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Guest Youth N Asia

The friendship zone

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Guest Youth N Asia

You know what I'm talking about..


It's that time where you like a chick...then you become great friend's...then feelings start to develope (with you anyway)...then you she's on your brain 24/7 and it's eating you up inside...then you get the balls to say something about it...then she says she doesn't want to take it any further because you're "like a brother" to her, or something of that nature. It is the most brutal thing in the history of existance itself.


I got caught up in this whole mess a couple of years ago...long story and I'm not going into it unless the thread actually gets going.


Anyone want to share?

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Guest Flyboy



I have a friend named Ashley... ex-girlfriend.  We still love each other, blah blah.. but we're "very close friends".  The sort of friends that if left in a room by ourselves than we become more than friends.  I've known her for about a 1 year and a half, now.


Then, there's Maria... we love each other too, but not as deep as the love for Ashley and I.  We sort of express our likeness towards each other, but we sometimes keep it to ourselves.


Yep... pretty boring stuff.

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I'm in the Friendship Zone with approximately 1,953,285,375 females at present time.


Boy, sucks to be me. At least one female I'm currently working on appears to show promise.


A way to get this thread going more(because it deserves it): How does one avoid this Friendship Zone?

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Guest TheDames7

From 7th Grade til I graduated high school, I had a permanent address in the friend zone.  I swear, it probably occurred about 20 times for me.  


The way I solved my problem was pretty simple....before I got to know the girl too well, I asked her out.  LOL.  Well, what do you know, we dated for 18 months.  



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Guest Youth N Asia

There is NO way to avoid it...if you're a decient guy with any class at all you cannot avoid it what so ever...~sigh

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Guest Flyboy
There is NO way to avoid it...if you're a decient guy with any class at all you cannot avoid it what so ever...~sigh

Exactly.  *sighs too*


BUT, if you're a guy that's only in a girl for sex than it's pretty easy to avoid.

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What I did in the days leading up to my final days of High School: Became completely classless, or very flattering, depending on your perspective.


See, I had a video camera with me for my German IV project, so I decided I'd use it for a personal video as well(to be done in English obviously). In it, I taped people I talked to, the females particularly, in class and in the hallways and such. This gave me a somewhat liberated feeling for some reason, so I dropped the BRAIN TO MOUTH FILTER OF IMPENETRABLE DOOM.


"We hate to see her go, but we love to watch her leave!"

"Damn, look at those gams!"

"You do realize how hot you are, right?"

"That, viewers, was the white-hot fox..."

"That shirt should be illegal!"


And so on.


Maybe it was because I'm usually regarded as one of those decent guys with class who doesn't say these things normally, but I got a lot of good responses. Let me release a lot of feeling I had for some people too without them really realizing it, since I was doing it to almost everyone else too.


And signing yearbooks, oh boy. I'd say how great I was(my ass specifically, I'm quite proud of my ass), and then segue into how great them and their asses were. Lots of blushing, but my yearbook was signed in kind by these people.


"What was I talking about again? Oh yeah, stay out of my booze!" -- Homer, to Bart, after Bart shoplifts.


I remember now. Dames is right, ask 'em out before you get to know them. Seriously. Or just do what I do, and that is get them to hang with you without really realizing what you're trying to do until it's too late! MUAHAHAHAHA!!!


I need to lay off of whatever neurotransmitter is flooding my synapses these days...

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Guest J*ingus

Hell, after several years of torture and horror I've pretty much given up on females, and am thinking about committing myself to an alternative lifestyle.  No, not homosexuality, but maybe being a monk.  At least it'd be quiet and I'd get to read a lot.

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jingus, thats pretty funny considering it says evilman under your name, care to worship satanity?



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Guest The Vanilla Midget

there can be evil monks, and there is nothing wrong with that.


and as somebody said, pretty much every decent guy is stuck in the "friendship zone" at one stage or another :(

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Guest J*ingus
jingus, thats pretty funny considering it says evilman under your name, care to worship satanity?

Not really.  The "devilman" thing is just a running joke from the Anglesault thread.  I don't get satan worshippers: okay, they believe in God & the devil, heaven & hell, and they choose to be on the side of the Dark One, when it says right there in plain fucking english that they're going to be used up and then tossed into the Pit for all eternity?  I'm all for rebelling against The Man, but that's taking it a bit far.  


Oh, and the only good way to avoid the friendship zone: move fast if you're attracted to a girl.  Let her know that being friends isn't what's on your mind.

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

Yeah, I've been there.


What can you say? Girls like assholes.

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The best thing to do is not make yourself out to be TOO sensitive at first.  If they start thinking "Hey... this guy would be a great friend." You are FUCKED.. and not in the way you want to be.  Be really sensitive and shit after you got the girl that way you can keeper because then she will be thinking "and this guy is a great friend as well."  Keywords being "AS WELL"

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Guest caboose

I was in the friendship zone for over 8 frickin years with this one girl.

I got out eentually,(How I did, is in the Strange Dating Experiences Thread).

There is hope.

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Guest areacode212

This is all good advice. Scott Keith's Biggest Fan should take note of this stuff.

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Guest Zack Malibu

I thought I was stuck in the friendship zone last year, since from July-Dec. this girl couldn't decide if she was over her dick of an ex-b/f or not.


I waited.  And waited.  And still treated her like gold.  Why, because I am a nice guy.  While it's true that girls tend to go for the assholes more than us, I just have a hard time believing that everyone wants to be treated like crap.


So, finally, my exit from the friendship zone?  She asked me out.  In December.  After I hung around for 5 months, not going after ANYONE, I dropped all other possible women for her.  And we talked about why it took so long, etc. and she explained that had I moved in too soon, she would have either used me or not bothered, since she still had issues with the ex.  She asked me out back in Dec., and we're still together now, with no sign of stopping anytime soon.

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Guest C-Bacon

yup, im the zone right now. and i've pretty much given up. i never asked her  out, cause im so damn pessimistic.and especially when she's going after the "thug" loser types. god i hate those type. they'll be in jail in 5 years anyway, what does it matter. i hate peope! ooops, there i go in my ranting again. i guess it is true though, that nice guys finish last...

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Guest RetroRob215

Let's see.  I was in the zone with one girl for 4 years.  I gave up on her and will maybe try her again sometime.  I am currently in the zone for one year with another girl.  


Jingus, I like your idea.  I wouldn't want to be a monk though, I would just be asexual.  I have myself, what else do I really need?

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Guest dreamer420

I'm not even going to count the times this has happened to me and it fucking sucks.  I got a girl like that right now in my life that is seeing another guy, but she has told me that she would like to go out with me. I know she won't dump her boyfriend, and I'm not about to start messing around with a girl that is all ready taken so she is just sitting in the friend zone.  She is fine about hanging in my apartment lots and even sleeping in my bed lots but we can't get to the next level.

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*SIGH*. It just seems so easy to get a girl. Maybe it is because of me. I don't think I'm a psycho, how the fuck do girls think that?

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Guest dreamer420

he doesn't think you are psychotic.  he thinks you are a moron!

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Guest ant_7000

Yea, I agree about what you guys are saying asking the girl out before you really get to know her. I've been through that with some girls but I try make them jealous when I talk about girl that wants to be with me, or we're at a public place like a club or something and I ignore my female zone friend and start talking some other chick right in front her just for the reaction she gets.

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Guest converge241

Its a bad place to be .. i had a girl i chased after from 6th grade to somewhere in high school and had to deal with this qoute at one point:

"why cant i find someone who looks like you and acts like you.. but isnt you to be with"


i had a similar situation right after high school, but she ended up marrying me so i guess i did my time in the friend zone

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Guest dreamer420
i had a similar situation right after high school, but she ended up marrying me so i guess i did my time in the friend zone

and what did you do to break out of the zone then?

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