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Stephen Joseph

for hd tonight

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Meanwhile, backstage in the parking lot area, Tha Puerto Rican flips his OAOAST Wireless Flip Phone up to receive a call.


Tha Puerto Rican

Yo, Pops, they took the straw out?


::Random incoherent rambling is heard, but we can't make it out. Tha Puerto Rican takes the cell phone and walks toward the cameraman, who panics and begins to run::


Tha Puerto Rican

Yo dude, Pops just wants to talk to the fans. Keep the camera rolling.


::TPR holds the cell phone up the microphone boom::


Stephen Joseph

Can you hear this?


Random Cameraman

Yes, coming in good


Stephen Joseph

Great. Listen up OAOAST Peoples. Now that I'm free of a feeding tube, which sucked in case you ever wondered what it would be like to be a Terry Schiavo vegetable for a day.


I'd like to address the following. One, I'd like to extend a hearty FUCK YOU to the Upstarts, especially Axel.


Crowd: YEAH!


Secondly, I probably won't return until Anglemania in a wrestling capacity, but as soon as I can, I'll be in Tha Puerto Rican's corner. We have unfinished business, and Puerto, I gave you a task, so I will look forward to what you find.


Tha Puerto Rican

Got it boss.


Stephen Joseph

Thirdly, to the OAOAST fans, I'd like to extend an apology for being an inconsiderate jackass for all these years. I promise from now on to be just a jackass.


Crowd: YEAH!


And FINALLY, Peter Knight, and Axel. We are not finished. Not by a long shot. Enjoy my time off, because when I get back, your personal hell begins.

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