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HD: PK's AngleMania Warmup #1

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[i]I've been defeated and brought down
Dropped to my knees when hope ran out
The time has come to change my ways…[/i]

A flourish of drums and guitar accompany blue strobes flashing in the darkened arena and the chorus of [i]Metalingus[/i] signals the entrance of the top man of the Upstarts as he walks into the arena and down the aisle alone, dressed for battle.

Lladies and gentlemen, the following contest is an AngleMania Warmup match.  Entering the ring at this time, from Fall River, Massachusetts, weighing two hundred and sixty-five pounds; he is the reigning OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion...Peterrrrrr Kniiiiight!!


Knight unstraps his title belt and cockily thrusts it into the air, making sure everyone knows who the top dog is.

We heard last week that Peter Knight will not be defending his title at Zero Hour, essentially giving him two full months to prepare for Alfdogg at AngleMania V, though how this is remotely fair to Alfdogg escapes me right now.

Hey, though you wished it was so you can bash the guy more, it wasn't Axel's call.  It was Bill Watts'.

In any case, this week Knight will wrestle in what you just heard announced as a "warmup" match.  We have no idea who his opponent is, however.

Well, he's got a mic, so why don't you shut up and let him explain?

Knight puts the belt over his shoulder and patiently waits for the crowd to settle down before speaking.  

So Bill Watts says that I don't have to defend my World Title at Zero Hour, huh?  (Chuckles) It's like he's actually doing me a FAVOR by telling me that I don't have to do what I'm supposed to do...what I'm obligated to do while I hold this title.  That's fine.  It's just a shame that Bill doesn't seem to think the fans in LA DESERVE to see me defend my title and that Zero Hour isn't a show that is important enough to warrant a World Title match.  Hey, he's the boss, he signs the checks, so I'm cool with whatever he decides.  Hell, I want to THANK him for giving me all this time to prepare for AngleMania because all he's doing is putting Alfdogg at a HUGE disadvantage because I'm just like Bill Belichick: give me more time to prepare for an opponent.....I don't lose.  So Alf, after AngleMania, when you are being driven to the hospital, covered in your own blood, feeling pain like you've never felt before I want you to remember just one thing; don't blame me, blame Bill Watts for keeping a hungry tiger locked in his cage for too long and giving you the key.


So true.  So true.

That brings me to tonight.  Unlike Bill Watts and the rest of Corporate, I actually CARE about what the fans want to see and that's me defending my World Championship right here, right now.  

The crowd can't help but cheer the announcement of a World Title match happening tonight.

You like that, eh?  To help me in my training for Alfdogg and to show that I am a fighting champion, Axel and I have found a series of opponents from our developmental territory, OAOVW.  Young, enthusiastic guys who I feel deserve a shot in the big show against the best this company has.  Naturally, Zack Malibu and the Originals might be confused while watching this because the phrase "elevating new talent" just doesn't compute in their ego-clouded minds.  So, without further ado, let's bring out my first opponent.

[i]Stars and Stripes Forever[/i] blares over the PA as a man dressed like an office worker, complete with a red, white and blue colored tie, walks down the aisle.  He waves at a very confused crowd and slides into the ring, hitting the turnbuckles and thrusting his arms into the air, desperately trying to get a "U-S-A!" chant going but failing.

Well, he certainly is enthusiastic, I'll give him that.  I gotta admit, I respect Knight for giving some new talent exposure like this.

What?  You actually think Knight isn't going to just bully this guy into the mat?  That this isn't just a way for Knight to "train" by beating up a bunch of kids that aren't ready yet?

How dare you doubt the intentions of our champion.  I'm sure we're in for a highly competitive match.

Knight chuckles as his opponent jumps around the ring, clearly excited at being in front of such a large crowd and motions him over.

Ok, tell us who you are.

I'm Blake "Star Spangled" Bannar.  U-S-A!  U-S-A!  U-S-A!  Sure, our Olympic team isn't doing well, but Bode Miller is a Canadian in disguise and nobody cares about hockey anyway.

I hope you are ready for this.  After all, you are fighting for this (displays the belt to Blake) the biggest prize in wrestling, something I fought for three years to finally get.  And you are doing it in front of thousands of people in this arena, not to mention MILLIONS of people watching on TV.  If you don't have a good match, if you embarass yourself in front of your family, this might be the end of your career......but I'm sure you understand all that and are ready to go so, let's have a good one.  

Knight extends his hand, but Bannar is frozen in the ring, having suddenly realized how big an opportunity this is.  Knight withdraws his hand and shrugs, walking to his corner while referee Nick Patrick snaps Bannar out of his trance and orders him to his corner.  

Gee, I wonder if he's nervous after all that.

The World Champion just gave him sound advice.  He's just star struck, that's all.



Blake tries to shake the nerves away as he meets Knight in the center of the ring and lockup.  Bannar grabs a side headlock, a smile crossing his face as he does so, but Knight backs him into the ropes and pushes him off.  Knight drops down but Bannar easily hops over him and bounces off the opposite strands.  Knight tries a hiptoss, but Bannar floats through and gets one himself, popping up and taking Knight over with an armdrag.....followed by another.....and another before popping up and playing to the crowd, starting a "U-S-A!" chant that the crowd picks up.  Knight sits on his knees and nods.

See?  He's impressed at this kid's moxie.

Knight gets back to his feet and motions for them to go at it again.  Bannar is game and they lock up once more.  This time, Knight grabs a side headlock and Bannar backs him into the ropes and shoots him off, dropping down and allowing Knight to hop over him before quickly standing and leapfrogging him as he comes back, staying on his back and rolling back, extending his legs and flipping Knight over to the mat, popping up again and playing to the crowd as Knight theatrically slaps the mat in frustration.  

Blake Bannar's making a pretty good debut here.

Yeah, because Knight is just toying with the kid.

Knight gets to his feet and nods once more, motioning for them to lock-up one more time.  Bannar, running completely on adrenaline at this point, immediately comes over and locks up once more.  Bannar grabs another side headlock and Knight backs him into the ropes once again, shooting him off and going for a hiptoss, but again Bannar floats through it.....but this time Knight hangs onto his arm and twists into a hard clothesline, his arm staying across Bannar's throat as he is slammed to the mat.  Knight quickly gets to his feet and begins to stomp the head.


And the true reason for this farce reveals itself.

Bannar went to the well one too many times and PK capitalized, that's all.

Knight pulls Bannar up by the hair and roughly whips him off the ropes, catching him with a hard knee to the gut, the impact flipping Bannar over before he crashes to the mat.  He has no time to recover as Knight pulls him back up again and hooks him in a front facelock, hooking the tights and nailing a suplex, popping the hips and hitting another, popping the hips again and picking him up again, holding him in the air and dropping him forward with a falcon arrow, completing the Knight Roll.  Knight quickly gets to his feet again and drags Bannar up once more, hauling him up with a fireman's carry.  He parades to all four sides in this position before spinning Bannar off his shoulders and drilling him to the mat with a Knightmare, rolling him onto his back and covering.





And it's over!  Knight retains in a hard fought match!

Oh, knock it off.

Llladies and gentlemen your winner, and STILL OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion, Peterrrrr Kniiiiight!!!

[i]Metalingus[/i] plays as Patrick hands the belt over to Knight as he stands over the fallen Bannar.  He raises the belt to the crowd before walking over to the ropes and demanding the mic.  He stands over Bannar before speaking.

Too bad, kid.  I really hope the rest of the opponents that Axel has lined up for me gives me a better fight than this.  I barely broke a sweat!  I hope my next opponent was watching and took good, careful notes because next time, I won't be so gentle. 

Knight drops the mic and puts the belt on his shoulder before stepping through the ropes and walking back up the aisle.

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