get to read everything every day)


Frost promo

-Pretty much setup for what would happen later.  I wanted the groundwork for the finish of my main event to come across, but not outwardly so.  Also, if my match didn’t win I wanted to be able to continue the storyline Sky and I have in mind come Crimson without missing a beat or being too confusing. Comments are very appreciated.


Josh Tupper vs. Poisyn

-I don’t know Tupper from before, but this seemed like a solid re-debut.  The commentary was nicely balanced between comic relief and analysis, the action was well detailed and paced, the history of Tupper and Poisyn was subtly hinted at and the finish came out of nowhere, but was still believable and exciting.  My only complaint would be run-on sentences, but that’s the English major in me.  I’m interested to see where the attack on the referee will head and how it will affect Tupper’s face status.


XF9 vs. Cutthroat and Kojack

-I love Z’s shtick and it made for a nice and fun return for Ced.  The match itself was a showcase for XF9’s brilliant tag work and smooth writing skills, which was mentioned in an earlier post here.  You know, I’ve never worked a tag match, hmm… I loved the ending, but don’t think Kojack should have been stretchered out.  The dissent between he and Cutthroat was teased, so I would have just had Kojack turn on him, but that’s me.  Note: I approve of using ‘junk’ as a synonym for testicles.  


Sydney Sky promo

-I wrote that with Syd’s approval.  Again, just more setup so the swerve at the end would be more believable (anti-Russo booking).  In some ways, I wish the match hadn’t won so we could have stretched out the secret admirer bit, but it all comes out in the wash.


MVS vs. Deathwish

-The psychology had me riveted and I’m glad to see Deathwish win by writing a pure Deathwish style match up.  While his style may not be the “in” thing as it were, it is solid and detailed and I’m glad he came back to provide a nice change of pace to the usual match structures and writing styles.  I’m curious as to how many other people would research that MVS went out with a broken leg and then work it so effectively by making him tap to the move that broke it?  Also cheers on Williams on selling his multiple injuries effectively and then playing off of his character’s tough resilience to sneak out a close win. Question: Does the SJL have a 20 count ring out, I thought it was ten?  


Mafia promo

-Wow.  The emotion packed into the promo was amazing and heart wrenching.  Just careful choice of words and description, nothing “soap operay” to be a real tearjerker.  I can’t wait to see where this goes, as I can’t believe that Mafia is truly leaving (but what do I know).


Main Event 1

-There seems to be some mild disappointment that this was a joint effort.  I applaud that, they did what was best for their storyline and angle not caring who won or lost.  Tod and TNT just wanted to tell their story and that ups my respect for them just that much more.  I don’t know what to specifically comment on, this was just one of the best damn matches I’ve ever read on here.  The working of the gimmicks, the pacing, the descriptions, the transitions, the near falls, the funny but focused commentary, just everything adding up to a great effort.  


Main Event 2

-I want to give credit to Ash and Sydney for their input and help.  A bit in the middle was also directly written by Ash; he might be moving up, but does not want to forget his SJL roots.   The match wasn’t as long as I hadn’t wanted it to be, but little things here and there sapped away from my writing time.  Although, I think that led to a really snappy, fast pace.  Basically, I just wanted to setup the impending storyline and try to do something different and unexpected.  Please let me know what you thought and toss any ideas you have out there, but coming after MVS vs. Deathwish and Tod vs. TNT I feel like a poor third place. (And to TNT's question, I still have a belt and I started a storyline I feel very strongly in, so I feel great, win win the way I look at it)


Awesome show all around.  I really liked all the matches and a lot of storyline threads seem to either be tied up or set in motion.  Every appeared to have put in great effort and time and that really makes up for the Metal showing last week.  Thanks to all out there in making a solid show.

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Guest Coffin Surfer

Holy Shit! I won! Despite numerous spelling errors.  I hope I didn't get the sympathy vote.  A big thanks to Ace, for providing me with loads of brilliant material with his old MVS matches, to build my match off of.  Psychology learn it, love it. I also apologize for the one sided finish MVS( I always hate that), but I did let your guy control the bulk of the match.


Please comment on my commentary.  Sure, I didn't have laugh out loud zingers, but I actually tried to use the commentary in this one to add depth to the story.  So I'm I finally on the right track with the commentary?

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Guest Sydney_Sky

All I have to say is: Oh... my... god.


I want to really really give props to Frost. First, for coming up with a really neat storyline that I know I'll enjoy developing, and second.. for even giving me a chance to be the Champion. Though, I still feel bad about having the title and not really earning it for myself, but it's impossible for me to do much for Metal's because of my work schedule. So, thank you Frost for your dedication to storyline and for letting me have a chance to shine. You rock, dude. (PM ME! :P)


The whole show was really great .. the JL really rocks.


And Ash, I'll miss you in the JL, man.. you know I've always been a mark for you. ;) (You PM me too! :P)


*bows out* I don't really have much else to say.. I'm still in shock. Lemme go have a drink. Drinks on me!


The humbled Queen of Everything....

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Guest Tod deKindes

Suh-weet show all around.


Me and Frosty are already starting to work on a few things, and Syd, he should be contacting you with the details. You ever get on AIM, girl?

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Guest Sydney_Sky

Yes, I'm on AIM. I'm on now, actually.. IM me at transclucent grace ... or on ICQ. Oh wait, never mind.. you just did on ICQ. ;P

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That was one of the best shows i've seen in the SJL and three unbelievable writers had already caught the bump.


I know my commentary isn't flashy but I think I'll steadly improve if I keep at it. Also I personally didn't have a clue about Impacts' character. At first I was thinking about jobbing to him and trying to flesh it out but I suck at character developement right now [so says my Humanities teacher] and I realized that I can't elevate crap on a stick yet ;).


And yes I've turned tweener since my little quasi-feud with Scott Reid. If he'd only come back...I wanted to work an angle with him.


Frost and Syd, I actually guessed what you were going to do after this promo, but I wasn't sure. You really put over the fact that the world title meant nothing to Frost


I thought the Tupper Poisyn match was solidly built. I'll have to improve commentary or get the F out because everyone's matches seems to have it.


I think I'm going to PM a few people about improving my commentary and what they use to make theirs better. C and Z are at the top of the list cause their shit is too funny. They got jokes.


Glad to see Danny win and he even scouted the match by asking Flesher about the finish in his match. Now that's psychology. I said it before and i'll say it again Danny writes wrestling matches. I'm just waiting to see what MVS writes like after he types off the ring rust.


I ain't mad at ya for co writing the match because you two know what you were doing with your feud. Great match and it was a fitting end to a month long feud. But it's not even near over yet so keep churning out the wonderful match-up and maybe i'll learn a thing or two. Bravo to Tod for writing two or three magnificent match in a row. And to TNT for making a match that was the by far the best on the card.


Frost you wrote a great quick little promo that gave away your matches ending but you being a english major and all I'm sure you'd call it foreshadowing. I remember back when you and Syd were on the board talking about an angle you wanted to run after you gave her the win over IL. I wasn't sure but I guessed right that you'd drop the World to Syd[a most deserving champ that I always picked in the predictions ;) ] in a display so sappy that I almost...nah I was just marking out!


Great show all around. Everyone's steppin' up and I'm proud to be a member of the JL.

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Guest CED Ordonez

First off, domo arigato to my bud Z for covering for the tag match. I haven't been feeling well all throughout the day thanks to Mexican food from the college cafeteria. I've just laid dead for the whole day and he completed most of the match.


Major respect for Frost, who retains his Euro despite potentially earning the World Title, which instead he hands to another respectable character in Sydney Sky. I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels he'll be due for it in the near future.


Fun match for TNT and Tod as well. Like I said, you NEVER win your gimmick match, and they agreed with me.


Sorry if I forgot anyone, but the stomach is about to go...


P.S. New stats for me, Page 1.

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Guest Longdogger_Pete

Great show guys.  WHOO!  I totally mark for Sydney Sky as World champion.  Yes.


The rankings top ten will look a lot different this week with Ash, Xero, and Durandal bumped and off the list, plus the return of NBK Josh Tupper.  Instead of posting them here, since it's the end of the month, I'll be posting the extended rankings shortly.  (You'll also get the monthly title history update.  Aren't you glad you have a handy historian to keep track of these things for you?)

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Guest Insanityman

Just wow to the show. *Smacks forehead* I'm close to quiting or leaving the JL for a bit (before I lost, heh) and so I couldn't muster the drive or the time (to sit down and right in a certain time period straight) to write a long match. I wrote a match around 4440 flat I think... here is Shitfest '02.



(After the commercial break the camera begins it’s journey through the rallied up crowd! After an insane Crimson they all screaming with hoarse voices to the camera as random people do their own things. Some make signs with their fingers or maybe they just scream out. However the many who brought signs hold them up with pride like “So I’ve been staring at Allison’s tits?” or other “COME BACK RENEGADE!” and finally a bunch of girls wearing skimpy bikini tops while red paint on their exposed stomachs spell out “Ced”. The camera enjoys that view then passes some more marks as it settles it’s way back to the announcing staff of Axis in the middle, Edwin in the far right, and Suicide King on the far left. The kazoo-playing, bland and dull, and huge heel commentators get their cue as they begin the commentary).


“The time has descended! After the most insane match we’ve seen in the JL we’re now returning to an even more extreme match possibly! Insane Luchador beat Mak Francis for the shot at the Euro as Xero was taken out by Sky for the shot at World! So now the two contenders face the two titleholders; Frost and Ash Ketchum –Axis pauses as the fans explode into many cheers as an “ASH! ASH! ASH!” chant begins to echo through the arena- so now take those four together and you’ve got a double title match and double fall match!”


The crowd stops the chant and begins to cheer in approval and the chant goes on for a seconds and dies down.


“After the brutal last match I’m pretty sure in saying that this will be more tame but Sky for Euro and Frost for World!” Edwin predicts with a flashy grin.


“Idiot, IL for World and Frost for Euro! A big guy or a Plague come on… think!” King says with a snicker.


“This match is scheduled for two falls and it is for the SJL European and World Championship!”


Soon the familiar theme music of “Cities on Flames of Rock ‘n Roll” by Blue Oyster Cult begins to blast in the loud speakers. Frost comes down with a slow stride one arm in the air with a clenched fist. Liking to get straight to business he absorbs jeers from the crowd.


“Introducing first from Reykjavik, Iceland weighing in at 6’7”. He’s the evil Iceman from Iceland your S-J-L European Champion…. FROOOOST!” Funyon announces to more jeers. Soon Frost reaches the ring as he hops onto the apron climbing in.


“Remember Frost should of faced IL and Sky already, but just made them duke it out while Sky got the win. Huzzah.” Edwin announces with glee at IL’s losing.


“Bittersweet Symphony" by the Verve begins to hit the PA system and Sydney Sky appears on the stage with a cute smile on her face. The smile stays there for a moment beings as Edwin makes a quiet sigh. It soon straightens more determined look and her eyes train towards the ring on the sides of the stage; sparkling pyro of purple, blue and white go off. She heads down to the ring with a swagger giving some lucky men and kid’s high fives along the way. “Introducing next the challenger from LA weighing in at a mere 170… she is the queen of everything…. SYDNEY SKKKKY!” She approaches ringside and she rolls into the ring with a grin as she winks towards the announcers.


Edwin pats down his wild red hair as Axis sights up taller and King comments, “Obviously that was for me.” Sky grins at that remark and Frost takes a step towards her towering over the cute little queen of everything. He shoves her back as he plants himself in the middle of the ring taking off his belt and handing it to a ring official. Sky begins to straighten her ponytail and Frost straightens his full body silver suit and he stares at Sydney with his piercing blue eyes.


“Oh yes we can smell the intensity now.” Axis comments with glee as Edwin looks over confused.


Mudvayne's "Dig" violently hits out of nowhere, as black sparks cascade down from the IGNtron and red pyro shoots off very close to the 6’3” Insane Luchador. He bends his back towards the ceiling like a limbo pose and he forms a cross with his arms. Soon the pyro changes to sparks and they go to black as a shield of sparks surround the Plague. He leaps out of them as he hits the aisle rolling down halfway as he picks himself up. He fixes the black hooded sweatshirt and pulls up his tan cargo pants nervous for the match.


“Next the challenger spawned from Easton, Pennsylvania he is the self dubbed True Plague clocking in at 195…. INSAAANE LUCHADDOOOR!”


He finishes his walk down the aisle smirking as a beer can hits his shoulder and bounces off he ignores the jeers and he slides into the ring belly first. The fans go quiet as all three competitors step near the middle, Insane Luchador’s focus on the monster Frost.


The lights go out.  The fans all rise to their feet blindly exploding into cheers. Just then, the beginning of U2’s "Elevation" begins to play, the part at the beginning pumping the crowd up as a waterfall of pyro falls all over the IGNtron and shoots up in front of the entrance. But then, as the first words begin, the pyro in front of the entrance stops, a spotlight shining onto the stage, shining off Ash, who is in a pose. Misty is on his left side, her arms on her hips smiling as Ash spins around from his Jericho pose and walks halfway down the ramp. Stopping his walking, Ash brings his right arm up straight in the air quickly and makes his signature split-finger victory sign with his right hand as the fans do the same gimmicking him. As if that wasn’t enough five red pyro blasts shoot up from the stage in unison, right where the original pyro was. Ash and Misty release themselves from their poses and go down to ringside, Ash slapping hands with the fans and getting pumped up as a video of clips from his best IGNWF, JL, and ML matches plays on the IGNtron.



“Introducing next from Tampa, Florida weighing in at 255 and he is your S-J-L World Champion and new S-W-F addition… AAAAASSSH KETHCHUM!”

He climbs up onto the apron, and grins at the sold out crowd who cheers him even though their voice is in pain throws his belt in with care as all the opponents eye it like a kid to candy, opens the ropes to let Misty in, then climbs in himself. Ash climbs the turnbuckle closest to the crowd and usually takes off his shirt and he whips it into the first two or three rows of the crowd, giving a lucky fan a souvenir to take home. Suddenly Insane Luchador whips around sick of the lengthy entrance as he grabs the ropes and gives them a hard shake. Ash looses his balance, as Axis shrieks out about how unfair that was, and Ash and is stopped by the top turnbuckle by falling on his crotch. Insane Luchador grabs the back of his head throwing it back making Ash fall onto the mat with a thud.


“These guys have feuded in the ML, the history goes back to the original Destruction!” Edwin explains to the crowd as a small “REN-A-GADE!” chant kicks up in the corner.


The bell chimes in.


“Clobbering time!” Edwin explodes.


Sky is caught off guard by this attack and Frost grapples with her only to clutch onto her shoulders and throw her into the air with ease. She slams into the canvas on her side as he groans while Frost re-approaches. He grabs her lovely chin as he pulls her up and then open hand slaps her to the ground getting more boos.


Frost turns around to see Insane Luchador land a final stomp on Ash’s gut. Ash rolls over to his side in a groan staring at his lovely girlfriend Misty with the oh-too-familiar face of agony. Robert catches Insane Luchador’s eyes and he nods as he picks up Sky. Letting her wobble on her feet as IL charges towards the two then throws a knee up at the last second hitting Frost in the back instead of Sky! Andrew Rickmen looks for the cheap win and he schoolboys Frost! The ref falls to his gut and then begins the count,


ONE! Frost then kicks out sending Insane Luchador stumbling backwards and at the feet of the stabilized Ash Ketchum. He grabs a clump of his spikes pulling him up and Ash grapples with Insane Luchador whipping him into the ropes harshly. Insane Luchador comes rocketing towards his ML foe but he brilliantly hop frog’s over Ketchum as he lands on his feet bouncing into the ropes again and leaping forward grabbing the back of Ash’s head and hitting a weak bull dog. On the other side of the ring Frost and Sky stand there squared off and Sky throws out a straight arm punch quick enough to catch Frost off guard. The monster doesn’t even stumble and as she throws out her arm again he grabs her by the wrist and goes for an Irish Whip but he makes Sky go off her feet and she hovers in the air for a second and she lands stumbling and eventually tripping. She stumbles forwards and gets entangled with the ropes. Frost stalks forward towards her showing no mercy. Ash Ketchum and Insane Luchador are both back on their feet as Ash feels his nose briefly but just enough to allow IL to throw his foot out into a side- kick to his ribs. He grabs his ribs and as Insane Luchador lunges forwards Ash throws his head out head-butting Insane Luchador! The Plague stumbles backwards dazed as Ketchum sees Sky unhooking her arm and leg away but as Frost grabs her by the ponytail pulling her up. Ash fumbles on his decision but decides not to help the ex-XF9’er and he turns around to receive a jab to the chin! One the other side again Frost now transfers his hands as he grabs the back of Sky’s knees and then puts a hand wrapped around her exposed flesh from the purple corset top (from the back). Frost then drops to one knee letting his arm unravel and she slams into his propped up knee as she tumbles onto the mat in pain. Frost lies on top of her as the referee drops to his stomach again,




“But Frost over-powers her!” Edwin whines.


But the ref points to Sky’s boot which is hung across the bottom rope. Frost stands up with a bark. Insane Luchador and Ash Ketchum now throw back and forth punches like two incredibly bad boxers. IL however having a better fighting ability ducks a swing and lunges forwards landing a hard right punch to Ash’s eye.


”The eye always hurts.” Axis points out as Insane Luchador smirks at his chance while Ash grabs the eye.


The True Plague then leaps forward and throws out his knee as Ash now bends over as it connects. IL then hooks the two arms of Ash and forces his head to the side and he falls for a wimpy double arm DDT! Insane Luchador then hooks the leg but Ash throws his shoulder up before the ref even notices. The ref’s focus is on Frost and Sky with Frost receiving a punch to his chest, Sky then leaps upwards wrapping her legs around Frost and hooking her feet entwined with each other and she pauses as Frost resists (and she shows a bit of exposed chest) she tries again but Frost’s hands grab her back and he goes grins ready for the powerbomb!


“Dumb move!” SK says shaking his head.


Sky then throws a few desperate punches that cause Frost to her drop back to the hurricana pose she tries this time with all her might and Frost goes toppling forward!


“That a girl!” Edwin proclaims with a flashy grin.


When the camera goes back to Insane Luchador and Ash Ketchum brawl, as IL ducks a punch he begins his mind games, “You’re the cause of the fall of Destruction.” Ash’s face falls but then twists into rage as Insane Luchador goes into fighting stance and he ducks another swing of rage. “Not even close Poke freak. XF9? You could of stayed with us...” He adds in as he barely ducks a punch. “Remember the Destruction I gave you right before Retribution? Right through the table… ouch must of hurt.” He adds finally as Ash stops remembering it well. Insane Luchador takes the spot to leap forward and slam two fluent hooks into Ash’s chin. He reels backwards but Plague keeps on top while he hits a kick to his gut. As Ash bends down Insane Luchador hits an axe handle to his back. Reduced to hands and knees Ash groans out realizing he fell for one of IL’s mind games.


Sky now stands away from Frost as he gets up touching his snow-white hair embarrassed he runs towards as Sydney retreats back to the ropes. Frost is less than a foot away when Sky grins a cute smile and she leaps to the side dropping to her stomach and she throws a dropkick to the back of Robert’s knees. Frost cries out as his knee buckles and he hits the ropes flipping over them and slamming onto the cold canvas. Sky gets up with a content grin but she soon feels a tap on her shoulders, she turns around in confusion and Insane Luchador stands there and the two locks into a grapple. Insane Luchador isn’t sure why the crowd explodes but he soon catches on and he with all his might twists the position of Sky and IL. He sees Ash’s look of shock as his forearm slams into the back of her head making her go limp.


“Way to go Ash.” King insults with a sneer.


“Honest mistake.” Edwin defends.


Insane Luchador grabs the back of her head and he runs over with the dazed Sky and slams her pretty face into the turnbuckle making her reduce to nothing but a heap on the side. Frost is on his feet on the outside and as Ash and Insane Luchador circle near the ropes trying to figure out what to do next he gets a brilliant idea. He throws his hand outwards while Ketchum back is turned he trips the Cerebral Prankster and pulls him to the outside. Frost grabs one of his legs and then one hand supporting his head as he is facing into the ring looking at IL at the far end of the ropes. Frost warned by the ref of a four count throws his body weight and Ash back and he hits a fall away slam! Ash slams into the barrier and crumbles to the rail side as the fans peek over seeing him in pain. Frost gets back to his feet wondering why the hell Insane Luchador is so close to him and then he realizes it but it’s all too late. Insane Luchador drops into a baseball slide as he connects with his black Orisis skate shoes into Frost’s neck and he stumbles backwards wheezing for air as he falls on top of Ketchum.


“That’s a pin!” King protest as the ref just keeps the count for the two going.


“It’s not falls anywhere!” Axis reminds him.


Insane Luchador grabs the top rope and does his cross pose to many boos as he approaches the out-of-it Sky. He pulls her to the center of the ring and pins her with a smirk.


”I-L SUCKS!” Chant makes the roof nearly blow off making the pin count hard to hear.


ONE! “NO!” Edwin cries out.




TWO! “KICK OUT!” Axis pleads.



THREE! “HAHA!” Suicide King yells as the fans boo and Edwin heads down grim.


“He’s finally won the damn Euro belt…” Axis says depressed as the bell chimes for the first time. No one can hear Funyon over the chant but he says the sad news. “Your new S-J-L European champion…. INSAAANE LUCHAAAADOOOR!”


Rickmen rises to his feet with a content grin as he sticks his own arm into the air barking at the ref. On the outside Frost picks himself up shrugging for he really wants the world. He grabs Ash by his hair pulling him up. Misty charges at him but Frost throws his big boot out making her fall flat on the cement holding her nose. Frost then lifts Ash up for a Guerrilla Suplex but instead he bends his knees and arms and tosses him into the ring! Ash sails over the top rope and as he lands on his back Insane Luchador shrugs lying on top of him too. “GOD NO!” Edwin whines.


ONE! “I-L SUCKS!” Chant is even greater.




TWO! Frost slides into the ring….









THREE! NO! Insane Luchador slides off of Ash as Frost slams his elbow into Ash’s jewels! Ash grabs them now boosted awake and in much pain. Sky slowly gets to her feet but only to see a fist fly towards her. She ducks it and then regaining her senses hits a surprise kick to IL’s gut! The Plague grabs his aching stomach and Sky hits a headlock! She smiles and waves to her many fans in the arena and at home and twists IL and herself around and ends it in a stunner!


“HUZZAH! HUZZAH! HUZZAH! SKYSWIRL!” King proclaims, as Insane Luchador lies there on his back just stunned it doesn’t register what’s happening next as Frost picks up the wrecked Ash.


“Come on, Ash is in the WF he should be kicking ass!” Axis whines and King snickers.


Frost then turns over to Sky for a moment and spins his back and puts his arm out hitting the side of her face as she falls to her hands and knees. Insane Luchador rolls away in pain as he sits slumped in the corner.


Fuck it; I’m the damn Euro champ… let them fight. He thinks to himself. The chant finally dies.

Sky then gets back to her feet as she sees Ash being choked and lifted into the air with one hand! Frost uses all his strength and he stumbles over to the side of the ropes and he goes to toss Ash out but Sky runs forward shoulder barging his spine making Frost drop Ash who falls onto the apron and he grabs the ropes for support. Ash sees a golden chance as he hops onto the top ropes and springboards next to Frost as he grabs his neck and hits the swinging DDT! Ash gets to his feet and he looks at Sky with question Sydney slowly nods and Ash climbs the closest corner to the top turnbuckle as Sky does the same (to the next closest). Ash perched on their nods as he stands up bending his knees and he leaps forward at Frost! He gets good air and he moves himself into a hands and knee position going for the Snorlax Splash! (Five Star Frog Splash) He hits the splash as the crowd explodes in cheers as he rolls up grabbing the whining rib. Standing on his feet looking towards Sky he cocks his head to the side with a grin. Sky then makes her decision standing up bending her knees, but not leaping too far… she hits a dropkick straight into Ash’s face. Ash back flips from the high impact.


“THAT WITCH!” Edwin explodes as SK claps for Sky. Axis stands there with his jaw dropped and Sky reassembles herself rolling Ash over and pinning him.


The crowd gives heat and cheers but mostly heat as the first count is made.



TWO! Sky sees a shadow fall over them.

THRE, She feels a foot slam into her back and she rolls off but then sees Frost towering over IL! Insane Luchador turns around ready to make a taunt but then is cut lose of air as Frost lifts him into the air. As he is slowly lifted Insane Luchador makes use of his long legs and he slams them into Frost’s gut and he drops Rickmen who in the air hits a headlock! He then leaps back into the air falling back and he hits the Evenflow DDT! As Frost turns over to his back on the mat Insane Luchador lays over him,











”Not IL…” Axis groans.



THRE! But suddenly Insane Luchador goes flying into the air like a rag doll as Frost had propped his hands under IL and threw him in the air! Frost rolls out of the way and gets back to his feet as Andrew slams into the mat. Ash Ketchum now back to his feet with blood trickling down his nose and running down his neck staggers grabbing the ropes for support. Sky also is back on her feet in the middle of the ring. Full of rage Sydney is charged out by Ash who is running as fast as he can.


“No, please Ash don’t do it!” Edwin whines.


Sky realizes she’ll be gored HARD in a matter of seconds and she dives out of the way as Ash shoots straight into the turnbuckle, as he crumbles to nothing. Insane Luchador rises to his feet seeing another chance as he stealthy walks up to Frost (who’s back is turned) and he grabs the inside of his ankles and school boys the monster! Insane Luchador barks at the ref who sighs dropping to his gut again,






TWO! Frost gets out of the pin attempt as Insane Luchador is thrown backwards and he hits the ropes and is returning near Frost who’s back to his feet facing him. Frost grabs the inside of IL’s baggy cargos at the same time he hits the front face lock. He decides to try a new move to destroy the evil wanna’-be. He lifts him vertically into the air and begins to spin for a second or two then becomes very dizzy as he falls to his back and Insane Luchador slams into the canvas. A cough is heard followed by a hollow breath (a wheeze) and Sky hops over him. Frost back on his feet turn around as the ref checks on Ash (who seems to have something more than wrong) and she throws a swift but deadly kick to the Iceman’s groin. He grabs the place in pain and Sky wonders how much it could hurt but shrugs and she sees her chance as she hooks one of the arms, then the second… then places the head near in-between her legs.


“I smell Day break!” Axis says with a huge grin. The fans smell it too as they all stand up taking pictures.


As she is ready for the drop Ash shoves the referee away and Ash is behind her. He leaps as high as he could into the air and hits a missile dropkick. The camera quickly shows Misty who’s back to her feet yet not her senses. The camera returns to the ring where Frost gets back to his normal pose and Ash ducks a forearm attempt by the Monster. Ketchum let’s loves take over as he hears a mutter from Misty and he glances over seeing her with no real injury. Rickmen is now at his feet, and he kicks at Sky until she rolls all the way to the other turnbuckle where Andrew bends his knees hands on them ready to strike. Ash is struck by a punch and then feels a huge arm go over his neck. Sensing the Ice Shelf he throws his elbow into Robert’s side and he lets go in pain. Ash then leaps into the air tackling the huge monster known as Frost down the canvas where he flurry punches him for a good five seconds. Frost misses some defensive punches at Ash and then as Ash gets off he lays there out. Ash then turns around to see Andrew throw a kick, Ash catches it and goes to trip the Insane Luchador but before he can Rickmen throws out his hand and squeezes at Ash’s throat. The ref warns him to let go as Ash lets loose of the leg IL does the same with the hold. The ring official now standing in-between the two Ash turns around gasping for air but Insane Luchador shoves the ref out of the way as he locks in a strong full nelson! IL runs himself and his foe into the corner where he hops onto the top turnbuckle. Frost now gets to his feet and Ash pleads Frost will get him out of the Brink of Insanity so at least IL doesn’t become double champ. Frost meets Ash’s wishes but not in the way he wished. Frost runs up and big boots Ash in the nose again causing more blood to descend down and IL lets go of the hold losing balance as Frost turns his back to Insane Luchador but he grabs his neck and Stunner’s him off the top rope!


The fans go ballistic in boos and Frost makes the cover as Sky is up and staggering towards him.


ONE! “YOU SUCK!” Chant begins.




TWO! “COME ONE ASH!” Axis yells.





THREE! The bell explodes the second time as Frost gets to his feet and Sky basically falls onto Ash. Insane Luchador barely able to rolls out of the ring where Funyon makes the new announcement. “Your new S-J-L World Champion… FROOOOST!” The fans throw in trash as Misty slides in tossing Sky off of Ash and helping him. Sky rolls out while Insane Luchador receives the Euro belt. He holds it high in the air to boos with both hands as fans spit on him and the belt as he walks up to the brief “Dig”. It soon transfers loudly to Frost’s theme music as he stands victor in the ring standing tall letting the light beam off the belt and hit the fans.


”Good God! What an explosive night of Crimson! Rickmen is our new European Champ and Frost is now our new World! And best of luck to you Ash.” Axis begins.


“This is Edwin, Axis, and King signing out… good night!” Edwin says depressed and soon the picture fades with a zoom out of the victor, Frost.



Heh, least school out now maybe I'll have more time to waste time with skateboarding and hanging out and then still have time to write a match. Other words, don't count me out yet.

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