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Guest Mole

Sum of All Fears...

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Guest Mole

I saw this movie last night, and I'd say it was pretty good.


I've never seen any of the other Jack Ryan movies, so the little flaws that were in this one didn't bother me.(such as in the other movies he has a family, and this one he has a girlfriend)


Affleck does a great job(as usual) and the movie kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time.


*** out of ****

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

Whenever I eventually see this movie on DVD, I'm going to have a hard time trying to picture Mr. Ryan as Affleck. It's bad enough Baldwin was him for Red October.

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Guest Mole

So you don't like good actors? Because Affleck and Baldwin are sooo bad...

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Guest TheDames7
I've never seen any of the other Jack Ryan movies, so the little flaws that were in this one didn't bother me.(such as in the other movies he has a family, and this one he has a girlfriend)

These are prequels....so he shouldn't have a family yet.



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Guest J*ingus

I liked something that Ebert said in his review for this flick, it applies equally well to lots of action movies & thrillers (some spoilers ahead).  


"To be sure, Tom Clancy's horrifying vision has been footnoted with the obligatory Hollywood happy ending, in which world war is averted and an attractive young couple pledge love while sitting on a blanket in the sunshine on the White House lawn. We can walk out smiling, unless we remember that much of ::spoiler removed:: is radioactive rubble. Human nature is a wonderful thing. The reason the ending is happy is because we in the audience assume we'll be the two on the blanket, not the countless who've been vaporized."

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Guest Vern Gagne

Someone who read the book can help me out. Why is the terrorist a neo-nazi? If I'm not mistaken in the book he's middle-eastern. The Producers changed him to a neo-nazi, I had know idea neo-nazi's where still a threat. If this is true than it's hollywood liberal b.s., or Tom Clancey isn't what he appears to be.

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Guest El Satanico

Well i believe in the previews they say it's a neo-fascist. I really have no clue but i don't think that's the same as a neo-nazi. If it is the same thing, well then pay this no attention.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

"So you don't like good actors? Because Affleck and Baldwin are sooo bad..."


Affleck is fine with me, and I don't like Baldwin due to other reasons. I simply meant that I can't see anyone playing Ryan's role besides Ford.


And Vern, if a Mideast group did set off the bomb, there would be protesters from NY to LA whining about racial stereotyping and sh*t.

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Ech hem, I stated this on the Current Events board under the Degraded American Society thread:


Nazi does not equal Fascist.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus
Nazi does not equal Fascist.


No, but Nazis are Fascist so it was correct.

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Guest Vern Gagne

I know that the he does have a swastika inside is ring or watch. So wouldn't that make him a neo-nazi.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

He is a Nazi.  He confirms it in that "Hitler wasn't crazy, he was stupid" speech.

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Guest Mole
I've never seen any of the other Jack Ryan movies, so the little flaws that were in this one didn't bother me.(such as in the other movies he has a family, and this one he has a girlfriend)

These are prequels....so he shouldn't have a family yet.



Well, then all of the other movies would have to take place after 2002, because 'Sum' events occur in 2002.

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Guest J*ingus

It's basically an alternate-universe type thing, like "What if Jack Ryan was young and only starting out his career now?"

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