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OAOAST HeldDOWN~! 2/16/06

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It's Thursday night and the Olympics are in full swing....but who cares about which US athlete will blow it this time, it's time for HeldDOWN~! Tonight, the smell of chocolate fills the air. Not because Leon Rodez went a tad overboard with his Valentine's Day gifts to Alix, but because we're in Hershey, Pennsylvania. Into the arena we go as we head over to the OAOAST's version of a chocolate-filled Twinkie, Triple Cee!!



Chocolate filled wha?



He's trying, Cole. It's hard to be witty week after week.



You should know.



Welcome to another edition of HeldDOWN everyone. Michael Cole here along with the Coach and Caboose as we are less than two weeks away from Zero Hour in Los Angeles. This week it's the Conference finals of the 2006 Anderson Cup. The winners of tonight's matches will face off at Zero Hour for an opportunity to face the World Tag Team Champions at AngleMania V!



We've also got MAH BOYS Christian Wright and the Global Party Xchange facing Zack Malibu, James Blonde and Faqu in six-man tag action. And in our main event, because gimmick matches = RATINGS, Spanish Fly goes against Mr. Boriqua in a steel cage match.



Also, both The Parka and Alfdogg put their respective championships on the line. Quite a packed show.



I know one thing that can make it even better.


I've been defeated and brought down

Dropped to my knees when hope ran out

The time has come to change my ways…


A flourish of drums and guitar accompany blue strobes flashing in the darkened arena and the chorus of Metalingus signals the entrance of the top man of the Upstarts as he walks into the arena and down the aisle alone, dressed for battle.



Lladies and gentlemen, the following contest is an AngleMania Warmup match. Entering the ring at this time, from Fall River, Massachusetts, weighing two hundred and sixty-five pounds; he is the reigning OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion...Peterrrrrr Kniiiiight!!




Knight unstraps his title belt and cockily thrusts it into the air, making sure everyone knows who the top dog is.



We heard last week that Peter Knight will not be defending his title at Zero Hour, essentially giving him two full months to prepare for Alfdogg at AngleMania V, though how this is remotely fair to Alfdogg escapes me right now.



Hey, though you wished it was so you can bash the guy more, it wasn't Axel's call. It was Bill Watts'.



In any case, this week Knight will wrestle in what you just heard announced as a "warmup" match. We have no idea who his opponent is, however.



Well, he's got a mic, so why don't you shut up and let him explain?


Knight puts the belt over his shoulder and patiently waits for the crowd to settle down before speaking.



So Bill Watts says that I don't have to defend my World Title at Zero Hour, huh? (Chuckles) It's like he's actually doing me a FAVOR by telling me that I don't have to do what I'm supposed to do...what I'm obligated to do while I hold this title. That's fine. It's just a shame that Bill doesn't seem to think the fans in LA DESERVE to see me defend my title and that Zero Hour isn't a show that is important enough to warrant a World Title match. Hey, he's the boss, he signs the checks, so I'm cool with whatever he decides. Hell, I want to THANK him for giving me all this time to prepare for AngleMania because all he's doing is putting Alfdogg at a HUGE disadvantage because I'm just like Bill Belichick: give me time to prepare for an opponent.....I don't lose. So Alf, after AngleMania, when you are being driven to the hospital, covered in your own blood, feeling pain like you've never felt before I want you to remember just one thing; don't blame me, blame Bill Watts for keeping a hungry tiger locked in his cage for too long and giving you the key.





So true. So true.



That brings me to tonight. Unlike Bill Watts and the rest of Corporate, I actually CARE about what the fans want to see and that's me defending my World Championship right here, right now.


The crowd can't help but cheer the announcement of a World Title match happening tonight.



You like that, eh? To help me in my training for Alfdogg and to show that I am a fighting champion, Axel and I have found a series of opponents from our developmental territory, OAOVW. Young, enthusiastic guys who I feel deserve a shot in the big show against the best this company has. Naturally, Zack Malibu and the Originals might be confused while watching this because the phrase "elevating new talent" just doesn't compute in their ego-clouded minds. So, without further ado, let's bring out my first opponent.


Stars and Stripes Forever blares over the PA as a man dressed like an office worker, complete with a red, white and blue colored tie, walks down the aisle. He waves at a very confused crowd and slides into the ring, hitting the turnbuckles and thrusting his arms into the air, desperately trying to get a "U-S-A!" chant going but failing.



Well, he certainly is enthusiastic, I'll give him that. I gotta admit, I respect Knight for giving some new talent exposure like this.



What? You actually think Knight isn't going to just bully this guy into the mat? That this isn't just a way for Knight to "train" by beating up a bunch of kids that aren't ready yet?



How dare you doubt the intentions of our champion. I'm sure we're in for a highly competitive match.


Knight chuckles as his opponent jumps around the ring, clearly excited at being in front of such a large crowd and motions him over.



Ok, tell us who you are.



I'm Blake "Star Spangled" Bannar. U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! Sure, our Olympic team isn't doing well, but Bode Miller is a Canadian in disguise and nobody cares about hockey anyway.



I hope you are ready for this. After all, you are fighting for this (displays the belt to Blake) the biggest prize in wrestling, something I fought for three years to finally get. And you are doing it in front of thousands of people in this arena, not to mention MILLIONS of people watching on TV. If you don't have a good match, if you embarass yourself in front of your family, this might be the end of your career......but I'm sure you understand all that and are ready to go so, let's have a good one.


Knight extends his hand, but Bannar is frozen in the ring, having suddenly realized how big an opportunity this is. Knight withdraws his hand and shrugs, walking to his corner while referee Nick Patrick snaps Bannar out of his trance and orders him to his corner.



Gee, I wonder if he's nervous after all that.



The World Champion just gave him sound advice. He's just star struck, that's all.







Blake tries to shake the nerves away as he meets Knight in the center of the ring and lockup. Bannar grabs a side headlock, a smile crossing his face as he does so, but Knight backs him into the ropes and pushes him off. Knight drops down but Bannar easily hops over him and bounces off the opposite strands. Knight tries a hiptoss, but Bannar floats through and gets one himself, popping up and taking Knight over with an armdrag.....followed by another.....and another before popping up and playing to the crowd, starting a "U-S-A!" chant that the crowd picks up. Knight sits on his knees and nods.



See? He's impressed at this kid's moxie.


Knight gets back to his feet and motions for them to go at it again. Bannar is game and they lock up once more. This time, Knight grabs a side headlock and Bannar backs him into the ropes and shoots him off, dropping down and allowing Knight to hop over him before quickly standing and leapfrogging him as he comes back, staying on his back and rolling back, extending his legs and flipping Knight over to the mat, popping up again and playing to the crowd as Knight theatrically slaps the mat in frustration.



Blake Bannar's making a pretty good debut here.



Yeah, because Knight is just toying with the kid.


Knight gets to his feet and nods once more, motioning for them to lock-up one more time. Bannar, running completely on adrenaline at this point, immediately comes over and locks up once more. Bannar grabs another side headlock and Knight backs him into the ropes once again, shooting him off and going for a hiptoss, but again Bannar floats through it.....but this time Knight hangs onto his arm and twists into a hard clothesline, his arm staying across Bannar's throat as he is slammed to the mat. Knight quickly gets to his feet and begins to stomp the head.





And the true reason for this farce reveals itself.



Bannar went to the well one too many times and PK capitalized, that's all.


Knight pulls Bannar up by the hair and roughly whips him off the ropes, catching him with a hard knee to the gut, the impact flipping Bannar over before he crashes to the mat. He has no time to recover as Knight pulls him back up again and hooks him in a front facelock, hooking the tights and nailing a suplex, popping the hips and hitting another, popping the hips again and picking him up again, holding him in the air and dropping him forward with a falcon arrow, completing the Knight Roll. Knight quickly gets to his feet again and drags Bannar up once more, hauling him up with a fireman's carry. He parades to all four sides in this position before spinning Bannar off his shoulders and drilling him to the mat with a Knightmare, rolling him onto his back and covering.














And it's over! Knight retains in a hard fought match!



Oh, knock it off.



Llladies and gentlemen your winner, and STILL OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion, Peterrrrr Kniiiiight!!!


Metalingus plays as Patrick hands the belt over to Knight as he stands over the fallen Bannar. He raises the belt to the crowd before walking over to the ropes and demanding the mic. He stands over Bannar before speaking.



Too bad, kid. I really hope the rest of the opponents that Axel has lined up for me gives me a better fight than this. I barely broke a sweat! I hope my next opponent was watching and took good, careful notes because next time, I won't be so gentle.


Knight drops the mic and puts the belt on his shoulder before stepping through the ropes and walking back up the aisle.


The scene switces and we're taken backstage with Terry Taylor! He stands with former X-Division champion Leon Rodez.



Leon, last week you were able to overcome Colombian Heat in a grueling Hardcore Match and in the process, earn yourself a shot at Tha Puerto Rican and the 24/7 Championship. PRL's set the time, he's set the date and he's set the conditions. You and PRL, one on one at Zero Hour...and you have to beat him within 15 minutes. Your thoughts.



Remember when I.R.S was called Michael Wallstreet and he was part of the York Foundation with Goldust's wife and they had that funky do-dad computer that could tell him how to beat opponents predict the exact amount of time it'd take him to win?






Remember when you only had 7 minutes or something to beat him at Starrcade 90.






And you lost, right?



(weeping softly)

Yes. Whats your point?



Well, the way I see it, either PRL's got himself a funky new computer...OR, this is just another way to try and give himself a little insurance for a 24/7 Title defence. Now, assuming that it's option B and he hasn't got a Corporate Computer, I have to ask 'Why?' Why does Tha Puerto Rican need insurance? Why does Tha Puerto Rican feel the need to put a 15 minute time-limit on our match at Zero Hour? Surely...SURELY, the mighty Puerto Rican Lightning isn't afraid that I might beat him and take his 24/7 Title. Nah, that couldn't be it. Just like every Lightning Crew run-in in a PRL match has been purely coincidental and couldn't have had anything to do with him fearing his opponents. Just like the screw-job they laid down on Colombian Heat had nothing to do with fear. Just like the fact that PRL suggested putting me and Colombian Heat in a Hardcore Match last week has nothing to do with him being afraid of us.






You're as sharp as you are...uh...uhm...ah...hmm...yeah. Tha Puerto Rican thought he could divide and conquer last week, by pitting me and Colombian Heat against each other. Now, I'll admit that me and Heat beat the crap out of each other last week. Sure, maybe it went a little too far. But the fact is, me and Heat aren't friends. I've never professed to be his friend and vice-versa. Our new-found relationship is strictly business, based on a mutual enemy. And PRL, no matter what you do, it won't change the fact that we're both out for you and revenge upon you.


Rodez lightens the mood with a wry smile, before fixing Terry Taylor's tie.



So, at Zero Hour, I've got to beat Tha Puerto Rican within 15 minutes, right Terry?






Right. Usually, I'm all about stamina and going for a long, long time, if you're catching my drift here. And if you're not, a little clue...it's about sex. But something which ISN'T about sex is my match at Zero Hour. Now THAT'S a segueway!


Scrambling through his pockets, Taylor takes a notepad out from his back pocket and scribbles down that completely fantastic segueway for future use.



All the time-limit means is I'm going to have to go for the kill a little early. Now, I'm not a 'killer instinct' type of guy. I'm not planning on cheating to gain a quick advantage and I'm not planning on trying to cripple PRL in order to get the victory in time. But I have to take the fight to Tha Puerto Rican, because the time-limit means he doesn't have to bring the fight to me. Maybe it means I take a few more risks. Maybe it means I'm a tad more ruthless. Who knows? The pressure's on me and I know that. PRL wouldn't have set the deck that way if not. But I'm comfortable with a little pressure. I'm up for his Corporate Challenge.


Taylor stops looking around nervously for any sign of a certin A. Maria Spezia or K. Isadora Duncan long enough to remember he's doing an interview.



Well, moving on to tonight. With Zero Hour just a couple of weeks away, PRL has set another little hurdle for you as he sends two of his Lightning Crew members, Brains and Brawn, out to take on yourself and John "Rock Hard" Brickston.



PRL, stacking the deck. Who'da thunk it Terry Taylor? I'm under no illusions that PRL is sending out his evil minions with strict instructions to try and soften me up for Zero Hour. Well, as Kirsten Dunst may or may not have said in the film Bring It On, "Bring It On!" Send me bodyguards. Send me Financial Consultants. Send me Official Lightning Crew Referees. Send me Latina Bitches. Send me lawyers. Send me waitors, bakers, candlestick makers. All in all, PRL, send in the clowns. Lord knows you have enough of them. Fact is, I'm going to Zero Hour to challenge for the 24/7 Championship and there's nothing you, Punchy, Punch Bag or any other Lightning Crew members you might have hidden away are gonna do about it.


Rodez walks off with a pat on the back to Terry on a job well done as we fade out.


Commercial break

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Punishment by BIOHAZARD hits and Rick Heyross leads out Quentin Benjamin.



Well, Team Heyross has seen much success as a tag team here in the OAOAST, but tonight, their first shot at singles gold!



The following contest is for the OAOAST Heartland championship, scheduled for one fall! Introducing the challenger, from Seattle, Washington, weighing in at 240 pounds...QUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUENTINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN BENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNJAMINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!



And do you realize what it would mean to the career of Quentin Benjamin, to walk away with the win and the title here against Alf?



Well, what would it mean to the career of Alf, a guy who's going to AngleMania for a World title shot? That would really damage his momentum, as well.


Magnum Opus: Father Padilla Meets the Perfect Gnat/Howling at the Moon hits and Alfdogg makes his way through the curtains to a huge pop.



His opponent, weighing in at 245 pounds...former World champion, and the REIGNING, and DEFENDING OAOAST Heartland champion...ALFDOGG!!!!!


Alf slides into the ring, and Benjamin wastes no time going right to work!




Benjamin stomps away at Alf, then picks him up and delivers a snap suplex! He then removes the Heartland belt from Alf and whips him with it, then tosses it out of the ring and goes upstairs.



Benjamin going up early here...


Benjamin leaps off, but Alf catches him in a waistlock and throws him over with a belly-to-belly!



And now Alf may have something going!


Alf waits on Benjamin to get up, then jumps onto his shoulders. Benjamin walks over to the ropes, where Alf flips backwards and grabs the ropes, bringing Benjamin to the floor with a reverse hurricanrana!



Great move by Alf there, and Benjamin on the outside!



Look out!


Alf comes over the top with a plancha on Benjamin! Alf fires off right hands, before tossing Benjamin back into the ring. Benjamin begs off, and Alf follows him into the corner, where Benjamin grabs him by the pants and pulls him into the buckles. Alf is stunned, and Benjamin delivers right hands, then whips Alf into the opposite corner. Benjamin charges, but misses a flying splash in the corner!



Benjamin telegraphed that one, and Alf able to scoot out of there!


Alf hits a Hart Attack clothesline, and covers...













First cover of the match, and Benjamin able to kick out!


Alf follows with a fisherman's suplex!












Benjamin goes to the eyes, then hits the ropes. Alf drops down, then leapfrogs, then catches Benjamin with a AA spinebuster! Cover...













Alf with lots of quick covers, but QB able to escape any danger so far!


Alf gives Benjamin a foot to the gut, then bounces off the ropes and delivers a swinging neckbreaker. Alf then goes to the outside.



And Alf looking for some toys, perhaps!



Come on, ref, get him back in the ring!


Alf pulls out a KENDO STICK~!



Oh, no!


Alf slides in and delivers a shot to the gut, and then one to the back! Alf raises the stick in the air as the crowd goes wild!



And listen to the emotion from this capacity crowd!


Alf starts to choke Benjamin with the stick, until the referee physically removes it from the throat of Benjamin. Alf yanks at the stick, sending the referee flying across the ring!



Come on, ref, disqualify him!



There are no disqualifications in Heartland title matches!


Benjamin has slid out of the ring, and grabbed a trash can! Alf drops the stick and attempts a TOPE CON HILO~!, but dives right into the trash can swing of Quentin Benjamin!



There you go, QB!



What a shot Alf took there!


Benjamin delivers another shot with the can, then sets it on the floor. Benjamin then picks Alf up, and suplexes him onto the can! Benjamin then tosses Alf back into the ring, and climbs to the top. Benjamin waits on Alf to get up...and hits a BULLDOG!



This could be a huge upset right here, Cole!





















No, Alf able to escape, but what a great move by Benjamin!


Benjamin picks up Alf in a suplex, and slams him forward!



Facebuster! Great move, QB!


Benjamin goes to the top rope again, and this time turns Alf inside out with a clothesline! Cover...




















NO! Alf kicks out!



And Alf just keeps kicking out!


Benjamin grabs the arm of Alf, and hooks him in a triangle hold!



Submission hold here, this could be it!


Benjamin really cranks on the hold, and Alf fades. The referee lifts Alf's free arm...




















Alf holds through on the third lift, and is able to roll to the ropes! The referee breaks the hold, and Benjamin attempts a German suplex, but Alf blocks with the leg! A second attempt, same result! Alf quickly does a standing switch, and hits one of his own!




















Benjamin is dazed, but makes it to his feet first, and superkicks Alf to the mat! Benjamin then goes to the top rope.



Oh, this is it right here! We're gonna have a new champion!


Benjamin comes off the top for a LEGDROP~!, but Alf rolls out of the way! The referee begins to count both men on the mat...

































Alf sits up, and starts to make it to his feet, and Benjamin follows. Benjamin with a right hand, and Alf returns fire! A second, returned once again! Alf starts firing more rights!



And Alf starting to get his second wind here!


Alf backs Benjamin into a corner, and Benjamin reverses a whip. Alf jumps to the second rope, and fakes a leap, causing Benjamin to drop down. When Benjamin gets back up, Alf jumps from a moonsault position and converts a sunset flip!





























NO! Benjamin kicks out!


Benjamin quickly grabs Alf and attempts an Irish whip, but Alf reverses and sends Benjamin hard into a corner! Benjamin staggers out and walks right into a belly-to-belly overhead from Alf!



And Alf's setting him up, three successive suplexes coming up!


Alf follows with a snap suplex, and then waits on Benjamin to get up and delivers one of the T-Bone variety! Cover...

























NO!!! Shoulder up! Benjamin goes to the eyes!



And look at that, QB took 'em all, and now he's on the offense again!


Benjamin sets up a Tombstone, but Alf turns it over! Benjamin then spins to the side, but Alf spins to the side to counter once again! Benjamin turns it over, but Alf turns it over and finally plants Benjamin with a TOMBSTONE~!



Tombstone piledriver, and a cover!










































NO!!! Another kickout!


Alf goes to the ropes, and is tripped up by Rick Heyross! Heyross celebrates his feat, and is hit with a PLANCHA by Alf!



Serves him right, interfering in this match!


Alf starts to deliver right hands, until Charlie Moss runs down and clotheslines him on the floor!



And now the odds are even!



Even? It's 3 against 1!



So were the Miami Heat at the start of the season, and boy, THAT's worked out great!


Moss throws Alf into the ring, and drops him with the STO backbreaker! The groggy Rick Heyross has grabbed a table from underneath the ring, and pushes it in to Moss, who sets it up in the middle of the ring. Moss picks Alf up, and sets him up on his shoulders.



Oh, no way! Not through the table?


Quentin Benjamin goes up to the top rope, but Thunderkid has run down the aisle, and knocks his legs out from under him! Benjamin is crotched on the top rope, and Reject has come through the crowd and delivers a low blow to Moss! He follows with the EULOGY~!!!!!11111



Reject with the EULOGY on Charlie Moss! NOW the odds are even, Coach!


Heyross has come into the ring, and gets nailed with a superkick by Alf! Benjamin has recovered, however, and delivers a low blow! Benjamin then sets up for the ORANGE CRUSH~!!!111



Here comes that Orange Crush, Cole!


Alf is able to come back down onto his feet, and slides under the legs of Benjamin, and ends up on the other side of the table! He grabs Benjamin and rams his face on the table, one, two, three times! Benjamin is laid out on the table, and Alf goes to the top rope...



Oh no! Now it's Benjamin caught on the table!


Alf points out to the crowd, then comes off with the FIVE-STAR ALF SPLASH~!!!!!11111, going through Benjamin and the table!











































The winner of the match...and STILL OAOAST Heartland champion...ALFDOGG!!!!!



This is ridiculous, Cole, Alf had to rely on outside interference to win this match!



Great effort by Quentin Benjamin, but even with the help of his partner and his manager, can't wrest the belt away from Alf tonight!


See The OAOAST In Your Town!!!:


Saturday Night - Mexico City, Mexico

Sunday - Tijuana, Mexico

Next week - The OAOAST Goes Hawaiian!! See your favorite superstars in action in Maui, Kona and a special HeldDOWN in Honolulu next Thursday!


The OAOAST, what the WOOOOOOOORLD is reading!


(Back to the arena)




The lights go down in the arena. The opening to “No Chance In Hell” starts playing, causing the crowd to boo LOUDLY. The crescendo hits, a lightning bolt hits the entrance, and “No Chance In Hell” by Bradley Royds starts playing as The Lightning Crew entrance video plays on the AngleTron.


*No Chance (No chance)

That’s what ya got! (Ha, ha, yeah)


We’re up against

no machine too strong (Too strong)


Pussy politicians buying souls for us

are…PUPPETS (Puppets!)*


Smoke fills the entryway. The entrance doors slide open, and out come Vitamin X, Cuban Wall, Mr. Boricua and Thomas Rodriguez. The crowd boos loudly. The Lightning Crew members look at the crowd in disgust, Vitamin X especially. X does the Shane-O-Mac Shuffle. Mr. Boricua grunts, snorts, and cracks his knuckles. Cuban Wall sneers at the crowd. Thomas Rodriguez tries to act tough, but fails miserably. Vitamin X looks at his fellow LC members, and orders them to follow him to the ring. The Lightning Crew members walk down the entrance ramp as “No Chance In Hell” continues playing.



Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, Cuban Wall, Mr. Boricua, Thomas Rodriguez, and VITAMINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX!!!



Here are the members of The Lightning Crew, who have quite the night ahead of them. Brains & Brawn, Vitamin X and Cuban Wall, will take on Leon Rodez and John “Rock Hard” Brickston later on tonight.



I am really looking forward to that one, Michael. Leon Rodez has become a thorn on the side of Tha Puerto Rican in recent weeks, and now, hopefully, that thorn will be removed for good! And as for that musclehead, John Brickston? If he wants to get his ass kicked by The Lightning Crew again, then no problem. They’ll go ahead and do it.



Since when did you become The Lightning Crew’s Spokesperson?



I’m not their spokesperson. I just really enjoy The Lightning Crew even though Tha Puerto Rican is managed by Stephen Joseph!


The Lightning Crew enters the ring. Vitamin X is wearing a white collar buttoned down shirt, a blue sports jacket, a $500 Rolex watch, black dress pants, a gold chain around his neck, and black dress shoes. He spins around, and receives boos from the fans. VX, Cuban Wall, Mr. Boricua, and Thomas Rodriguez stand in the middle of the ring. They all do The Lightning Crew Salute to loud boos from the fans. The lights go back on in the arena as The Lightning Crew act tough for the cameras.



Look at that! Look at The Lightning Crew! They are incredible! How can these people boo them? These guys are phenomenal!



These fans just don’t like any member of The Lightning Crew. Well, maybe Lindsay, but that’s it.



Once again, proof that the OAOAST’s fans are idiots.


Vitamin X calls for a microphone. He gets one from ring attendant. The Lightning Crew stands back, as Vitamin X prepares to speak. “No Chance In Hell” by Bradley Royds dies down.



Everybody be quiet! The X-Man is on the mic!





Vitamin X looks at the crowd. The crowd boos loudly. They start an “X’S A PUSSY!” chant.



On Sunday, February 26, 2006 at OAOAST Zero Hour from the Staples Center in Los Angeles, California, you will see in tag team action, the team of Spanish Fly…






And Colombian Heat…






Take on the team of Cuban Wall…






And…Mr. Boricua!






Well, that doesn’t seem fair.



Now, I’m sure some of you—well, ALL of you, are surprised by this announcement. I mean, after all, after what I’ve been saying about Colombian Heat for the past two weeks, and after I SCREWED him out of the 24/7 Title at Anglepalooza—


The crowd boos. X laughs.



You would think that I would like a one-on-one match against Heat to settle this once and for all. Well, that’s why all of you people are idiots!






You see, the reason I will not have a match against Colombian Heat is because Heat is not ready to face me! No, that piece of lower class filth is BENEATH me, and I will NOT soil my hands by facing him in a match!



Oh come on! Vitamin X is just ducking Colombian Heat because he doesn’t want to feel his wrath!



Feel his wrath? HA! HA! HA! HA! That’s a good one!





“X’S A PUSS-SEE!” *Clap Clap Clapclapclap*

“X’S A PUSS-SEE!” *Clap Clap Clapclapclap*

“X’S A PUSS-SEE! *Clap Clap Clapclapclap*

“X’S A PUSS-SEE!” *Clap Clap Clapclapclap*





The crowd boos.



Now, if Colombian Heat wants to fight me, if he wants his “revenge” against me for what I did to him at Anglepalooza, then he’ll have to go through the two big men of The Lightning Crew! He’ll have to go through the 6’7” 285 lb assassin. The Muscle for The Lightning Crew. My partner in Brains & Brawn, Cuban Wall!


Cuban Wall smiles evilly. The crowd boos.



AND he’ll have to go through the monster. The giant. The 6’9 300 lb bodyguard for The Lightning Crew. The man who was so dangerous, he was banned from FIFA! The one. The only. The big man. Mr. Boricua!


Mr. Boricua yells at the fans. Thomas Rodriguez is so frighten, he pees his pants. The crowd boos all of this.



Colombian Heat is dead come February 26th.



And then, if, and this is a big “if”, IF Colombian Heat and Spanish Flea can beat these two giants, then maybe, MAYBE…I’ll consider having a one-on-one match with Heat.



It figures. Vitamin X wants Cuban Wall and Mr. Boricua to soften Colombian Heat up for him!



No he doesn’t. That’s preposterous!


COLE (sarcastically)

Yeah, I bet it is.



Which brings me to tonight. On tonight’s HeldDOWN~!, you will see in this very ring, tag team action when yours truly and Cuban Wall, Brains & Brawn, take on the team of John “Rock Hard” Brickston…






…and Leon Rodez.





Vitamin X rolls his eyes at the crowd’s reaction.



Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Root for the losers. Whoopee! Your cheers won’t help Leon Rodez and John Brickston tonight! We are on strict orders from Tha Puerto Rican to make sure Leon Rodez isn’t 100% for his 24/7 Title Match against PRL at Zero Hour, and P, we will obi by your orders. And as for John “Suck Hard” Brickston? That big doofus doesn’t stand a chance against the perfect combination of Brains…and Brawn! HA! HA! HA!


Vitamin X does the Shane-O-Mac Shuffle. Cuban Wall, Thomas Rodriguez, and Mr. Boricua laugh evilly.



Later on tonight, Brains & Brawn vs. Leon Rodez and John Brickston.



SHHH! Quiet! The X-Man is still speaking.



Also tonight, you will see in action, the other participant in the tag team match on Sunday, Mr. Boricua. If you noticed, up there in the ceiling is a steel cage.


The camera cuts to the ceiling where, indeed, a steel cage hangs.



And tonight, in this very ring on HeldDOWN~!, that steel cage will be lowered, and inside that cage, you will see Mr. Boricua take on…Spanish Fly!



Hey! That’s a mismatch! Spanish Fly is going to be locked inside a steel cage with Mr. Boricua?



I wonder whose idea was that?



Yes, Spanish Fly, you have the unenviable task of trying to survive a Steel Cage Match against Mr. Boricua. I hope you’re up to it, because Mr. Boricua WILL BREAK EVERY BONE IN YOUR BODY! Mr. Boricua will show no mercy on you, and after he wins, Tha Puerto Rican promised him that he would take Mr. Boricua to Hershey Park tomorrow!



Yeah! Hershey. Park! Hershey. Park! Hershey. Park! Yea! I. Like. Candy.



We all do, Mr. Boricua! We all do. Now tonight will be a big night for The Lightning Crew. On this night, we will eliminate all of those who wish to do us harm. We will destroy Leon Rodez. We will annihilate Spanish Fly. And if he wants, we will CRUSH Colombian Heat.


Suddenly, the steel cage starts lowering. The crowd murmurs, wondering why the cage is lowering. The Lightning Crew doesn’t notice the cage lowering.



The LC is the most dominating stable in the history of the One And Only AngleSault Thread, and we will prove it tonight! You can’t stop The LC no matter how hard you try. It doesn’t matter if your name is Colombian Heat, Leon Rodez, John “Rock Hard” Brickston, Spanish Fly, or Otaku II!


The steel cage lowers some more, and we find out that COLOMBIAN HEAT is standing on top of the cage! The crowd cheers loudly. Colombian Heat has a cocky smirk on his face as he waits for the cage to surround the ring. Vitamin X is still talking.



Tha Puerto Rican, Cuban Wall, Mr. Boricua, Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez, Thomas Rodriguez, and myself are the greatest collection of athletes in the OAOAST today!






We will run over all those who oppose us.






And we will never back down; I will never back down from any challenge.






So, if anybody wants a piece of The Lightning Crew, if anybody wants to fight me, then come on down and take your Vitamin X! Thank you and good night!


Vitamin X turns around, and finally notices Colombian Heat on top of the steel cage! He freaks out!



Colombian Heat is on top of the cage! And he wants a piece of Vitamin X’s ass!


Colombian Heat smiles at X as he climbs into the ring. The crowd is going wild. The members of The Lightning Crew prepare to fight Heat, but Vitamin X tells them to back off.



Back off guys. Back off. I’ll handle this.



You’re sure about this?



Trust me. I got this in the bag!



Vitamin X wants to handle this on his own!



Why are you so surprised by that? You heard X. If anybody wants to fight him, step up to him!


Cuban Wall, Mr. Boricua, and Thomas Rodriguez stand in a corner. They watch as Vitamin X trash talks Colombian Heat. X removes his blue sports jacket and dares Colombian Heat to fight him.



Come on, man! Come on!


X does the Shane-O-Mac Shuffle while Heat stares INTENSELY at him. Finally, X says, “Bring it on!” And the two men engage in a slugfest!



And here we go! Vitamin X and Colombian Heat are slugging it out! I’m sure Colombian Heat has waited for this moment since Anglepalooza!


The slugfest quickly goes in Colombian Heat’s favor. Colombian Heat’s punches take Vitamin X into a turnbuckle. Colombian Heat unleashes a combination of chops and punches on Vitamin X! Heat then unleashes martial arts kicks all over Vitamin X’s body, culminating in a jumping back kick to X’s jaw! VX falls to the mat, his head resting on the bottom turnbuckle. The crowd starts cheering, as they know what’s coming up next. And indeed, Colombian Heat heads to the opposite turnbuckle, does the low rider gesture, and then charges forward, giving Vitamin X the Broncobuster!



Broncobuster! Broncobuster on Vitamin X!



Oh God! That’s disgusting! That piece of lower class filth is touching Vitamin X! X is going to have to take a shower after that!


Vitamin X lies on the mat, his eyes glazed over. Colombian Heat taunts Vitamin X, with the crowd cheering him on. But then, Colombian Heat turns around…







And is grabbed by Cuban Wall!





Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Way to go!


The crowd boos loudly as Colombian Heat lies on the mat in pain. Cuban Wall stomps on Heat, and is soon joined by Mr. Boricua. Even Thomas Rodriguez gets a few shots in.



And now look at this! The Lightning Crew is doing a beatdown on Colombian Heat! Again!



This must remind him of Anglepalooza, huh?



Serves him right for giving Vitamin X the Broncobuster! That thug! He should be in prison, not a wrestling ring!


Mr. Boricua and Cuban Wall continue stomping on Colombian Heat while Thomas Rodriguez helps Vitamin X up. X is a little dazed and confused, but he still manages to direct the beatdown on Heat.



Just like at Anglepalooza, The Lightning Crew is manhandling Colombian Heat!



This is just a preview of what Heat will go through in two weeks at Zero Hour! Heat is a dead man at Zero Hour!



That’s it! That’s it! Hurt him! Hurt him!


Cuban Wall bounces off the ropes, and delivers The Lightning Crew Splash on Heat! The crowd groans!



Yeah! That’s right! BOO-YAH~! BOO-YAH~!


“X’S A PUSS-SEE!” *Clap Clap Clapclapclap*

“X’S A PUSS-SEE!” *Clap Clap Clapclapclap*

“X’S A PUSS-SEE!” *Clap Clap Clapclapclap*

“X’S A PUSS-SEE!” *Clap Clap Clapclapclap*


Vitamin X high fives Cuban Wall and Mr. Boricua. The crowd boos loudly.



This is just despicable! The Lightning Crew has Colombian Heat trapped! They can do whatever they want to him!



I know. Isn’t it great?


Vitamin X tells Cuban Wall and Mr. Boricua to take Heat into a turnbuckle. Boricua and Wall drag the unconscious Colombian Heat over to a turnbuckle, and rest his head on the bottom turnbuckle. Vitamin X chokes Colombian Heat with his right foot. X takes off Heat’s bandana and spits on it.



What’s X going to do now?


Vitamin X heads to the opposite turnbuckle. X does the low rider gesture, causing the crowd to boo, and then charges forward, giving Colombian Heat the Broncobuster!



And now the Broncobuster on Colombian Heat!



Yeah! How do you like that, Heat? How do you like having some guy’s balls hitting your face repeatedly? It stinks, doesn’t it? DOESN’T IT?


Vitamin X gets off of Heat and taunts him. He spits in Heat’s unconscious face. Vitamin X high fives Cuban Wall, Mr. Boricua, and Thomas Rodriguez. The crowd boos loudly.



The Lightning Crew has left Colombian Heat for dead! They have softened Heat up 2 weeks before Zero Hour!



And what a mighty fine job The Lightning Crew has done tonight! They have done a good job of hurting Colombian Heat! Tha Puerto Rican must be proud! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!


The 4 LC members in the ring gloat over their victory. Suddenly…


*Give me fuel

Give me fire

Give me that which I desire!*


“Fuel” by Metallica starts playing. The crowd cheers loudly. The LC members turn their attention to the entrance. The entrance doors slide open, and John “Rock Hard” Brickston comes out, PISSED OFF!



John Brickston is here!


Brickston power walks down the entrance ramp, and enters the ring. The Lightning Crew stands ready to attack. The crowd anxiously awaits the confrontation.



Get him! Get him!


Vitamin X barks out the same thing. Cuban Wall charges after Brickston. Brickston knocks him out with one punch! Mr. Boricua charges forward. Brickston ducks the punch, grabs Mr. Boricua, and lifts him up on his shoulders. Killswitch on Mr. Boricua! Brickston looks at Thomas Rodriguez. That causes Thomas to run out of the ring, up the entrance ramp. That leaves Vitamin X alone with John Brickston. The crowd cheers loudly, hoping that “Rock Hard” hurts The X-Man.



Vitamin X is trapped in the steel cage with John Brickston! What’s going to happen next?


Vitamin X tries to find a way to escape, but there’s nowhere to run. So, X goes to punch Brickston. John blocks the punch, and headbutts Vitamin X! X gets up, so Brickston headbutts him again! X gets up a third time, and once again gets headbutted back down! VX has had enough, and slides out of the ring, running up the entrance ramp.



John Brickston has shown Vitamin X what happens when you piss him off!



That big ugly buffoon had no business being out here!



He’s going to face Vitamin X later tonight, so I think he has a reason to be out here!


Vitamin X has exited through the entrance. John Brickston stares at the entrance, cussing at VX. Cuban Wall and Mr. Boricua leave the ring, in pain. Brickston goes to help Colombian Heat up. “Fuel” by Metallica starts playing. Brickston checks on Heat while the crowd cheers.



The Lightning Crew has been thwarted once again by John “Rock Hard” Brickston! He may have come a little too late, but atleast he came!



Oh so what? Colombian Heat is knocked out, and Brains & Brawn will destroy Brickston later on tonight! Everything will be fine.


John Brickston helps Colombian Heat exit the ring.



You okay, man?



Yeah, I’m fine. I’m fine.



Well, we now have another match added to Zero Hour! Cuban Wall and Mr. Boricua vs. Colombian Heat and Spanish Fly! And later on tonight, Brains & Brawn will take on Leon Rodez and John “Rock Hard” Brickston! There’s still more HeldDOWN~! to come! We’ll be back after this!


John “Rock Hard” Brickston helps the dazed, in pain Colombian Heat walk up the entrance ramp as the crowd cheers and “Fuel” by Metallica continues playing.




Commercial break

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Ladies and gentlemen, last Thursday night Sarcastic Simon and Aliz Spezia met in a one-on-one contest...


While a few observant fans vainly attempt to direct the ref's attention towards what's soon to transpire, [simon] wields a championship [belt] like a battering ram, sinisterly aiming it directly towards Alix's cute face. But the feisty wrestler, tipped off by the crowd noise, fights him off with a swift gut high kick! The belt falls from his land, as he's left coughing and wheezing like a chain smoker. She pulls him into a frontface lock, looking for a DDT! Yet Simon wildly punches his way out of her grasp. With a smile on his lips, he snares her into a standing head scissors. Before the crowd's chants can inspire it's target for one last rebellion, Simon spikes her head against the metal title with a piledriver! Her skull disgustingly bounces off the metal plating, sapping whatever life is left out of her slender body. The chants seem to come from miles and miles away, as she slips deeper and deeper into blackness, while Simon pushes the belt out of the ring. He returns to make the cover, and Silverman, on cue, comes back to count.










...that saw Simon use the tag team title belt to pick up the victory. An irate Krista Isadora Duncan, tag team partner of Alix Spezia, demanded a match with Simon, but OAOAST officials did her one better. They have signed a World Tag Team Title match between C.O.D. and the New New Midnight Express for February 26th at Zero Hour.



Which happens to take place in the girls' backyard, Los Angeles.



Give credit where credit is due, baby boy. OAOAST officials had nothing to do with the signing of this match. That sole honor belongs to the greatest GM in professional sports today, my good friend, Axel. He's the one who booked the tag title match for Zero Hour because the man smelled money -- big money! The more money he makes for the company, the more he gets paid and the happier the Donald is. Buffalo Bill may oversee OAOAST operations, but Mr. Trump signs all the checks. And as long as the money keeps flowing in hand over fist, the Axel administration will remain in power no matter how hard Watts and that teacher's pet Zack Malibu try to oust him.



All we need now is a pre-recorded comment saying, "I'm Axel and I approve this ad."



As a matter of fact, we're going to go to some pre-recorded comments from the New New Mid--



What are you trying to say, Caboose?



Wipe the brown off your nose, Coachman.



Maybe you'd like to step inside the ring.



That's one of the best ideas you've ever had, Coach.


The crowd ROARS as Caboose gets up from his seat and towers over Coach.



Gentlemen, please. We have a show to do.



You're right, Mikey. The Coach is a professional. Learn the meaning of the word, 'Boosey.


The Coach's and Caboose's mics are turned off as they argue in the background.



While I try to play peacemaker out here, let's hear these pre-recorded comments from the World Tag Team Champions.

(to Coach and Caboose)

Come on, guys. Knock it off.



I'll knock you off!




Sarcastic Simon and Narcissistic Ned in front of a backdrop of the world famous "HOLLYWOOD" sign. The World Tag Team Titles draped over their shoulders, the duo look as smug as ever in their silver vests, gold chains and sunglasses.



It seems as though Ned and I have causd Krista Isadora Duncan and all her feminist friends to burn their bras in protest over my big win last week. To all of you I say: Shave your armpits, you stupid broads! :lol: Apparently Krissy is pretty prissy about the way I scored the 1-2-3 over her life--

(comically shakes head)

I mean tag team partner Alix Spezia. And for what? I didn't hit sweet little Alix with a foreign object, I won the match fair and square with a piledriver. And the last time I checked we weren't in Memphis, and a piledriver is considered a legal move in the OAOAST.



I don't think their beef is with the piledriver, Simon.



How can they have any beef when they're nothing but skin and bones?! :lol: They're like those anorexic sisters that are constantly featured on The Insider, except they wrestle.


You see, when Alix decided to put her cute little wabbit tail inside the squared circle, she became just another wrestler. You wanna fight with the men, you're gonna get treated like a man. Besides, isn't that what you girls are all about -- equality? Or just when it benefits YOU? Get over yourselves. You make me SICK to be socially liberal!



Testify, brother Simon.



Unlike that bitter hag, Krista, I still have youth on my side. So not only am I wrinkle free, but my memory is flawless, and it's telling me that all four of us have driven down this road before. Have we not? Let me take you back in a time. A little under a year ago, you two were riding high, coasting on the wave of momentum you built up after you upset Zack Malibu and Dan Black at Anglepalooza to win these tag team titles. After that you went through Black T, GPX, all the supposedly great tag teams to defend your titles, and all these so called wrestling experts, who are nothing but thirty year old shut-in's posting on message boards in between their circle jerks over the newest OAOAST diva's magazine, they were all making outrageous predictions about how long your title reign would last. Five months, seven months, a whole year! No one could beat you is what they said! And when the contract got signed for you to take on Ned and myself in Los Angeles at Living Angelously, everyone naturally assumed this would be the second of many pay per view title defenses for you. No one, outside of myself, and Ned wanted to believe we had anything more then a puncher's chance of beating you. Not in your hometown. It was impossible. It couldn't be done. The crowd would take us out of our game is what they said. You'd walk right over us. Didn't happen. We won. It was hard. Ned left with a bloodied face, I left with a sore neck, but we left with the belts.


(Simon pauses to catch his breath)



After that match you walked out of that arena, through your hometown crowd, and you weren't seen again for months. So while Alix was out in the public eye doing her best job to make Paris Hilton look like Aristotle, and Krista was on Regis and Kelly telling flabby soccer moms across the globe how to get a better bikini BUTT, we were beating the tar out of those pretty boy canucks Marvin and Melvin Nerdly, and making life an unending hell for the Heavenly Rockers. But now you're back, ladies, and you want to test the path fate's laid out for you. You want to unseat us from our throne at the top of the tag team kingdom. Already I can hear the shirll voices of the pundits saying that Simon and Ned are heading for another short, forgetable tag title reign. "Krista's nearly unbeatable, they say, hometown advantage, they say." Yada,yada,yada, whatever. Ladies, allow me to inform you of something. You live in a city where there are two types of people, somebodies and nobodies. Right now you're at the top of the first group, and if you have an inkling of what's healthy for you, you'll stay the hell away from us, because we'll bust you down to the second group before little Maya can sing “I saw mama kissing Mrs.Calus”



February 26, Zero Hour, Los Angeles, California. C.O.D. vs. the hottest tag team in the sport today for the World Tag Team Championship. I gotta hand it to you, Krista, men really are your property and you continue to play them like fools. Once again you have gotten your way. It wasn't enough that you took my daughter away from me, now you have to go out and take the one thing that means the most to me in this world...outside of my daughter, of course...the OAOAST Tag Team Championship. It ain't gonna happen, honey. Unlike you and that twig you call a partner, Simon and I get in done in the ring, not in the boardroom and not in the courtroom, the ring. As much as it will pain me to know our daughter will once again witness her mother get her ass kicked, the tag team championship is one thing you'll never be able to take from me. Ever. Come the 26th of February the world will know who wears the pants in our family. I'm going to hit you hard, Krista, and this time only I'll experience the pleasure from it.





(Back to SC)



Before our next match starts we have been given a very special announcement to make for the upcoming PPV Zero Hour. As you all know there will be a X Games Match for the X-Division Title between Parka and Jamie O'Hara. This match will take place at a Skate Park in L.A., but what you don't know is that OAOAST Officials have contacted a very special guest to come and do commentary for this match.



Oh really? Well I have a few celebrity friends. Who is it?



None other than....Tony Hawk!



No way! Tony and I are like best buds. He never told me about this.



I guess he lost your number Coach.



All that takes place at Zero Hour, but this week Parka is set to face newcomer in the very odd Dance Dance Dragon.



Dance Dance what?



Dragon. Come on you do know what a Dragon is don't you?



Of course I do.



Well let's see what this guy is made of.


“Hung Up” by Madonna begins as a DDR Hologram appears on stage and the lights go down. Dragon walks out and then when the song picks up he begins to bust a move for the fans. The fans get into the song and the dancing as a group of scantily clad women join him, much to the delight of the men in the audience.



I like this guy already.



I don't think he's a part of the Upstarts.



That can be overlooked.


Dragon dances to the ring, slapping hands with fans along the way.



This match is scheduled for one fall and is for the X-Division championship!





Introducing first. From Osaka, Japan, weighing in at 179 pounds, he is....DANCE DANCE DRAGON!!!!!




The music dies out and is replaced by “California Love”.




The El Camino pulls out onto the stage as Parka holds the title out of the window for all to see. He revs the engine a couple of times before parking it and exiting the car along with Eddy. He then makes his way down to the ring, slapping hands with the fans along the way. When he enters the ring he shakes hands with Dragon and then poses on the turnbuckles with his title before handing it to the ref. Parka then hands his mask to Eddy.



Introducing next. From San Diego, California. Accompanied to the ring by Eddy Kalm. He weighs in at 245 pounds and he is the reigning X-Division Champion....THE PARKA!!!!!!




Parka warms up in the corner as Dragon does the same on the other side and the ref calls for the bell.





Here we go.



Where'd the girls go?



Well I guess Dragon isn't your favorite anymore then.


The two men meet in mid ring and lock up. Parka drives Dragon into a corner and then goes to whip him across, but Dragon reverses and sends Parka into the opposite corner. Dragon warms up with a few dance steps before charging into the corner for a Clothesline. However, Parka ducks and catches Dragon with a boot to the gut as he turns around. Parka then nails a quick Snap Suplex and goes for a cover.











Not enough for even a two count.


Both men are up at the same time and lock up again. Dragon manages to get a Hammerlock, but Parka reverses into a Hammerlock of his own. Dragon throws a back elbow that causes Parka to let go and gives Dragon the opportunity to whip Parka across the ring. Dragon goes for a kick to Parka's gut when he comes back, but Parka catches the leg and nails a Dragon Screw Leg Whip.



Ouch! Parka just torqued that leg hard.



Hey that's his dancing leg!



Doesn't he use both legs?


Parka pulls Dragon back up by the mask and whips him into a corner before following in with a Jumping Leg Lariat that snaps Dragon's head back. Dragon falls face first to the mat and Parka goes for another cover.











Still only a one count!


Parka gets up and waits for Dragon to stand and then grabs him by the arm. Parka then locks in an Arm Wringer, but Dragon begins to flip around to get out of it, but he keeps flipping and cartwheeling and then gets to his feet and Moonwalks away from Parka and into a corner. Parka follows in just as Dragon is making wave movements with his arms and Parka looks confused.






Well he's certainly unorthodox.



He's whack!


Parka charges in, but Dragon goes for a Back Body Drop at the last second. Parka goes over the top rope, but he lands on the apron. Dragon turns and catches a right hand to the face. Dragon recovers and comes back, but Parka ducks low and nails him in the gut with a shoulder. As Dragon is bent over Parka slingshots over with a Sunset Flip.














Parka was almost suckered in by Dragon's dancing, but he managed to recover.


Parka and Dragon are back up at the same time and they lock up once more. Parka goes for a Hip Toss, but Dragon flips through it and lands on his feet. Dragon swings behind Parka, hooks his other arm, and goes for a Backslide, but Parka flips over and lands on his feet much like Dragon did. Parka then goes for a Vertical Suplex, but Dragon drops behind him and then spins him around. Dragon then nails Parka with a kick that knocks him to his knees and he gets hit by two more rapid kicks to complete a 3 Kick Combo.



Wow what vicious kicks!



Now we see the serious side of Dragon.


Dragon goes for a cover.














Dragon with his first near fall of the night.



And what a display of reversals we had leading up to it.


Dragon waits for Parka to stand and then....dances. Parka looks stunned as Dragon does some fancy footwork and then motions for Parka to try. Parka looks around the crowd and then does the Charleston. The fans laugh and Dragon just shakes his head before signaling for a lock up.



Dance break I guess.


The two of them lock up and Dragon quickly nails an Armdrag. Parka is back up quickly and gets nailed with another Armdrag. This time Parka gets up slower and side steps Dragon as he runs in. As Dragon comes back Parka ducks down to the mat and Dragon leaps over him. As Dragon comes back Parka plants a knee in his gut causing him to flip head over heels. Parka then quickly goes to the apron and nails a Slingshot Senton before making a cover.
















That could have knocked the wind right out of Dragon.



I don't know if we'll see much dancing after that.



It's okay his dancing leg wasn't harmed.


Parka then pulls Dragon to his feet by the mask, which gets a warning from the ref, then Parka goes for a Vertical Suplex, but Dragon lands behind him, hooking Parka's head on the way down. He then pushes off the mat and up and over Parka. On the way down he drops him with a DDT to complete the Dance Dance DDT!



Nice move. He may have it won with that!
















No Parka kicked out!!


Parka comes up a bit dizzy and Dragon capitalizes on it. He lifts Parka onto his shoulders and does the Speed Modifier (Airplane Spin). Around and around he goes, faster and faster, until he finally drops Parka to the mat and looks a bit dizzy himself. However, Parka looks ready to hurl.



I think I'm dizzy too from watching that.



I'm gonna puke....look out.


Parka stumbles around in a comedic way while Dragon dances some DDR moves and even throws in the Cabbage Patch for fun. Parka stumbles back around to Dragon who leaps onto Parka's shoulders and nails a Hurricanrana. With Parka down Dragon hits the ropes and then goes for the Strong Style Shuffle (5 Knuckle Shuffle with a Knee Drop at the end) and hits it. He then goes for a cover.























No!! Parka kicks out!



I thought he had him for a second there.



That would have been the most shocking thing this week.



Maybe even this month.


Dragon waits for Parka to stand and then blasts him with a Yakuza Kick to the face that takes him back down.



Wow! Parka could be out right now!


Dragon then stands at Parka's head and does some fast DDR moves that would even make the biggest geeks jealous before bouncing off one side of the ring. He then leaps over Parka and bounces off the other side before doing a little crossover step, spinning around, and then looking to drop the DDR Elbow......but Parka moves at the last second and Dragon hits nothing but the mat.



Nobody home. He danced just a little too much.



But he was going for the most electrifying dance in OAOAST History.



Oh for the love of God please don't let that phrase stick. I don't want to hear that every week.


Parka gets up and shakes the cobwebs loose before pulling Dragon up and going for a Vertical Suplex. Parka nails it and goes for another. Parka then goes for a third and slowly stands back up. Parka then goes for the Michinoku Driver to finish off the Supercharger and goes for a cover, looking very worn out.




















No!!! Dragon kicks out.



Parka wore himself out doing that and didn't even get the three count.



No, but it put the momentum back in his favor. Dragon needs to regain his composure.


Parka then waits for Dragon to stand and then grabs him for the Day of the Dead. Parka goes for it, but Dragon fights out and lands on his feet behind Parka. Dragon then whips him around and then whips him into a corner. Dragon follows closely behind and nails a Spinning Wheel Kick to Parka in the corner. He then sits Parka on the top turnbuckle and goes for the Bemani Buster (Muscle Buster) on Parka. He pulls Parka out of the corner, but Parka fights out and lands behind Dragon. He then gets under him and hits a Samoan Drop before going to the corner.



Could he be going to the top rope?



He could.


Parka climbs to the top turnbuckle and comes off with the Death from Above (Shooting Star Double Stomp) and hits it before making a cover.


























Good match by both men. I am both impressed and a bit disturbed by Dance Dance Dragon.



Come on Cole you just don't know how to have fun.


“California Love” plays as Parka is handed his title and holds it high for the crowd to see. Dragon gets to his feet and reaches out a hand to shake with Parka. The two shake and then Dragon invites Parka to dance a bit, but Parka politely declines so Dragon dances himself. Parka leaves as Dragon entertains the fans a little bit.



He's certainly interesting, but the fans love him.



If he keeps bringing fly girls to the stage with him then I'll love him too.



In that platonic way right Coach?



Let's go to something else before you two get out of hand.....again.


Meanwhile, backstage in the parking lot area, Tha Puerto Rican flips his OAOAST Wireless Flip Phone up to receive a call.


Tha Puerto Rican

Yo, Pops, they took the straw out?


::Random incoherent rambling is heard, but we can't make it out. Tha Puerto Rican takes the cell phone and walks toward the cameraman, who panics and begins to run::


Tha Puerto Rican

Yo dude, Pops just wants to talk to the fans. Keep the camera rolling.


::TPR holds the cell phone up the microphone boom::


Stephen Joseph

Can you hear this?


Random Cameraman

Yes, coming in good


Stephen Joseph

Great. Listen up OAOAST Peoples. Now that I'm free of a feeding tube, which sucked in case you ever wondered what it would be like to be a Terry Schiavo vegetable for a day.


I'd like to address the following. One, I'd like to extend a hearty FUCK YOU to the Upstarts, especially Axel.


Crowd: YEAH!


Secondly, I probably won't return until Anglemania in a wrestling capacity, but as soon as I can, I'll be in Tha Puerto Rican's corner. We have unfinished business, and Puerto, I gave you a task, so I will look forward to what you find.


Tha Puerto Rican

Got it boss.


Stephen Joseph

Thirdly, to the OAOAST fans, I'd like to extend an apology for being an inconsiderate jackass for all these years. I promise from now on to be just a jackass.


Crowd: YEAH!


And FINALLY, Peter Knight, and Axel. We are not finished. Not by a long shot. Enjoy my time off, because when I get back, your personal hell begins.


Up Next: Thunderkid and Reject vs. The Heavenly Rockers in an Anderson Cup semifinal match!


Commercial Break

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G's and Soldiers plays and the crowd pops as the Heavenly Rockers make their way to the ring.



The following contest is a Semi-final match in the Anderson Cup tournament, scheduled for one fall! Introducing the first team, from Sin City, Las Vegas, Nevada, weighing in at a total combined weight of 432 pounds, the greatest rock 'n' wrestling band of all-time...the HEAVENLLLLLLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRROCKERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRSSSSSSSS






Tony Schiavone and Jesse "The Body" Ventura here to call the action for our next match. Good to be with you again, Jess. I'm glad to see you've calmed down since last week, big fella. How was your weekend?



Better than the Vice President's, I tell you that. A Navy Seal wouldn't miss his target. You know, we oughta go huntin' sometime, Schiavone. Just you and me. Guys night out. Whaddya say, huh?



I'll have to take a raincheck on that. We are moments away from getting the Los Infernales Conference Finals underway; the winner advances to the Anderson Cup Finals at Zero Hour. The Heavenly Rockers have been the subject of controversary in recent weeks, at least in the eyes of Jim Cornette.



Jim Cornette has a point. Who have the Heavenly Rockers beaten to get to the Conference Finals?



Tha Puerto Rican and Stephen Joseph, and Los Diablos de Fuego.




By forefits, Schiavone! Forefits! While the World Tag Team Champions are out there busting their butts defending their titles, Synth and Logan are being passed to the next level like this is a public school. Disgusting!


The Rockers get into the ring and bow on one knee, as pyro eminates from the ringposts and sparklers go off in the entranceway. They then go to a corner and await as God of Thunder hits and Thunderkid comes to the ring, to a somewhat mixed reaction.



Introducing their opponents...first, from Green Bay, Wisconsin, weighing in at 260 pounds...THUNDERKID!!!!!


TK raises his arms in the aisle, then slides into the ring and poses on the buckles, as What's the Difference hits and Reject comes to the ring, drawing mostly boos.



And his partner, from New York City, weighing in at 235 pounds...RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREJECT!!!!!



I can't believe these people, Schiavone. Why are they booing Reject? Don't tell me they're still mad at him for trying to collect the bounty on Zack Malibu? For the kind of money that Axel put on Malibu's head, even I would've tried to take him out. If anybody should be boo'd, it's Zack Malibu. I mean, the guy ambushed Reject. But I suppose you're gonna say Reject had it coming.



Well, Reject has been acting different lately. In addition to what he did to Zack at Anglepalooza, he also attacked Synth for no good reason. It was like he snapped for a short period of time. Hopefully Zack's actions scared Reject straight.



You tellin' me this is all because of a change in behavior? If you want sportsmanship, go watch the amatuers. This is professional wrestling. It's all about winning.


Reject slides in, as the camera pans over to Synth, who has a look of intent on his face and never takes his eyes off of Reject. After a brief convo, he steps out, leaving Logan to start off with TK. Logan and TK circle the ring, and TK gets a rear waistlock, lifting Logan up into the air and slamming him back down to the mat! Logan quickly gets to the ropes, forcing the referee to break the hold. Logan backs off and confers with Synth, then circles the ring again. TK goes for a tieup, but Logan ducks and takes him over with a fireman's carry! Logan quickly grabs an armbar, but TK is right near the ropes and simply falls over into them. Logan waits right up until the four-and-a-half count to break, then gets up and struts across the ring. TK gets up and has a slightly disturbed look on his face. He then circles the ring again, and gets a double-leg takedown on Logan, who immediately pops up and tries one of his own, but TK holds his ground and hooks a front facelock. TK then switches to a side headlock. Logan backs him into the ropes, and whips him off. Logan drops down and TK goes over, then he leapfrogs TK, who comes off again and takes him down with a shoulderblock, sending him all the way to his corner! TK drops to one knee and flexes his biceps as Logan comes to his feet in his corner. TK bounces around in the center of the ring, as Logan has a brief convo with Synth. Logan decides to give it another try, and circles the ring. Logan ties up with TK, who wrenches the arm of Logan. Logan turns it right around on him, then attempts an Irish whip, but TK reverses, and picks up Logan in a PRESS SLAM~!, but Logan struggles and slips behind the back, then pushes TK into the ropes for a reverse sunset flip!










TK charges at Logan, but gets caught in an armdrag! Logan applies an armbar, then wrings the arm again, dragging him over to his corner and tagging in Synth.


Synth grabs the arm and wrings it once more, before TK grabs the hair and pulls him back into a corner. As the referee counts, TK releases, and drives a forearm right into the mush of Synth! A European uppercut follows, before TK pulls Synth out of the corner and delivers an overhead belly-to-belly! TK follows with a kneedrop, then covers...










TK gives Synth a back suplex, then tags in Reject.


Reject delivers kicks to the back of Synth's head, then picks him up and whips him into the ropes. Synth ducks a spinkick, then Reject leapfrogs and catches Synth with a powerslam! Reject gets up, measures Synth...but Synth rolls out of the way of an elbowdrop! Synth grabs Reject and hooks a side headlock, but Reject counters by turning it into a Blue Thunder bomb!








Kickout! Reject goes to an armbar, and starts to paintbrush Synth on the back of the head! Synth then does a forward handspring, then wrings Reject's arm...and slaps him right across the face! Reject holds his face, then looks at his hand. He then looks up at the crowd, before taking a wild swing with his free arm at Synth, who ducks, then chicken wings the arm while grabbing a rear waistlock and delivering a suplex!














Reject holds his head as Synth picks him up and delivers a vertical suplex! He then signals for the PERCUSSION~!!!111 He sets him up, but is too close to the ropes and eats a clothesline from the outside from TK! Reject quickly tags out to TK, who picks up Synth for an Irish whip. Synth reverses and goes for a clothesline, which TK ducks, but he gets caught coming off the other side with a spinning wheel kick! Cover...












Synth waits on TK to get up, and hooks him in a small package!










Synth hits a dropkick, then grabs the legs and flips over...





2...but TK bridges out! TK spins around to his feet, then picks up Synth and plants him with a gutwrench powerbomb!








Logan pulls TK off by the leg! Reject rushes in and delivers a right hand to Logan before the referee separates them. Reject gets out of the ring, and tags are made on both sides.



Great job on the part of the referee, preventing things from getting out of hand.


Reject and Logan circle the ring, and Reject grabs Logan in a rear waistlock. Logan is able to grab a leg and trip up Reject, but Reject pushes him off into the ropes and catches him with an armdrag! Reject bars the arm, and delivers a knee to it. Logan gets to his feet, then delivers a bodyslam to Reject, but Reject rolls through and keeps the hold! Reject then starts to paintbrush Logan, who responds by biting Reject right on the nose! Reject lets go of the hold, and staggers around the ring. Logan then hits a foot to the gut, and follows with the PERCUSSION~!!!111



Oh, he hit it early!



My goodness, this may be it! Logan with the cover!




















TK makes the save! Logan stares down TK as he leaves the ring, then whips Reject into the ropes and hooks a sleeper! Reject slowly fades away. He drops to one knee, then to a second, as the referee lifts his arm...










If the arm goes down one more time, it's over.



Reject holds through on the third lift, then fights his way back to his feet and backs Logan into the corner! However, as Reject shakes the cobwebs loose, Logan comes back and hooks the sleeper once more! TK complains from the corner, trying to tell the referee about choking. Reject fades even faster this time, as the referee makes one lift of the arm, and Reject falls forward into the ropes. Logan, however, keeps the hold on, risking disqualification, and TK comes over and rakes his eyes, causing him to finally release. TK checks on Reject as Synth comes over to confront TK, and gets shoved. The referee ushers TK out of the ring, and Logan goes to the second rope, coming down with a forearm to the back of Reject. He then goes up once again, but Reject lifts a foot up, and Logan jumps right into it! Reject slowly gets to his feet, sets up Logan...and hits the PITCH BLACK~!!!111 Cover...

















...but this time Synth is there for the save! Reject picks up Logan and hits a FISHERMAN'S BUSTER!












Logan gets a foot on the rope! Reject drops a snap legdrop, then tags in TK!


TK picks up Logan, and gives him a FALLAWAY SLAM! Cover...










Shoulder up!


Logan reverses an Irish whip, but TK bounces right out of the corner with a BICYCLE KICK! TK drops to one knee once again and flexes, drawing another mixed reaction, mostly cheers this time. He picks up Logan in a PRESS SLAM~! and drops him straight to the floor! Synth goes over to check on his partner, but is quickly ushered back over by the referee. Logan walks around to the side of the ring, and TK meets him. Logan blocks two suplex attempts, and suplexes TK all the way to the outside! TK goes down hard, and Logan follows him, picking him up in a bodyslam and ramming him into the post! He then tosses him back in, and tags in Synth. Synth delivers a vertical suplex to TK, then goes up to the second rope, and comes down with an elbowdrop!


















NO! TK kicks out!


Synth stays on TK, giving him a gutwrench suplex. He then applies an abdominal stretch, which TK quickly powers out of with a hiptoss. He sets up an Irish whip, which is reversed. TK leaps over Synth, then ducks a clothesline, but Synth catches him with a quick belly-to-belly overhead! Cover...
















Synth takes TK down with a Russian legsweep. He then sets up an Irish whip, which is reversed. Synth leaps over TK, but is caught with a knee to the back from Reject! Logan jumps in to complain as TK drops an elbow and covers. No referee, but eventually he turns around...












Kickout by Synth!


TK tags Reject in, and Reject gives Synth a backbreaker. He then picks him up, scoops him in a tombstone position, and falls forward with a pancake! Cover...















NO! Kickout!


TK is tagged back in once again, and drives Synth with a Tiger suplex and bridge! The referee starts to count, but Synth's feet managed to land on the ropes. TK slaps the mat in frustration, then once again tags Reject. Reject wrenches the arm, and drops him with a hook kick! He then points at TK and makes a kicking motion, and tags TK in. TK comes in and hooks a hangman's hold. Reject holds his hand to his ear, then measures Synth and drives his foot into his abdomen! Synth shields his stomach as TK picks him up...and hits the THUNDERBLOT DDT~!!!!!11111 Cover...






























NO!!! Logan saves!



Synth needs to make a tag. After a back-and-forth start, TK and Reject have taken control of the match.



Let's not forget, Tony, the Heavenly Rockers haven't experienced a true Anderson Cup match until tonight. While they were moving on via forefits, TK and Reject were getting the job done in the ring. It's like the playoffs. Playing in the regular season is one thing, it's a whole different thing in the playoffs. All the pressure of never having won the big won may be weighing down on the Heavenly Rockers.


TK knocks Logan out of the ring from behind, then tosses Synth out over the top. Synth crawls over towards his corner from the outside, but TK reaches out and grabs him. Synth comes up and gives him a shoulder to the gut! He then slingshots himself over the top rope for a sunset flip, but TK has a firm grip on the rope! This changes, however, when Logan DRILLS TK with a right hand! TK falls over and Synth completes the move...


































NO!!! TK kicks out!


Reject jumps into the ring and goes after Logan, and they brawl in the corner, as Synth picks up TK. Synth sets up the PERCUSSION~!!!111, but TK backdrops him over the top rope! Logan hits TK with a clothesline, and they both go over the top rope to the floor! Reject then follows everyone out with a SOMERSAULT PLANCHA~! Everyone lays around on the floor for a few seconds, then pile back into the ring, where TK and Reject hammer away on Logan. They signal for the THUNDEROUS REJECTION~!!!!!11111 TK picks up Logan for the setup, but Synth spears Reject to the mat, and TK is forced to put Logan down. Logan quickly counters TK's hold, and Synth joins in as they quickly hit the DOUBLE-TEAM PERCUSSION~!!!!!11111



WHOA! They got him good. I'll be amazed if TK can kick out of this.



Synth with the cover...

















































Reject comes back in and checks on TK, then goes and confronts the winners. He gets right in their face, then backs off and sticks out his hand. He keeps talking to them as the Rockers think about it and TK comes to, and Logan finally accepts and shakes the hand of Reject. Reject then moves his hand to Synth, trying to explain to him that the incident at AnglePalooza was past history, and Synth accepts. Logan then helps TK up and shakes his hand, and TK shakes the hand of Synth before TK and Reject leave the ring, and the winners celebrate as G's and Soldiers plays.



Great show of sportsmanship on the part of all 4 men. The Heavenly Rockers have moved onto the Anderson Cup finals, Jesse. We'll find out who their opponents will be later on tonight.



Helluva match. Very back-and-forth. It could've gone either way, but the Heavenly Rockers finally win a match in the 2006 Anderson Cup. They'll now go onto the Finals, which I'll call, Schiavone! I'm pumped up for that.



Stay tuned, more HeldDOWN to come!


Fade in to an empty arena, shots of the empty seats are spliced with the image of a single spotlight iluminating an empty ring. The ghostly echo of cheering is heard as the camera pans around the ring as voices and images from the past appear almost as a dream.


AngleMania I


JR: Good Evening, BAH GAWD, and Welcome to AngleMania (echo)...Mania....Mania.....


HHH refuses to tap saying he'll never job to AS!


Chris Jericho appears through the crowd and tells the Time Keeper to ring the bell!





The winner of the Match and

NEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWW One & Only AngleSault Thread

HeavyWeight Champion of the World,



AngleMania II












The crowd ERUPTS. People jump to their feet. Zack Malibu, completely spent, rolls off of Anglesault and onto his back. A shot of Zack holding the belt aloft is added in





AngleMania III




Malibu collapses across Calvin's body, not even able to hook a leg, as this cover is purely out of desperation! Earl Hebner slaps the canvas, as the crowd counts along...











Another shot of Zack with the belt is added as more cheering is heard.


AngleMania IV




The count is made.








Now.....an event five years in the making.......


Cut to a montage of the current OAOAST stars in action, including Leon Rodez, Alfdogg, Zack Malibu, Chicks Over Dicks, GPX, Tha Puerto Rican and more. The footage speeds up, the images becoming more and more of a blur until we quickly cut back to the empty arena, where now one man stands in the middle of the ring, though his identity is obscured. He looks around the arena as the camera gets in closer. He turns toward it and reveals......




Anglesault, smiling like a proud papa. The image fades out, replaced by.....




Coming April 2nd

Trump Taj Mahal, Atlantic City, New Jersey


(Fade out)


*Josh is backstage with Thunderkid and Reject.*



I'm back here with Thunderkid and Reject, who just moments ago, lost a grueling match...



Shut up! I don't want to talk about that right now. What I want to talk about is our match last week, when Zack Malibu snuck up on me like a thief in the night, and took a cheap shot at me! You'd think the so-called "Franchise" would have enough guts to come at me face-to-face! Well, I'm gonna give you that chance next week, Zack. I'm challenging you to a match, one-on-one, right here next week! I'll be here all night, Zack, waiting for your answer. We'll see what kind of Franchise you are. I'm out of here.


Reject walks off, as TK shrugs at Josh and follows him as we go to break.


Commercial break

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As we return to the big Haitch Dee, "Rhymin' and Stealin'" by The Beastie Boys is playing in the background as Vitamin X and Cuban Wall are just entering the ring, ready for some hot and heavy tag team action.



Well, this promises to be an interesting tag team match. We've got the Lightning Crew combination of Vitamin X and The Cuban Wall against a man with a lot of Lightning Crew connections in former member John "Rock Hard" Brickston and the man who's on a February 26th collision course with the Lightning Crew's head honcho PRL, Leon Rodez. And on paper, it seems like a pretty even contest.



*BZZT!* UH! Wrong! Rodez and Brickston have never teamed before in their careers. Where-as Brains and Brawn are a true tag team and have been fellow members of the Lightning Crew for over two years.



And Leon Rodez is a former Tag Team Champion.



With Zack Malibu. He was carried so well by Zack, he might as well have had handles attached to his sides.


Cuban Wall eagerly goes through a shadow-boxing routine in the centre of the ring, trying to fire himself up, while Vitamin X poses on the middle rope which gets a rather negative reaction from the crowd.



See! Now that's a true team!



They've only been teaming for a few weeks.



Yeah, but they have theme music Mikey. Theme music!







"C'mon man"



The crowd autmoatically rise to their feet on the sound of LL Cool J's "Mama Said Knock You Out" and X's posing session is cut short by the entrance of...John "Rock Hard" Brickston? Oh, and Leon Rodez as well. Brickston glares down at Vitamin X as he strides down the aisle, not reacting to the block rocking beat playing through the P.A system quite like his partner, who grooves down behind him tagging the hands of the fans. Watching on from the ring, Brains and Brawn are far from impressed by Rodez, but X clearly has some respect (or possibly fear) for Brickston, as he darts from the ring the moment Brickston's feet touch the ring apron.



And, their opponents! They are the team consisting of JOHN "ROCK HARD" BRICKSTON and "SILKY SMOOTH" LLEEEEOOOONN... RRRROOOOOODDEEEEZZZZZZZ!!!




Rodez slides into the ring and leaps to the middle rope to applaud his roaring fans. Behind him, Brickston and Cuban Wall stare each other down from across the ring.



You get the feeling that PRL has given his Lightning Crew followers some strict orders tonight. Not only would PRL like John Brickston out of commission, but there's no doubt he'd be pleased if Leon Rodez didn't make it to Zero Hour in top condition.



And he won't! Cuban Wall has 60 pounds on him and I don't care what Brickston or anyone says, Vitamin X is the most dangerous man in the OAOAST!



You don't seriously believe that.


As Rodez hops off of the ropes and begins to discuss strategy with Brickston, Vitamin X climbs back to the apron. X still doesn't look too eager to get involved with Brickston and 'nominates' his partner Cuban Wall to start the match off, giving him some over-eager encouragement while he skulks in the corner. Seeing Wall ready to start, Brickston goes after X but is held back by the referee who wants to keep at least some control. Brickston tries to shuffle past the referee, but as he does, Cuban Wall strides over and NAILS Brickston with a cheap right hand over the referee's head! Brickston goes down and ends up underneath the bottom rope. But as Wall goes after him again, Rodez attacks from behind and the referee finally has chance to start the match.





Despite the size dis-advantage, Rodez takes the fight to Wall with a series of right hands. Wall is eventually backed into the ropes and Rodez grabs an arm for an irish whip. The powerful Wall puts the kabosh on that though as he hangs onto the top rope, booting Rodez in the gut with enough force to knock Rodez backwards. Rodez backrolls to his feet and comes at Wall again with some more right hands. But Wall lands a knee to the gut this time to put a stop to that, taking the pesky Silky Smooth One around the back of the head and tosses Rodez through the middle rope...




...but Rodez hangs onto the rope and lands on the apron, right next to John Brickston! Wall turns around and both Rodez and Brickston meet with quick shots to the jaw, then hook hold of Wall's head and set him up for a double suplex to the outside! Vitamin X sees his partner in trouble and rushes into the ring, hitting the ropes at the side and aiming a clothesline at the nearest man, Leon Rodez. Rodez ducks and X's arm carries on over Wall's head, causing him to clothesline Brickston off the apron!







As Brickston goes down, Wall tries to do the same to Rodez. Rodez ducks the clothesline though, Wall coming to a stop and trying a second time. Again Rodez ducks though and Wall ends up clotheslining his own partner!!







Wall stops and looks down at his partner apologetically, before realising this is the same partner he routinely punches in the jaw and figuring X should be used to it. Back around to Rodez he turns. But Rodez is already in flight, slingshotting himself over the top rope and hooking his legs around Wall's head, snaring him over with a headscissors takeover! Wall comes straight back up in the centre of the ring as Rodez hits the ropes. A little dizzy, Wall misses with his clothesline as Rodez rushes past him, coming off the ropes a second time and going for a flying forear...CAUGHT! Wall catches Rodez in his arms and charges Rodez spine first into the corner!



There's the power of the Cuban Wall, the biggest man in this match!



And a man Rodez stands no chance against. Against Vitamin X, maybe, but against Cuban Wall he's simply going to get torn apart.


Slumped in the corner Rodez struggles for breath as Wall strides into the opposite corner of the ring, getting a run up for a big avalanche in the corner...WHICH MISSES! Rodez avoids Wall, who crashes sternum first into the turnbuckles, then dropkicks Wall in the back and sends him into the buckles for a second time! Turning Wall around, Rodez then rears back...







...and lands a knifedge chop.







...and a second. Wall is absorbing the shots and Rodez is just beginning to realise this...







...as he despairingly lands a third. Still Wall seems unaffected, so Rodez changes tactics, latching on a side headlock on the bigman. That doesn't last long however as Wall simply picks Rodez up as if going for a back suplex, then tosses him out of the corner and right on his tailbone!



See! Nothing! Wall took everything Rodez could throw at him and then he threw Rodez about 10 feet across the ring!


Holding his BUTT, Rodez pulls himself up. Coming out of the corner, a charging Wall mows through Rodez with a brutal clothesline! Having just returned to his team's corner, Vitamin X applauds his partner as he stares out at the crowd who are doing their best to get on the big guy's back. Wall shrugs it off and pulls Rodez back up. While holding Rodez up he lands a punch to the gut, then an uppercut up under the ribcage. Those shots are followed up with a hard side elbow to the side of the head that sends Rodez sprawling across the ring.


"LE - ON!"

"LE - ON!"

"LE - ON!"

"LE - ON!"


The fans now begin to rally behind the #1 Contender to the 24/7 Championship as he pulls himself up on the ropes across the ring. Learning from his early failed charge, Wall is more cautious this time, walking over to Rodez and keeping on him with the uppercuts before whipping him off to the ropes. Back shoots Rodez...and straight into a mushful of big boot! Wall drops to his knees and makes a casual cover...
















X encourages Wall on regardless, as the Muscle of the Lightning Crew waits for Rodez to stand. He's already prepped and waiting, hand over his head, as Rodez walks straight into Wall's path and gets dropped with a Sidewalk Slam!



Oh yeah! Wall's coming out with the big guns early!



Rodez landed hard and PRL must be loving this.


X leaps up and down gleefully in the corner as Wall makes another casual cover, confident that Rodez is done for...
















...broken up by Brickston! Wall gets up and glares a hole through Brickston as he's reprimanded by the referee, distracting Wall from his partner Vitamin X who decides to tag himself into the match. Wall glances around confused as X scurries into the ring ready to go on the attack.



What are you doin'?



I tagged myself in!



No you didn't.



Yes I did!



No you didn't.



Yes I did!





OW! Okay, I didn't.


X sadly goes back to his corner rubbing his jaw as Cuban Wall raises his open hand above his head. Aa Chokeslam is on the horizon as Rodez comes back to his senses, deciding not to tag and turning around into another goozle! Wall grabs the tights, hoists The Silky Smooth One up...but somehow, Rodez escapes Wall's grip in midair and turns into the move, catching Wall under the jaw in a 3/4 facelock and dropping him down across a knee!



The Facial! Superb counter by Leon Rodez!


Head snapping upwards, back stumbles Wall. This time Vitamin X tags himself in and doesn't hang around to discuss it with his partner, scampering in time to stop Rodez getting a tag by bundling through him from behind. X then knocks Brickston off the apron for good measure, before clamping Rodez into a front facelock.



There we go! That's why Vitamin X is the Brains of Brains and Brawn. And great teamwork too, just as I predicted.



Great teamwork? Wall punches X in the face just a second ago!



Just playful banter between two bestest best buddies.



Really? That must make me and you soulmates.



Hitting people with cricket bats is a little different to little lovetaps on the jaw.


Vitamin X hangs onto the facelock as Rodez gallantly fights to his feet, managing to back X up towards a corner. Looking to neutralise Rodez, X starts to raise his knees up into Rodez's face and chest until he finally lets Leon go and rams his face into the top turnbuckle. With Rodez cornered, X then fires off a succession of quick kicks across the body of The New Age Love Machine. The crowd are right on X's case but he could care less as he continues to rain in shots on Rodez. Taking him by the arm, X then drags Rodez out and right into a diving short-arm clothesline. Leaping back to his feet a cocky smirk adorns Vitamin X's face as he jaws with the fans.



Unlike the rest of the Lightning Crew, Vitamin X has faced Leon Rodez before when Rodez was X-Division Champion. And thus far, X is faring a little better than he did a year or so ago.


Rodez is looking for a tag now, but X leads him away with a handful of tights, back to the centre of the ring where he buries a knee into the gut. Exposing the jaw, Vitamin X then goes on the attack with a right hand. Already there's a spring in the step and a little fancy footwork, as X lands a second punch. And, much to the crowd's dismay, X then does the Shane O Mac Shuffle...and MISSES the final right hand! Sprawling forward, X has to regain his bearings quickly and turn around...























Thank God Coach mysteriously disappeared...



Turning to the crowd, Rodez blows them the customary kiss and fires off the Enziguri...DUCKED! Rodez lands harmlessly on his front and his delay in getting up allows X to slam his knee into the side of Rodez's head!



Well, neither man could get their signature combos off, but the fresh Vitamin X still has the presence of mind to capitalise, where-as Rodez is beginning to struggle. He could do with making a tag to John Brickston, who is just itching to get in and clear house.


Leaving the ring, X is clearly feeling confident now as he heads to the top rope. Rodez seems momentarily lost as he searches for X, eventually spotting him high above as he leaps off the top and extending an arm for X to land across. And land across it he does, Rodez's hand burying itself in X's gut and causing him to do a Ted Dibiase front flip sell of markout proportions!





That looked low!



It looked fine to me.



You probably think your hair looks 'fine' too, so we'll just ignore anything you say from now on, shall we?


X kicks his feet in pain as he lays on the mat as Rodez does the smart thing and lunges for his corner, tagging in John Brickston!




The former PROTOTYPE comes into the ring and lets out an intense ROAR~! as Vitamin X shuffles back into a corner and tries to beg off. Brickston isn't going to fall for that though, grabbing Vitamin X and pulling him to his feet before unloading with a series of hard bodyshots!



Oh my, how John Brickston must be loving this! Finally he gets his hands on Vitamin X!



Come on Wall, get in there!


As Brickston continues his onslaught Cuban Wall seems to eventually hear Caboose's cry as he steps in and physically drags Brickston off of his partner. Brickston comes to a stop and Wall looks for a big clothesline. Brickston ducks it though and in the process, he ploughs through Vitamin X with a Spear coming out of the corner! Getting up, Brickston starts to shout down at X. But that allows Cuban Wall time to grab him, turning Brickston around and grabbing him in a goozle. Wall's first Chokeslam attempt failed...and so does his second, as Brickston adeptly counters with a Fujiawara takedown, releasing the arm and spinning back around to apply the Anklelock!!





ANKLELOCK! Brickston has that deadly Anklelock applied on Cuban Wall!



But he's not the legal man!


Brickston stands to his feet and wrenching on the ankle...





...but as the referee is round the front trying to tell Brickston that Cuban Wall isn't legal, Vitamin X capitalises by punting Brickston below the belt!!





What a cheapshot and you'd expect no less from someone like Vitamin X!



If anyone cared about your opinion, that could be seen as slander.


Brickston drops and curls into a fetal position, much to the confusion of the referee. He doesn't have time to ask questions though as Vitamin X clubs at the back of the former Italian Champion with overhand forearm after overhand forearm. Turning to the crowd, X then gets a flurry of more boos. Cuban Wall meanwhile rolls out of the ring, where Leon Rodez is around to meet him. Rodez fires off some punches at Wall as meanwhile, Vitamin X pulls Brickston into the centre of the ring and looks to lock him into the Lethal Injection. Brickston throws repeated elbows backwards though, until X is forced into retreat. So X lands a quick boot to the back of the head.


Out on the floor meanwhile, Cuban Wall has fought back on Leon Rodez and drives Rodez back into the ring apron. As Rodez staggers out holding his spine, Wall then reaches down and PRESSES Rodez up and over his head!!



Oh no! What the hell is Wall doing!?!


Turning around ringside, Cuban Wall seems to be looking for a suitable place to drop Rodez. Eventually, he turns to the announce table, much to the terror of Michael Cole who leaps from the sofa. Caboose is more casual coz he'z teh c00l and stuff, but he too gets out of the way as Wall presses Rodez forward and drops him on his front across the length of the announce table!!










I can hear Tha Puerto Rican laughing from here, Cole!


The table buckles but doesn't break, leaving Rodez laid face down on the table and groaning in pain. Cuban Wall smirks and at the scene, then turns to the ring...




...where Vitamin X has Brickston's arms double underhooked and is setting him up for The Overdose. As he looks to lift him up though, Brickston goes deadweight and is just too much for X to lift. X hangs onto the arms though as Brickston stands up and backdrops X over, only for The X-Man to land on his feet thanks to his hold on Brickston. Letting him go, X then turns around and pops Brickston in the jaw with a right hand before sending him into the ropes. Brickston rebounds as X ducks his head, too early, getting punished by a firm kick into the chest! X snaps back upright as Brickston looks to scoop Vitamin X up for a slam. Floating over the back, X spins Brickston around and looks for a scoop of his own. But Brickston floats over too, wrapping on a waistlock and heaving X up into the air, flipping him onto his front with a waistlock takeover...AND APPLYING THE ANKLELOCK!!




Brickston has X locked up and wrenches on the ankle, X flailing and flapping in front of him and clawing at his face as he tries not to tap out. As Brickston tries to get a submission out of X though, the fans attention has turned, heads focused on the aisleway and cheers turning to boos.












YAY! Always a pleasure, always!





The referee calls for the bell and the obvious disqualification, as Tha Puerto Rican stands over John Brickston with the 24/7 Title spinning around from the force of it's collision with his head. PRL has a devious smile on his face as he nails Brickston with a couple of shaky leg kicks. Meanwhile, down the ramp, the monster frame of Mr Boricua is on the way to the ring.



We thought PRL had sent Vitamin X and Cuban Wall out here to do his bidding...but I guess he wasn't satisified with fair odds. I guess we just HAD to make it 4 on 2 out here, huh?



PRL's an inspirational leader Cole. He leads by example!


PRL now leans over the ropes and motions for Cuban Wall to throw Leon Rodez into the ring. Wall does just that, dragging Rodez off of the table and tossing his lifeless body into the ring, while PRL continues his attack on Brickston. Vitamin X piefaces the referee out of the ring as The Lightning Crew begin to run riot in the ring.







Directing traffic, PRL gets Vitamin X to apply the Anklelock on John Brickston! As Brickston begins to come to from the pain of his own hold, Cuban Wall holds Rodez up and PRL charges across the ring with his 24/7 Championship in hand...






Down goes Rodez, while X lets go of Brickston and mocks him.



This is terrible! PRL is trying to take out the competition before Zero Hour!


Smirking from ear to ear, PRL tells Cuban Wall to "pick that jabroni right back up!", which he does. Behind that, Mr Boricua delivers a Big Splash to the back of John Brickston! X applauds that, while Wall hands Rodez off to Tha Puerto Rican who throws his arm over his shoulder and PLANTS him with the Latin Slam, right in the centre of the ring! Rodez lands and immediately clutches his ribs, as PRL jumps back up and gives Rodez the "You Can't See Me" hand signal.







PRL is clearly satisifed with his work, but Vitamin X apparantly isn't, as he stops PRL from leaving. Confused, PRL raises the Corporate Eyebrow at X, who then tells his Lightning Crew leader something. PRL smiles at whatever X told him, walking back over to Rodez...and kicking his arm over his chest.





YES! It's what the fans paid to see Michael!



Oh God, not the People's Elbow...





Going to pull off his elbowpad, PRL realises that he isn't actually wearing any elbowpads...so, instead, he pulls off the Puerto Rican flag bandana around his head and throws that down on Rodez. As he does that though, bodies begin to rush out through the entrance doors...Otaku II, Spanish Fly and Colombian Heat, wielding a steel chair!! PRL spots the cavalry just in time and grabs his title before scrambling for the exits. X, Wall and Boricua leave the ring too as Heat, Fly and Otaku pile into the ring to check on Rodez and Brickston.



This is ridiculous! The cavalry was too late and Rodez and Brickston have paid the price...I tell you what, PRL is a desperate, desperate man!






He's worried. PRL is worried at having to face Leon Rodez at Zero Hour! Why else would he attack him like this?



For the sheer fun of it?



Come on 'Boose! PRL set this up, he knew exactly what he was doing and it wasn't 'to have a bit of fun'! He's trying to get any advantage he can before Zero Hour!


Rodez is in a sitting position holding his head in pain as we fade out.


Zero Hour

10 Days Away

ONLY on Pay-Per View!


We return to the ring, where two familiar figures are standing side by side in the middle of the square circle. "The Ice Heart" Dan Black and Tony "The Body" Brannigan, almost painfully sharp in tailored Armani suits, each hold a microphone.



Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen. My colleague Tony Brannigan and I have requested this short time slot to briefly address a bout which occured last week in the Anderson Cup.



The Anderson Cup that we were cheated out of last year, and cheated out of again this year. Finally, I've figured it out. The OAOAST officials know that if Black T were to win the tag titles once more, well, there would be no one who could take them away. All matches would be forgone conclusions. I guess that wouldn't be good for business. But that's no excuse to give us a damn fast count in last week's match!


The crowd boos this remark.



Black T saved the life of the OAOAST tag division. We resuscitated it. Blew life into it. The tag team that beat us also knows a little about blowing. I didn't know until just this evening, but I must congratulate the Texas Lone Star Gunslingers, those big tough cowboys, on being the inspiration, the real life story behind the hit feature film, Brokeback Mountain. Well done, chaps.




It's a shame their wrestling skills don't match their, ahem...bare back riding. Now, Dan and I hate to lose. We hate to lose to losers even more. So we're here to put out a warning. Gunslingers, you got lucky. Incredibly lucky. You have no idea. It was a fluke, a lightning strike of opportunity. We are warning you boys, warning you to stay out of our way. Don't speak to us. Don't even look at us. In the ring, the locker rooms, promotional duties. You don't exist to us. You don't *want* to exist to us.



I think we've made our point clear. There's just one more thing




The crowd cheers in approval as the Gunslingers appear on the top of the ramp, grim expressions on their faces.



Oh, welcome to the party boys. You have something to say?


Windels and Mulligan don't say a word, merely staring at the ring. Mulligan is chewing a toothpick in the corner of his mouth. Windels unbuttons a denim shirt and drops it to the ground.



Wooo, easy there, we have nothing against you guys, but we're strictly for the ladies.


The Gunslingers look at each other, and nod. Mulligan spits out the toothpick.


They sprint down to the ring! Black and Brannigan barely have time to drop their mics before the Gunslingers tackle them to the mat, reigning hard punches into the heads and chests of the former tag champs. Black T cover up and try to get out of the ring, but the LSG don't let them escape. A posse of security rushes the ring, pulling the Gunslingers off their battered adversaries, who immediately pull of their jackets, shove the security in front of them out of the way and leap at Mulligan and Windels! The four men exchange fierce punches, until yet more security is called in!


Finally the two teams are dragged apart. The LSG are escorted out of the ring while Black T are held back, now looking rather less suave, spitting and swearing.



Oh my! Tempers running very high between these teams!



It's trans atlantic playboys vs rough neck cowboys, you thought they were going to hit the clubs together?



They can hit my club anytime.



Shut up, and go to commercial.


Up Next: The second Anderson Cup semifinal matchup!


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Otaku II vs. Flex Phillips


*Josh Matthews is backstage with OAOAST President Bill Watts.*



I'm backstage with OAOAST President Bill Watts...



Alf just typed that.



Well, it's so nice, it needed to be said twice!



Fair enough.



I understand, Mr. President, that you have a huge announcement to make concerning the Heartland title.



That's right, I do. You know, I've been watching these guys over the past several weeks, and these guys have been unstoppable in nearly every match situation. Whether it be a cage match, a strap match, a submission match, these guy can do it. So I thought, why not see if they can put it all together? So at Zero Hour, Alfdogg will be defending the OAOAST Heartland title against Brock Ausstin, in a Iron Man match.


*crowd pops*



But this is not just any Iron Man match. This will be a "Spin the Wheel, Make the Deal" Iron Man match. Now, you've seen the "Spin the Wheel, Make the Deal" format in the past, and we all know how an Iron Man match works. Let me explain how this will work: The first fall of the match will be a straight-up, one-on-one match with normal OAOAST rules intact. The winner of the fall will have whatever representative they choose spin the wheel. Whatever match the wheel lands on will be the next match the two men compete in. This will continue for 60 minutes, and whoever has the most falls when the final bell rings will be the OAOAST Heartland champion.



All right, I thank you, Mr. President, that is absolutely a huge announcement. Let's go back out to Sofa Central!



Wow, what a big match set up for Zero Hour. But is it wise for Alfdogg to compete in this type of match while his opponent for AngleMania will not even be competing?



Alfdogg isn't going to take the easy road to AM like Knight is.



Speaking of Zero Hour, it's time to find out who the Heavenly Rockers will meet in the Anderson Cup final!





Ladies and gentlemen, the following Anderson Cup contest is the Miracle Weirdness Connection Conference Final, and it is set for one fall. Introducing first, from Oklahoma City, at a total combine weight of 525 pounds... THE SOONER BRUUUUUUUUUUISERS!


The Sooner Bruisers come out to Edgar Winter's "Frankenstein". The always energentic "Pyscho Gremlin" Frank Frankensteiner runs around the stage responding to the crowd's HOWLS, while big brother Frank flexes his biceps for the cameras. Frankie is patted on the head as he dashes past Frank and slides into the ring.



The former All-Americans given a warm reception here tonight. As are the Lone Star Gunslingers, they are one win away from the Anderson Cup Finals. We send it back to Michael Buffer.




The theme from "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" accompany the team of the Lone Star Gunslingers, sending the female fans into a frenzy as the handsome duo sprint to the ring. As they slap hands with the fans, one eager female pulls Jock into the railing and plants a big kiss on him, bringing a smile to the face of "The Texas Twister".



Their opponents, from the Lone Star State, weighing 507 pounds... THE LONE STAR GUNSLINGERS!



This should be a magnificant match, one that could go 30 minutes or end in 5. Just look at the teams they have beaten to get here. The Sooner Bruisers went through Glory by Anarchy and Team Heyross to reach the Conference Finals. The Lone Star Gunslingers impressively defeated the team of Christian Wright and Bohemoth, then Black T -- yes, Black T -- in the semi-finals.



It's the 2 seed vs. the 5 seed. The Sooner Bruisers vs. the Lone Star Gunslingers.



Now that The Upstarts or Originals no longer have strong ties to those remaining in the Anderson Cup, I'm hoping for one helluva match. Personally, I'd like to see the Sooner Bruisers advance because I love their style. They wanna go in there and beat you senseless. You better have a good health insurance plan before stepping in the ring with those animals.


Baron and Jock wave to the crowd as they remove their jackets. Referee Charles Robinson requests both teams attendence in the middle of the ring to run the rules by them and check for hidden foreign objects. None are found. He wishes both teams luck and calls for the bell.




Both teams wish each other luck and shake hands. Baron and Frankie exit, leaving Frank and Jock in the ring to start. Following another handshake, the two circle around the ring before locking up, and Frank catches Jock with a T-Bone suplex! Jock favors his lower back as he rises to a knee, clearly caught off-guard by the quickness of the 275 pounder. He shakes off the cobwebs and hooks it right back up with the Man of Tomorrow, flinging Frank across the ring with an armdrag takeover. Frank pops up nodding his head, so far impressed by the toughness and resolve of the young Texan. Frank puts his amatuer wrestling skills to use, going behind Jock and taking him down to the mat. Jock squirms out of a front facelock, putting Frank on the defensive with a hammerlock. Frank makes sure he doesn't stay grounded for long, returning to a vertical base and firing a series of back elbows that free him from the hammerlock, and then leveling Jock with a Soonerline. Jock turns onto his stomach as Frank hits the ropes, leapfroging over a recoiling Man of Tomorrow, then connecting with a beautiful standing dropkick.






Jock brings Frank back to his feet, wringing the right arm. He takes him over to the Gunslingers corner and tags Baron Windels, who comes down on the outstretched arm with a BIONIC ELBOW off the top. He wrings the arm again and grounds the big man with a hammerlock. Baron with a succession of knees into the locked arm of Frankensteiner, trying to take away one of the Sooner Bruisers strongest points -- the Soonerline.



These boys might be from Texas, but it's obvious they've learned something in their short time in the OAOAST. They know the Sooners bread and butter is their beloved Soonerline. They saw how effective Team Heyross was in being able to put a limit on the amount of Soonerlines the Frankensteiners could use.


Frank gets up to his feet, looking to throw some back elbows but Baron has it well scouted, keeping his head low. So Frank goes behind and reverses Jock's hammerlock with one of his own. Or maybe not. Frank chicken wings the arms and slams Baron straight back with a TIGER SUPLEX!




TW-- Mulligan breaks up the pin. Frank drags Baron over to the corner and in comes the "Pyscho Gremlin." Frankie plants Baron in the center of the ring with another Sooner Bruisers trademark -- the belly-to-belly suplex!




TW-- Again Jock makes the save. Face-first into the turnbuckle goes Baron. Frankie backs him against the turnbuckles and shoots Baron to the far corner. He charges in and hits nothing but turnbuckle as Baron side steps. Windels off the near side with a Yakuza Kick right to the side of the head!









Oh, he almost had him.



Heh. Baron should've known hitting Frankie on his head wouldn't have much effect. You have to have something up there for it to hurt.


Windels sprints to his corner and tags Jock. "The Texas Twister" scales the turnbuckles, timing his leap and lunging forward...and into the arms of the Pyscho Gremlin and a POWERSLAM!








Frankie picks Jock off the mat and hoists him over his right shoulder in a Canadian backbreaker position. He charges the corner and rams an upside down Jock stomach-first into the top turnbuckle. Jock gets hung up on the top rope. Frankie sits him upright on the top and climbs onto the middle rope. BELLY-TO-BELLY SUPLEX!






TH-- NO!


Tag made by the Sooners. Frank kisses the peak of his bicep and drops the elbow down across the sternum of Jock.






Up in a Canadian backbreaker position goes Jock once again. Frank stays near the corner as he tags Frankie. Frank forcefully drops Jock to the canvas as Frank drops an elbow off the top!









Baron with yet another save.



The Sooner Bruisers do not take it easy on anyone. Friend or foe, they still come at you with the same intensity.



And that's what makes them The Coach's pick to win.


Frankie runs in place, HOWLING at the lights above. He scoopes Jock up and rams him back-first into the top turnbuckle, then runs across the ring and rams Jock into another turnbuckle. As Frankie looks to complete the Oklahoma Stampede with a running powerslam in the center of the ring, Jock is able to kick his legs free and DDT Frankie! Jock flicks his hand out to make the tag, not knowing he's far away from his corner. Baron sticks his head through the ropes, screaming at Jock, hoping his partner will follow where the voice is coming from. His eyes glazed, perhaps having had sustained a concussion from the powerbomb/elbow double-team combination, Jock looks at his partner, reaching for the tag. Baron seemingly wills Jock to the corner, doing his damnest to extend as far out as he can without letting go of the tag rope. Charles Robinson watches intently as Jock nears his corner and...Charles claps his hands overhead...makes the tag!



The tag has been made! Baron Windels and Frankie Frankensteiner now the legal men.


Baron leapfrogs over a rising Frankie and nails him coming back off the ropes with a BULLDOG!



Will that be it?














Frank pulls Baron off his brother. Jock comes back into the picture, jumping on Frank. The two slug it out as Charles Robinson orders both men out of the ring. Frank misses a wild Soonerline and gets caught in THE CLAW! Jock releases the hold and goes for a discus punch, but the referee gets in the way and is decked by the spinning right hand. Frank dives out of the ring to avoid any further confrontation with Jock.



Well, that just got him disqualified.



It was an accident. Charles Robinson, while trying to do his job, got in the line of fire. There was no ill intent.




Jock stands over the referee with his hands in his face. As Baron sets Frankie for a superplex, Jock tries to bring Charles back to his senses...but is pulled out of the ring by TONY BRANNIGAN!



What is this?!



From out of nowhere, Tony Brannigan has showed up ringside.


Tony sends Jock hard into the RINGPOST, while Baron hits the SUPERPLEX! Not knowing what's happened to his partner, Baron covers Frankie...only to get hit in the head courtesy of a Dan Black DIVING HEADBUTT! Black drapes Frankie's arm over Windels' chest and exits through the crowd along with Tony.











Ladies and gentlemen, the winners of the match and advancing to the Anderson Cup Finals at Zero Hour... THE SOONER BRUUUUUUUISERRRRRSSSSSSS!


The crowd is split. Frank returns to the ring unaware of how he and his brother have advanced to the Finals. Jock is still down outside, blood flowing down his face after going into the ringpost.



Jock is bleeding badly out on the arena floor. If he didn't have a concussion before, he probably does now. Ugh! What a horrible way to end what was otherwise a great match.



Regardless of that, the Anderson Cup final is now set as the Sooner Bruisers will face off against the Heavenly Rockers with the winner receiving a World Tag Team title shot at AngleMania. Should be a hell of a match.


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We are BACK with more HeldDOWN~! action for you, and up next is six man tag team action featuring two fresh feuds with a connected backstory. James Blonde and Faqu, who have worked off and on for the OAOAST since its inception, have made quite a name for themselves overseas with the HI-YAH promotion, a promotion that a few years ago began a talent swap arrangement with the OAOAST, as well as an agreement that each promotions respective titles would be honored in each others promotion. Recently the Global Party Exchange, charter members of The Upstarts, confronted Blonde and Faqu about their fame, claiming that what they've accomplished for HI-YAH means nothing, and that they mean nothing until they beat an elite team such as the GPX. HI-YAH took great exception to being mocked by The Upstarts, knowing their tension with the corporate office, and a deal was made that not only would Blonde and Faqu get their hands on Static and Jax, but that the HI-YAH Heavyweight Title would be defended at the next pay per view, Zero Hour. This is when fate intervened for the OAOAST, as General Manager Axel ruled that Peter Knight would be given Zero Hour off to prep for Anglemania. So HI-YAH, seeing the Upstarts getting favored, decided along with the corporate office of the OAOAST that Zack Malibu would be the one to challenge for the HI-YAH Heavyweight Title against the current champion, Upstart member Christian Wright!



You done? Seriously Cole, do you think any of this makes a difference? Do you think HI-YAH stepping in matters to us? No, because you know what, the GPX are better than Blonde and Faqu, and can prove. Christian Wright is a heavyweight champion. Zack Malibu isn't. Zack Malibu isn't what he used to be, otherwise he would've won the Lethal Rumble now, wouldn't he?



You know exactly why he lost that match.



Oh whatever. Not to mention poor Christian Wright of all people, being thrust into this situation the same week that that pop tart Alix Spezia, that stupid trollop, tramp, wench...whatever...the same week she tries to embarrass that classy gentleman on live TV! The OAOAST is growing desperate, Cole, and when someone gets desperate, that means they're that much closer to downfall.



We'll see about that.


"Make Her Say" hits, and the crowd goes BOOOOOO!, as the once popular duo who now oh so easily get under the skin of the fanbase make their way out.



Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall, and is six man tag team action! Introducing first, from HOTlanta, GA, and Detroit, MI respectively, with a combined weight of four hundred, twenty five pounds, Scotty Static and Johnny Jax...THE GEEE...PEEE...EXXXX!


Static and Johnny work the crowd, knowing that they hate them and loving every second of it. Moments later their music cuts, and is replaced by another song, one of their ally and partner tonight.



Their partner, he is the current HI-YAH Heavyweight Champion. Weighing in tonight at two hundred, thirty three pounds, from Raleigh, North Carolina, this is CHRIIIIIISSSSSTIAN WRIGHT!


Wright steps out and removes his hood, revealing a distinguished, yet sinister smile to the crowd. The Upstart trio heads to the ring, where they engage in more crowd play, as "Slither" fades from being heard. The song is then replaced by "My Own Summer", which gets a respectable pop from the crowd, as the perserverant duo of James Blonde and Faqu begin walking to the ring!



Approaching the ring at this time, weighing in tonight at a combined weight of five hundred, twenty three pounds, they are "Strong Stylin'" JAMES BLONDE and the "Samoan Tsunami", FAQU!


Faqu and Blonde stay at ringside, ignoring the dares by the GPX to get in the ring with the odds not in their favor. Seconds later, the bass strings that open "Getting Away With Murder" can be heard throbbing over the speakers, and it brings the crowd to their feet!



Their partner, from Providence, Rhode Island, weighing in tonight at an even two hundred pounds, he is ZAAAAAAACK MALIBUUUUU!


Wasting no time, Zack charges down the aisleway, and he, Blonde and Faqu slide into the ring, ready to go...but it causes the GPX and Wright to cautiously back off! Words are exchanged, but it's obvious everyone wants to get this one underway, as referee Charles Robinson tries to keep things calm before sounding the bell.


Once the sides are seperated, two men from each team have to exit in order to get things started. Scotty Static seems eager to start for his team, and he gives Jax and Wright the thumbs up as they stand on the apron. From across the ring, big Faqu glares at the cocky competitor, but when the decision is made over who will start for the fan favorites, James Blonde is the one standing in the ring.


The bell sounds, and Static dances around his foe, waving "HI-YAH boy" on and daring him to lock up. As Blonde reaches in, Static jumps back and continues dancing around, laughing as Blonde was unable to get him. He waves Blonde on again, and though James is hesitant at first, he reaches forward and manages to catch Scotty, locking up with him...until Static pushes him away! Scotty backs up and chuckles at Blonde's rapidly building frustration, and doesn't see Zack reach over the ropes and wrap his hand around his head and jerk him to the canvas!



Hey! He can't do that!



He can, and he did.


Scotty gets up and instantly turns to face Zack, pointing a finger and threatening him before turning around...and getting floored with a Blonde punch! Blonde then picks Scotty up and applies a side headlock, but can't keep it held on for long, as Static pushes him towards the ropes. Blonde rebounds and runs under a Static legdrop, but then stop and turns around, hooking a rear waistlock. Scotty manages to slip out and counters, applying one of his own, but Blonde counters that and uses another rear waistlock to take Scotty down to the canvas! He moves for Static's head, but Scotty is quick and gets away, then grabs Blonde in a side headlock as he comes up off the mat. Blonde lifts to counter with a back suplex, but Static floats over and uses his own rear waistlock to take Blonde down, and then targets the left arm, holding him in an armbar as both men come up to their feet...however they're close to the ropes, so Blonde reaches out and grabs the top rope, then backflips himself over and clocks Static with a pair of forearms to break! He goes to send Static into the ropes, but Static counters. Blonde bounces back, stopping himself from having to leapfrog over Scotty and instead pulling him up and dropping him with a scoop slam! He then pulls up Static's right arm and steps over it, drops a leg on it, and then pulls Scotty up to his feet, wrenching the arm and putting it behind his back with a hammerlock before releasing on his own accord and striking Scotty between the shoulder blades with an open hand chop! Blonde then turns Static around and sends him to the ropes, delivering an inverted atomic drop when Scotty comes back towards him! James then hits the ropes, but winds up running into a hiptoss from Static that takes him over! Static then reaches over and tags in Johnny Jax, who springboards in with a dropkick, but it gets swatted away by Blonde, and Jax crashes to the canvas!



I don't think that was the grand entrance Johnny Jax had planned on!


Jax pushes himself up, only to find himself stunned by a pair of European uppercuts, but when Blonde places him in a standing headscissors, he backdrops his way out of it! Jax hits the ropes and plows into Blonde as the crowd watches on, and knocks him down with a shoulderblock. He hits the ropes again but this time Blonde is up, and nails a back elbow, and then a hard chop! Jax reels, so Blonde takes him and shoots him to the ropes, but it's countered, and the big man Faqu slaps his parnters hand as he bounces off the ropes! Referee Charles Robinson sees the tag, and Blonde slides through Jax's legs, and when Jax lifts his head up, he's floored with a running lariat from the largest man in the match! Faqu pulls Jax up and presses him overhead, but Christian Wright runs in for the save, and kicks Faqu in the stomach! The Samoan reels, and drops Jax back to his feet, so Wright and Johnny team up and take his arms, shooting him towards the ropes, and connect with a double dropkick that staggers Faqu! Then take him and send him in once again, their hands held together to deliver a double clothesline, but Faqu swings his arms down and breaks the clothesline, then nails each one with a chop. He switches off, chopping each one of them, then takes Wright by the head and lures him towards the ropes, and hurls him over! Jax nails him as he turns around, and then pulls him towards the open area of center ring, and delivers a jawbreaker before leaping up and cracking him in the back of the head with an enzugiri that finally drops the big man!



Johnny Jax has chopped the big tree down!



Tree? That chump is nothing more than a stump. The bigger they are, the harder they fall!


Jax puts the boots to the fallen Samoan, and then hoists him up into a front facelock, dragging him towards his corner and holding Faqu as he tags in Christian Wright. Faqu pushes Jax into the corner to break the facelock, and then sees Wright stepping through the ropes, so he pulls him to mid-ring and clubs him across the back with forearms, then scoop slams him down before tagging Blonde back in. James Blonde races into the ring as Faqu soccer kicks Wright in the back to keep him down, and when Blonde comes off the ropes towards his partner, he's flapjacked into the air...and comes down on Wright with a splash! Faqu then hits the ropes and comes off with a big splash of his own, while Blonde tags in Zack, who springboards into the match for the first time with a frog splash onto the HI-YAH Heavyweight Champion! Wright tucks and rolls out of the ring as fast as he can, and the GPX hop off the apron and come to his aid, as Blonde, Faqu, and Malibu celebrate in the ring!



These guys think they're safe on the floor, but I wouldn't put my money on it!


The GPX and Wright all complain about Robinson's refereeing, but Lil' Naitch tells them that it's perfectly legal, because he saw the tags take place. Disgruntled, the Moral Highground returns to the ring, sneering at Zack Malibu, and now the two opponents for Zero Hour lock up! Wright sticks his leg out behind Zack and powers him down, and once his shoulders hit the mat Zack kicks his own legs out from under him, and lays on the canvas, and monkey flips Wright over! Still clutching his foes hands, Zack floats over to a mounted position and takes Wright's head in his hands, dazing him with some quick punches before pulling him up, wrenching the arm, and hitting a Russian legsweep. Wright shakes his head and sits up, but Zack hits the ropes and leaps over Christian, jarring his head with a rolling snapmare! Zack then hits the ropes again, but this time when he does Jax nails him with a knee to the small of the back, and Wright recovers in time to take Zack and hit a hard snap suplex! The well-educated Upstart then hits a falling kneedrop, and then locks Zack in a rear chinlock. Malibu powers up and sends him to the ropes, leapfrogging over his rebound, and then hiptossing him on the second rebound...NO! Wright hangs on and counters with a hiptoss of his own...NO! Zack brings his knee into Wright's gut, which keels him over, and then lifts him up in a fireman's carry...but Wright slips free and hits a quick back suplex!



Atta boy, Christian. Show that man what it means to be a World Heavyweight Champion.



I'm fairly certain Zack Malibu knows what that is like.



And I'm fairly certain that Zack Malibu doesn't meet the requirements of a modern day champion. The Upstarts have caused an influx of talent the likes of which the world has never seen, and Christian Wright is right there at the forefront.


Wright moves to his corner and tags in Scotty Static, and together the duo take Zack Malibu and hoist him up, dropping his legs across the top rope before using the slingshot momentum to suplex him to the canvas! Wright then grabs his own partner and lifts him up, then drops him into a legdrop on Zack!



That it, baby. U-N-I-T-Y!



It was only a matter of time before Coachman made a Queen Latifah reference on our flagship show.


Static stands up and kicks and stomps Zack, then pulls him up and hits a Northern Lights Suplex! Robinson goes down to count, but Jax uses this as a diversion to sneak into the ring and plant his foot where the sun don't shine, while Malibu is helplessly pinned to the canvas!



He didn't want a pin there, they wanted to hurt Zack badly!



And they did!


Robinson breaks his own count, jumping up and chastising Jax as he exits, while Static brings Zack up and hits an inverted atomic drop, then comes off the ropes with a running Yakuza kick...which gets caught, and Zack blasts Static with a spinning wheel kick! Malibu then heads for his corner and lunges for the Samoan Tsunami, and the man from the islands steps in, sending Static pleading and begging away from him! Faqu slowly stalks the cocky, loudmouthed superstar, and when Static realizes he won't back down, he comes forward with a flurry of punches that rock the big man, only to have an Irish whip attempt reversed...AND FAQU HITS A HURACANRANA ON SCOTTY STATIC! The crowd goes BANANA after the move hits, and Static slides to the outside! Faqu moves towards the ropes to follow his opponent, but Wright runs across the apron and drops him throat first across the top rope! As Robinson scolds him for his actions, Johnny Jax moves in for the kill, slingshotting into the ring and hitting a quick kick to the gut before dropping Faqu with a DDT! Jax then quickly gets out of the ring, as the protests of Malibu, Blonde, and the fans clue Robinson in that some chicanery, just possibly, could be afoot.



They may not be face to face fighters, but the trifecta of Wright, Static and Jax are proving to be very effective tonight.



I told you baby, that's unity. That's team spirit.



Oh PLEASE let's not go there.



Nah, I know what you're thinkin' playboy, and there won't be any of that. But let's face it. Malibu is a broken man who won't admit it. We've been beating him, bloodying him, and leaving him for dead for months, but like a cockroach he keeps coming back. Blonde and Faqu, c'mon now, we're supposed to take THESE guys as threats? The same guys who Josie made into her "second string" when she was GM, and they couldn't hack that so she sent them back to Japan? The guys who, if you remember correctly, were brought back to OPPOSE the same man they're teaming with tonight!



Thanks for the history lesson Coach, but if you actually think any of that means anything in the current OAOAST scene, then why not bring up the fact that the GPX, at one time, were allies of Zack Malibu?



Don't go there. Those were some dark days.


Back in the ring, Static enters, taking Faqu and backing him into the heel corner before tagging in Christian Wright. Together, they pull him out, but then ram him backwards against the turnbuckles before pulling him forward and then take his legs out from under him, and then snap his legs like a wishbone! Wright then drops a knee across the throat of Faqu and drives it in, trying his best to suffocate the big man before pulling him up, and setting him up in a standing headscissors!?



Don't tell me he's going to attempt what I think he's going to!


We may never know, as Faqu takes Wright's legs out from under him, and catapults him up and over...but Wright skins the cat, and gets pushed up and over by Jax, into a headscissors on Faqu...who pulls him off the ropes and tosses him across the ring, causing him to land face first! Faqu then hits a running knee that knocks Wright through the ropes and down to the floor...and Faqu jogs to the corner and climbs the ropes as fast as he can, tagging Zack Malibu before hitting a Samoan Somersault Plancha down onto Christian Wright!



YO! Fatass can fly!


Faqu gets up, but immediately gets nailed by a double baseball slide by the GPX, which knocks him back into the barrier! The GPX then hop out of the ring and start double-teaming the big man, clubbing him down...until Zack Malibu races across the apron and takes them both out with a double apron run diving clothesline! Malibu then pulls Scotty Static up to his feet, and then backs away, as James Blonde runs across the apron and dives off with a dropkick, catching Static on the chin so hard that Scotty takes a flip bump off of it! Blonde gets up and hurls Wright back into the ring for Zack. Blonde and Faqu keep the GPX isolated, and Zack enters the ring, standing silently behind a groggy Wright. Christian gets up and stumbles back, right into Malibu, so he spins around as fast as he can with a discus clothesline, but Zack ducks it and hits the ropes, and nails him with a jumping calf kick! Malibu brings him up and shoots him into the corner, but when he charges he meets boot, and Wright grabs his head and tries for a Tornado DDT...NO! Zack shoves off, and then tries for SCHOOL'S OUT, but Wright catches the foot, throws it down, and delivers an STO! Wright then drags Zack to the middle of the ring by his ankles and prepares to lock him in the figure four leglock, but Zack kicks off and sends Wright careening towards the ropes! Wright rebounds, and Zack hops up for a monkey flip, but Wright throws him down back to his feet, and immediately hits the WRIGHT OFF, dropping Zack hard on the canvas for a pin!









Oh come ON, Robinson!


Wright rolls his eyes at the deplorable actions of the incompetent referee, while his partners brawl at ringside with the GPX. Blonde gets sent into the stairs by Jax, and then together Static and Johnny lift Faqu and crotch him on the guardrail, which is more than enough to stagger the big man as he falls off the apron and into the crowd! Meanwhile back in the ring, Wright brings Zack up, but Malibu surprises him by swinging around and trying for a backslide! Wright struggles, desperate to not be taken down to the canvas, so Zack breaks his attempted backslide and swings around, grabbing a front facelock and hoisting Wright into the air, then dropping him over the ropes and onto the apron! Zack releases the hold and tries to back away, but Wright jabs a thumb in his eye and then takes him by the head and brings him to the corner, smashing his head into the top turnbuckle! Zack staggers back, as Wright climbs the ropes, but once he regains his composure Zack runs up the ropes and grabs Wright, pulling him onto his shoulders and then leaping from the middle rope down to the ring below with his somersault fireman's carry known as the Honor Roll! He turns over and hooks a leg, keeping Christian's shoulders pressed against the canvas as Robinson makes the count!









HAHA! Yeeeah, boy!



From Queen Latifah to Flava Flav, what is this with the rapper references tonight?


Malibu gets up and looks to his corner, then turns to the Upstarts corner, where Jax and Static mockingly wave to him, as they have wounded Blonde and Faqu at ringside. Infuriated, Malibu charges and knocks each of them off the apron for their arrogance, then turns his attention back to Wright. He brings him up and staggers him with three chops, then jumps up on his shoulders and snaps him over with a rana, but Wright rolls through...but so does Zack! Malibu drops an elbow, but it misses! Wright drops an elbow, and THAT misses! They come to a standoff, but Jax reaches in from ringside and pulls Malibu's leg out from under him, sending him falling face first! He pats himself on the back, but a recovering James Blonde spears him down and starts hammering on him, causing Static to dive for Blonde and start hammering HIM! Meanwhile, Zack staggers to his feet, but he winds up in the grasp of Christian Wright, who lifts him up, and makes a successful conversion, as he hits CONVERTING THE SINNER on Zack Malibu!



Wright scored with his trademark move!











YEAH! And that's how we do it, Mikey Cole and Caboose! Zero Hour ain't gonna be nothin' but a cakewalk!


"Slither" hits, and Christian Wright rolls off of Zack Malibu, throwing his arms up in the air before dropping to his knees. Robinson hands him his HI-YAH Heavyweight Title, which he clutches in his arms and hugs, as the GPX break free from Blonde and get into the ring, congratulating their friend.



Ladies and gentlemen, your winners, the team of the GPX AND CHRISTIAN WRIGHT!


Static, Jax, and Wright all bail, as the fan favorites pick themselves up back at the ringside area. Wright holds his HI-YAH belt high in the air, as Static runs around acting like a general nuisance, including taking the camera and pulling it close to his face, telling the world that "we told you, it don't get any better than what you see right here!". Scotty pushes the camera back to the camera man, but we've cut away anyways, as the cameras zoom in on the angered faces of Blonde, Faqu, and Malibu, who are all aching, and craving revenge after having been unable to obtain victory tonight.


Up next: Our Main Event!


Commercial break

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Ominous music plays as the steel cage lowers from the ceiling. The crowd cheers.



And now fans, coming up next is our main event. A Steel Cage Match pitting the 6’9” Mr. Boricua against the 4’11” Spanish Fly. It was announced earlier tonight by Vitamin X, and it looks like X wants Mr. Boricua to soften Fly up before his match with Colombian Heat against Boricua and Cuban Wall at Zero Hour!



What a great idea! Lock that little pipsqueak, Spanish Fly, in a Steel Cage against the monster, the bodyguard of Tha Puerto Rican, Mr. Boricua, and watch Boricua dismantle him! What a genius idea from Vitamin X!


The steel cage is now lowered. The ominous music ends.



The Lightning Crew has already tonight taken care of Colombian Heat, John “Rock Hard” Brickston, and Leon Rodez. Will they be able to take care of Spanish Fly?



Yes. That’s like the easiest question ever.



Well, we’re about to find out now. Spanish Fly vs. Mr. Boricua in a Steel Cage Match! Let’s go to the ring.


The lights go down in the arena. Two spotlights shine on the entrance. The crowd cheers. After five seconds…










Spanish Fly shoots out from underneath the entrance stage with pyro right behind him. Spanish Fly raises his right hand in the air causing the crowd to cheer. “Krokodilamadurinn” by Quarashi starts playing as Spanish Fly, wearing a Spanish Fly T-shirt around his waist, points to both sides of the arena, and then walks to the ring, slapping hands with the fans along the way.





Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is a Steel Cage Match! Where the only way to win is to climb over the cage or exit through the door, and both feet touch the floor. Introducing first. Coming to the ring at this time. Originally from Tijuana, Mexico but now residing in San Diego, California. Weighing in at 175 lbs. He is a member of Mad Machine. SPANISHHHHHHHHHHHHH FLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!


Fly continues walking down the entrance ramp as “Krokodilamadurinn” continues playing.



Spanish Fly has quite the obstacle ahead of him. He is going to be locked in a 16 foot high, 20 foot wide steel cage with the 6’9” 300 lb. Mr. Boricua in a preview of the tag team match we will see at Zero Hour!



Spanish Fly is in over his head! He thinks he can hang with guys thrice his size, but he is SO wrong it’s not even funny. Actually, it is.



Spanish Fly is going to get squashed like a bug. He doesn’t have a prayer of a chance inside a steel cage against Mr. Boricua.


Spanish Fly enters the ring. Fly gets on a second turnbuckle, raising his hands in the air to cheers. Spanish Fly gets off the second turnbuckle and gets on another second turnbuckle, raising his hands in the air receiving another pop from the crowd.



Well, Spanish Fly is not afraid of anything. We know he is a risk taker, he can do things that nobody in this business can do. He has also beaten guys twice his size before; in fact in his first match back in the OAOAST, he defeated Mr. Boricua!



Yeah, but that was different. Now, they’re going to be locked in a steel cage. It’s going to be a different story.


Spanish Fly gets off the second turnbuckle and looks at the entrance. He removes his Spanish Fly T-shirt from around his waist and throws it to the crowd. Fly crosses himself as the lights go back on in the arena and “Krokodilamadurinn” by Quarashi dies down. Fly bounces off the ropes.




The crowd starts booing loudly as the opening to “No Chance In Hell” starts playing while smoke fills the entryway. Then the crescendo hits, and a lightning bolt hits the entrance. The crowd boos as “No Chance In Hell” by Bradley Royds starts playing.


*No Chance (No chance)

That’s what ya got! (Ha! Ha! Yeah)


We’re up against no machine too strong (Too strong)


Pussy politicians buying souls for us

are...PUPPETS! (Puppets!)*


A Mexican flag is shown on the AngleTron waving proudly. The entrance doors slide open, and Mr. Boricua comes out, causing the crowd to boo louder. Mr. Boricua looks at the crowd with a sneer on his face. He grunts, and then begins walking down the entrance ramp as “No Chance In Hell” continues playing.



And his opponent. From Tijuana, Mexico. Weighing in at 300 lbs. He is the bodyguard for The Lightning Crew. MISTERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR BORICUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!


*But will find their place

in line (In line)


But tie a string around your finger now boy cuz

Cuz it’s a matter of time!


Cuz you’ve got…NO CHANCE! (You’ve got no chance)




You’ve got…NO CHANCE! (Yeah, yeah, yeah)



You’ve got…NO CHANCE! (Got no chance)




You’ve got…NO CHANCE! (Chance!)




Mr. Boricua snorts and cracks his knuckles. He yells at the fans.



Earlier tonight, The Lightning Crew did a beatdown on Colombian Heat until John “Rock Hard” Brickston made the save. Then, Brains & Brawn did a beatdown on Brickston and Leon Rodez with Tha Puerto Rican leading the charge. Now, Mr. Boricua will have a chance to make it 3-0 for The LC when he battles the smallest member of the anti-Lightning Crew group, Spanish Fly, in a Steel Cage Match!



Spanish Fly probably crapped his pants right now. He has NO CHANCE IN HELL of beating the biggest member of The Lightning Crew! It’s a no contest. This will be the quickest match of Mr. Boricua’s career, and afterwards, The Lightning Crew will go to Hershey Park to celebrate!


Mr. Boricua climbs over the top rope to enter the ring. He glares evilly at Spanish Fly. A spotlight shines on Mr. Boricua as he does The Lightning Crew Salute. The crowd boos loudly. He climbs a second turnbuckle and poses on it, drawing more boos. Spanish Fly stares at Mr. Boricua.



Well, Spanish Fly has surprised us in the past. I believe he will surprise us again and escape the Steel Cage.



Maybe he will, but not before Mr. Boricua breaks every bone in his midget body!



Oh come on! That’s just harsh!



It’s the truth, Ruth!


Mr. B gets off the second turnbuckle. The lights go back on in the arena. Mr. Boricua stands in a corner staring at Spanish Fly, who is standing at the opposite corner. Referee Earl Hebner locks the cage door.



The main event is about to begin! Spanish Fly. Mr. Boricua. In a Steel Cage Match! This one should be a good one!



Come on Mr. Boricua!






“No Chance In Hell” by Bradley Royds dies down. The crowd is hot, rooting Spanish Fly on. Spanish Fly stares at Mr. Boricua. Mr. Boricua cracks his knuckles.



Look at the size difference! Spanish Fly is a dead bug!


The crowd chants, “LET’S GO FLY! LET’S GO FLY!” Fly looks at the crowd, and then lunges forward. Mr. Boricua tries to grab him, but Fly ducks, and punches Boricua in the face! He does it again. And again! And again! The punches stun the big man, but do not make him fall. Spanish Fly bounces off the ropes, Mr. Boricua grabs him for a sidewalk slam, but Spanish Fly turns the sidewalk slam into a hurricarana that brings Mr. Boricua to the mat!



He did it! He brought Mr. Boricua down to the mat!



Oh God! Come on Mr. Boricua! Think of Hershey Park. HERSHEY PARK!


Mr. Boricua gets up, shocked at what just happened. But as he is getting up, Spanish Fly bounces off the ropes and gives him a front dropkick to the face! Fly quickly follows that up by doing a standing moonsault on Mr. Boricua! The crowd is getting hotter by the minute!



Spanish Fly is just hammering Mr. Boricua in the opening moments of this match!


Spanish Fly picks up Mr. Boricua, using all his strength to do so. Fly grabs Boricua and throws him into the cage! Boricua staggers out, so Spanish Fly gives him a spinning wheel kick! Boricua DOESN’T go down! Mr. B has become dizzy, so Spanish Fly climbs the top rope.



Look out! Spanish Fly is going up top!


Fly waits for Mr. Boricua to come near him. When he does, Spanish Fly leaps off the top rope with a flying crossbody…but Mr. Boricua catches Spanish Fly and slams him down onto the mat!



And Mr. Boricua is now in control!



All right, Mr. B! Way to go!


The crowd boos Mr. Boricua. Boricua screams at Fly, and then picks him up. Mr. B throws Spanish Fly into the cage! Fly’s whole body meets the cage! Fly crumbles to the mat. Mr. Boricua yells at the crowd. Mr. Boricua starts climbing the cage. The crowd tries to warn Spanish Fly to stop him.



Mr. Boricua is climbing! He’s trying to end this match early!



Come on Mr. B! Climb! Climb!


Suddenly, Spanish Fly tells Earl Hebner to open the cage door. He crawls towards the door. Mr. Boricua sees this, so he gets off the cage and runs over to Spanish Fly, grabbing him by his left leg to prevent him from sliding out the cage! Boricua pulls at Fly, while Fly holds onto anything he can: the ring apron, the cage door, the ring steps.



Mr. Boricua could pull one of Spanish Fly’s legs from its socket!



I’d approve of it!


Spanish Fly grabs a chair that was at ringside, and then allows Mr. Boricua to bring him back into the ring. While Earl Hebner closes the cage door, Mr. Boricua goes to pick Spanish Fly up.




Spanish Fly SLAMS the steel chair over Mr. Boricua’s head!



What a chairshot!


The crowd pops for the chairshot. Spanish Fly slams the chair across Mr. Boricua’s back! Spanish Fly drops the chair, and then whips Mr. Boricua into a turnbuckle. Fly follows that with a dropkick to the chest! Fly climbs the top turnbuckle. He looks at the crowd! He then punches Mr. Boricua in the face.

































Mr. Boricua is dazed and confused on the turnbuckle. Fly plays to the crowd. He charges forward again…and gets hit with a MASSIVE clothesline from Mr. Boricua!



Beautiful! Beautiful!



I think Spanish Fly wasted time playing to the crowd.



Gee, ya think!?


Mr. Boricua yells at the crowd again. He cracks his knuckles, and sneers at Spanish Fly, who is withering in pain. Boricua starts climbing the steel cage again.



Can the steel cage even support Mr. Boricua?



Yes it can.


The crowd is hot, trying to get Spanish Fly to stop Mr. Boricua from escaping the cage. Spanish Fly is showing signs of life, but is still on the mat. Mr. Boricua is having a little difficulty climbing the cage due to his size, but he still manages to get near the top.



Mr. Boricua can win the match right here! He’s almost there!


Mr. B puts his left foot over the top of the steel cage. Spanish Fly is getting to his feet.



He’s going to do it! He’s going to do it! He’s going to win!


Mr. Boricua is about to put his right foot over the top of the steel cage…









Spanish Fly pulls on Mr. Boricua’s right leg, trying desperately to bring him back into the ring! The crowd is going crazy!



Spanish Fly is holding on for dear life! He will NOT let Mr. Boricua escape the cage!



Get your hands off of him you freaking midget! Leave him alone!


Fly grabs Mr. Boricua by his white-collar shirt, and pulls on it. Mr. Boricua starts to come back into the cage! Spanish Fly keeps pulling on Mr. Boricua’s shirt, Mr. Boricua is starting to lose his balance.










He did it! Spanish Fly did it! The 4’11” Spanish Fly just pulled the 6’9” 300 pound Mr. Boricua back into the ring!





Spanish Fly fell to the ring along with Mr. Boricua. But Fly gets right back up, and starts climbing the cage!



Now Spanish Fly is climbing the cage! Come on kid! Climb! Climb the cage! Win the match!



And you accuse ME of being biased?


Spanish Fly is almost at the top. Unfortunately for him, Mr. Boricua has climbed the steel cage also, and is right next to Spanish Fly. Mr. Boricua grabs Spanish Fly by the throat. Boricua pulls Spanish Fly back into the ring by his throat. Both Fly and Mr. Boricua stand on the top rope holding the cage.



Uh-oh. This isn’t good. This isn’t good at all!



Yeah! HA! HA! HA! Break his freaking neck! Crush him, Boricua! Crush him!


Mr. Boricua prepares to deliver a chokeslam on Spanish Fly from the top rope!



Here we go, baby! Hurt him!


Mr. B yells at the crowd.




Spanish Fly kicks Mr. Boricua in the balls! Boricua lets go of Spanish Fly and falls to the mat.



He cheated! Spanish Fly cheated!



Well, this is a Steel Cage Match! There are no disqualifications in a Steel Cage Match!



Still, he cheated!


Spanish Fly picks Mr. Boricua up. Boricua has become weakened, so it’s easier for Fly to pick him up. Spanish Fly drags Boricua over to the cage and SLAMS his head against it! He does it again! And again! And again! And again! He does it several more times with the crowd cheering him on! Spanish Fly bounces off the ropes, leaps onto Mr. Boricua, and then brings him down with a Rube Goldberg Bulldog!



Spanish Fly has brought Mr. Boricua down! He has him down on the mat!



Get up, Boricua! Get up!


Spanish Fly looks at the crowd with a smile on his face. The crowd cheers. Fly points to the turnbuckle. The crowd cheers again. Spanish Fly climbs the top rope.



This could be it! This could be the end! Spanish Fly could be going for the Fly Swatter!



Oh God! If Spanish Fly hits this, Tha Puerto Rican will never let Mr. Boricua hear the end of it!


SF gets on the top rope. He hunches over, waiting for Mr. Boricua to get up. Boricua shows signs of movement.



Stay down, Mr. Boricua! Stay down! Don’t let him hit the Fly Swatter!


Mr. Boricua sits up. Fly eggs him on. Mr. Boricua gets to one knee.



I can’t watch this!


Mr. B gets to a vertical base. Spanish Fly flies off the top rope.











Mr. Boricua CATCHES Spanish Fly as he’s coming off the top! Mr. Boricua lifts Spanish Fly up, and slams him back down to Earth with the Latino Bomb!



The Latino Bomb! Latino Bomb on Spanish Fly!



Yes! Yes! Yes! That was beautiful! That was beautiful! Way to go Mr. Boricua! Hershey Park, here you come!


Spanish Fly looks to be in a seizure from the Latino Bomb. Mr. Boricua yells at Spanish Fly and the crowd. He snorts, grunts, and yells again. Boricua raises his hands in the air, and receives LOUD boos!



The fans are letting Mr. Boricua know how they feel about him giving Spanish Fly the Latino Bomb!



Like Mr. Boricua gives a crap what these fans think about him!


A single tear falls out of Mr. Boricua’s right eye. Mr. Boricua wipes his right eye.



Mr. Boricua has this match won! He should exit the cage!



Well Mr. Boricua is a little…slow, so he hasn’t realized that yet.


Mr. B yells at the crowd again, then realizes he can win the match. So, Mr. B climbs the cage. Suddenly, the crowd starts cheering loudly, as from the entrance runs out Colombian Heat!



Wait a minute! Colombian Heat is out here! He’s still in the building!



Oh crap! The Lightning Crew didn’t finish the job earlier!


Colombian Heat stands on the outside, watching Mr. Boricua climb the cage. Mr. Boricua changes his mind, and gets off the cage, deciding to just step through the door.



Open. Cage. Please.


Earl Hebner opens the steel cage door. Mr. Boricua sticks his head out…allowing Colombian Heat to grab the steel cage door and SLAM it onto Mr. Boricua’s head!





Mr. Boricua falls to the mat.



What a shot! You heard that all over the arena!



Damnit! That no good thug! He has NO business being out here! Vitamin X kicked his ass earlier! He shouldn’t be here now!


Mr. Boricua is bleeding from the forehead. Both he and Spanish Fly are lying on the mat. The crowd is still going wild. Colombian Heat is still on the outside.



Both men are out cold. Who is going to exit the cage?


Mr. Boricua slowly, but surely gets up. Boricua almost stumbles, as blood continues flowing from the cut in his forehead.



Come on Boricua! Climb the cage! CLIMB THE DAMN CAGE!


Mr. B is dizzy. Still, Boricua manages to climb the steel cage.



Yes! Climb the cage! That’s right, Mr. B! Climb the cage! Climb over the top and land on the floor!



It looks like Mr. Boricua will win this match!


The crowd is going nuts, hoping Mr. Boricua doesn’t win. Colombian Heat has a worried look on his face as he watches Mr. Boricua climb the steel cage. Finally, he has enough, and climbs the steel cage also!



What’s he doing now!?


Mr. Boricua is at the top of the steel cage, which is also where Colombian Heat is! Despite bleeding profusely, Mr. Boricua punches Colombian Heat. Colombian Heat punches back. The two men engage in a slugfest on the top of the steel cage! Meanwhile, Spanish Fly crawls over to the cage, and uses the ropes to pull himself up. Fly then starts slowly climbing the steel cage. Colombian Heat and Mr. Boricua are still slugging it out.



Look! Spanish Fly is climbing the cage!



What? No! No! No!


Spanish Fly is still climbing the steel cage.



Come on Mr. Boricua! Stop Spanish Fly! Stop Spanish Fly! Stop him!


Spanish Fly puts his right foot over the top of the steel cage. He then puts his left foot over the top of the steel cage. Fly starts climbing down to the ground. Mr. Boricua and Colombian Heat are STILL slugging it out.



He’s going to do it! Spanish Fly is going to do it!


Spanish Fly is halfway down the steel cage. But then the crowd starts booing again, as Cuban Wall runs down the entrance ramp. Wall grabs Spanish Fly’s right leg and smiles evilly.



HA! HA! Cuban Wall is stopping Spanish Fly from winning the match!


The crowd showers Cuban Wall with boos. Fly tries to escape Cuban Wall’s hold on his right foot. But Cuban Wall is holding on tight. He taunts Spanish Fly, laughing at his misfortunate.



Good. Good. Good. Now, just keep on holding onto the leg until Mr. Boricua can escape!


Spanish Fly keeps trying to escape, and then, from out of nowhere, Spanish Fly kicks Cuban Wall in the stomach using all his might! Cuban Wall hits the barricade! The crowd cheers. With Cuban Wall no longer in his way, Spanish Fly stops climbing down the steel cage, and simply falls to the ground! Referee Earl Hebner sees this and calls for the bell.





Spanish Fly wins! Spanish Fly wins!



Oh son of a bitch!


Spanish Fly smiles. The crowd cheers loudly. Earl Hebner raises Fly’s hands in victory.





“Krokodilamadurinn” by Quarashi starts playing. Mr. Boricua hears this, and realizes that he lost. He becomes furious and lunges after Colombian Heat, but Heat ducks and climbs down the steel cage. Cuban Wall curses on the outside.



What a victory for Spanish Fly!



What a terrible moment for The Lightning Crew!



Spanish Fly has defeated Mr. Boricua again, only two weeks away from their tag team match at Zero Hour!


Colombian Heat meets up with Spanish Fly. Heat hugs Fly and then raises his hands in the air. The crowd cheers loudly. Heat and Fly talk it up while Cuban Wall enters the ring to console Mr. Boricua, who is fuming. The blood has dried on Mr. Boricua's face.



The Lightning Crew did a beatdown on Colombian Heat at the start of the show, but Colombian Heat got his revenge by helping the 4’11” Spanish Fly beat the 6’9” Mr. Boricua in a Steel Cage Match!



Spanish Fly didn’t win this match fair and square! He needed Colombian Heat’s help to do it! This match was Mr. B’s for the taking, and Colombian Heat took it away from him! That thug! He’s going to pay! He’s going to pay at Zero Hour!



Damn right!


Colombian Heat and Spanish Fly walk up the entrance ramp, smiles on their faces, their arms over each other’s necks. Heat poses for the crowd, and the crowd cheers.



Yeah. You know how we do!


Mr. Boricua is yelling at Heat and Fly. Mr. Boricua starts to stagger after Heat and Fly, but Cuban Wall holds him back. He calms down Boricua by telling him that they’ll get them at Zero Hour.



Let them have their moment in the sun. Let them have their little moment. We’ll get them, Boricua. We’ll get them at Zero Hour. Believe me. We will! We will!



Yeah. You heard that? They’ll get them at Zero Hour in that tag team match! Colombian Heat and Spanish Fly will FALL at the mercy of Mr. Boricua and Cuban Wall! They will be CRUSHED!


Cuban Wall cheers Mr. Boricua by telling him that they’ll still go to Hershey Park. Mr. Boricua does indeed cheer up.



Yea! Hershey. Park! Hershey. Park! Hershey. Park! Yea!



At Zero Hour on February 26th, Cuban Wall and Mr. Boricua will take on Colombian Heat and Spanish Fly in a tag team match! That should be a hell of match in two weeks! Well folks, that’s all the time we have for this week’s show. For Jonathon “Da Coach” Coachman and Caboose, I’m Michael Cole saying so long, and we’ll see you next week for more exciting OAOAST action on HeldDOWN~!


Colombian Heat and Spanish Fly have left through the entrance. Cuban Wall is still consoling Mr. Boricua inside the steel cage. Cuban Wall hugs Mr. Boricua as the credits roll. “Krokodilamadurinn” by Quarashi continues playing.



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