alfdogg 0 Report post Posted February 13, 2006 (edited) [i]G's and Soldiers[/i] plays and the crowd pops as the Heavenly Rockers make their way to the ring. BUFFER [i]The following contest is a Semi-final match in the Anderson Cup tournament, scheduled for one fall! Introducing the first team, from Sin City, Las Vegas, Nevada, weighing in at a total combined weight of 432 pounds, the greatest rock 'n' wrestling band of all-time...the HEAVENLLLLLLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRROCKERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!![/i] SCHIAVONE Tony Schiavone and Jesse "The Body" Ventura here to call the action for our next match. Good to be with you again, Jess. I'm glad to see you've calmed down since last week, big fella. How was your weekend? VENTURA Better than the Vice President's, I tell you that. A Navy Seal wouldn't miss his target. You know, we oughta go huntin' sometime, Schiavone. Just you and me. Guys night out. Whaddya say, huh? SCHIAVONE I'll have to take a raincheck on that. We are moments away from getting the Los Infernales Conference Finals underway; the winner advances to the Anderson Cup Finals at Zero Hour. The Heavenly Rockers have been the subject of controversary in recent weeks, at least in the eyes of Jim Cornette. VENTURA Jim Cornette has a point. Who have the Heavenly Rockers beaten to get to the Conference Finals? SCHIAVONE Tha Puerto Rican and Stephen Joseph, and Los Diablos de Fuego. VENTURA (scoffs) By forefits, Schiavone! Forefits! While the World Tag Team Champions are out there busting their butts defending their titles, Synth and Logan are being passed to the next level like this is a public school. Disgusting! The Rockers get into the ring and bow on one knee, as pyro eminates from the ringposts and sparklers go off in the entranceway. They then go to a corner and await as [i]God of Thunder[/i] hits and Thunderkid comes to the ring, to a somewhat mixed reaction. BUFFER [i]Introducing their opponents...first, from Green Bay, Wisconsin, weighing in at 260 pounds...THUNDERKID!!!!![/i] TK raises his arms in the aisle, then slides into the ring and poses on the buckles, as [i]What's the Difference[/i] hits and Reject comes to the ring, drawing mostly boos. BUFFER [i]And his partner, from New York City, weighing in at 235 pounds...RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREJECT!!!!![/i] VENTURA I can't believe these people, Schiavone. Why are they booing Reject? Don't tell me they're still mad at him for trying to collect the bounty on Zack Malibu? For the kind of money that Axel put on Malibu's head, even I would've tried to take him out. If anybody should be boo'd, it's Zack Malibu. I mean, the guy ambushed Reject. But I suppose you're gonna say Reject had it coming. SCHIAVONE Well, Reject has been acting different lately. In addition to what he did to Zack at Anglepalooza, he also attacked Synth for no good reason. It was like he snapped for a short period of time. Hopefully Zack's actions scared Reject straight. VENTURA You tellin' me this is all because of a change in behavior? If you want sportsmanship, go watch the amatuers. This is professional wrestling. It's all about winning. Reject slides in, as the camera pans over to Synth, who has a look of intent on his face and never takes his eyes off of Reject. After a brief convo, he steps out, leaving Logan to start off with TK. Logan and TK circle the ring, and TK gets a rear waistlock, lifting Logan up into the air and slamming him back down to the mat! Logan quickly gets to the ropes, forcing the referee to break the hold. Logan backs off and confers with Synth, then circles the ring again. TK goes for a tieup, but Logan ducks and takes him over with a fireman's carry! Logan quickly grabs an armbar, but TK is right near the ropes and simply falls over into them. Logan waits right up until the four-and-a-half count to break, then gets up and struts across the ring. TK gets up and has a slightly disturbed look on his face. He then circles the ring again, and gets a double-leg takedown on Logan, who immediately pops up and tries one of his own, but TK holds his ground and hooks a front facelock. TK then switches to a side headlock. Logan backs him into the ropes, and whips him off. Logan drops down and TK goes over, then he leapfrogs TK, who comes off again and takes him down with a shoulderblock, sending him all the way to his corner! TK drops to one knee and flexes his biceps as Logan comes to his feet in his corner. TK bounces around in the center of the ring, as Logan has a brief convo with Synth. Logan decides to give it another try, and circles the ring. Logan ties up with TK, who wrenches the arm of Logan. Logan turns it right around on him, then attempts an Irish whip, but TK reverses, and picks up Logan in a PRESS SLAM~!, but Logan struggles and slips behind the back, then pushes TK into the ropes for a reverse sunset flip! 1... 2... Kickout! TK charges at Logan, but gets caught in an armdrag! Logan applies an armbar, then wrings the arm again, dragging him over to his corner and tagging in Synth. Synth grabs the arm and wrings it once more, before TK grabs the hair and pulls him back into a corner. As the referee counts, TK releases, and drives a forearm right into the mush of Synth! A European uppercut follows, before TK pulls Synth out of the corner and delivers an overhead belly-to-belly! TK follows with a kneedrop, then covers... 1... 2... Kickout! TK gives Synth a back suplex, then tags in Reject. Reject delivers kicks to the back of Synth's head, then picks him up and whips him into the ropes. Synth ducks a spinkick, then Reject leapfrogs and catches Synth with a powerslam! Reject gets up, measures Synth...but Synth rolls out of the way of an elbowdrop! Synth grabs Reject and hooks a side headlock, but Reject counters by turning it into a Blue Thunder bomb! 1... 2... Kickout! Reject goes to an armbar, and starts to paintbrush Synth on the back of the head! Synth then does a forward handspring, then wrings Reject's arm...and slaps him right across the face! Reject holds his face, then looks at his hand. He then looks up at the crowd, before taking a wild swing with his free arm at Synth, who ducks, then chicken wings the arm while grabbing a rear waistlock and delivering a suplex! 1... 2.... Kickout! Reject holds his head as Synth picks him up and delivers a vertical suplex! He then signals for the PERCUSSION~!!!111 He sets him up, but is too close to the ropes and eats a clothesline from the outside from TK! Reject quickly tags out to TK, who picks up Synth for an Irish whip. Synth reverses and goes for a clothesline, which TK ducks, but he gets caught coming off the other side with a spinning wheel kick! Cover... 1... 2... Kickout! Synth waits on TK to get up, and hooks him in a small package! 1... 2... Kickout! Synth hits a dropkick, then grabs the legs and flips over... 1... 2...but TK bridges out! TK spins around to his feet, then picks up Synth and plants him with a gutwrench powerbomb! 1... 2... Logan pulls TK off by the leg! Reject rushes in and delivers a right hand to Logan before the referee separates them. Reject gets out of the ring, and tags are made on both sides. SCHIAVONE Great job on the part of the referee, preventing things from getting out of hand. Reject and Logan circle the ring, and Reject grabs Logan in a rear waistlock. Logan is able to grab a leg and trip up Reject, but Reject pushes him off into the ropes and catches him with an armdrag! Reject bars the arm, and delivers a knee to it. Logan gets to his feet, then delivers a bodyslam to Reject, but Reject rolls through and keeps the hold! Reject then starts to paintbrush Logan, who responds by biting Reject right on the nose! Reject lets go of the hold, and staggers around the ring. Logan then hits a foot to the gut, and follows with the PERCUSSION~!!!111 VENTURA Oh, he hit it early! SCHIAVONE My goodness, this may be it! Logan with the cover! 1... 2.... TK makes the save! Logan stares down TK as he leaves the ring, then whips Reject into the ropes and hooks a sleeper! Reject slowly fades away. He drops to one knee, then to a second, as the referee lifts his arm... ONE!!! TWO!!!!! VENTURA If the arm goes down one more time, it's over. Reject holds through on the third lift, then fights his way back to his feet and backs Logan into the corner! However, as Reject shakes the cobwebs loose, Logan comes back and hooks the sleeper once more! TK complains from the corner, trying to tell the referee about choking. Reject fades even faster this time, as the referee makes one lift of the arm, and Reject falls forward into the ropes. Logan, however, keeps the hold on, risking disqualification, and TK comes over and rakes his eyes, causing him to finally release. TK checks on Reject as Synth comes over to confront TK, and gets shoved. The referee ushers TK out of the ring, and Logan goes to the second rope, coming down with a forearm to the back of Reject. He then goes up once again, but Reject lifts a foot up, and Logan jumps right into it! Reject slowly gets to his feet, sets up Logan...and hits the PITCH BLACK~!!!111 Cover... 1... 2.... ...but this time Synth is there for the save! Reject picks up Logan and hits a FISHERMAN'S BUSTER! 1... 2.... Logan gets a foot on the rope! Reject drops a snap legdrop, then tags in TK! TK picks up Logan, and gives him a FALLAWAY SLAM! Cover... 1... 2.... Shoulder up! Logan reverses an Irish whip, but TK bounces right out of the corner with a BICYCLE KICK! TK drops to one knee once again and flexes, drawing another mixed reaction, mostly cheers this time. He picks up Logan in a PRESS SLAM~! and drops him straight to the floor! Synth goes over to check on his partner, but is quickly ushered back over by the referee. Logan walks around to the side of the ring, and TK meets him. Logan blocks two suplex attempts, and suplexes TK all the way to the outside! TK goes down hard, and Logan follows him, picking him up in a bodyslam and ramming him into the post! He then tosses him back in, and tags in Synth. Synth delivers a vertical suplex to TK, then goes up to the second rope, and comes down with an elbowdrop! 1.. 2.... NO! TK kicks out! Synth stays on TK, giving him a gutwrench suplex. He then applies an abdominal stretch, which TK quickly powers out of with a hiptoss. He sets up an Irish whip, which is reversed. TK leaps over Synth, then ducks a clothesline, but Synth catches him with a quick belly-to-belly overhead! Cover... 1... 2..... Kickout! Synth takes TK down with a Russian legsweep. He then sets up an Irish whip, which is reversed. Synth leaps over TK, but is caught with a knee to the back from Reject! Logan jumps in to complain as TK drops an elbow and covers. No referee, but eventually he turns around... 1... 2.... Kickout by Synth! TK tags Reject in, and Reject gives Synth a backbreaker. He then picks him up, scoops him in a tombstone position, and falls forward with a pancake! Cover... 1... 2.... NO! Kickout! TK is tagged back in once again, and drives Synth with a Tiger suplex and bridge! The referee starts to count, but Synth's feet managed to land on the ropes. TK slaps the mat in frustration, then once again tags Reject. Reject wrenches the arm, and drops him with a hook kick! He then points at TK and makes a kicking motion, and tags TK in. TK comes in and hooks a hangman's hold. Reject holds his hand to his ear, then measures Synth and drives his foot into his abdomen! Synth shields his stomach as TK picks him up...and hits the THUNDERBLOT DDT~!!!!!11111 Cover... 1... 2........ NO!!! Logan saves! SCHIAVONE Synth needs to make a tag. After a back-and-forth start, TK and Reject have taken control of the match. VENTURA Let's not forget, Tony, the Heavenly Rockers haven't experienced a true Anderson Cup match until tonight. While they were moving on via forefits, TK and Reject were getting the job done in the ring. It's like the playoffs. Playing in the regular season is one thing, it's a whole different thing in the playoffs. All the pressure of never having won the big won may be weighing down on the Heavenly Rockers. TK knocks Logan out of the ring from behind, then tosses Synth out over the top. Synth crawls over towards his corner from the outside, but TK reaches out and grabs him. Synth comes up and gives him a shoulder to the gut! He then slingshots himself over the top rope for a sunset flip, but TK has a firm grip on the rope! This changes, however, when Logan DRILLS TK with a right hand! TK falls over and Synth completes the move... 1... 2..... NO!!! TK kicks out! Reject jumps into the ring and goes after Logan, and they brawl in the corner, as Synth picks up TK. Synth sets up the PERCUSSION~!!!111, but TK backdrops him over the top rope! Logan hits TK with a clothesline, and they both go over the top rope to the floor! Reject then follows everyone out with a SOMERSAULT PLANCHA~! Everyone lays around on the floor for a few seconds, then pile back into the ring, where TK and Reject hammer away on Logan. They signal for the THUNDEROUS REJECTION~!!!!!11111 TK picks up Logan for the setup, but Synth spears Reject to the mat, and TK is forced to put Logan down. Logan quickly counters TK's hold, and Synth joins in as they quickly hit the DOUBLE-TEAM PERCUSSION~!!!!!11111 VENTURA WHOA! They got him good. I'll be amazed if TK can kick out of this. SCHIAVONE Synth with the cover... 1.... 2.......... 3!!!!!!!!!! *DING DING DING* BUFFER [i]Here are yor winners...the HEAVENLLLLLLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRROCKERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!![/i] Reject comes back in and checks on TK, then goes and confronts the winners. He gets right in their face, then backs off and sticks out his hand. He keeps talking to them as the Rockers think about it and TK comes to, and Logan finally accepts and shakes the hand of Reject. Reject then moves his hand to Synth, trying to explain to him that the incident at AnglePalooza was past history, and Synth accepts. Logan then helps TK up and shakes his hand, and TK shakes the hand of Synth before TK and Reject leave the ring, and the winners celebrate as [i]G's and Soldiers[/i] plays. SCHIAVONE Great show of sportsmanship on the part of all 4 men. The Heavenly Rockers have moved onto the Anderson Cup winners, Jesse. VENTURA Helluva match. Very back-and-forth. It could've gone either way, but the Heavenly Rockers finally win a match in the 2006 Anderson Cup. They'll now go onto the Finals, which I'll call, Schiavone! I'm pumped up for that. SCHIAVONE Stay with us, fans, there's still more HeldDOWN~! to come. Edited February 14, 2006 by Tony149 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites