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Guest Black Tiger

Thick Skulls

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Guest Black Tiger

Vince McMahon has had control of his company for over 15 years. He ought to know his fans by now and listen to what they want and give it to them in a timely manner. Nothing is as apparent as the wrestlers he uses to main event his shows and PPV's


Starting in the mid 1980's the WWF was running the whole federation around Hogan. In 1986 Hogan vs Savage was the hottest thing in wrestling. In 1987 came Andre and Savage's face turn, not to mention Ted Dibiase. In 1988 The Ultimate Warrior hit the scene. But by 1991 the fans were sick of the whole routine.


The fans were popping loudly for wrestlers like Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker, and Razor Ramon. By late 1992 Vince finally figured it out and Hogan was gone, Savage was a color commentator, DiBiase was a tag team wrestler, Andre was retired, and Warrior was gone. But in 1993 numbers were down so he brought back Hogan...and fired him two months later. Lex Luger was hired to play a Hogan character and Yokozuna was the foreign heel WWF Champion. Fans still didn't give a rat's ass. After nearly a year Vince gets the point and Bret was champ again, Luger was a tag team wrester, and Yokozuna was a mid carder. Diesel was made WWF champion to give a face championship run.


By 1997 fans were sick of Hart, HBK, Undertaker, etc. They wanted Steve Austin, The Rock, HHH, and Mankind. Vince figures it out after nearly a year and screws Bret, HBK gets hurt and has to retire, Undertaker feuds with his brother, and Foley gets a couple more personalities which help get him over even more.


Now its 2002 Hogan's back, Rock's gone, Foley has retired, and fans are getting sick of HHH, Austin, and even MORE sick of Undertaker. Its clear they want RVD, Eddie Guerrero, Edge, Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, and Chris Jericho.


Guerrero is feuding with Austin in an ironic angle, the same type of angle that Austin used in his old feud with Bret Hart that elevated him to a superstar.


The big question that remains is if Vince will figure this out in a timely manner unlike all the others. Ratings are bombing so he better get it through his head and fast.

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