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Guest art_vandelay

Question: how would bradshaw do in japan?

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Guest art_vandelay

After being squashed by Big Show on Raw, it seems as though the WWE are deciding to end Bradshaw's push.  I began to wonder why he wasn't able to get over and came up with a few reasons:


- he isn't very impressive in the ring

- he has got a very plain look, he doesn't look bad, but nothing really makes him stand out; plus he's got a flabby chest

- perhaps he is still seen by many as a tag-team wrestler


Well, then I thought... how would he fare as a heel gaijin in Japan?  Being incredibly impressive in the ring is not necessarily a requirement for success if you can be carried... look at Scott Norton.  Aesthetics do not matter as much in Japan as they do in North America.  Most, if not all of the top stars do not have defined chests.  Plus, no one has seen him as an Acolyte so typecasting is not an issue.  When wrestling fans think of Bradshaw, many immediately compare him to Stan Hansen for his Texan gimmick and his lariat, among other things.  Well, what would you guys think?  Would he draw in Japan?

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Guest Stuart

He's worked in Japan before. Norton and others got lucky, they entered Japan in a time where the big gaijin was still almost an instant draw. As proven with the giants, Harris Brothers, Bull Schmidt, Bison Smith, and several other big guys brought in in recent years, it's not so easy for a big, burly gaijin to get over anymore. Also, Bradshaw has shot knees, so his lastability could be questioned. Someone like Rhyno, who has more intensity, would have a better chance.

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