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HD: PK/Axel promo and AM Warmup #2

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Adam, make any additions you wish.


We WOOSH~! to the backstage area, to Axel's office if you want specifics.  Said General Manager is sitting at his desk, on the phone while OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion Peter Knight sits patiently, using his sleeve to shine his title belt which rests on his lap.  

Yeah, that's right.  Make sure everything I just said is in there or you won't have another OAOAST event in that arena as long as I'm around.  All right, thank you.  Goodbye.  

Axel hangs up the phone.

Can you make decisions like that?

Pssh, I don't know.  Hell, I don't even know who OWNS this damn company.  Well, your Skybox at the Staples Center is all set for Sunday night.  I don't know why you just want to sit up there all night when we can find something for you on the show.

Nah, forget it.  Watts says I don't have to wrestle, I won't wrestle.  I mean, I COULD get involved in Alf's match with Brock, but I still wouldn't be getting paid for it.  Besides, Alf's got plenty to handle already; Brock doesn't need my help.  Anyway, is my opponent here for my next warmup match?

Uh huh.  Though you kinda rattled some of the kids after what you did to Bannar last week (chuckles).  

Kid was on an adrenaline rush and thought he could go toe-to-toe with me.  He was wrong.  So, who's next on the list.

See for yourself.

Axel passes a sheet of paper over to Knight, who reads it and breaks into a grin.

You gotta be kidding me.  He's still down there?

Yep.  Good luck tonight, (sarcastically) because you will REALLY need it.

Knight exits the office as we fade out.


As we return to the show, [i]Metalingus[/i] is playing and the champ is heading down the aisle towards the ring.

We welcome you back to HeldDOWN as Peter Knight makes his way to the ring for his next "AngleMania Warmup" match.

You mean "AngleMania Complete Farce".

Come on, 'Boose.  So his first opponent wasn't up to the challenge; don't blame Knight for that.  The whole purpose of this is so he can prepare for Alfdogg, so just beating on weak opponents is counterproductive.

Knight raises the title belt to the crowd and snatches the microphone from Buffer.  


KNIGHT (chuckling)
Ok, I think that Axel is giving me an easy match this week because we're in Hawaii and I told him I wanted to hit the beach tonight, but this is a bit ridiculous.  You might remember my opponent tonight....but you also might not because he was only around for about a month and got his ass kicked every time he hit the ring.  So, lets bring him out.

CUE: [i]An Ode to Killings[/i].

Oh come on.  

Wearing his trademark sunglasses, white tank top and blue jeans, Prince Killings makes his return to an OAOAST ring, having not done all that well in his ventures to Hollywood.  

I wonder if he learned any more moves?

Hey, lay off the guy.  We haven't seen him in almost a year, so who knows what he brings to the table now?  He might be able to wrestle circles around Chris Benoit by now.

Yeah sure, Coach.  And I'm going to visit Popick in the hospital later and give him a sponge bath.

Killings slowly removes his sunglasses in a dramatic fashion and glares at Knight, who is still stifling his laughter as Nick Patrick lifts the OAOAST World Title belt in the air.  Killings cracks his neck as Knight goes through his own warmup routine.  The music fades and Patrick calls for the bell to start the match.


Knight and Killings take a step forward and come face to face in the center of the ring.  Knight puts his hand up and pats Killings on the chest, turning his head to the side and slapping his cheek, motioning for Killings to start things off.

What is he doing?  He's just giving Killings a free shot?

However, Killings remains stoic.  Knight, getting a little angry, again turns his head and slaps his cheek harder this time, yelling for Killings to take the first shot, but Killings remains still.  Knight turns away and sighs in frustration, throwing his arms to the side and yelling in the direction of Coach.

I hear ya; I hate when people don't coopera.....whoa!

Suddenly, as Knight turns back, Killings rears back and nails Knight with a right and peppers him with punches, backing him into the ropes.


Killings leans back.......


And fires off a trio of chops, leaving Knight gasping for air as Killings grabs his arm and whips him off the ropes, ducking down and pitching Knight over his head with a backdrop, sending him crashing to the mat.  Killings quickly drags him back up and sends him off the ropes once again, this time taking him over with a hiptoss.  He slaps his chest and screams "COME ON!" to a loud cheer from the crowd.

Whoa, look at Prince!  I think you were right, Coach.

B-but, I was kidding!

Killings looks to the crowd, nodding and slowly draws his thumb across his throat.


Look at this!  Prince wants to finish it right now.

Prince drags Knight up to his feet and hooks him in a front facelock.

Front facelock.  What's he going for here?

Prince grins and nods his head to recognize the cheers.....but he suddenly looks confused.  He looks down at Knight in the hold and scratches his head with his free hand, seemingly unable to remember what to do next.  Laughter ripples through the crowd.

Oh, just shoot me now.

Hey now, that front facelock is a deadly move because you can transition into so many moves off of it.  A suplex, a DDT, a guillotine choke, all sorts of moves.  I'm sure Prince is just figuring out which one to use because there's just so many choices.


Knight takes advantage of Killings' memory lapse and backs him into the corner, releasing himself from the hold.  He sits Killings on the top rope and turns, grabbing his wrists and flipping him off the turnbuckles to the mat.  He quickly drags him to his feet and hoists him up into a fireman's carry.  He looks up and shakes his head at Killings before spinning him off his shoulders and sending him to the mat with a Knightmare.  He covers.





He did it again!  

Knight rolls off Killings and sarcastically wipes the sweat off his brow as [i]Metalingus[/i] plays and Patrick hands him his belt.

Lllladies and gentlemen, your winner and STILL the OAOAST Heavyweight Champion of the WOOOOOOOOORLD....Peterrrrrrr Kniiiiiiiight!

Knight raises the belt into the air and puts up two fingers, indicating how many people he has defeated.  He walks up to the camera.

That's two.  And Alf, at AngleMania, that will be you too!

I think Alf is going to pose a bit more of a threat than Prince Killings.  We're wasting money training this guy?

It wasn't his training that led to his downfall.  Guy just needs to improve his memory.

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