alfdogg 0 Report post Posted February 1, 2006 [i]Word Up[/i] hits and the Triple Threat comes through the curtains to the cheers of the crowd. COLE And here comes the Triple Threat, from right here in Green Bay! And their opponents tonight made it a rough night for them this past Sunday in the Lethal Rumble match, Coach! COACH That's right, Cole, but tonight they can get some redemption along with a shot at the Six-Man tag titles next week! BUFFER [i]The following is a six-man tag team match, scheduled for one fall! Introducing the first team, from GREEN BAY, WISCONSIN![/i] *crowd cheers* [i]At a total combined weight of 675 pounds...Nick, Rick, and Dick...the TRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRIPLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEE THHHHHHHHRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREAT~!!!!![/i] COACH And the Triple Threat getting a nice response from their hometown crowd! [i]What's the Difference[/i] hits and Reject comes through the curtains, greeted by a round of boos. COLE And you hear the response for Reject, obviously this crowd remembering the attack on Zack Malibu this past Sunday! BUFFER [i]Their opponents...introducing first, from New York City, weighing in at 235 pounds...RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREJECT!!!!![/i] COACH Well, I think Reject was just doing what he had to do, Cole! I mean, do you know what it could have meant for him to put Zack out of there last night? [i]God of Thunder[/i] hits and the crowd pops LOUDLY as Thunderkid comes through the curtain. COLE And the Triple Threat aren't the only hometown boys in the house tonight! BUFFER [i]From GREEN BAY, WISCONSIN![/i] *crowd cheers* [i]weighing 255 pounds...THUNDERKID!!!!![/i] TK slides into the ring as [i]Magnum Opus: Father Padilla Meets the Perfect Gnat/Howling at the Moon[/i] hits and Alfdogg makes his way to the ring. BUFFER [i]And their partner, weighing 240 pounds...he is the OAOAST Heartland champion, and the WINNER of the 2006 Lethal Rumble match...ALFDOGG!!!!![/i] The crowd cheers Alf as he slides into the ring and poses on the turnbuckles with his belt. The two teams converse, and then leave Reject and Rick in the ring. COLE So it'll be Reject in there with I believe this is Rick to start things off. The crowd starts a "Let's go Rick" chant. COLE And this partisan crowd here with the chant of "Let's go Rick" for Rick Garner! Reject takes Rick down with an armdrag, and acts very proud of doing so, drawing more boos from the crowd. Reject and Rick circle the ring once again, and when Reject goes to tie up, Rick returns the favor! Reject runs at Rick again, and gets caught in a side headlock. Rick gets up with Reject, who backs him off into the ropes and then whips him into the other side. Rick ducks a back elbow, and knocks Reject to the mat with a dropkick! Rick wrings the arm, and tags Nick, who comes off the top with a chop! COLE And the Triple Threat working over Reject early here. Nick then wrings the arm, and delivers a couple elbows. He then wrings the arm a second time, as the crowd starts up another chant. "WE WANT DICK!" "WE WANT DICK!" COACH Cole, quit chanting for the Triple Threat, you're supposed to be impartial! COLE I'm not chanting for the Triple Threat! COACH ...then what ARE you chanting for? COLE ... Nick obliges... ...and tags in his brother, Dick. Dick comes in and takes over on the arm, and delivers headbutts to the shoulder area. Dick then delivers a bodyslam to Reject, measures, and attempts a big elbowdrop, but Reject rolls out of the way, and quickly tags TK to the cheers of the crowd. COACH Two Green Bayers in there now, Cole! COLE Let's see if Alf's side fares any better by going to the power game! Dick backs off into his corner, then circles the ring against TK. A tieup, but TK simply shoves Dick back into his corner. Dick tries it again, same result. Dick then tags in Nick, who goes to a rear waistlock. Nick grabs a hammerlock, but TK reaches down and trips him up. Nick uses the free leg to push TK off into the ropes, and monkey flips him across the ring! TK gets up holding his back, and Nick rushes back over to him and gives him an Irish whip. Nick with a leapfrog, then he drops down for another monkey flip, but TK sees this one coming and drops a fist to the face! TK backs off, and Nick recovers and charges TK, but gets caught in a hiptoss! Nick gets right back up and charges again, but this time TK lifts him overhead for a PRESS SLAM~!, and as Rick and Dick come into the ring, TK tosses Nick onto the three of them! COLE Great show of power by TK! Nick bails, as Alf and Reject enter the ring, with Alf delivering a belly-to-belly to Dick, sending him over the top rope! TK then picks up Reject in a suplex and spins him around, with Reject taking Rick over the top rope! COLE And this thing has turned around in a hurry, the Triple Threat have got to regroup and get it together! Nick rolls back into the ring, and tags in Rick. Rick goes to the eyes of TK and whips him into the ropes, but gets taken down with a shoulderblock. TK picks up Rick and delivers a back suplex, then hooks him in a front facelock and tags in Alf. The crowd roars as Alf climbs to the top rope and comes off with a knee to the back, executing a front handspring as he hits the mat. Alf picks up Rick and delivers a snap suplex, followed by a snap legdrop, and a cover... 1... 2... Kickout! COLE First pinall attempt of the match, and Rick Garner kicks out on Alf. Alf picks up Rick and delivers a rollover Samoan drop, rolling right into his corner and tagging Reject in. Reject springs over onto the top rope, and hits Rick with a split-legged moonsault! COLE Great sequence of offense from Alf and Reject, and here's a cover... 1... 2... Kickout! COACH Rick still hanging in there, though! Reject whips Rick into a corner, and follows him in with a spinning wheel kick, carrying himself over the ropes and to the floor on his feet! He then slides back in, and whips him into the other corner, and executes a hurricanrana as Rick staggers out! Cover... 1... 2... Kickout! Reject points to TK, and the crowd responds with cheers. COLE And I think we know what's coming now, Coach, your favorite part of the match! COACH Oh, no it is not! Reject tags TK in, and TK picks up Rick in a hangman's hold. COACH Oh, it is! Reject walks around and gives a buzzsaw kick to the midsection! Rick is in tremendous pain as TK picks him up and delivers a backbreaker! TK measures Rick, then goes to the ropes, but Nick plants a knee to the back! Reject comes into the ring to complain, and Nick climbs in as Rick is getting to his feet. Rick picks up TK in a suplex, and Nick holds TK's legs on his shoulders as Rick plants him with a DDT! COLE OH MY GOD, what a move that was! COACH TK really got planted with that one! Rick climbs out of the ring, leaving Nick with TK. Nick whips TK into the ropes, and delivers a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker! Cover... 1... 2... Kickout! Nick turns over TK and plants a knee in the back, then pulls back on an arm and a leg. COLE And I would presume this is Nick in there right now, we're told that each brother likes to work a specific area of the body, and that Nick likes to work the back. COACH Yeah, you would have to assume that, Cole. Nick continues to wrench back with his knee planted in the back. TK clenches his left fist and starts to shift his body, moving his left side over towards Nick, and nailing him with a left hand! A second! A third, causing Nick to release the hold! TK goes to the ropes, but Nick catches him with a knee to the gut, sending TK for a flip! COLE Well, TK had something going for a brief period of time, but Nick put a stop to that in a hurry! Nick tags out to Dick, who quickly takes TK down with a Dragon Screw! He then picks up TK and goes for an Irish whip, but TK reverses and Dick ends up in a corner. However, Dick gets the knees up on a charge, and hops to the second rope, pulling TK back in by the hair, and delivering a TORNADO DDT~! Cover... 1... 2.... TK gets a shoulder up! Dick gives TK a suplex, then tags out to Rick, who runs over and cheap shots Alf on the apron. Alf jumps into the ring, distracting the referee as the Triple Threat do some THREE-ON-ONE CLUBBERING on TK! Rick then delivers a swinging neckbreaker, and covers... 1.. 2.... NO! TK kicks out! Rick picks TK up, and sticks his head between his legs. COACH Running powerbomb coming, perhaps, that's a big guy for Rick to get up there! Rick, however, does get him up and converts the move flawlessly! He then heads to the top rope. COLE Well, I think Rick should have went for a cover right there, that was a beautiful powerbomb! Rick comes off for a SWANTON BOMB~!, but TK rolls out of the way! TK uses the rope to crawl over and make the tag to Alf! COLE TAG MADE, and Alf in the ring now! Alf delivers a clothesline to Rick, and then one to Dick who jumps in the ring! Superkick for Nick, and he goes backwards over the top rope, Harley Race-style! Alf then delivers a belly-to-belly to Rick, and follows up with a T-Bone suplex for Dick! Dick bails, leaving the two legal men, and Alf delivers a snap suplex to Rick! Cover... 1.. 2.... NO! Rick kicks out! Alf picks Rick up and goes for a back suplex, but Rick flips over the back, then goes to the ropes, hops over Alf...and catches a knee to the back from Reject! Alf then goes over and makes the tag to his partner, who hears the boos as he enters the ring and stomps away at Rick. He then picks up Rick and delivers a fisherman's buster! Cover... 1... 2... Kickout! Reject then delivers a backbreaker, then goes for the ROLLING THUNDER~!...but Rick brings the knees up! Rick scoots to his corner, and tags Nick! Nick hammers away at Reject, backing him into a corner, and punching away! ONE!!! TWO!!! THREE!!! FOUR!!! FIVE!!! Suddenly, Nick jumps backwards and hits a bodypress on TK! He starts punching away, while Reject tags out to Alf. Alf grabs Nick off of TK, but Nick reverses a whip into the corner, and hits Alf with a handspring elbow, followed by a bulldog! Nick covers, but TK is distracting the referee! This allows Reject to slip back in and plant Nick with the PITCH BLACK~!!! However, the referee then turns his attention to Reject, allowing Rick to reach in and drag Nick out, as Dick rolls in in his place! COACH Look at this, they're doing the ol' switcheroo! Alf picks up Dick, who grabs Alf in a small package! 1... 2....... NO!!! Alf kicks out! COLE SO CLOSE! Smart thinking by the Triple Threat, but Alf not going to be pinned that easily! All four of the other men slug it out on the floor, as Dick charges Alf, but gets backdropped to the apron. Dick gives Alf a shoulder to the gut, then attempts a sunset flip, but Alf hangs onto the ropes, then drops a fist to the face. Alf sits down to rest on the ropes, when suddenly Brock Ausstin jumps from the crowd and blasts Alf with a chair from the floor! COACH YEAH! COLE What's Brock doing out here? The referee, who was distracted by the brawl on the floor, runs over to chase Brock off, while Nick climbs to the top...and hits Alf with a LEGDROP~!!! The referee slides in... 1... 2....... 3!!!!!!!!!!! *DING DING DING* COLE And the Triple Threat wins, thanks to Brock Ausstin! The crowd cheers their hometown boys as Buffer makes the announcement. BUFFER [i]The winners of the match...the TRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRIPLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEE THHHHHHHHRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREAT~!!!!![/i] A camera follows Brock as he walks through the curtains. Suddenly, he powerwalks over to a coffee table, where Otaku II is standing, and blasts him with the chair from the blindside! He chases Ayane off, before picking Otaku's head up by the mask. BROCK I guess you were trying to get my attention earlier tonight? Well, kid, you just made the biggest mistake of your career...because you've GOT IT. COLE I can't believe this! What a cheap shot by Brock Ausstin! COACH But the Triple Threat will challenge that man, along with Team Heyross, for the OAOAST Six-Man titles next week! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites