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I have sitting currently on my desk the complete graphic novels of both Watchmen and V for Vendetta


As you're the only person I've ever seen mentioning either, I put all blame of my purchasing on you.

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You are in for a treat as those are two of the most awesome comics - no two of the most awesome STORIES I've ever read

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V for Vendetta's plot always kind of intrigued me, but I can't be bothered to buy anything that isn't candy or video games, so I have no idea how that's going to turn out. :P

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Even though my expertise in graphic novels is nearly confined to manga, I have seen the Watchmen GN. I will gladly shill that to anyone within shouting distance since it's that good of a read.

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I've heard... disconcerting things about story modifications in V for Vendetta. I won't mention them because I don't want to ruin the entire story, but if they are true, I'll be a little bit disappointed, especially in how crucial they were to the symbolism and story.


I'm still going to see it, though. The movie looks like it'll be fun, and I love Hugo Weaving for the casting of V.


And I highly recommend both of those novels. Both, especially Watchmen, are the apotheosis of comic books. Watchmen is probably deeper than any book I've ever read before.

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