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Raw rating

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According to 1wrestling.com Raw once again scored a 3.7 for the second week in a row.

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Guest alfdogg

Here's to hopefully ending this argument before it starts:


Ratings have nothing to do with the wrestling quality of the show.  Just because the show got a low rating doesn't necessarily mean it sucked, as SK usually implies in his rants.  It just means that not as many people watched it, perhaps being pissed off over something that happened previously.  If a show features all ***** matches, but still gets a 3.7, that doesn't mean that the show sucked.  If the show had all DUDs and got an 8.1, then that doesn't mean the show was good, either.  Just something to ponder.

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Guest What?!

HHH: You see Vince, no one's buying RVD in my league.


C'mon, I wasn't the only one thinking that, right?

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Guest Mole

I hope Vince and company don't change the direction of Raw AGAIN, just because of the ratings.

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Guest alfdogg
HHH: You see Vince, no one's buying RVD in my league.


C'mon, I wasn't the only one thinking that, right?


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Guest buffybeast

They'll probably blame the consistent low ratings on the holiday.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Let's just hope they don't do what they did last year. When Jericho and Benoit didn't IMMEDIATELY turn the ratings around they cut the push off after 2 weeks.

Besides this was a new direction....it won't bring in ratings till later.

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Guest Ripper

You know, it won't be until next week until you really know the effects of last monday.  After weeks of bad TV of course the ratings will be the same.  Maybe if they had advertised the ladder match...hell advertise anything on the show, and they will jump.

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Guest myburninghammer

I'm not sure the WWF should be so concerned with the 3.7--at least as much as last week, anyway. Considering that Memorial Day weekend is probably the second most traveled holiday during the year and sort of the unofficial start to summer--so people are out doing other things--I'd be happy that the ratings stayed level for the first time in a while. Heck, if you assume that x% of regular viewers were not watching because of the holiday, they may have even gained new viewers...so wait until next week before you make apocalyptic predictions.

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Guest El Satanico

Well since ratings are the same Vince may actually see that RVD in the main event keeps the ratings steady. Then perhaps Vince will come to the conclusion to give RVD a good feud as to see if that will raise ratings now. Then maybe he will get that Undertaker feud after all.


But we all know it just means that we will get more NWO segments.

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Guest Your Olympic Hero

We all know that Mexicans are always to blame when low ratings occur... damn you, Eddy Guerrero.  I bet if that UT/Tommy Dreamer skit could have lasted 10 more minutes, the overall rating would have broken 4.0.  They probably would have reached that elusive 8.1 rating if the main event was SCSA vs. Big Show, X-Pac, & Nash in a handicap match with Austin winning after givign the Stunner to all of them.

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Guest goodhelmet

Possible spoilers










well with taker, hogan, and trips all being the focus of the SD show, it will be interesting to see if the ratings rise or fall tonight. But ironically, Edge and Angle have the main event. If the ratings rise, it's because of the build to vince-hogan and taker-trips. if they fall it's because edge-angle was the main event. And SD doesn't have the holiday excuse to bail them out.

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Guest Goodear

You know, the only place I hear people getting blamed or taking credit for ratings on a daily basis is here on the Smartmarks board.  WHATSUPWITDAT?  I just thought I might ask.

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I don't think ratings have that much to do with that show.  I think it has more to do with the week before and the last few shows.  A more proper reflection of what people thought of the show is NEXT WEEK'S rating.  If people have thought WWE was boring lately, they wouldn't have watched.  Word of mouth is going to get them back.  When WCW was down, at first they said that it would take a while to get back on track, it can't happen over night.  Same thing here.  In WCW's case, they didn't listen to themselves and kept changing every week.  Gotta give it time.  I think next week will be better than 3.7.  If it's not, THEN we have a problem.

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Guest HartFan86

I would give this "new direction" a few weeks to settle...if it doesn't change, then do something.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Wait a minute...Bradshaw vs. XPAc wasn't main eventing this week?




I HAVE to start watching.

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Guest Smeghead

I don't consider this bad news at all.  The current trend seemse to be that the ratings get worse with every show.  This time, they stayed the same.  It's not a reason to bust out the champagne, but it seems that there is a bit of light at the end of the tunnel.

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