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Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

Anti-Racist Nationalists

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The website name may cause you problems at work, if you happen to work with drones.




The average person cannot distinguish between patriotism, nationalism and racism, and it is a mistake to assume they are degrees of the same order. Patriotism and racism are parts of the current political system, where nationalism is an order that has come both before and will come after the current order. It is a worldview and type of civilization that is irreconciliably opposed to the type of society we call "modern," and is equally opposed to both patriotism and racism.


Nationalism is understanding of each society as an organic entity. It is neither individualist nor collectivist, but is founded upon the belief that in the mathematics of the universe there are incentives to live according to a certain design, and that we as individuals fulfill this design, which includes but is not limited to the collective or the individual. The individual both serves this design and is served by it, for it provides a more stable and nourishing society than modernity can.


Modern civilizations are organized and distinguished from one another by political concerns, which are abstract rules applied uniformly to individuals who are presumed to be of equivalent tastes, needs and inclinations; they are utilitarian by their nature, which is propelled by the needs of industry to have equal workers to continue the flow of profits. Their goal is not empowerment of the citizen, but the use of empowerment to drive the citizen into traps of his or her own making, preventing an interruption in the flow of memoryless, cultureless labor who can be molded into the patterns of thought needed to drive society's machines.


While these societies speak of "freedom," "equality" and "peace," what they generally intend is to release the citizen from all obligations except earning income, at which point the competitive nature of earning income drives citizens toward increasing allegiance to the system that manipulates them. Modern societies focus on the external factors of human existence, such as that we are all individuals, and by treating us alike hope to instill in us the same motivation; this makes us easy to manipulate and predict. Such societies by recognizing the external factors of our lives in equality deny the internal and unequal factors, and thus give us nothing for which to strive to prove our individual worth except money. They produce people of low self-confidence as a result, and these people in turn detest anyone who hopes to rise above the artificially-conditioned "equality" of servitude.


Nationalist societies are based on an eternal order which will benefit the entirety of any civilization, including the collective, its component individuals, and the surrounding environment. They do this by targetting the internal, or what makes us truly individuals, and by giving to each a place in which he or she can serve a larger order. Nationalist societies are thus both anti-individualistic, and affirming of the greater worth of the individual; there is no single competition for greatness, as the battle for wealth provides, but a sense of having a place in a cosmic order mirrored in a naturalistic human society.




It is our belief that nationalism is entirely misunderstood, and that often, nationalists revert to racism in a defensive posture; further, enemies of nationalism like to accuse it of racism. Our goal is to achieve a nationalist world order without the petty vengefulness and emotional overdrive caused by racism and patriotism, and we ask you to consider the possibility of such a world order and how you might work to achieve it.




(intelligent ideas that should be given serious thought)

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I'm not offended by this because its just a bunch of non-sensical double-talk.


Nationalism is understanding of each society as an organic entity. It is neither individualist nor collectivist, but is founded upon the belief that in the mathematics of the universe there are incentives to live according to a certain design, and that we as individuals fulfill this design, which includes but is not limited to the collective or the individual.



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Also, the 3rd-5th paragraphs are rather Marxist and really have no clear linkage to justifying nationalism (or, at least, nationalism as defined by people who don't make up their own definitions for it).

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Your theories smack solidly against every positive experiance I've ever had with anyone from a different "nation" which have been many.


That doesn't even compare to the amount of benefit my life has experianced from the variety of cultures I've been exposed to.


Homogeny is boring, white bread is boring.


I'll give you propers for your ideas on pollution but your nationalism is nonsense.

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Do you listen to Prussian Blue, tack?


Prussian Blue makes me very uneasy. The lyrics to their songs(that I saw anyway) seem to be based in celebrating ones own tribe and heros, but I fear that their parent is simply using them for bigoted propoganda. It's really a shame that they're being pushed down that path.


I'm not offended by this because its just a bunch of non-sensical double-talk.


I can only recommend that you read the other works that the writer has posted to the site. He gets into specific details on idealist nihilism and nationalism. Like me, you may not agree with all his writings, but there's something to be had from them for sure.


Your theories smack solidly against every positive experiance I've ever had with anyone from a different "nation" which have been many.


That doesn't even compare to the amount of benefit my life has experianced from the variety of cultures I've been exposed to.


Homogeny is boring, white bread is boring.


I'll give you propers for your ideas on pollution but your nationalism is nonsense.


First, I didn't write this, or any of the fine articles on that site.


Secondly, I fully agree with your statements about being enriched by exposure and contact to other cultures! The problems seem to arise when the contact becomes unhealthy, but it has always been a joyous and enlightening experience for me personally to know and learn about other nations and cultures. The idea isn't to build a wall to keep everyone away from each other, it's to keep everyone from doing harm to others.

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The fact that you deemed that nonsense to be even remotely "intelligent" is laughable. And the fact that the idiot that wrote it is claiming that good ol' nationalists revert to racism as a defense is almost as laughable.


As a general rule of thumb, if the information comes from a site with the word "anus" in the URL, it's probably not that intelligent or worth giving any thought to, let alone serious thought.

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As soon as I saw this thread title on the main page, I knew it would be Thumbtack posting something from anus.com. Seriously.

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As a general rule of thumb, if the information comes from a site with the word "anus" in the URL, it's probably not that intelligent or worth giving any thought to, let alone serious thought.


Or you could just say "Why did you name it ANUS?"




Other than that, nobody has actually said anything about WHY the concept is lousy or WHY I'm a nutjob or WHY something else is better. Shame </3

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I would call myself an anti-racist nationalist. The problems in this world aren't caused by race, at least in the US...they're caused by culture.

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The reason that the article is laughable or "lousy", Tack, is the fact that nationalism rarely has anything to do with anything but race. Most American "nationals" aren't anti-Canadian (or anti-Brit or anti-Norwegian or anti-German, or on-and-on). It's just the Jews & other minorities that they have an issue with.


Plus, the whole concept of America is based on it being a melting pot. Once someone legally moves here, they're Americans. Even if they call themselves African-American or Irish-American or Mexican-American, they're Americans. And thus would be acceptable to people that truly believe in Nationalism. But, shockingly, they're not acceptable; they're still just minorities.

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I think that is a good point, to an extent. I think at the same time, that most reasonable, even very conservative, Americans are fine with people legally immigrating from Mexico or any other part of the world. Most of us are sick of illegal immigration, though, and all the problems that come with it.

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I think that is a good point, to an extent. I think at the same time, that most reasonable , even very conservative, Americans are fine with people legally immigrating from Mexico or any other part of the world. Most of us are sick of illegal immigration, though, and all the problems that come with it.

I don't know if "reasonable" is a word that I'd use to describe most of the nationalists that I've encountered or read about.

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Oh. Nevermind then.


I think that everyone has some level of nationalism in them ... it's just that most normal, sane people realize that the color of the skin of their fellow countrymen is irrelevent.


Like you said, Invader, as long as they're here legally, most people are fine with immigration. If immigrants are not here legally, I'm against the idea of them being here, regardless of their skin-tone.

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I would call myself an anti-racist nationalist. The problems in this world aren't caused by race, at least in the US...they're caused by poverty.


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For everyone who says "I'm okay with legal immigration, not illegal." Are you okay with raising the quotas we have for immigration?


Right now, we have a 700,000/yr quota and only 7% of that can come from any given country.

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The reason that the article is laughable or "lousy", Tack, is the fact that nationalism rarely has anything to do with anything but race. Most American "nationals" aren't anti-Canadian (or anti-Brit or anti-Norwegian or anti-German, or on-and-on). It's just the Jews & other minorities that they have an issue with.


These "nationalists" are nothing but drunk white degenerates who need clubhouses to feel accepted, and to scream from the rooftops about their superiority because they have low self esteem and small penises. Talking about white racial superiority is kinda amusing when most white people are completely useless and should just fucking die. Those people make for good media soundbytes and are great for creating a devil to put on TV to bolster the current system, but they don't really represent the real ideals of nationalism.


Read Vanguard News Network, and then read nazi.org and you'll instantly see the difference. Into the oven with bigots!


For example:


A snippet from the lnsg at nazi.org. more at this location http://www.nazi.org/nazi/policy/tradition/


Like any transition between belief systems, the process of coming to understand National Socialism involves a plethora of detail-oriented questions before one comes to the point where a summary statement can be made. This statement, if presented too early to those who wish to understand the system to which they are in transit, will appear paradoxical or meaningless.


In the case of National Socialism, an experienced learner will have a different view from an outsider. An outsider might categorize it as "racism" or "totalitarianism" or even "tribalism," but the experience learner will probably say more simply: National Socialism is a transitional state on the path toward a traditional civilization. It is a way out of modern society and a conduit to a healthier, less manipulative form of existence.


Of course, those very words go against everything most people have been taught about National Socialism, so if they're still reading, they have probably formed a kneejerk response in their minds: "That's propaganda," or "They're covering up their real intentions" or even "Nazis don't have that kind of brainpower." These are the people who are truly "closed-minded." They won't stop to question what they've been taught long enough to learn what National Socialism actually is, starting with its goal.



and then there's Vanguard News network that talks about "No Jews. Only Right" and fills their page up with minority crime statistics and conspiracy theories for news stories.


If nothing else, things like traditionalism and non bigoted Nationalism etc are worth studying. I've never met a person who has effectively refuted these ideals. The trend continues...hee hee.

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