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ROH report 3/11

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ROH house show report 3-11 Philadelphia


by Brian Tosh


Crowd was pretty big and vocal. I hardly recognized the area from the last time I was there (a 97 show where the Eliminators fought RVD and Sabu)


1. Homicide and Ricky Reyes d. Dunn & Marcos, Jason Blade and Kid Mikaze and The Briscoes in a Tag Team Scramble Match when Homicide pinned Marcos with a sick looking cop killa. Pretty good match


BJ Whitmer came out right after the match and called out the Necro Butcher. Necro didn't come out.


The crowd was 50/50 ROH/CZW if not more for CZW.


2. Roderick Strong d. Jimmy Yang with the stronghold (boston crab) Decent match but the CZW fans were giving it to Strong.


BJ Whitmer called out the Necro Butcher again this time he came out. The match never really started after a little bit of brawling Super Dragon came out and Necro and Dragon beat up Whitmer until the ROH students and the Briscoe Brothers made the save.


4) Austin Aries d. Matt Sydal with the 450 splash. Very good match afterward the Briscoes attacked Aries until Strong made the save. Sydal challenged the Briscoes to a tag match on ROH's 100th show. His partner is goin to be AJ Styles.


Next was a very long intermission to try and stall so Joe could make the show in time.


5) The Dempsey Brothers d. Pelle Primeau and Shane Hagadorn. Crowd was pretty hard on Hagadorn who has gained some weight recently. The Dempsey Brothers could make for a decent undercard tag team but this was just put on to stall for Joe some more. Derek Dempsey reversed a triangle Choke into a powerbomb for the win.


6) Irish Airborne d. Sal Rinauro and Tony Mamaluke. Finish was a kick to the head of Mamaluke while he was up in a DVD.


7) Bryan Danielson d. Alex Shelley. Dragon did pre match mic work to stall for Joe some more and it was fantastic. For anyone who says that Danielson doesn't have any personality and is bland they ought to pick up this show as Dragon did at least 10 minutes of great heel mic work. Match was very good but filled with lots of stalling including Shelly doing mic work on the fans some himself. Dragon hit an amazing RVD like highspot from the ring into the crowd on Nana and Shelly at one point. Match was very long and very good. Dragon won with a cattle mutilation cradle pin after a reverse of sliced bread #2. Best match of the night.


They announced that Joe was going to be late to the building and that the main event would now be a singles match. Crowd was upset.


8) Colt Cabana pinned Christopher Daniels with a roll up pin. Pretty dull match. Joe came out to the ring in street clothes and he and Cbana had a short match which Joe won.


After the match was where all the good stuff went down. BJ Whitmer came out and once again called out the CZW guys. What followed was one of the most amazing angles of all time and a brawl I won't ever forget.


Out came Necro Butcher, Dragon and some other CZW guys who started to brawl with Joe and Whitmer. Then the ROH students and Generation Next made the save which brought out the entire CZW roster who proceeded to beat the hell out of the ROH guys until only Whitmer was left alone in the ring.


Picture an extreme nWo style beat down. Zandig had spray paint, a staple gun and a barbwire bat. Joe was driven out to the entrance ramp by the Wifebeater who had his weed-wacker.


They tied Whitmer to the ropes and Zandig stapled his head and stomach and then spray painted CZW on his back. The CZW guys started to rip down the ROH signs covering the guard rails, Butcher kept ringing the bell with a hammer, Super Dragon almost got in a fight with the Green Lantern fan and they spray painted CZW over the ROH logo in the ring. It was total chaos. Two CZW guys (I think Justice Pain and Nick Gage) challenged anyone in the crowd to a fight and ran out in the stands. It was in-fucking-sane!


I really can't do the whole scene justice if I tried. If you buy ROH DVD's for workrate I would take a pass but this was one of the wildest angles of all time.

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Guest burth179

I thought the shows were both good, ROH being better.


The angle at the end of the ROH show was crazy. I thought Aries vs. Sydal was really good as was Danielson and Shelley. I didn't mind the talking, because once they started going at it was damn good. It was a good buildup..


Disappointed that Joe really didn't wrestle.


Anyone that was there, do you think TNA asked ROH to not have Joe and Daniels in the same ring since they were on PPV on Sunday night, or do you feel this was legit and he really was late?

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