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Guest Zack Malibu

The one and only "tnbc" thread

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Guest Zack Malibu

OK, as many of you know, or can tell, I'm a big fan of these kinds of shows, the most notable being Saved By The Bell, California Dreams, and 90210 (I know it's not a TNBC show, but it falls within the genre of "teen shows").  Since the topic of these shows has come up fairly often in some other threads, I figured I'd make this thread for any questions, opinions, or anything related to these shows.

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Guest Mark4steamboat

ZackMalibu is my idol. Great thread idea. I LOVED! hangtime.good show. Tnbc show's now SUCK. classics like saved by the bell and california dreams should still be in major syndication.

Who can forget Malibu Ca? not TnBc but a good enough syndication show.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo



Bah Gawd Awful.

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Guest evenflowDDT

I think sometimes TBS has "Saved by the Bell" reruns on.  I never know when though... too bad they're not available on DVD, or at least VHS.


Also, this is only sort of related, but did you know that girl who used to date Carson Daly and now thinks she's all that (Tara Reid) used to be on "Saved by the Bell: The New Class"? Pretty terrible actress, pretty terrible show.  I guess these things go together, eh?

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Guest Ravenbomb

Someone compared Saved by the Bell to Degrassi, would Degrassi fit in this? (I never watched save by the bell or Degrassi and have no idea what TNBC is so...something)

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Degrassi (a show which I also HATED) was more serious and delt with issues such as AIDS and teen pregnancy.


The Zit Remedy has NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING on the Zack Attack.



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Guest Mark4steamboat

SBTB NEEDS to be put on DVD.  Im actually a minor fan of City Guys especially after RVD was on there.

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Guest starvenger

I say Degrassi belongs, but you have to remember that Degrassi = drama and SBTB = comedy, so comparisons are difficult...

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They have this show on there now called "SK8". This is 1 of them shows that channels think its what real kids act like. Skaters don't act like these kids. I sense a spinoff thread here....

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Guest Zack Malibu

Saved By The Bell actually has quite a few eps on VHS.  There's the "Classic Collection" which has the Graduation, College Years Pilot, the episode where he proposes to Kelly, and the final College Years.  They also have the two movies (Wedding In Las Vegas and Hawiian Style) on VHS.  TBS airs reruns in the mornings, and I got all the eps I needed off of their.  You can also get some of the old 2 episode VHS for cheap on Ebay.


California Dreams, I really want more episodes.  I know Nickelodeon in England has aired Saved and Dreams, hopefully our Nick will pick them up for Nick at Nite or TVLand.


City Guys is OK, I can watch that in syndication since I used to work on Sat. mornings and never got to see much of it originally.


Hang Time was OK.  I also remember one show that lasted one season called Running The Halls.  That show was pretty good, but got canned quick.


I also heard a rumor that after The New Class ended (a lot of people knock the New Class, but the only one I "hated" was the original, which was too much of a ripoff, with Weasel and Tommy D, among other blatant copies of the original.)  That Peter Engle was working on newer versions of SBTB, or at least shows in a similar format.  Unfortunately, the only thing worth watching on TNBC now are City Guys reruns.


BTW, another great TV markout moment.  When Lisa, Zack and Slater return to Bayside on The New Class to save it from being torn down.   Best New Class episode EVER!!!

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

I used to watch SBTB back in the day. I even watched a couple of episodes of the college years. I don't know what made them think they could run that show during prime time though. I liked California Dreams, but I don't remember much of it. Does anyone in here remember a show called Swan's Crossing? It was like a teen soap opera thing that I recall being on for a summer maybe 10 years ago. I saw it a few times, but when it moved to the early morning time slot, I never saw it again.

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Guest Zack Malibu

Pinnacle, let me just say YOU RULE~!


Swan's is another show that I love, but I didn't put it in this post, since I had done a Swan's thread a while back and only 2 people seemed to know what it was.  I have most eps on tape, as that was the show that introduced me to my first big TV crush, Sarah Michelle Gellar.  Also, Garrett Booth kicked ass, and made me say "Oooh...I love myself!" as a catchphrase for the longest time.  Sooo...anyone besides me and Pinn. remember this show?

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Guest TheDames7
BTW, another great TV markout moment.  When Lisa, Zack and Slater return to Bayside on The New Class to save it from being torn down.   Best New Class episode EVER!!!

When did that happen!???


KKTY.......Bayside.  One of my favs ever.



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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

Damn! I didn't realize that was Michelle Gellar. I remembered her nasal voice but I never made the connection. Wasn't her character named Meelah or Milah or something?

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Guest Shaved Bear

ok my question malibu


why did kelly and jessie disappear for one season, and came back for the next inexplicably?

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

It was Sydney. Wasn't she in a love triangle involving Mila and someone else?

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Guest starvenger

>why did kelly and jessie disappear for one season, and came back for the next inexplicably?


I heard that there was something of a contract dispute, so they replaced them with Tori (Leanna Creel).  In truth, I think Jessie was gone before that - where was she for the Zack Attack episode?


Anyways, with whatever conflict resolved, Tiffany Theissen came back in time to be involved in The College Years.  Then - as we all know - she invested in some nice knockers and joined 90210.  


Has anyone ever seen Student Bodies?  Just curious...

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Guest treble charged

The theme song for the first season of Student Bodies was such a blatant rip-off of the SBTB theme that it's not even funny.  However, the show got better by the later seasons, as the Student Voice vs. Student Bodies feud died down.


BTW, did anyone else who ever saw that show find it weird that there was a vice-principal, yet, seemingly, no principal?

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Guest Mark4steamboat

I always liked the ones where the SBTB gang were in college and they all came back for Zack and Kelly's wedding. Man that was a tearjerker.

I never really liked the Junior High eps because i got into SBTB through syndication because i was only 4 when the junior class started and i was always watching wrestling on saturday mornings.

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Guest starvenger

>BTW, did anyone else who ever saw that show find it weird that there was a vice-principal, yet, seemingly, no principal?


Yeah, but then, I never figured out when exactly Screech went to College when he became Belding's assistant either...


Or how the 2 chicks in Hang Time were around for the entire run, when they started as either sophmores or juniors...


Or how it was at all plausible that Andrea Zuckerman was a high school student after season 2...


>I never really liked the Junior High eps because i got into SBTB through syndication because i was only 4 when the junior class started and i was always watching wrestling on saturday mornings.


Yet another gaping plothole, I think.  Weren't the "Good Morning, Miss Bliss" episodes based OUTSIDE of Cali?

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Guest Mark4steamboat

Come to think of it, they were. I cant remember where but i know they werent in California.

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Guest EdwardKnoxII

<<Or how it was at all plausible that Andrea Zuckerman was a high school student after season 2...>>


Now I didn't watch it much in it's first run and I was in 4th grade when it started but, I thought Andrea did look like a highschooler. But, when, in the college years, she cut her hair, stop wearing the glasses, and had the baby she started to look her age. I mean it was like she went from teenager to look 35 to 40 years old overnight.

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Guest evenflowDDT

When were there Saved by the Bell junior high episodes? I don't remember those...

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Guest Mark4steamboat

It was a season or 2 before the high school episodes started.

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Guest ant_7000
Come to think of it, they were. I cant remember where but i know they werent in California.

I remebered the SBTB Jr high said that they were from Indiana. Wasn't the show called "Miss Bliss" and it was on the Disney Channel at 1st.

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Guest Shaved Bear

how did they move the entire school from indiana to california,


or did they just find a similar school, where they all managed to move at the same time and into the same neighborhood?

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