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HD: HL title match & announcement

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[i]Punishment[/i] by BIOHAZARD hits and Rick Heyross leads Charlie Moss to the ring.

[i]The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and is for the OAOAST Heartland championship!  Introducing first, the challenger, hailing from Minneapolis, Minnesota, weighing in at 245 pounds...CHARLIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMOSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!![/i]

Well, last week, Alf was able to successfully defend his title against one half of Team Heyross, Quentin Benjamin!  This week, it's the other half of the team making the challenge!

[i]Magnum Opus: Father Padilla Meets the Perfect Gnat/Howling at the Moon[/i] hits and Alf comes through the curtains.

And the Hawaiians rise to their feet for the Heartland champion!

[i]His opponent, weighing in at 240 pounds...the former WORLD Heavyweight champion, and the REIGNING and DEFENDING OAOAST Heartland champion...ALFDOGG!!!!![/i]

Alf slides into the ring and poses on the buckles with belt in hand, then hands it to the referee.


Alf circles the ring with Moss, and goes in with a rear waistlock.

I think Alf's making a mistake right here trying to match Charlie Moss with mat wrestling!

Moss does a standing switch, then takes him down to the mat.  Alf scoots to a sitting position in attempt to escape.  Moss switches to a chinlock.

See?  Alf couldn't escape the holds!

Alf works his way to his feet, and delivers a back suplex!

Well, that'll help him escape!

Alf runs to the rope, and catches Moss coming up with a Hart Attack clothesline!  He then delivers another clothesline, sending Moss to the outside!  Alf follows Moss outside with a plancha!

What a move by Alf!

And this is what Alf's got to do, he's got to take it to the outside!  He can't match this former NCAA champion hold-for-hold!

Alf fires off right hands and tosses Moss back into the ring.  Alf then goes underneath the ring.

And Alf's going for the props!

Come on, ref, do something about this!

There's nothing he can do, there's no disqualifications!

Alf tosses a trash can into the ring, which contains a kendo stick and a small street sign!  He then grabs a lid and slides into the ring, but Moss catches him coming in with a kick to the head!  Moss then drops an elbow, then grabs the lid from Alf and blasts him in the back of the head!

What a shot by Charlie Moss, and look at that trashcan lid!

Moss covers...




First cover of the match gets two for Charlie Moss!

Moss then grabs the can, and waits on Alf to get up before blasting him over the head!

And Alf really on rubberleg street now!

Alf staggers, as Moss delivers another shot with the can, sending him to the mat!  Moss drops a fist between the eyes, then covers...




Moss goes back over to the other side of the ring, and grabs the can again.  Moss comes at Alf with the can, but Alf uses a front dropkick to knock it back into Moss!  Alf falls back into a corner to catch his breath, and then grabs Moss, giving him a snap suplex!  Alf then picks up Moss in an atomic drop position, and sets him on the top rope, then grabs him by the hair and pulls him backwards into a tree of woe position!

And Moss is tied up!

Get him out, ref!

There's no rules, how many times do we have to tell you?  You know, I think you'd look really good in that position!

Alf grabs the kendo stick and holds it up in the air, provoking a big reaction from the crowd.  Alf then walks over to the upside-down Moss and hammers him in the midsection with the stick!  He then slides to the outside with the stick and chokes Moss with it, as the referee attempts to remove him.  Alf lets go and gets back into the ring, grabbing the road sign that fell out of the trash can.

What could Alf have in store right here?

Alf walks to the opposite corner, then runs across the ring and dropkicks the sign into the face of Moss!


Alf pulls Moss down out of the corner and covers...



Moss gets a foot on the ropes!

And it's a good thing for him that he *was* in the corner there!

Alf picks up Moss and whips him into the opposite corner, but Moss gets his feet up on a charge!  Moss picks up Alf's legs and puts his own feet on the ropes...



Alf kicks out anyway!  Moss hammers Alf on the back, and then walks over and grabs the sign, smacking Alf in the back of the head!  Moss then grabs the trash can and sets it in the center of the ring, before giving Alf a vertical suplex right in top of it!  Moss covers...




And Moss has got something going here now!

Moss picks up Alf and delivers an STO BACKBREAKER~!  Moss then rolls Alf over onto his stomach.

Could be setting up the bow-and-arrow hold here!

And indeed, Moss plants the knees into the back and rolls over, converting a BOW-AND-ARROW hold~!  Moss wrenches back on the hold, then leans over, putting Alf's shoulders on the mat...



Alf bridges up, and Moss rolls back over, re-applying the submission hold.  Alf hangs on, but his arms are free, and he manages to get one up and gouge the eyes of Moss, forcing him to release the hold!

What a cheap way to escape that hold by Alf!

Moss stays on Alf, and sets him up for a suplex, but Alf reverses to a small package!



NO!  Moss kicks out!

Alf almost able to escape with the win right there!

Moss picks up Alf and gives him a belly-to-belly suplex!  He then goes to the second rope...

Not often we see this from Charlie...

Moss comes off, but Alf rolls out of the way of the senton attempt!  Both men are down, but Moss struggles to his feet first.  Alf ducks a superkick, and delivers one of his own!

Alf's got his second wind!

Alf delivers an overhead belly-to-belly, then looks up to see Brock Ausstin standing in the entryway!

And there you see Alf's challenger this Sunday at Zero Hour, getting a bird's eye view of this match!

Alf points to Brock, then signals for the end.

And Alf's going to show him how a champion conducts his business, right now!

Alf takes Moss over with a T-Bone suplex!  He then picks Moss up, and whips him into the ropes, planting him with a AA SPINEBUSTER~!  He holds onto the legs, and hooks Moss in a SHARPSHOOTER~!!!111

Sharpshooter locked in!

Brock starts a slow walk to the ring, as Alf looks him down while hanging onto the hold!  Moss struggles to reach the ropes, but ultimately has no choice but to TAP OUT~!


And Charlie Moss taps out!


[i]The winner of the match, and STILL OAOAST Heartland champion...ALFDOGG!!!!![/i]

Alf continues looking at Brock, as the referee hands him his belt, and then raises it in the air as Brock claps sarcastically and [i]Magnum Opus: Father Padilla Meets the Perfect Gnat/Howling at the Moon[/i] plays.

But will Alf be raising that belt in the air after meeting Brock Ausstin this Sunday?  Only time will tell!


This should go after the match sometime.


Folks, I've just been handed this note from the front office concerning Zero Hour, a match just finalized!

That's right, it's going to be a Fatal Four-way match, with both members of Team Heyross meeting Thunderkid & Reject, and the winner receiving the first shot at whoever the Heartland champion may be after Zero Hour, right here next week on HeldDOWN~!

And that should be an exciting match!

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